[PATCH] D16134: [CMake] Support generation of linker order files using dtrace

Justin Bogner via llvm-commits llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Fri Jan 15 13:09:03 PST 2016

Chris Bieneman <beanz at apple.com> writes:
> beanz created this revision.
> beanz added reviewers: ddunbar, bogner, silvas.
> beanz added a subscriber: llvm-commits.
> Herald added a subscriber: emaste.
> This patch extends the lit-based perf-training tooling supplied for
> PGO data generation to also generate linker order files using dtrace.
> This patch should work on any system that has dtrace. If CMake can
> find the dtrace tool it will generate a target 'generate-order-file'
> which will run the per-training tests wrapped by dtrace to capture
> function entries. There are several algorithms implemented for sorting
> the order files which can be experimented with for best
> performance. The dtrace wrapper also supports bot oneshot and pid
> probes.
> The perf-helper.py changes to support order file construction are
> ported from internal changes by ddunbar; he gets all the credit for
> the hard work here, I just copy and pasted.
> Note: I've tested these patches on FreeBSD and OS X 10.10.

This all looks pretty reasonable. There are some 80 col violations in
the python - I'd rather you clean those up first. Also, it might be
worth doing "from __future__ import print_function" and the like so that
this has reasonable odds of being compatible with python3 as well as 2.

Otherwise, LGTM.

> http://reviews.llvm.org/D16134
> Files:
>   utils/perf-training/CMakeLists.txt
>   utils/perf-training/order-files.lit.cfg
>   utils/perf-training/order-files.lit.site.cfg.in
>   utils/perf-training/perf-helper.py
> Index: utils/perf-training/perf-helper.py
> ===================================================================
> --- utils/perf-training/perf-helper.py
> +++ utils/perf-training/perf-helper.py
> @@ -10,33 +10,324 @@
>  import sys
>  import os
>  import subprocess
> +import argparse
> +import time
> +import bisect
> -def findProfrawFiles(path):
> -  profraw_files = []
> +def findFilesWithExtension(path, extension):
> +  filenames = []
>    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): 
>      for filename in files:
> -      if filename.endswith(".profraw"):
> -        profraw_files.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
> -  return profraw_files
> +      if filename.endswith(extension):
> +        filenames.append(os.path.join(root, filename))
> +  return filenames
>  def clean(args):
> -  if len(args) != 1:
> -    print 'Usage: %s clean <path>\n\tRemoves all *.profraw files from <path>.' % __file__
> +  if len(args) != 2:
> +    print 'Usage: %s clean <path> <extension>\n\tRemoves all files with extension from <path>.' % __file__
>      return 1
> -  for profraw in findProfrawFiles(args[0]):
> -    os.remove(profraw)
> +  for filename in findFilesWithExtension(args[0], args[1]):
> +    os.remove(filename)
>    return 0
>  def merge(args):
>    if len(args) != 3:
>      print 'Usage: %s clean <llvm-profdata> <output> <path>\n\tMerges all profraw files from path into output.' % __file__
>      return 1
>    cmd = [args[0], 'merge', '-o', args[1]]
> -  cmd.extend(findProfrawFiles(args[2]))
> +  cmd.extend(findFilesWithExtension(args[2], "profraw"))
>    subprocess.check_call(cmd)
>    return 0
> -commands = {'clean' : clean, 'merge' : merge}
> +def dtrace(args):
> +  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='perf-helper dtrace', description='dtrace wrapper for order file generation')
> +  parser.add_argument('--buffer-size', metavar='size', type=int, required=False, default=1, help='dtrace buffer size in MB (default 1)')
> +  parser.add_argument('--use-oneshot', required=False, action='store_true', help='')
> +  parser.add_argument('--use-ustack', required=False, action='store_true', help='')
> +  parser.add_argument('cmd', nargs='*', help='')
> +
> +  # Use python's arg parser to handle all leading option arguments, but pass
> +  # everything else through to dtrace
> +  first_cmd = next(arg for arg in args if not arg.startswith("--"))
> +  last_arg_idx = args.index(first_cmd)
> +
> +  opts = parser.parse_args(args[:last_arg_idx])
> +  cmd = args[last_arg_idx:]
> +
> +  if opts.use_oneshot:
> +      target = "oneshot$target:::entry"
> +  else:
> +      target = "pid$target:::entry"
> +  predicate = '%s/probemod=="%s"/' % (target, os.path.basename(args[0]))
> +  log_timestamp = 'printf("dtrace-TS: %d\\n", timestamp)'
> +  if opts.use_ustack:
> +      action = 'ustack(1);'
> +  else:
> +      action = 'printf("dtrace-Symbol: %s\\n", probefunc);'
> +  dtrace_script = "%s { %s; %s }" % (predicate, log_timestamp, action)
> +
> +  dtrace_args = []
> +  if not os.geteuid() == 0:
> +    print 'Script must be run as root, or you must add the following to your sudoers:\n%%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/dtrace'
> +    dtrace_args.append("sudo")
> +
> +  dtrace_args.extend((
> +      'dtrace', '-xevaltime=exec',
> +      '-xbufsize=%dm' % (opts.buffer_size),
> +      '-q', '-n', dtrace_script, 
> +      '-c', ' '.join(cmd)))
> +
> +  if sys.platform == "darwin":
> +    dtrace_args.append('-xmangled')
> +
> +  f = open("%d.dtrace" % os.getpid(), "w")
> +  start_time = time.time()
> +  subprocess.check_call(dtrace_args, stdout=f, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
> +  elapsed = time.time() - start_time
> +  print "... data collection took %.4fs" % elapsed
> +
> +  return 0
> +
> +def parse_dtrace_symbol_file(path, all_symbols, all_symbols_set,
> +                             missing_symbols, opts):
> +  def fix_mangling(symbol):
> +    if sys.platform == "darwin":
> +      if symbol[0] != '_' and symbol != 'start':
> +          symbol = '_' + symbol
> +    return symbol
> +
> +  def get_symbols_with_prefix(symbol):
> +    start_index = bisect.bisect_left(all_symbols, symbol)
> +    for s in all_symbols[start_index:]:
> +      if not s.startswith(symbol):
> +        break
> +      yield s
> +
> +  # Extract the list of symbols from the given file, which is assumed to be
> +  # the output of a dtrace run logging either probefunc or ustack(1) and
> +  # nothing else. The dtrace -xdemangle option needs to be used.
> +  #
> +  # This is particular to OS X at the moment, because of the '_' handling.
> +  with open(path) as f:
> +    current_timestamp = None
> +    for ln in f:
> +      # Drop leading and trailing whitespace.
> +      ln = ln.strip()
> +      if not ln.startswith("dtrace-"):
> +        continue
> +
> +      # If this is a timestamp specifier, extract it.
> +      if ln.startswith("dtrace-TS: "):
> +        _,data = ln.split(': ', 1)
> +        if not data.isdigit():
> +          print >>sys.stderr, (
> +            "warning: unrecognized timestamp line %r, ignoring" % ln)
> +          continue
> +        current_timestamp = int(data)
> +        continue
> +      elif ln.startswith("dtrace-Symbol: "):
> +
> +        _,ln = ln.split(': ', 1)
> +        if not ln:
> +          continue
> +
> +        # If there is a '`' in the line, assume it is a ustack(1) entry in
> +        # the form of <modulename>`<modulefunc>, where <modulefunc> is never
> +        # truncated (but does need the mangling patched).
> +        if '`' in ln:
> +          yield (current_timestamp, fix_mangling(ln.split('`',1)[1]))
> +          continue
> +
> +        # Otherwise, assume this is a probefunc printout. DTrace on OS X
> +        # seems to have a bug where it prints the mangled version of symbols
> +        # which aren't C++ mangled. We just add a '_' to anything but start
> +        # which doesn't already have a '_'.
> +        symbol = fix_mangling(ln)
> +
> +        # If we don't know all the symbols, or the symbol is one of them,
> +        # just return it.
> +        if not all_symbols_set or symbol in all_symbols_set:
> +          yield (current_timestamp, symbol)
> +          continue
> +
> +        # Otherwise, we have a symbol name which isn't present in the
> +        # binary. We assume it is truncated, and try to extend it.
> +
> +        # Get all the symbols with this prefix.
> +        possible_symbols = list(get_symbols_with_prefix(symbol))
> +        if not possible_symbols:
> +          continue
> +
> +        # If we found too many possible symbols, ignore this as a prefix.
> +        if len(possible_symbols) > 100:
> +          print >>sys.stderr, (
> +            "warning: ignoring symbol %r (no match and too many possible suffixes)") % symbol
> +          continue
> +
> +        # Report that we resolved a missing symbol.
> +        if opts.show_missing_symbols and symbol not in missing_symbols:
> +          print >>sys.stderr, ( "warning: resolved missing symbol %r" % symbol)
> +          missing_symbols.add(symbol)
> +
> +        # Otherwise, treat all the possible matches as having occurred. This
> +        # is an over-approximation, but it should be ok in practice.
> +        for s in possible_symbols:
> +          yield (current_timestamp, s)
> +
> +def check_output(*popen_args, **popen_kwargs):
> +    p = subprocess.Popen(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *popen_args, **popen_kwargs)
> +    stdout,stderr = p.communicate()
> +    if p.wait() != 0:
> +        raise RuntimeError("process failed")
> +    return stdout
> +
> +def uniq(list):
> +  seen = set()
> +  for item in list:
> +    if item not in seen:
> +      yield item
> +      seen.add(item)
> +
> +def form_by_call_order(symbol_lists):
> +  # Simply strategy, just return symbols in order of occurrence, even across
> +  # multiple runs.
> +  return uniq(s for symbols in symbol_lists for s in symbols)
> +
> +def form_by_call_order_fair(symbol_lists):
> +  # More complicated strategy that tries to respect the call order across all
> +  # of the test cases, instead of giving a huge preference to the first test
> +  # case.
> +
> +  # First, uniq all the lists.
> +  uniq_lists = [list(uniq(symbols)) for symbols in symbol_lists]
> +
> +  # Compute the successors for each list.
> +  succs = {}
> +  for symbols in uniq_lists:
> +    for a,b in zip(symbols[:-1], symbols[1:]):
> +      succs[a] = items = succs.get(a, [])
> +      if b not in items:
> +        items.append(b)
> +  
> +  # Emit all the symbols, but make sure to always emit all successors from any
> +  # call list whenever we see a symbol.
> +  #
> +  # There isn't much science here, but this sometimes works better than the
> +  # more naive strategy. Then again, sometimes it doesn't so more research is
> +  # probably needed.
> +  return uniq(s
> +    for symbols in symbol_lists
> +    for node in symbols
> +    for s in ([node] + succs.get(node,[])))
> + 
> +def form_by_frequency(symbol_lists):
> +  # Form the order file by just putting the most commonly occurring symbols
> +  # first. This assumes the data files didn't use the oneshot dtrace method.
> + 
> +  counts = {}
> +  for symbols in symbol_lists:
> +    for a in symbols:
> +      counts[a] = counts.get(a,0) + 1
> +
> +  by_count = counts.items()
> +  by_count.sort(key = lambda (_,n): -n)
> +  return [s for s,n in by_count]
> + 
> +def form_by_random(symbol_lists):
> +  # Randomize the symbols.
> +  merged_symbols = uniq(s for symbols in symbol_lists
> +                          for s in symbols)
> +  random.shuffle(merged_symbols)
> +  return merged_symbols
> + 
> +def form_by_alphabetical(symbol_lists):
> +  # Alphabetize the symbols.
> +  merged_symbols = list(set(s for symbols in symbol_lists for s in symbols))
> +  merged_symbols.sort()
> +  return merged_symbols
> +
> +methods = dict((name[len("form_by_"):],value)
> +  for name,value in locals().items() if name.startswith("form_by_"))
> +
> +def genOrderFile(args):
> +  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("%prog  [options] <dtrace data file directories>]")
> +  parser.add_argument('input', nargs='+', help='')
> +  parser.add_argument("--binary", metavar="PATH", type=str, dest="binary_path",
> +                    help="Path to the binary being ordered (for getting all symbols)",
> +                    default=None)
> +  parser.add_argument("--output", dest="output_path",
> +                    help="path to output order file to write",
> +                    default=None, required=True, metavar="PATH")
> +  parser.add_argument("--show-missing-symbols", dest="show_missing_symbols",
> +                    help="show symbols which are 'fixed up' to a valid name (requires --binary)",
> +                    action="store_true", default=None)
> +  parser.add_argument("--output-unordered-symbols",
> +                    dest="output_unordered_symbols_path",
> +                    help="write a list of the unordered symbols to PATH (requires --binary)",
> +                    default=None, metavar="PATH")
> +  parser.add_argument("--method", dest="method",
> +                    help="order file generation method to use",
> +                    choices=methods.keys(), default='call_order')
> +  opts = parser.parse_args(args)
> +
> +  # If the user gave us a binary, get all the symbols in the binary by
> +  # snarfing 'nm' output.
> +  if opts.binary_path is not None:
> +     output = check_output(['nm', '-P', opts.binary_path])
> +     lines = output.split("\n")
> +     all_symbols = [ln.split(' ',1)[0]
> +                    for ln in lines
> +                    if ln.strip()]
> +     print "found %d symbols in binary" % len(all_symbols)
> +     all_symbols.sort()
> +  else:
> +     all_symbols = []
> +  all_symbols_set = set(all_symbols)
> +
> +  # Compute the list of input files.
> +  input_files = []
> +  for dirname in opts.input:
> +    input_files.extend(findFilesWithExtension(dirname, "dtrace"))
> +
> +  # Load all of the input files.
> +  print "loading from %d data files" % len(input_files)
> +  missing_symbols = set()
> +  timestamped_symbol_lists = [
> +      list(parse_dtrace_symbol_file(path, all_symbols, all_symbols_set,
> +                                    missing_symbols, opts))
> +      for path in input_files]
> +
> +  # Reorder each symbol list.
> +  symbol_lists = []
> +  for timestamped_symbols_list in timestamped_symbol_lists:
> +    timestamped_symbols_list.sort()
> +    symbol_lists.append([symbol for _,symbol in timestamped_symbols_list])
> +
> +  # Execute the desire order file generation method.
> +  method = methods.get(opts.method)
> +  result = list(method(symbol_lists))
> +
> +  # Report to the user on what percentage of symbols are present in the order
> +  # file.
> +  num_ordered_symbols = len(result)
> +  if all_symbols:
> +    print >>sys.stderr, "note: order file contains %d/%d symbols (%.2f%%)" % (
> +      num_ordered_symbols, len(all_symbols),
> +      100.*num_ordered_symbols/len(all_symbols))
> +
> +  if opts.output_unordered_symbols_path:
> +    ordered_symbols_set = set(result)
> +    with open(opts.output_unordered_symbols_path, 'w') as f:
> +      f.write("\n".join(s for s in all_symbols if s not in ordered_symbols_set))
> +
> +  # Write the order file.
> +  with open(opts.output_path, 'w') as f:
> +    f.write("\n".join(result))
> +    f.write("\n")
> +
> +  return 0
> +
> +commands = {'clean' : clean, 'merge' : merge, 'dtrace' : dtrace, 'gen-order-file' : genOrderFile}
>  def main():
>    f = commands[sys.argv[1]]
> Index: utils/perf-training/order-files.lit.site.cfg.in
> ===================================================================
> --- /dev/null
> +++ utils/perf-training/order-files.lit.site.cfg.in
> @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
> +import sys
> +
> +## Autogenerated by LLVM/Clang configuration.
> +# Do not edit!
> +config.clang_tools_dir = "@CLANG_TOOLS_DIR@"
> +config.test_exec_root = "@CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR@"
> +config.test_source_root = "@CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@"
> +config.target_triple = "@TARGET_TRIPLE@"
> +config.python_exe = "@PYTHON_EXECUTABLE@"
> +
> +# Support substitution of the tools and libs dirs with user parameters. This is
> +# used when we can't determine the tool dir at configuration time.
> +try:
> +    config.clang_tools_dir = config.clang_tools_dir % lit_config.params
> +except KeyError:
> +    e = sys.exc_info()[1]
> +    key, = e.args
> +    lit_config.fatal("unable to find %r parameter, use '--param=%s=VALUE'" % (key,key))
> +
> +# Let the main config do the real work.
> +lit_config.load_config(config, "@CLANG_SOURCE_DIR@/utils/perf-training/order-files.lit.cfg")
> Index: utils/perf-training/order-files.lit.cfg
> ===================================================================
> --- /dev/null
> +++ utils/perf-training/order-files.lit.cfg
> @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
> +# -*- Python -*-
> +
> +from lit import Test
> +import lit.formats
> +import lit.util
> +import os
> +
> +def getSysrootFlagsOnDarwin(config, lit_config):
> +    # On Darwin, support relocatable SDKs by providing Clang with a
> +    # default system root path.
> +    if 'darwin' in config.target_triple:
> +        try:
> +            out = lit.util.capture(['xcrun', '--show-sdk-path']).strip()
> +            res = 0
> +        except OSError:
> +            res = -1
> +        if res == 0 and out:
> +            sdk_path = out
> +            lit_config.note('using SDKROOT: %r' % sdk_path)
> +            return '-isysroot %s' % sdk_path
> +    return ''
> +
> +sysroot_flags = getSysrootFlagsOnDarwin(config, lit_config)
> +
> +config.clang = os.path.realpath(lit.util.which('clang', config.clang_tools_dir)).replace('\\', '/')
> +
> +config.name = 'Clang Perf Training'
> +config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.m', '.mm', '.cu', '.ll', '.cl', '.s', '.S', '.modulemap']
> +
> +dtrace_wrapper = '%s %s/perf-helper.py dtrace' % (config.python_exe, config.test_source_root)
> +
> +use_lit_shell = os.environ.get("LIT_USE_INTERNAL_SHELL")
> +config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(use_lit_shell == "0")
> +config.substitutions.append( ('%clang_cpp', ' %s %s --driver-mode=cpp %s ' % (dtrace_wrapper, config.clang, sysroot_flags)))
> +config.substitutions.append( ('%clang_cc1', ' %s %s -cc1 %s ' % (dtrace_wrapper, config.clang, sysroot_flags)))
> +config.substitutions.append( ('%clang', ' %s %s %s ' % (dtrace_wrapper, config.clang, sysroot_flags) ) )
> +config.substitutions.append( ('%test_root', config.test_exec_root ) )
> +
> +
> Index: utils/perf-training/CMakeLists.txt
> ===================================================================
> --- utils/perf-training/CMakeLists.txt
> +++ utils/perf-training/CMakeLists.txt
> @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
> -    set(LLVM_BUILD_MODE ".")
> -  else ()
> -    set(LLVM_BUILD_MODE "%(build_mode)s")
> -  endif ()
> +  set(LLVM_BUILD_MODE ".")
> +else ()
> +  set(LLVM_BUILD_MODE "%(build_mode)s")
> +endif ()
>    configure_lit_site_cfg(
>      ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lit.site.cfg.in
> -    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/lit.site.cfg
> +    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/pgo-data/lit.site.cfg
>      )
>    add_lit_testsuite(generate-profraw "Generating clang PGO data"
> +    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/pgo-data/
>      DEPENDS clang clear-profraw
>      )
>    add_custom_target(clear-profraw
>      COMMENT "Clearing old profraw data")
> @@ -34,3 +34,26 @@
>      COMMENT "Merging profdata"
>      DEPENDS generate-profraw)
>  endif()
> +
> +find_program(DTRACE dtrace)
> +if(DTRACE)
> +  configure_lit_site_cfg(
> +    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/order-files.lit.site.cfg.in
> +    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/order-files/lit.site.cfg
> +    )
> +
> +  add_lit_testsuite(generate-dtrace-logs "Generating clang dtrace data"
> +    ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/order-files/
> +    DEPENDS clang clear-dtrace-logs
> +    )
> +
> +  add_custom_target(clear-dtrace-logs
> +    COMMENT "Clearing old dtrace data")
> +
> +
> +  add_custom_target(generate-order-file
> +    COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/perf-helper.py gen-order-file --binary $<TARGET_FILE:clang> --output ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/clang.order ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}
> +    COMMENT "Generating order file"
> +    DEPENDS generate-dtrace-logs)
> +endif()

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