Dan Liew dan at su-root.co.uk
Sun Jul 20 03:04:34 PDT 2014


This patch adds LLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS to LLVMConfig.cmake so clients
know whether or not LLVM was built with assertions.

I've also removed LLVM_BUILD_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS because it is
superfluous if we have LLVM_ENABLE_ASSERTIONS. I seem to recall Brad
King saying that the LLVM_BUILD_* variables were for Clang but when I
looked at the Clang source I couldn't find any evidence of these
variables being read. It seems when clang is built outside the LLVM
source tree it gets its information from the llvm-config executable.

It would probably be sensible to change Clang's CMakeLists.txt file at
some point to use LLVMConfig.cmake so it gets some proper testing
through use.

Dan Liew
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