[PATCH] [Polly] Support for math/misc intrinsics

Tobias Grosser phabricator at grosser.es
Sun Sep 7 23:20:53 PDT 2014

Hi Johannes,

I just tried your test case without the actual change to Polly and it already passes. The reason is most likely that all these intrinsics are side effect free functions and can consequently already be handled by Polly.

I think adding this test case is still valuable, but I would suggest a couple of minor changes to minimize the test case:

1) Call the function 'intrinsics' instead of jd
2) Use just a single loop and a single array.

There is no value added by a second loop and a second array, it just adds more code to the test case.

3) No need to call pow twice

We could possibly also remove the "intrinsics" comment (or explain that only more complex buildins such as memcpy need special handling).



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