RegAllocGreedy behaves host-dependent (-mfpmath on i686)

Rafael EspĂ­ndola rafael.espindola at
Wed Feb 5 15:51:48 PST 2014

>> Another option would be to require a host with IEEE floating point. On
>> X86 this would mean using -msse2. On ARM it would mean not using Neon
>> for fp math.
>> Is there a MSVC option equivalent to -msse2?
> Personally, I think it would be significantly easier to just not use host
> IEEE floating point. We've worked very hard to avoid this in most parts of
> the compiler. Why not just avoid it here?

Oh, I have no idea how much use there is in this area. If it is not a
lot then I agree that not using FP is probably the way to go.


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