[PATCH] Archive test traces to outer directory named by build number after lldb-test

Ying Chen chying at google.com
Mon May 4 16:19:16 PDT 2015

Comment at: zorg/buildbot/builders/LLDBBuilder.py:306
@@ -299,1 +305,3 @@
+                           env=env,
+                           workdir='%s' % llvm_builddir))
     return f
sivachandra wrote:
> chying wrote:
> > sivachandra wrote:
> > > The summary note says that a separate task would zip and upload traces to google storage. Why cant it be done inline right here as part of this step?
> > There were two concerns behind this, one is that certain builder might not have access to google storage, or would upload the traces to different locations. Another is that in case of network latency, doing this step inline would slow down the builder, zip&upload step normally only take 6 seconds though.
> I don't understand the first of the concerns. For the second one, chromium builders all archive to google storage. To my knowledge, the archive step was never treated as a time bottle neck.
For the first point, I was saying that adding this step inline will require any builders calling this function have google storage access, i.e. builders have no google storage access won't be able to call this factory function.
I am fine with adding this step inline, all of the current lldb builders calling this function have google storage access.



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