[Polly][Refactor] IslAst [6/7]

Tobias Grosser tobias at grosser.es
Wed Jul 30 00:23:29 PDT 2014

On 30/07/2014 00:23, Johannes Doerfert wrote:
> How do we proceed now? I need to get a lot more patches out (at least one
> the list) and I have little time left.

You can always post patches to the list. ;-) Also, as I said, I invite 
people like Andreas, Sebastian and David to review your patches. 
Especially refactoring patches should be easy to review.

Specifically, the fact that you changed behavior could have found by any 
other patch reviewer, with me only really being needed to explain why 
the current behavior is as it is.

> I either (a) commit this patch with the changed comments, or (b) rebase the
> next one to work without this one and forget about it for now.
> Just tell me if you want to stick with the old flags for now.

I like the current idea of having the isl ast show to the user what will 
be code generated and would like to preserve this behavior if there are 
no strong reasons against it.


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