[PATCH] [sanitizer_common] Added VS-style output for source locations

Filipe Cabecinhas filcab+llvm.phabricator at gmail.com
Thu Jun 4 15:58:08 PDT 2015

Sounds good to me. But there's a detail to be dealt with.

For out of the box _testing_, having the VS style output be the default
will force us to, either:

- use a script to run the commands (doable, but ugly (except if you need

the script anyway, for remote testing. I'm ok with this))

- or change all the tests to expect one of the output styles (I don't

really like this :-) )

I would like to avoid both of those solutions.

What do you think about doing something like this:

Have options get their values in this order:

- Compiled-in defaults
- __tool_default_options() (asan, ubsan, etc)

The rationale is:

- Compiled-in defaults should be sensible defaults for the platform.
- $SANITIZER_OPTIONS could set common flags (only, no tool-specific

options) for the user/machine

- __tool_default_options() can be used in a program to override some flags

because the test/program expects this

- $TOOL_OPTIONS is a final chance for the current user, running the

program, to override.

I'm ok with not doing this, and simply waiting until it's more necessary.
For the PS4, I can just work around it and "hack" our remote run script to
always add symbolize_vs_style=false to *_OPTIONS env vars when testing. But
it wouldn't be nice for local Windows testing (non-remote), since we would
default to vs-style (if _MSC_VER was defined) in some cases.

Any ideas?






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