[Polly][Refactor] IslAst [6/7]

Tobias Grosser tobias at grosser.es
Tue Jul 29 05:14:24 PDT 2014

On 24/07/2014 18:32, Johannes Doerfert wrote:
>  From 74cf5ef91907162388f915090824d726beb30fdd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
> From: Johannes Doerfert<jdoerfert at codeaurora.org>
> Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 16:35:55 -0700
> Subject: [PATCH] [Refactor] Use isParallel and isInnermost
>    + Change isInnermostParallel and isOuterParallel to combinations of isParallel
>      and isInnermost.
>    + Perform the parallelism check on the innermost loop only once.
>    + Inline the markOpenmpParallel function.
>    + Rename all IslAstUserPayload * into Payload (was Info, NodeInfo and Payload
>      before).

Hi Johannes,

It is not clear to me from the commit message if this patch will change 
how/if we annotate parallel loops or if it is just a cleanup that 
separates innermost and parallel.

If you do not intend to modify behavior, it is common habit to point 
this out in the commit message. If you intend to modify behavior (which 
is surprising in a simple refactoring commit), could you give a 
motivation why you do so and add a test case that shows this change.


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