[PATCH] Insert random noops to increase security against ROP attacks (llvm)

PaX Team pageexec at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 18:06:48 PST 2015

On 6 Jan 2015 at 17:51, Stephen Crane wrote:

> Exactly. That is a solved problem in exploit development. I assumed
> that the attacker has a copy of the library. Fine-grained diversity
> prevents an attacker from being able to have this copy, since his
> version will differ from the target.

this comes down to how binary diversification (not just nop insertion)
will be deployed in real life. if we're talking about people compiling
and deploying their own linux distros (think gentoo) without further
public dissemination then this property can hold more or less. but if
commercial companies will try this route, all an attacker has to do is
collect a library of all deployed randomized binaries and we'll be back
to square one (no, i don't see apple or google ever deploying a billion
different OS images).

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