[PATCH]: finish .cpu support for ARM

Roman Divacky rdivacky at vlakno.cz
Thu Dec 4 11:16:10 PST 2014

> I'd like to have one test with a code similar to what I wrote in my
> email, at least for modifying cpus (the hdiv example is a good one),
> and a check for errors if the test doesn't warn about the HDIV on the
> soft-div implementation. The test will fail, and you should mark it as
> XFAIL. If you don't want to add fpu and arch similar examples (NEON
> and Thumb are good use cases), I can do that later.
> When you commit, let me know the filename, and I'll add to those bugs
> that, whomever fix the issue (most likely me), has to remove the XFAIL
> and make it pass.

So you basically want me to add

function HardDIV:                           
  .cpu cortex-a15                     
  hdiv whatever                                                                                                    
  bx lr                                                                                                            
function MiscompiledSoftDIV:                                                                                       
  hdiv somethingelse                                                                                               
  bx lr                                                                                                            

which will pass and xfail it? So we'll have an unexpectedly passing test?


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