[PATCH] Ensure that TCReturn instructions are resolved

Tim Northover t.p.northover at gmail.com
Fri Nov 28 06:40:13 PST 2014

Thanks for updating the test. It's usually better to test the actual output rather than just that a function doesn't crash though. 

I'd suggest something like (untested):

    ; RUN: llc -mtriple=thumbv7-eabi -o - %s | FileCheck %s
    declare cc 10 void @g()
    define cc 10 void @test_direct_tail() {
    ; CHECK-LABEL: test_direct_tail:
    ; CHECK: b g
      tail call cc10 void @g()
      ret void
    @ind_func = global void()* zeroinitializer
    define cc 10 void @test_indirect_tail() {
    ; CHECK-LABEL: test_indirect_tail:
    ; CHECK: b {{r[0-9]+}}
      %func = load void()** @ind_func
      tail call cc10 void()* @%func()
      ret void

This also avoids leaving a stray .s file in the source directory and tests both TCRETURNdi and TCRETURNri.


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