[lld] r247387 - COFF: Teach ICF to merge cyclic graphs.
Rui Ueyama via llvm-commits
llvm-commits at lists.llvm.org
Thu Sep 10 21:29:03 PDT 2015
Author: ruiu
Date: Thu Sep 10 23:29:03 2015
New Revision: 247387
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=247387&view=rev
COFF: Teach ICF to merge cyclic graphs.
Previously, LLD's ICF couldn't merge cyclic graphs. That was unfortunate
because, in COFF, cyclic graphs are not exceptional at all. That is
pretty common.
In this patch, sections are grouped by Tarjan's strongly connected
component algorithm to get acyclic graphs. And then we try to merge
SCCs whose outdegree is zero, and remove them from the graph. This
makes other SCCs to have outdegree zero, so we can repeat the
process until all SCCs are removed. When comparing two SCCs, we handle
cycles properly.
This algorithm works better than previous one. Previously, self-linking
produced a 29.0MB executable. It now produces a 27.7MB. There's still some
gap compared to MSVC linker which produces a 27.1MB executable for the
same input. So the gap is narrowed, but still LLD is not on par with MSVC.
I'll investigate that later.
Modified: lld/trunk/COFF/Chunks.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lld/trunk/COFF/Chunks.h?rev=247387&r1=247386&r2=247387&view=diff
--- lld/trunk/COFF/Chunks.h (original)
+++ lld/trunk/COFF/Chunks.h Thu Sep 10 23:29:03 2015
@@ -111,6 +111,18 @@ protected:
uint32_t Align = 1;
+class SectionChunk;
+// A container of SectionChunks. Used by ICF to store computation
+// results of strongly connected components. You can ignore this
+// unless you are interested in ICF.
+struct Component {
+ Component(std::vector<SectionChunk *> V) : Members(V) {}
+ std::vector<SectionChunk *> Members;
+ std::vector<Component *> Predecessors;
+ int Outdegree = 0;
// A chunk corresponding a section of an input file.
class SectionChunk : public Chunk {
@@ -182,12 +194,15 @@ public:
// with other chunk by ICF, it points to another chunk,
// and this chunk is considrered as dead.
SectionChunk *Ptr;
- int Outdegree = 0;
- std::vector<SectionChunk *> Ins;
+ uint32_t Index = 0;
+ uint32_t LowLink = 0;
+ bool OnStack = false;
+ Component *SCC = nullptr;
// The CRC of the contents as described in the COFF spec 4.5.5.
// Auxiliary Format 5: Section Definitions. Used for ICF.
uint32_t Checksum = 0;
+ mutable uint64_t Hash = 0;
ArrayRef<uint8_t> getContents() const;
Modified: lld/trunk/COFF/ICF.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lld/trunk/COFF/ICF.cpp?rev=247387&r1=247386&r2=247387&view=diff
--- lld/trunk/COFF/ICF.cpp (original)
+++ lld/trunk/COFF/ICF.cpp Thu Sep 10 23:29:03 2015
@@ -7,7 +7,31 @@
-// Implements ICF (Identical COMDAT Folding)
+// Identical COMDAT Folding is a feature to merge COMDAT sections not by
+// name (which is regular COMDAT handling) but by contents. If two COMDAT
+// sections have the same data, relocations, attributes, etc., then the two
+// are considered identical and merged by the linker. This optimization
+// makes outputs smaller.
+// ICF is theoretically a problem of reducing graphs by merging as many
+// isomorphic subgraphs as possible, if we consider sections as vertices and
+// relocations as edges. This may be a bit more complicated problem than you
+// might think. The order of processing sections matters since merging two
+// sections can make other sections, whose relocations now point to the
+// section, mergeable. Graphs may contain cycles, which is common in COFF.
+// We need a sophisticated algorithm to do this properly and efficiently.
+// What we do in this file is this. We first compute strongly connected
+// components of the graphs to get acyclic graphs. Then, we remove SCCs whose
+// outdegree is zero from the graphs and try to merge them. This operation
+// makes other SCCs to have outdegree zero, so we repeat the process until
+// all SCCs are removed.
+// This algorithm is different from what GNU gold does which is described in
+// http://research.google.com/pubs/pub36912.html. I don't know which is
+// faster, this or Gold's, in practice. It'd be interesting to implement the
+// other algorithm to compare. Note that the gold's algorithm cannot handle
+// cycles, so we need to tweak it, though.
@@ -15,6 +39,10 @@
#include "Symbols.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Hashing.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
#include <tuple>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
@@ -37,15 +65,156 @@ struct Equals {
} // anonymous namespace
+// Invoke Fn for each live COMDAT successor sections of SC.
+static void forEach(SectionChunk *SC, std::function<void(SectionChunk *)> Fn) {
+ for (SectionChunk *C : SC->children())
+ Fn(C);
+ for (SymbolBody *B : SC->symbols()) {
+ if (auto *D = dyn_cast<DefinedRegular>(B)) {
+ SectionChunk *C = D->getChunk();
+ if (C->isCOMDAT() && C->isLive())
+ Fn(C);
+ }
+ }
+typedef std::vector<Component *>::iterator ComponentIterator;
+// Try to merge two SCCs, A and B. A and B are likely to be isomorphic
+// because all sections have the same hash values.
+static void tryMerge(std::vector<SectionChunk *> &A,
+ std::vector<SectionChunk *> &B) {
+ // Assume that relocation targets are the same.
+ size_t End = A.size();
+ for (size_t I = 0; I != End; ++I) {
+ assert(B[I] == B[I]->Ptr);
+ B[I]->Ptr = A[I];
+ }
+ for (size_t I = 0; I != End; ++I) {
+ if (A[I]->equals(B[I]))
+ continue;
+ // If we reach here, the assumption was wrong. Reset the pointers
+ // to the original values and terminate the comparison.
+ for (size_t I = 0; I != End; ++I)
+ B[I]->Ptr = B[I];
+ return;
+ }
+ // If we reach here, the assumption was correct. Actually replace them.
+ for (size_t I = 0; I != End; ++I)
+ B[I]->replaceWith(A[I]);
+// Try to merge components. All components given to this function are
+// guaranteed to have the same number of members.
+static void doUniquefy(ComponentIterator Begin, ComponentIterator End) {
+ // Sort component members by hash value.
+ for (auto It = Begin; It != End; ++It) {
+ Component *SCC = *It;
+ auto Comp = [](SectionChunk *A, SectionChunk *B) {
+ return A->getHash() < B->getHash();
+ };
+ std::sort(SCC->Members.begin(), SCC->Members.end(), Comp);
+ }
+ // Merge as much component members as possible.
+ for (auto It = Begin; It != End;) {
+ Component *SCC = *It;
+ auto Bound = std::partition(It + 1, End, [&](Component *C) {
+ for (size_t I = 0, E = SCC->Members.size(); I != E; ++I)
+ if (SCC->Members[I]->getHash() != C->Members[I]->getHash())
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ });
+ // Components [I, Bound) are likely to have the same members
+ // because all members have the same hash values. Verify that.
+ for (auto I = It + 1; I != Bound; ++I)
+ tryMerge(SCC->Members, (*I)->Members);
+ It = Bound;
+ }
+static void uniquefy(ComponentIterator Begin, ComponentIterator End) {
+ for (auto It = Begin; It != End;) {
+ Component *SCC = *It;
+ size_t Size = SCC->Members.size();
+ auto Bound = std::partition(It + 1, End, [&](Component *C) {
+ return C->Members.size() == Size;
+ });
+ doUniquefy(It, Bound);
+ It = Bound;
+ }
+// Returns strongly connected components of the graph formed by Chunks.
+// Chunks (a list of Live COMDAT sections) are considred as vertices,
+// and their relocations or association are considered as edges.
+static std::vector<Component *>
+getSCC(const std::vector<SectionChunk *> &Chunks) {
+ std::vector<Component *> Ret;
+ std::vector<SectionChunk *> V;
+ uint32_t Idx;
+ std::function<void(SectionChunk *)> StrongConnect = [&](SectionChunk *SC) {
+ SC->Index = SC->LowLink = Idx++;
+ size_t Curr = V.size();
+ V.push_back(SC);
+ SC->OnStack = true;
+ forEach(SC, [&](SectionChunk *C) {
+ if (C->Index == 0) {
+ StrongConnect(C);
+ SC->LowLink = std::min(SC->LowLink, C->LowLink);
+ } else if (C->OnStack) {
+ SC->LowLink = std::min(SC->LowLink, C->Index);
+ }
+ });
+ if (SC->LowLink != SC->Index)
+ return;
+ auto *SCC = new Component(
+ std::vector<SectionChunk *>(V.begin() + Curr, V.end()));
+ for (size_t I = Curr, E = V.size(); I != E; ++I) {
+ V[I]->OnStack = false;
+ V[I]->SCC = SCC;
+ }
+ Ret.push_back(SCC);
+ V.erase(V.begin() + Curr, V.end());
+ };
+ for (SectionChunk *SC : Chunks) {
+ if (SC->Index == 0) {
+ Idx = 1;
+ StrongConnect(SC);
+ }
+ }
+ for (Component *SCC : Ret) {
+ for (SectionChunk *SC : SCC->Members) {
+ forEach(SC, [&](SectionChunk *C) {
+ if (SCC == C->SCC)
+ return;
+ ++SCC->Outdegree;
+ C->SCC->Predecessors.push_back(SCC);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return Ret;
uint64_t SectionChunk::getHash() const {
- return hash_combine(getPermissions(),
- hash_value(SectionName),
- NumRelocs,
- uint32_t(Header->SizeOfRawData),
- std::distance(Relocs.end(), Relocs.begin()),
- Checksum);
+ if (Hash == 0) {
+ Hash = hash_combine(getPermissions(),
+ hash_value(SectionName),
+ NumRelocs,
+ uint32_t(Header->SizeOfRawData),
+ std::distance(Relocs.end(), Relocs.begin()),
+ Checksum);
+ }
+ return Hash;
// Returns true if this and a given chunk are identical COMDAT sections.
bool SectionChunk::equals(const SectionChunk *X) const {
// Compare headers
@@ -90,28 +259,6 @@ bool SectionChunk::equals(const SectionC
return std::equal(Relocs.begin(), Relocs.end(), X->Relocs.begin(), Eq);
-static void link(SectionChunk *From, SectionChunk *To) {
- ++From->Outdegree;
- To->Ins.push_back(From);
-typedef std::vector<SectionChunk *>::iterator ChunkIterator;
-static void uniquefy(ChunkIterator Begin, ChunkIterator End) {
- std::unordered_set<SectionChunk *, Hasher, Equals> Set;
- for (auto It = Begin; It != End; ++It) {
- SectionChunk *SC = *It;
- auto P = Set.insert(SC);
- bool Inserted = P.second;
- if (Inserted)
- continue;
- SectionChunk *Existing = *P.first;
- SC->replaceWith(Existing);
- for (SectionChunk *In : SC->Ins)
- --In->Outdegree;
- }
// Merge identical COMDAT sections.
// Two sections are considered the same if their section headers,
// contents and relocations are all the same.
@@ -122,26 +269,19 @@ void doICF(const std::vector<Chunk *> &C
if (SC->isCOMDAT() && SC->isLive())
- // Initialize SectionChunks' outdegrees and in-chunk lists.
- for (SectionChunk *SC : SChunks) {
- for (SectionChunk *C : SC->children())
- link(SC, C);
- for (SymbolBody *B : SC->symbols())
- if (auto *D = dyn_cast<DefinedRegular>(B))
- link(SC, D->getChunk());
- }
- // By merging two sections, more sections can become mergeable
- // because two originally different relocations can now point to
- // the same section. We process sections whose outdegree is zero
- // first to deal with that.
- auto Pred = [](SectionChunk *SC) { return SC->Outdegree > 0; };
- for (;;) {
- auto Bound = std::partition(SChunks.begin(), SChunks.end(), Pred);
- if (Bound == SChunks.end())
- return;
- uniquefy(Bound, SChunks.end());
- SChunks.erase(Bound, SChunks.end());
+ std::vector<Component *> Components = getSCC(SChunks);
+ while (Components.size() > 0) {
+ auto Bound = std::partition(Components.begin(), Components.end(),
+ [](Component *SCC) { return SCC->Outdegree > 0; });
+ uniquefy(Bound, Components.end());
+ for (auto It = Bound, E = Components.end(); It != E; ++It) {
+ Component *SCC = *It;
+ for (Component *Pred : SCC->Predecessors)
+ --Pred->Outdegree;
+ }
+ Components.erase(Bound, Components.end());
Modified: lld/trunk/test/COFF/icf-circular.test
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lld/trunk/test/COFF/icf-circular.test?rev=247387&r1=247386&r2=247387&view=diff
--- lld/trunk/test/COFF/icf-circular.test (original)
+++ lld/trunk/test/COFF/icf-circular.test Thu Sep 10 23:29:03 2015
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# RUN: /opt:lldicf /verbose %t.obj > %t.log 2>&1
# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t.log
-# CHECK-NOT: Replaced bar
+# CHECK: Replaced bar
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