What to do about alignment of ELF objects

Rafael EspĂ­ndola rafael.espindola at gmail.com
Mon Jun 1 22:34:10 PDT 2015

>>> At this I don't think ti is worth it. We don't support powerpc, which
>>> is why I had to do a cross linking to benchmark it.
>> Could you at least test if eagerly faulting in/loading archives speeds up
>> x86?
> Sure,  I can definitely test that. I will probably do it tomorrow.

Just to loop back on this:

The memory ownership on the old/current lld is a bit complicated and
having the archive own malloced buffers used by archive members would
make it even more complicated.

I also benchmarked hacking gold to use unaligned on ppc64le (very same
machine) and got opposite result: gold got faster.

Given that and given that lld is on the middle of a
refactoring/rewrite that is likely to change its performance
characteristics I am abandoning this change.


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