[polly] r219612 - [Refactor][NfC] Simplify and clean the handling of (new) access relations
Johannes Doerfert
doerfert at cs.uni-saarland.de
Mon Oct 13 05:58:04 PDT 2014
Author: jdoerfert
Date: Mon Oct 13 07:58:03 2014
New Revision: 219612
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=219612&view=rev
[Refactor][NfC] Simplify and clean the handling of (new) access relations
This patch does not change the semantic on it's own. However, the
dependence analysis as well as dce will now use the newest available
access relation for each memory access, thus if at some point the json
importer or any other pass will run before those two and set a new
access relation the behaviour will be different. In general it is
unclear if the dependence analysis and dce should be run on the old or
new access functions anyway. If we need to access the original access
function from the outside later, we can expose the getter again.
Differential Revision: http://reviews.llvm.org/D5707
Modified: polly/trunk/include/polly/ScopInfo.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/polly/trunk/include/polly/ScopInfo.h?rev=219612&r1=219611&r2=219612&view=diff
--- polly/trunk/include/polly/ScopInfo.h (original)
+++ polly/trunk/include/polly/ScopInfo.h Mon Oct 13 07:58:03 2014
@@ -208,6 +208,15 @@ private:
void assumeNoOutOfBound(const IRAccess &Access);
+ /// @brief Get the original access function as read from IR.
+ isl_map *getOriginalAccessRelation() const;
+ /// @brief Return the space in which the access relation lives in.
+ __isl_give isl_space *getOriginalAccessRelationSpace() const;
+ /// @brief Get the new access function imported or set by a pass
+ isl_map *getNewAccessRelation() const;
/// @brief Create a memory access from an access in LLVM-IR.
@@ -238,13 +247,30 @@ public:
/// @brief Is this a write memory access?
bool isWrite() const { return isMustWrite() || isMayWrite(); }
- isl_map *getAccessRelation() const;
+ /// @brief Check if a new access relation was imported or set by a pass.
+ bool hasNewAccessRelation() const { return newAccessRelation; }
- /// @brief Return the space in which the access relation lives in.
- __isl_give isl_space *getAccessRelationSpace() const;
+ /// @brief Return the newest access relation of this access.
+ ///
+ /// There are two possibilities:
+ /// 1) The original access relation read from the LLVM-IR.
+ /// 2) A new access relation imported from a json file or set by another
+ /// pass (e.g., for privatization).
+ ///
+ /// As 2) is by construction "newer" than 1) we return the new access
+ /// relation if present.
+ ///
+ isl_map *getAccessRelation() const {
+ return hasNewAccessRelation() ? getNewAccessRelation()
+ : getOriginalAccessRelation();
+ }
+ /// @brief Return the access relation after the schedule was applied.
+ __isl_give isl_pw_multi_aff *
+ applyScheduleToAccessRelation(__isl_keep isl_union_map *Schedule) const;
- /// @brief Get an isl string representing this access function.
- std::string getAccessRelationStr() const;
+ /// @brief Get an isl string representing the access function read from IR.
+ std::string getOriginalAccessRelationStr() const;
/// @brief Get the base address of this access (e.g. A for A[i+j]).
Value *getBaseAddr() const { return BaseAddr; }
@@ -266,9 +292,6 @@ public:
/// @brief Return the access instruction of this memory access.
Instruction *getAccessInstruction() const { return Inst; }
- /// @brief Get the new access function imported from JSCOP file
- isl_map *getNewAccessRelation() const;
/// Get the stride of this memory access in the specified Schedule. Schedule
/// is a map from the statement to a schedule where the innermost dimension is
/// the dimension of the innermost loop containing the statement.
Modified: polly/trunk/lib/Analysis/ScopInfo.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/polly/trunk/lib/Analysis/ScopInfo.cpp?rev=219612&r1=219611&r2=219612&view=diff
--- polly/trunk/lib/Analysis/ScopInfo.cpp (original)
+++ polly/trunk/lib/Analysis/ScopInfo.cpp Mon Oct 13 07:58:03 2014
@@ -397,15 +397,27 @@ isl_id *MemoryAccess::getArrayId() const
return isl_map_get_tuple_id(AccessRelation, isl_dim_out);
-isl_map *MemoryAccess::getAccessRelation() const {
+isl_pw_multi_aff *
+MemoryAccess::applyScheduleToAccessRelation(isl_union_map *USchedule) const {
+ isl_map *Schedule, *ScheduledAccRel;
+ isl_union_set *UDomain;
+ UDomain = isl_union_set_from_set(getStatement()->getDomain());
+ USchedule = isl_union_map_intersect_domain(USchedule, UDomain);
+ Schedule = isl_map_from_union_map(USchedule);
+ ScheduledAccRel = isl_map_apply_domain(getAccessRelation(), Schedule);
+ return isl_pw_multi_aff_from_map(ScheduledAccRel);
+isl_map *MemoryAccess::getOriginalAccessRelation() const {
return isl_map_copy(AccessRelation);
-std::string MemoryAccess::getAccessRelationStr() const {
+std::string MemoryAccess::getOriginalAccessRelationStr() const {
return stringFromIslObj(AccessRelation);
-__isl_give isl_space *MemoryAccess::getAccessRelationSpace() const {
+__isl_give isl_space *MemoryAccess::getOriginalAccessRelationSpace() const {
return isl_map_get_space(AccessRelation);
@@ -444,7 +456,7 @@ isl_basic_map *MemoryAccess::createBasic
// constraints is the set of constraints that needs to be assumed to ensure such
// statement instances are never executed.
void MemoryAccess::assumeNoOutOfBound(const IRAccess &Access) {
- isl_space *Space = isl_space_range(getAccessRelationSpace());
+ isl_space *Space = isl_space_range(getOriginalAccessRelationSpace());
isl_set *Outside = isl_set_empty(isl_space_copy(Space));
for (int i = 1, Size = Access.Subscripts.size(); i < Size; ++i) {
isl_local_space *LS = isl_local_space_from_space(isl_space_copy(Space));
@@ -565,7 +577,7 @@ void MemoryAccess::print(raw_ostream &OS
OS << "[Reduction Type: " << getReductionType() << "]\n";
- OS.indent(16) << getAccessRelationStr() << ";\n";
+ OS.indent(16) << getOriginalAccessRelationStr() << ";\n";
void MemoryAccess::dump() const { print(errs()); }
@@ -618,9 +630,7 @@ static isl_map *getEqualAndLarger(isl_sp
isl_set *MemoryAccess::getStride(__isl_take const isl_map *Schedule) const {
isl_map *S = const_cast<isl_map *>(Schedule);
- isl_map *AccessRelation = getNewAccessRelation();
- if (!AccessRelation)
- AccessRelation = getAccessRelation();
+ isl_map *AccessRelation = getAccessRelation();
isl_space *Space = isl_space_range(isl_map_get_space(S));
isl_map *NextScatt = getEqualAndLarger(Space);
Modified: polly/trunk/lib/CodeGen/BlockGenerators.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/polly/trunk/lib/CodeGen/BlockGenerators.cpp?rev=219612&r1=219611&r2=219612&view=diff
--- polly/trunk/lib/CodeGen/BlockGenerators.cpp (original)
+++ polly/trunk/lib/CodeGen/BlockGenerators.cpp Mon Oct 13 07:58:03 2014
@@ -165,25 +165,15 @@ void BlockGenerator::copyInstScalar(cons
Value *BlockGenerator::getNewAccessOperand(const MemoryAccess &MA) {
- isl_pw_multi_aff *PWSchedule, *PWAccRel;
- isl_union_map *ScheduleU;
- isl_map *Schedule, *AccRel;
+ isl_pw_multi_aff *PWAccRel;
+ isl_union_map *Schedule;
isl_ast_expr *Expr;
assert(ExprBuilder && Build &&
"Cannot generate new value without IslExprBuilder!");
- AccRel = MA.getNewAccessRelation();
- assert(AccRel && "We generate new code only for new access relations!");
- ScheduleU = isl_ast_build_get_schedule(Build);
- ScheduleU = isl_union_map_intersect_domain(
- ScheduleU, isl_union_set_from_set(MA.getStatement()->getDomain()));
- Schedule = isl_map_from_union_map(ScheduleU);
- PWSchedule = isl_pw_multi_aff_from_map(isl_map_reverse(Schedule));
- PWAccRel = isl_pw_multi_aff_from_map(AccRel);
- PWAccRel = isl_pw_multi_aff_pullback_pw_multi_aff(PWAccRel, PWSchedule);
+ Schedule = isl_ast_build_get_schedule(Build);
+ PWAccRel = MA.applyScheduleToAccessRelation(Schedule);
Expr = isl_ast_build_access_from_pw_multi_aff(Build, PWAccRel);
Expr = isl_ast_expr_address_of(Expr);
@@ -197,16 +187,14 @@ Value *BlockGenerator::generateLocationA
ValueMapT &GlobalMap,
LoopToScevMapT <S) {
const MemoryAccess &MA = Statement.getAccessFor(Inst);
- isl_map *NewAccRel = MA.getNewAccessRelation();
Value *NewPointer;
- if (NewAccRel)
+ if (MA.hasNewAccessRelation())
NewPointer = getNewAccessOperand(MA);
NewPointer =
getNewValue(Pointer, BBMap, GlobalMap, LTS, getLoopForInst(Inst));
- isl_map_free(NewAccRel);
return NewPointer;
Modified: polly/trunk/lib/Exchange/JSONExporter.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/polly/trunk/lib/Exchange/JSONExporter.cpp?rev=219612&r1=219611&r2=219612&view=diff
--- polly/trunk/lib/Exchange/JSONExporter.cpp (original)
+++ polly/trunk/lib/Exchange/JSONExporter.cpp Mon Oct 13 07:58:03 2014
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ Json::Value JSONExporter::getJSON(Scop &
Json::Value access;
access["kind"] = MA->isRead() ? "read" : "write";
- access["relation"] = MA->getAccessRelationStr();
+ access["relation"] = MA->getOriginalAccessRelationStr();
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