[PATCH] [CodeGenPrepare] Move extractelement close to store if they can be combined.

Quentin Colombet qcolombet at apple.com
Mon Oct 27 11:52:26 PDT 2014

Hi Hal,

Thanks for the new inputs.
I’ve addressed the <u|s|f>rem point and added support for fast-math.
However, I haven’t used the fast information with the store alignment. Indeed, I am not sure this gets us anything. This will tell us whether or not a store is slow, but since we are not changing the type of the store, this does not tell us if we are slowing down the code or if the combine is still supported.
We could assume "slow store" == "no combine”, but I prefer, like you said, that we wait for actual use cases to start doing heuristic in this domain.


Thanks again,


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