[PATCH] [asan] debug_mapping.cc should also pass when the leading digit is hexadecimal.

Timur Iskhodzhanov timurrrr at google.com
Thu Apr 23 06:37:49 PDT 2015

Nice catch, I've overlooked that code!

`SHADOW_SCALE` is currently a constant equal to `3` and it can't be more than 8 with the current ASan design, I think?
Probably, the same applies to `SHADOW_GRANULARITY` - it is currently equal to 8, can't be more than 256 and I'd argue we should always print them out as decimals for readability.

That's being said, I think the `Printf` line you're referring to should be changed to just use `%d`.
[I suspect this is a side effect of copy-pasting code]



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