[PATCH] Arm: Don't define a label twice with two setjmps in a function.

Matthias Braun matze at braunis.de
Thu May 7 11:10:03 PDT 2015

> On May 7, 2015, at 7:37 AM, John Brawn <john.brawn at arm.com> wrote:
>> Simply do what the comment in ARMAsmPrinter says and use directional labels.
> Which comment would that be? I had a look in both ARMAsmPrinter.h and ARMAsmPrinter.cpp and could find no mention of directional labels.
The comment immediately above the code sequence uses directional label syntax:

    // Two incoming args: GPR:$src, GPR:$val
    // mov $val, pc
    // adds $val, #7
    // str $val, [$src, #4]
    // movs r0, #0
    // b 1f
    // movs r0, #1
    // 1:

- Matthias

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