[PATCH] Refine the notion of MayThrow in LICM to include a header specific version

Philip Reames listmail at philipreames.com
Thu Dec 18 11:07:19 PST 2014

Hi hfinkel, nlewycky,

In LICM, we have a check for an instruction which is guaranteed to execute and thus can't introduce any new faults if moved to the preheader.  To handle a function which might unconditionally throw when first called, we check for any potentially throwing call in the loop and give up.

This is unfortunate when the potentially throwing condition is down a rare path.  It prevents essentially all LICM of potentially faulting instructions where the faulting condition is checked outside the loop.  It also greatly diminishes the utility of loop unswitching since control dependent instructions - which are now likely in the loops header block - will not be lifted by subsequent LICM runs.  

define void @nothrow_header(i64 %x, i64 %y, i1 %cond) {
; CHECK-LABEL: nothrow_header
; CHECK-LABEL: entry
; CHECK: %div = udiv i64 %x, %y
; CHECK: call void @use(i64 %div)
  br label %loop
loop:                                         ; preds = %entry, %for.inc
  %div = udiv i64 %x, %y
  br i1 %cond, label %loop-if, label %exit
  call void @use(i64 %div)
  br label %loop
  ret void

The current patch really only helps with non-memory instructions (i.e. divs, etc..) since the maythrow call down the rare path will be considered to alias an otherwise invariant load.




Index: lib/Transforms/Scalar/LICM.cpp
--- lib/Transforms/Scalar/LICM.cpp
+++ lib/Transforms/Scalar/LICM.cpp
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@
     bool MayThrow;           // The current loop contains an instruction which
                              // may throw, thus preventing code motion of
                              // instructions with side effects.
+    bool HeaderMayThrow;     // Same as previous, but specific to loop header
     DenseMap<Loop*, AliasSetTracker*> LoopToAliasSetMap;
     /// cloneBasicBlockAnalysis - Simple Analysis hook. Clone alias set info.
@@ -273,7 +274,12 @@
       CurAST->add(*BB);                 // Incorporate the specified basic block
-  MayThrow = false;
+  HeaderMayThrow = false;
+  BasicBlock *Header = L->getHeader();
+  for (BasicBlock::iterator I = Header->begin(), E = Header->end();
+       (I != E) && !HeaderMayThrow; ++I)
+    HeaderMayThrow |= I->mayThrow();
+  MayThrow = HeaderMayThrow;
   // TODO: We've already searched for instructions which may throw in subloops.
   // We may want to reuse this information.
   for (Loop::block_iterator BB = L->block_begin(), BBE = L->block_end();
@@ -658,20 +664,22 @@
 bool LICM::isGuaranteedToExecute(Instruction &Inst) {
-  // Somewhere in this loop there is an instruction which may throw and make us
-  // exit the loop.
-  if (MayThrow)
-    return false;
-  // Otherwise we have to check to make sure that the instruction dominates all
+  // We have to check to make sure that the instruction dominates all
   // of the exit blocks.  If it doesn't, then there is a path out of the loop
   // which does not execute this instruction, so we can't hoist it.
   // If the instruction is in the header block for the loop (which is very
   // common), it is always guaranteed to dominate the exit blocks.  Since this
   // is a common case, and can save some work, check it now.
   if (Inst.getParent() == CurLoop->getHeader())
-    return true;
+    // If there's a throw in the header block, we can't guarantee we'll reach
+    // Inst.
+    return !HeaderMayThrow;
+  // Somewhere in this loop there is an instruction which may throw and make us
+  // exit the loop.
+  if (MayThrow)
+    return false;
   // Get the exit blocks for the current loop.
   SmallVector<BasicBlock*, 8> ExitBlocks;

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