[lld] r200168 - [ELF] Separate implementation from the class declaration.
Shankar Easwaran
shankare at codeaurora.org
Sun Jan 26 15:57:20 PST 2014
Author: shankare
Date: Sun Jan 26 17:57:20 2014
New Revision: 200168
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=200168&view=rev
[ELF] Separate implementation from the class declaration.
ELFFile would be a class that rest of the targets would derive from.
To keep the implementation clean, separate the implementation from
rest of the Header file.
Modified: lld/trunk/lib/ReaderWriter/ELF/DynamicFile.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lld/trunk/lib/ReaderWriter/ELF/DynamicFile.h?rev=200168&r1=200167&r2=200168&view=diff
--- lld/trunk/lib/ReaderWriter/ELF/DynamicFile.h (original)
+++ lld/trunk/lib/ReaderWriter/ELF/DynamicFile.h Sun Jan 26 17:57:20 2014
@@ -25,52 +25,7 @@ namespace elf {
template <class ELFT> class DynamicFile LLVM_FINAL : public SharedLibraryFile {
static ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<DynamicFile>>
- create(std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> mb, bool useShlibUndefines) {
- std::unique_ptr<DynamicFile> file(
- new DynamicFile(mb->getBufferIdentifier()));
- error_code ec;
- file->_objFile.reset(new llvm::object::ELFFile<ELFT>(mb.release(), ec));
- if (ec)
- return ec;
- llvm::object::ELFFile<ELFT> &obj = *file->_objFile;
- file->_soname = obj.getLoadName();
- if (file->_soname.empty())
- file->_soname = llvm::sys::path::filename(file->path());
- // Create a map from names to dynamic symbol table entries.
- // TODO: This should use the object file's build in hash table instead if
- // it exists.
- for (auto i = obj.begin_dynamic_symbols(),
- e = obj.end_dynamic_symbols();
- i != e; ++i) {
- auto name = obj.getSymbolName(i);
- if (error_code ec = name.getError())
- return ec;
- // TODO: Add absolute symbols
- if (i->st_shndx == llvm::ELF::SHN_ABS)
- continue;
- if (i->st_shndx == llvm::ELF::SHN_UNDEF) {
- if (!useShlibUndefines)
- continue;
- // Create an undefined atom.
- if (!name->empty()) {
- auto *newAtom =
- new (file->_alloc) ELFUndefinedAtom<ELFT>(*file.get(), *name, &*i);
- file->_undefinedAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
- }
- continue;
- }
- file->_nameToSym[*name]._symbol = &*i;
- }
- return std::move(file);
- }
+ create(std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> mb, bool useShlibUndefines);
virtual const atom_collection<DefinedAtom> &defined() const {
return _definedAtoms;
@@ -123,6 +78,55 @@ private:
mutable std::unordered_map<StringRef, SymAtomPair> _nameToSym;
+template <class ELFT>
+DynamicFile<ELFT>::create(std::unique_ptr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> mb,
+ bool useShlibUndefines) {
+ std::unique_ptr<DynamicFile> file(new DynamicFile(mb->getBufferIdentifier()));
+ error_code ec;
+ file->_objFile.reset(new llvm::object::ELFFile<ELFT>(mb.release(), ec));
+ if (ec)
+ return ec;
+ llvm::object::ELFFile<ELFT> &obj = *file->_objFile;
+ file->_soname = obj.getLoadName();
+ if (file->_soname.empty())
+ file->_soname = llvm::sys::path::filename(file->path());
+ // Create a map from names to dynamic symbol table entries.
+ // TODO: This should use the object file's build in hash table instead if
+ // it exists.
+ for (auto i = obj.begin_dynamic_symbols(), e = obj.end_dynamic_symbols();
+ i != e; ++i) {
+ auto name = obj.getSymbolName(i);
+ if ((ec = name.getError()))
+ return ec;
+ // TODO: Add absolute symbols
+ if (i->st_shndx == llvm::ELF::SHN_ABS)
+ continue;
+ if (i->st_shndx == llvm::ELF::SHN_UNDEF) {
+ if (!useShlibUndefines)
+ continue;
+ // Create an undefined atom.
+ if (!name->empty()) {
+ auto *newAtom =
+ new (file->_alloc) ELFUndefinedAtom<ELFT>(*file.get(), *name, &*i);
+ file->_undefinedAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ file->_nameToSym[*name]._symbol = &*i;
+ }
+ return std::move(file);
} // end namespace elf
} // end namespace lld
Modified: lld/trunk/lib/ReaderWriter/ELF/ELFFile.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lld/trunk/lib/ReaderWriter/ELF/ELFFile.h?rev=200168&r1=200167&r2=200168&view=diff
--- lld/trunk/lib/ReaderWriter/ELF/ELFFile.h (original)
+++ lld/trunk/lib/ReaderWriter/ELF/ELFFile.h Sun Jan 26 17:57:20 2014
@@ -123,375 +123,25 @@ public:
_targetHandler(nullptr) {}
ELFFile(std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> mb, bool atomizeStrings,
- TargetHandlerBase *handler, error_code &ec)
- : File(mb->getBufferIdentifier(), kindObject), _ordinal(0),
- _doStringsMerge(atomizeStrings),
- _targetHandler(reinterpret_cast<TargetHandler<ELFT> *>(handler)) {
- _objFile.reset(new llvm::object::ELFFile<ELFT>(mb.release(), ec));
- if (ec)
- return;
- // Read input sections from the input file that need to be converted to
- // atoms
- if (auto err = createAtomizableSections()) {
- ec = err;
- return;
- }
- // For mergeable strings, we would need to split the section into various
- // atoms
- if (auto err = createMergeableAtoms()) {
- ec = err;
- return;
- }
- // Create the necessary symbols that are part of the section that we
- // created in createAtomizableSections function
- if (auto err = createSymbolsFromAtomizableSections()) {
- ec = err;
- return;
- }
- // Create the appropriate atoms from the file
- if (auto err = createAtoms()) {
- ec = err;
- return;
- }
- }
+ TargetHandlerBase *handler, error_code &ec);
- Reference::KindArch kindArch() {
- switch (_objFile->getHeader()->e_machine) {
- case llvm::ELF::EM_X86_64:
- return Reference::KindArch::x86_64;
- case llvm::ELF::EM_386:
- return Reference::KindArch::x86;
- case llvm::ELF::EM_ARM:
- return Reference::KindArch::ARM;
- case llvm::ELF::EM_PPC:
- return Reference::KindArch::PowerPC;
- case llvm::ELF::EM_HEXAGON:
- return Reference::KindArch::Hexagon;
- case llvm::ELF::EM_MIPS:
- return Reference::KindArch::Mips;
- }
- llvm_unreachable("unsupported e_machine value");
- }
+ virtual Reference::KindArch kindArch();
/// \brief Read input sections and populate necessary data structures
/// to read them later and create atoms
- error_code createAtomizableSections() {
- // Handle: SHT_REL and SHT_RELA sections:
- // Increment over the sections, when REL/RELA section types are found add
- // the contents to the RelocationReferences map.
- // Record the number of relocs to guess at preallocating the buffer.
- uint64_t totalRelocs = 0;
- for (auto sit = _objFile->begin_sections(),
- sie = _objFile->end_sections(); sit != sie; ++sit) {
- const Elf_Shdr *section = &*sit;
- if (isIgnoredSection(section))
- continue;
- if (isMergeableStringSection(section)) {
- _mergeStringSections.push_back(section);
- continue;
- }
- // Create a sectionSymbols entry for every progbits section.
- if ((section->sh_type == llvm::ELF::SHT_PROGBITS) ||
- (section->sh_type == llvm::ELF::SHT_INIT_ARRAY) ||
- (section->sh_type == llvm::ELF::SHT_FINI_ARRAY))
- _sectionSymbols[section];
- if (section->sh_type == llvm::ELF::SHT_RELA) {
- auto sHdr = _objFile->getSection(section->sh_info);
- auto sectionName = _objFile->getSectionName(sHdr);
- if (error_code ec = sectionName.getError())
- return ec;
- auto rai(_objFile->begin_rela(section));
- auto rae(_objFile->end_rela(section));
- _relocationAddendReferences[*sectionName] = make_range(rai, rae);
- totalRelocs += std::distance(rai, rae);
- }
- if (section->sh_type == llvm::ELF::SHT_REL) {
- auto sHdr = _objFile->getSection(section->sh_info);
- auto sectionName = _objFile->getSectionName(sHdr);
- if (error_code ec = sectionName.getError())
- return ec;
- auto ri(_objFile->begin_rel(section));
- auto re(_objFile->end_rel(section));
- _relocationReferences[*sectionName] = make_range(ri, re);
- totalRelocs += std::distance(ri, re);
- }
- }
- _references.reserve(totalRelocs);
- return error_code::success();
- }
+ virtual error_code createAtomizableSections();
/// \brief Create mergeable atoms from sections that have the merge attribute
/// set
- error_code createMergeableAtoms() {
- // Divide the section that contains mergeable strings into tokens
- // TODO
- // a) add resolver support to recognize multibyte chars
- // b) Create a separate section chunk to write mergeable atoms
- std::vector<MergeString *> tokens;
- for (const Elf_Shdr *msi : _mergeStringSections) {
- auto sectionName = _objFile->getSectionName(msi);
- if (error_code ec = sectionName.getError())
- return ec;
- auto sectionContents = _objFile->getSectionContents(msi);
- if (error_code ec = sectionContents.getError())
- return ec;
- StringRef secCont(
- reinterpret_cast<const char *>(sectionContents->begin()),
- sectionContents->size());
- unsigned int prev = 0;
- for (std::size_t i = 0, e = sectionContents->size(); i != e; ++i) {
- if ((*sectionContents)[i] == '\0') {
- tokens.push_back(new (_readerStorage) MergeString(
- prev, secCont.slice(prev, i + 1), msi, *sectionName));
- prev = i + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- // Create Mergeable atoms
- for (const MergeString *tai : tokens) {
- ArrayRef<uint8_t> content((const uint8_t *)tai->_string.data(),
- tai->_string.size());
- ELFMergeAtom<ELFT> *mergeAtom = new (_readerStorage) ELFMergeAtom<ELFT>(
- *this, tai->_sectionName, tai->_shdr, content, tai->_offset);
- const MergeSectionKey mergedSectionKey(tai->_shdr, tai->_offset);
- if (_mergedSectionMap.find(mergedSectionKey) == _mergedSectionMap.end())
- _mergedSectionMap.insert(std::make_pair(mergedSectionKey, mergeAtom));
- mergeAtom->setOrdinal(++_ordinal);
- _definedAtoms._atoms.push_back(mergeAtom);
- _mergeAtoms.push_back(mergeAtom);
- }
- return error_code::success();
- }
+ virtual error_code createMergeableAtoms();
/// \brief Add the symbols that the sections contain. The symbols will be
/// converted to atoms for
/// Undefined symbols, absolute symbols
- error_code createSymbolsFromAtomizableSections() {
- // Increment over all the symbols collecting atoms and symbol names for
- // later use.
- auto SymI = _objFile->begin_symbols(),
- SymE = _objFile->end_symbols();
- // Skip over dummy sym.
- if (SymI != SymE)
- ++SymI;
- for (; SymI != SymE; ++SymI) {
- const Elf_Shdr *section = _objFile->getSection(&*SymI);
- auto symbolName = _objFile->getSymbolName(SymI);
- if (error_code ec = symbolName.getError())
- return ec;
- if (SymI->st_shndx == llvm::ELF::SHN_ABS) {
- // Create an absolute atom.
- auto *newAtom = new (_readerStorage)
- ELFAbsoluteAtom<ELFT>(*this, *symbolName, &*SymI, SymI->st_value);
- _absoluteAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
- _symbolToAtomMapping.insert(std::make_pair(&*SymI, newAtom));
- } else if (SymI->st_shndx == llvm::ELF::SHN_UNDEF) {
- // Create an undefined atom.
- auto *newAtom = new (_readerStorage)
- ELFUndefinedAtom<ELFT>(*this, *symbolName, &*SymI);
- _undefinedAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
- _symbolToAtomMapping.insert(std::make_pair(&*SymI, newAtom));
- } else if (isCommonSymbol(&*SymI)) {
- auto *newAtom = new (_readerStorage)
- ELFCommonAtom<ELFT>(*this, *symbolName, &*SymI);
- newAtom->setOrdinal(++_ordinal);
- _definedAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
- _symbolToAtomMapping.insert(std::make_pair(&*SymI, newAtom));
- } else {
- assert(section && "Symbol not defined in a section!");
- // This is actually a defined symbol. Add it to its section's list of
- // symbols.
- if (SymI->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_NOTYPE ||
- SymI->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_OBJECT ||
- SymI->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_FUNC ||
- SymI->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_GNU_IFUNC ||
- SymI->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_SECTION ||
- SymI->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_FILE ||
- SymI->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_TLS) {
- _sectionSymbols[section].push_back(SymI);
- } else {
- llvm::errs() << "Unable to create atom for: " << *symbolName << "\n";
- return llvm::object::object_error::parse_failed;
- }
- }
- }
- return error_code::success();
- }
+ virtual error_code createSymbolsFromAtomizableSections();
/// \brief Create individual atoms
- error_code createAtoms() {
- for (auto &i : _sectionSymbols) {
- const Elf_Shdr *section = i.first;
- std::vector<Elf_Sym_Iter> &symbols = i.second;
- // Sort symbols by position.
- std::stable_sort(symbols.begin(), symbols.end(),
- [](Elf_Sym_Iter A, Elf_Sym_Iter B) {
- return A->st_value < B->st_value;
- });
- auto sectionName = section ? _objFile->getSectionName(section)
- : StringRef();
- if (error_code ec = sectionName.getError())
- return ec;
- auto sectionContents =
- (section && section->sh_type != llvm::ELF::SHT_NOBITS)
- ? _objFile->getSectionContents(section)
- : ArrayRef<uint8_t>();
- if (error_code ec = sectionContents.getError())
- return ec;
- StringRef secCont(
- reinterpret_cast<const char *>(sectionContents->begin()),
- sectionContents->size());
- // If the section has no symbols, create a custom atom for it.
- if (section && section->sh_type == llvm::ELF::SHT_PROGBITS &&
- symbols.empty()) {
- ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *newAtom = createSectionAtom(
- section, *sectionName, secCont);
- _definedAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
- newAtom->setOrdinal(++_ordinal);
- continue;
- }
- ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *previousAtom = nullptr;
- ELFReference<ELFT> *anonFollowedBy = nullptr;
- for (auto si = symbols.begin(), se = symbols.end(); si != se; ++si) {
- auto symbol = *si;
- StringRef symbolName = "";
- if (symbol->getType() != llvm::ELF::STT_SECTION) {
- auto symName = _objFile->getSymbolName(symbol);
- if (error_code ec = symName.getError())
- return ec;
- symbolName = *symName;
- }
- uint64_t contentSize = symbolContentSize(
- section, &*symbol, (si + 1 == se) ? nullptr : &**(si + 1));
- // Check to see if we need to add the FollowOn Reference
- ELFReference<ELFT> *followOn = nullptr;
- if (previousAtom) {
- // Replace the followon atom with the anonymous atom that we created,
- // so that the next symbol that we create is a followon from the
- // anonymous atom.
- if (anonFollowedBy) {
- followOn = anonFollowedBy;
- } else {
- followOn = new (_readerStorage)
- ELFReference<ELFT>(lld::Reference::kindLayoutAfter);
- previousAtom->addReference(followOn);
- }
- }
- ArrayRef<uint8_t> symbolData(
- (uint8_t *)sectionContents->data() + symbol->st_value, contentSize);
- // If the linker finds that a section has global atoms that are in a
- // mergeable section, treat them as defined atoms as they shouldn't be
- // merged away as well as these symbols have to be part of symbol
- // resolution
- if (isMergeableStringSection(section)) {
- if (symbol->getBinding() == llvm::ELF::STB_GLOBAL) {
- auto definedMergeAtom = new (_readerStorage) ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT>(
- *this, symbolName, *sectionName, &**si, section, symbolData,
- _references.size(), _references.size(), _references);
- _definedAtoms._atoms.push_back(definedMergeAtom);
- definedMergeAtom->setOrdinal(++_ordinal);
- }
- continue;
- }
- // Don't allocate content to a weak symbol, as they may be merged away.
- // Create an anonymous atom to hold the data.
- ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *anonAtom = nullptr;
- anonFollowedBy = nullptr;
- if (symbol->getBinding() == llvm::ELF::STB_WEAK && contentSize != 0) {
- // Create anonymous new non-weak ELF symbol that holds the symbol
- // data.
- auto sym = new (_readerStorage) Elf_Sym(*symbol);
- sym->setBinding(llvm::ELF::STB_GLOBAL);
- anonAtom = createDefinedAtomAndAssignRelocations(
- "", *sectionName, sym, section, symbolData);
- anonAtom->setOrdinal(++_ordinal);
- symbolData = ArrayRef<uint8_t>();
- if (previousAtom)
- createEdge(anonAtom, previousAtom,
- lld::Reference::kindLayoutBefore);
- // If this is the last atom, let's not create a followon reference.
- if (anonAtom && (si + 1) != se) {
- anonFollowedBy = new (_readerStorage) ELFReference<ELFT>(
- lld::Reference::kindLayoutAfter);
- anonAtom->addReference(anonFollowedBy);
- }
- }
- ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *newAtom = createDefinedAtomAndAssignRelocations(
- symbolName, *sectionName, &*symbol, section, symbolData);
- newAtom->setOrdinal(++_ordinal);
- // If the atom was a weak symbol, let's create a followon reference to
- // the anonymous atom that we created.
- if (anonAtom)
- createEdge(newAtom, anonAtom, Reference::kindLayoutAfter);
- if (previousAtom) {
- // Set the followon atom to the weak atom that we have created, so
- // that they would alias when the file gets written.
- followOn->setTarget(anonAtom ? anonAtom : newAtom);
- // Add a preceded-by reference only if the current atom is not a weak
- // atom.
- if (symbol->getBinding() != llvm::ELF::STB_WEAK)
- createEdge(newAtom, previousAtom,
- lld::Reference::kindLayoutBefore);
- }
- // The previous atom is always the atom created before unless the atom
- // is a weak atom.
- previousAtom = anonAtom ? anonAtom : newAtom;
- _definedAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
- _symbolToAtomMapping.insert(std::make_pair(&*symbol, newAtom));
- if (anonAtom)
- _definedAtoms._atoms.push_back(anonAtom);
- }
- }
- updateReferences();
- return error_code::success();
- }
+ virtual error_code createAtoms();
virtual const atom_collection<DefinedAtom> &defined() const {
return _definedAtoms;
@@ -515,201 +165,51 @@ public:
return _symbolToAtomMapping.lookup(symbol);
ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *createDefinedAtomAndAssignRelocations(
StringRef symbolName, StringRef sectionName, const Elf_Sym *symbol,
- const Elf_Shdr *section, ArrayRef<uint8_t> content) {
- unsigned int referenceStart = _references.size();
- // Only relocations that are inside the domain of the atom are added.
- // Add Rela (those with r_addend) references:
- auto rari = _relocationAddendReferences.find(sectionName);
- if (rari != _relocationAddendReferences.end()) {
- for (const Elf_Rela &rai : rari->second) {
- if (rai.r_offset < symbol->st_value ||
- symbol->st_value + content.size() <= rai.r_offset)
- continue;
- bool isMips64EL = _objFile->isMips64EL();
- uint32_t symbolIndex = rai.getSymbol(isMips64EL);
- auto *ERef = new (_readerStorage) ELFReference<ELFT>(
- &rai, rai.r_offset - symbol->st_value, kindArch(),
- rai.getType(isMips64EL), symbolIndex);
- _references.push_back(ERef);
- }
- }
- // Add Rel references.
- auto rri = _relocationReferences.find(sectionName);
- if (rri != _relocationReferences.end()) {
- for (const Elf_Rel &ri : rri->second) {
- if (ri.r_offset < symbol->st_value ||
- symbol->st_value + content.size() <= ri.r_offset)
- continue;
- bool isMips64EL = _objFile->isMips64EL();
- uint32_t symbolIndex = ri.getSymbol(isMips64EL);
- auto *ERef = new (_readerStorage) ELFReference<ELFT>(
- &ri, ri.r_offset - symbol->st_value, kindArch(),
- ri.getType(isMips64EL), symbolIndex);
- // Read the addend from the section contents
- // TODO : We should move the way lld reads relocations totally from
- // ELFFile
- int32_t addend = *(content.data() + ri.r_offset - symbol->st_value);
- ERef->setAddend(addend);
- _references.push_back(ERef);
- }
- }
- // Create the DefinedAtom and add it to the list of DefinedAtoms.
- return new (_readerStorage) ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT>(
- *this, symbolName, sectionName, symbol, section, content,
- referenceStart, _references.size(), _references);
- }
+ const Elf_Shdr *section, ArrayRef<uint8_t> content);
/// \brief After all the Atoms and References are created, update each
/// Reference's target with the Atom pointer it refers to.
- void updateReferences() {
- /// cached value of target relocation handler
- assert(_targetHandler);
- const TargetRelocationHandler<ELFT> &targetRelocationHandler =
- _targetHandler->getRelocationHandler();
- for (auto &ri : _references) {
- if (ri->kindNamespace() == lld::Reference::KindNamespace::ELF) {
- const Elf_Sym *symbol = _objFile->getSymbol(ri->targetSymbolIndex());
- const Elf_Shdr *shdr = _objFile->getSection(symbol);
- // If the atom is not in mergeable string section, the target atom is
- // simply that atom.
- if (!isMergeableStringSection(shdr)) {
- ri->setTarget(findAtom(symbol));
- continue;
- }
- // If the target atom is mergeable string atom, the atom might have been
- // merged with other atom having the same contents. Try to find the
- // merged one if that's the case.
- int64_t relocAddend = targetRelocationHandler.relocAddend(*ri);
- uint64_t addend = ri->addend() + relocAddend;
- const MergeSectionKey ms(shdr, addend);
- auto msec = _mergedSectionMap.find(ms);
- if (msec != _mergedSectionMap.end()) {
- ri->setTarget(msec->second);
- continue;
- }
- // The target atom was not merged. Mergeable atoms are not in
- // _symbolToAtomMapping, so we cannot find it by calling findAtom(). We
- // instead call findMergeAtom().
- if (symbol->getType() != llvm::ELF::STT_SECTION)
- addend = symbol->st_value + addend;
- ELFMergeAtom<ELFT> *mergedAtom = findMergeAtom(shdr, addend);
- ri->setOffset(addend - mergedAtom->offset());
- ri->setAddend(0);
- ri->setTarget(mergedAtom);
- }
- }
- }
+ virtual void updateReferences();
/// \brief Return true if the symbol is corresponding to an architecture
/// specific section. We will let the TargetHandler handle such atoms.
- inline bool isTargetSpecificAtom(const Elf_Shdr *shdr,
- const Elf_Sym *sym) {
- return ((shdr && (shdr->sh_flags & llvm::ELF::SHF_MASKPROC)) ||
- (sym->st_shndx >= llvm::ELF::SHN_LOPROC &&
- sym->st_shndx <= llvm::ELF::SHN_HIPROC));
- }
+ virtual bool isTargetSpecificAtom(const Elf_Shdr *shdr, const Elf_Sym *sym);
/// \brief Do we want to ignore the section. Ignored sections are
/// not processed to create atoms
- bool isIgnoredSection(const Elf_Shdr *section) {
- switch (section->sh_type) {
- case llvm::ELF::SHT_NOTE:
- case llvm::ELF::SHT_STRTAB:
- case llvm::ELF::SHT_SYMTAB:
- case llvm::ELF::SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX:
- return true;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return false;
- }
+ virtual bool isIgnoredSection(const Elf_Shdr *section);
/// \brief Is the current section be treated as a mergeable string section.
/// The contents of a mergeable string section are null-terminated strings.
/// If the section have mergeable strings, the linker would need to split
/// the section into multiple atoms and mark them mergeByContent.
- bool isMergeableStringSection(const Elf_Shdr *section) {
- if (_doStringsMerge && section) {
- int64_t sectionFlags = section->sh_flags;
- sectionFlags &= ~llvm::ELF::SHF_ALLOC;
- // Mergeable string sections have both SHF_MERGE and SHF_STRINGS flags
- // set. sh_entsize is the size of each character which is normally 1.
- if ((section->sh_entsize < 2) &&
- (sectionFlags == (llvm::ELF::SHF_MERGE | llvm::ELF::SHF_STRINGS))) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
+ virtual bool isMergeableStringSection(const Elf_Shdr *section);
/// \brief Returns a new anonymous atom whose size is equal to the
/// section size. That atom will be used to represent the entire
/// section that have no symbols.
- ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *createSectionAtom(const Elf_Shdr *section,
- StringRef sectionName,
- StringRef sectionContents) {
- Elf_Sym *sym = new (_readerStorage) Elf_Sym;
- sym->st_name = 0;
- sym->setBindingAndType(llvm::ELF::STB_LOCAL, llvm::ELF::STT_SECTION);
- sym->st_other = 0;
- sym->st_shndx = 0;
- sym->st_value = 0;
- sym->st_size = 0;
- ArrayRef<uint8_t> content((const uint8_t *)sectionContents.data(),
- sectionContents.size());
- auto *newAtom = new (_readerStorage) ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT>(
- *this, "", sectionName, sym, section, content, 0, 0, _references);
- newAtom->setOrdinal(++_ordinal);
- return newAtom;
- }
+ virtual ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *createSectionAtom(const Elf_Shdr *section,
+ StringRef sectionName,
+ StringRef sectionContents);
/// Returns true if the symbol is common symbol. A common symbol represents a
/// tentive definition in C. It has name, size and alignment constraint, but
/// actual storage has not yet been allocated. (The linker will allocate
/// storage for them in the later pass after coalescing tentative symbols by
/// name.)
- bool isCommonSymbol(const Elf_Sym *symbol) {
- // This method handles only architecture independent stuffs, and don't know
- // whether an architecture dependent section is for common symbols or
- // not. Let the TargetHandler to make a decision if that's the case.
- if (isTargetSpecificAtom(nullptr, symbol)) {
- assert(_targetHandler);
- TargetAtomHandler<ELFT> &atomHandler =
- _targetHandler->targetAtomHandler();
- return atomHandler.getType(symbol) == llvm::ELF::STT_COMMON;
- }
- return symbol->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_COMMON ||
- symbol->st_shndx == llvm::ELF::SHN_COMMON;
- }
+ virtual bool isCommonSymbol(const Elf_Sym *symbol);
/// Returns the symbol's content size. The nextSymbol should be null if the
/// symbol is the last one in the section.
- uint64_t symbolContentSize(const Elf_Shdr *section, const Elf_Sym *symbol,
- const Elf_Sym *nextSymbol) {
- // if this is the last symbol, take up the remaining data.
- return nextSymbol
- ? nextSymbol->st_value - symbol->st_value
- : section->sh_size - symbol->st_value;
- }
+ virtual uint64_t symbolContentSize(const Elf_Shdr *section,
+ const Elf_Sym *symbol,
+ const Elf_Sym *nextSymbol);
- void createEdge(ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *from, ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *to,
- uint32_t edgeKind) {
- auto reference = new (_readerStorage) ELFReference<ELFT>(edgeKind);
- reference->setTarget(to);
- from->addReference(reference);
- }
+ virtual void createEdge(ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *from, ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *to,
+ uint32_t edgeKind);
llvm::BumpPtrAllocator _readerStorage;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::object::ELFFile<ELFT> > _objFile;
@@ -776,7 +276,7 @@ public:
symbol->st_size = 0;
auto *newAtom =
new (_allocator) ELFAbsoluteAtom<ELFT>(*this, symbolName, symbol, -1);
- _absoluteAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
+ this->_absoluteAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
return newAtom;
@@ -791,39 +291,558 @@ public:
symbol->st_size = 0;
auto *newAtom =
new (_allocator) ELFUndefinedAtom<ELFT>(*this, symbolName, symbol);
- _undefinedAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
+ this->_undefinedAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
return newAtom;
- virtual const File::atom_collection<DefinedAtom> &defined() const {
- return _definedAtoms;
+ // cannot add atoms to C Runtime file
+ virtual void addAtom(const Atom &) {
+ llvm_unreachable("cannot add atoms to Runtime files");
- virtual const File::atom_collection<UndefinedAtom> &undefined() const {
- return _undefinedAtoms;
+ llvm::BumpPtrAllocator _allocator;
+template <class ELFT>
+ELFFile<ELFT>::ELFFile(std::unique_ptr<MemoryBuffer> mb, bool atomizeStrings,
+ TargetHandlerBase *handler, error_code &ec)
+ : File(mb->getBufferIdentifier(), kindObject), _ordinal(0),
+ _doStringsMerge(atomizeStrings),
+ _targetHandler(reinterpret_cast<TargetHandler<ELFT> *>(handler)) {
+ _objFile.reset(new llvm::object::ELFFile<ELFT>(mb.release(), ec));
+ if (ec)
+ return;
+ // Read input sections from the input file that need to be converted to
+ // atoms
+ if (auto err = createAtomizableSections()) {
+ ec = err;
+ return;
+ }
+ // For mergeable strings, we would need to split the section into various
+ // atoms
+ if (auto err = createMergeableAtoms()) {
+ ec = err;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create the necessary symbols that are part of the section that we
+ // created in createAtomizableSections function
+ if (auto err = createSymbolsFromAtomizableSections()) {
+ ec = err;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Create the appropriate atoms from the file
+ if (auto err = createAtoms()) {
+ ec = err;
+ return;
+ }
+template <class ELFT> Reference::KindArch ELFFile<ELFT>::kindArch() {
+ switch (_objFile->getHeader()->e_machine) {
+ case llvm::ELF::EM_X86_64:
+ return Reference::KindArch::x86_64;
+ case llvm::ELF::EM_386:
+ return Reference::KindArch::x86;
+ case llvm::ELF::EM_ARM:
+ return Reference::KindArch::ARM;
+ case llvm::ELF::EM_PPC:
+ return Reference::KindArch::PowerPC;
+ case llvm::ELF::EM_HEXAGON:
+ return Reference::KindArch::Hexagon;
+ case llvm::ELF::EM_MIPS:
+ return Reference::KindArch::Mips;
+ }
+ llvm_unreachable("unsupported e_machine value");
+template <class ELFT> error_code ELFFile<ELFT>::createAtomizableSections() {
+ // Handle: SHT_REL and SHT_RELA sections:
+ // Increment over the sections, when REL/RELA section types are found add
+ // the contents to the RelocationReferences map.
+ // Record the number of relocs to guess at preallocating the buffer.
+ uint64_t totalRelocs = 0;
+ for (auto sit = _objFile->begin_sections(), sie = _objFile->end_sections();
+ sit != sie; ++sit) {
+ const Elf_Shdr *section = &*sit;
+ if (isIgnoredSection(section))
+ continue;
+ if (isMergeableStringSection(section)) {
+ _mergeStringSections.push_back(section);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Create a sectionSymbols entry for every progbits section.
+ if ((section->sh_type == llvm::ELF::SHT_PROGBITS) ||
+ (section->sh_type == llvm::ELF::SHT_INIT_ARRAY) ||
+ (section->sh_type == llvm::ELF::SHT_FINI_ARRAY))
+ _sectionSymbols[section];
+ if (section->sh_type == llvm::ELF::SHT_RELA) {
+ auto sHdr = _objFile->getSection(section->sh_info);
+ auto sectionName = _objFile->getSectionName(sHdr);
+ if (error_code ec = sectionName.getError())
+ return ec;
+ auto rai(_objFile->begin_rela(section));
+ auto rae(_objFile->end_rela(section));
+ _relocationAddendReferences[*sectionName] = make_range(rai, rae);
+ totalRelocs += std::distance(rai, rae);
+ }
+ if (section->sh_type == llvm::ELF::SHT_REL) {
+ auto sHdr = _objFile->getSection(section->sh_info);
+ auto sectionName = _objFile->getSectionName(sHdr);
+ if (error_code ec = sectionName.getError())
+ return ec;
+ auto ri(_objFile->begin_rel(section));
+ auto re(_objFile->end_rel(section));
+ _relocationReferences[*sectionName] = make_range(ri, re);
+ totalRelocs += std::distance(ri, re);
+ }
+ _references.reserve(totalRelocs);
+ return error_code::success();
+template <class ELFT> error_code ELFFile<ELFT>::createMergeableAtoms() {
+ // Divide the section that contains mergeable strings into tokens
+ // TODO
+ // a) add resolver support to recognize multibyte chars
+ // b) Create a separate section chunk to write mergeable atoms
+ std::vector<MergeString *> tokens;
+ for (const Elf_Shdr *msi : _mergeStringSections) {
+ auto sectionName = _objFile->getSectionName(msi);
+ if (error_code ec = sectionName.getError())
+ return ec;
+ auto sectionContents = _objFile->getSectionContents(msi);
+ if (error_code ec = sectionContents.getError())
+ return ec;
+ StringRef secCont(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(sectionContents->begin()),
+ sectionContents->size());
+ unsigned int prev = 0;
+ for (std::size_t i = 0, e = sectionContents->size(); i != e; ++i) {
+ if ((*sectionContents)[i] == '\0') {
+ tokens.push_back(new (_readerStorage) MergeString(
+ prev, secCont.slice(prev, i + 1), msi, *sectionName));
+ prev = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Create Mergeable atoms
+ for (const MergeString *tai : tokens) {
+ ArrayRef<uint8_t> content((const uint8_t *)tai->_string.data(),
+ tai->_string.size());
+ ELFMergeAtom<ELFT> *mergeAtom = new (_readerStorage) ELFMergeAtom<ELFT>(
+ *this, tai->_sectionName, tai->_shdr, content, tai->_offset);
+ const MergeSectionKey mergedSectionKey(tai->_shdr, tai->_offset);
+ if (_mergedSectionMap.find(mergedSectionKey) == _mergedSectionMap.end())
+ _mergedSectionMap.insert(std::make_pair(mergedSectionKey, mergeAtom));
+ mergeAtom->setOrdinal(++_ordinal);
+ _definedAtoms._atoms.push_back(mergeAtom);
+ _mergeAtoms.push_back(mergeAtom);
+ }
+ return error_code::success();
+template <class ELFT>
+error_code ELFFile<ELFT>::createSymbolsFromAtomizableSections() {
+ // Increment over all the symbols collecting atoms and symbol names for
+ // later use.
+ auto SymI = _objFile->begin_symbols(), SymE = _objFile->end_symbols();
+ // Skip over dummy sym.
+ if (SymI != SymE)
+ ++SymI;
+ for (; SymI != SymE; ++SymI) {
+ const Elf_Shdr *section = _objFile->getSection(&*SymI);
+ auto symbolName = _objFile->getSymbolName(SymI);
+ if (error_code ec = symbolName.getError())
+ return ec;
+ if (SymI->st_shndx == llvm::ELF::SHN_ABS) {
+ // Create an absolute atom.
+ auto *newAtom = new (_readerStorage)
+ ELFAbsoluteAtom<ELFT>(*this, *symbolName, &*SymI, SymI->st_value);
+ _absoluteAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
+ _symbolToAtomMapping.insert(std::make_pair(&*SymI, newAtom));
+ } else if (SymI->st_shndx == llvm::ELF::SHN_UNDEF) {
+ // Create an undefined atom.
+ auto *newAtom = new (_readerStorage)
+ ELFUndefinedAtom<ELFT>(*this, *symbolName, &*SymI);
+ _undefinedAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
+ _symbolToAtomMapping.insert(std::make_pair(&*SymI, newAtom));
+ } else if (isCommonSymbol(&*SymI)) {
+ auto *newAtom =
+ new (_readerStorage) ELFCommonAtom<ELFT>(*this, *symbolName, &*SymI);
+ newAtom->setOrdinal(++_ordinal);
+ _definedAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
+ _symbolToAtomMapping.insert(std::make_pair(&*SymI, newAtom));
+ } else {
+ assert(section && "Symbol not defined in a section!");
+ // This is actually a defined symbol. Add it to its section's list of
+ // symbols.
+ if (SymI->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_NOTYPE ||
+ SymI->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_OBJECT ||
+ SymI->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_FUNC ||
+ SymI->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_GNU_IFUNC ||
+ SymI->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_SECTION ||
+ SymI->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_FILE ||
+ SymI->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_TLS) {
+ _sectionSymbols[section].push_back(SymI);
+ } else {
+ llvm::errs() << "Unable to create atom for: " << *symbolName << "\n";
+ return llvm::object::object_error::parse_failed;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return error_code::success();
- virtual const File::atom_collection<SharedLibraryAtom> &
- sharedLibrary() const {
- return _sharedLibraryAtoms;
+template <class ELFT> error_code ELFFile<ELFT>::createAtoms() {
+ for (auto &i : _sectionSymbols) {
+ const Elf_Shdr *section = i.first;
+ std::vector<Elf_Sym_Iter> &symbols = i.second;
+ // Sort symbols by position.
+ std::stable_sort(symbols.begin(), symbols.end(),
+ [](Elf_Sym_Iter A,
+ Elf_Sym_Iter B) { return A->st_value < B->st_value; });
+ auto sectionName =
+ section ? _objFile->getSectionName(section) : StringRef();
+ if (error_code ec = sectionName.getError())
+ return ec;
+ auto sectionContents =
+ (section && section->sh_type != llvm::ELF::SHT_NOBITS)
+ ? _objFile->getSectionContents(section)
+ : ArrayRef<uint8_t>();
+ if (error_code ec = sectionContents.getError())
+ return ec;
+ StringRef secCont(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(sectionContents->begin()),
+ sectionContents->size());
+ // If the section has no symbols, create a custom atom for it.
+ if (section && section->sh_type == llvm::ELF::SHT_PROGBITS &&
+ symbols.empty()) {
+ ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *newAtom =
+ createSectionAtom(section, *sectionName, secCont);
+ _definedAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
+ newAtom->setOrdinal(++_ordinal);
+ continue;
+ }
+ ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *previousAtom = nullptr;
+ ELFReference<ELFT> *anonFollowedBy = nullptr;
+ for (auto si = symbols.begin(), se = symbols.end(); si != se; ++si) {
+ auto symbol = *si;
+ StringRef symbolName = "";
+ if (symbol->getType() != llvm::ELF::STT_SECTION) {
+ auto symName = _objFile->getSymbolName(symbol);
+ if (error_code ec = symName.getError())
+ return ec;
+ symbolName = *symName;
+ }
+ uint64_t contentSize = symbolContentSize(
+ section, &*symbol, (si + 1 == se) ? nullptr : &**(si + 1));
+ // Check to see if we need to add the FollowOn Reference
+ ELFReference<ELFT> *followOn = nullptr;
+ if (previousAtom) {
+ // Replace the followon atom with the anonymous atom that we created,
+ // so that the next symbol that we create is a followon from the
+ // anonymous atom.
+ if (anonFollowedBy) {
+ followOn = anonFollowedBy;
+ } else {
+ followOn = new (_readerStorage)
+ ELFReference<ELFT>(lld::Reference::kindLayoutAfter);
+ previousAtom->addReference(followOn);
+ }
+ }
+ ArrayRef<uint8_t> symbolData(
+ (uint8_t *)sectionContents->data() + symbol->st_value, contentSize);
+ // If the linker finds that a section has global atoms that are in a
+ // mergeable section, treat them as defined atoms as they shouldn't be
+ // merged away as well as these symbols have to be part of symbol
+ // resolution
+ if (isMergeableStringSection(section)) {
+ if (symbol->getBinding() == llvm::ELF::STB_GLOBAL) {
+ auto definedMergeAtom = new (_readerStorage) ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT>(
+ *this, symbolName, *sectionName, &**si, section, symbolData,
+ _references.size(), _references.size(), _references);
+ _definedAtoms._atoms.push_back(definedMergeAtom);
+ definedMergeAtom->setOrdinal(++_ordinal);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Don't allocate content to a weak symbol, as they may be merged away.
+ // Create an anonymous atom to hold the data.
+ ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *anonAtom = nullptr;
+ anonFollowedBy = nullptr;
+ if (symbol->getBinding() == llvm::ELF::STB_WEAK && contentSize != 0) {
+ // Create anonymous new non-weak ELF symbol that holds the symbol
+ // data.
+ auto sym = new (_readerStorage) Elf_Sym(*symbol);
+ sym->setBinding(llvm::ELF::STB_GLOBAL);
+ anonAtom = createDefinedAtomAndAssignRelocations("", *sectionName, sym,
+ section, symbolData);
+ anonAtom->setOrdinal(++_ordinal);
+ symbolData = ArrayRef<uint8_t>();
+ if (previousAtom)
+ createEdge(anonAtom, previousAtom, lld::Reference::kindLayoutBefore);
+ // If this is the last atom, let's not create a followon reference.
+ if (anonAtom && (si + 1) != se) {
+ anonFollowedBy = new (_readerStorage)
+ ELFReference<ELFT>(lld::Reference::kindLayoutAfter);
+ anonAtom->addReference(anonFollowedBy);
+ }
+ }
+ ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *newAtom = createDefinedAtomAndAssignRelocations(
+ symbolName, *sectionName, &*symbol, section, symbolData);
+ newAtom->setOrdinal(++_ordinal);
+ // If the atom was a weak symbol, let's create a followon reference to
+ // the anonymous atom that we created.
+ if (anonAtom)
+ createEdge(newAtom, anonAtom, Reference::kindLayoutAfter);
+ if (previousAtom) {
+ // Set the followon atom to the weak atom that we have created, so
+ // that they would alias when the file gets written.
+ followOn->setTarget(anonAtom ? anonAtom : newAtom);
+ // Add a preceded-by reference only if the current atom is not a weak
+ // atom.
+ if (symbol->getBinding() != llvm::ELF::STB_WEAK)
+ createEdge(newAtom, previousAtom, lld::Reference::kindLayoutBefore);
+ }
+ // The previous atom is always the atom created before unless the atom
+ // is a weak atom.
+ previousAtom = anonAtom ? anonAtom : newAtom;
+ _definedAtoms._atoms.push_back(newAtom);
+ _symbolToAtomMapping.insert(std::make_pair(&*symbol, newAtom));
+ if (anonAtom)
+ _definedAtoms._atoms.push_back(anonAtom);
+ }
- virtual const File::atom_collection<AbsoluteAtom> &absolute() const {
- return _absoluteAtoms;
+ updateReferences();
+ return error_code::success();
+template <class ELFT>
+ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *ELFFile<ELFT>::createDefinedAtomAndAssignRelocations(
+ StringRef symbolName, StringRef sectionName, const Elf_Sym *symbol,
+ const Elf_Shdr *section, ArrayRef<uint8_t> content) {
+ unsigned int referenceStart = _references.size();
+ // Only relocations that are inside the domain of the atom are added.
+ // Add Rela (those with r_addend) references:
+ auto rari = _relocationAddendReferences.find(sectionName);
+ if (rari != _relocationAddendReferences.end()) {
+ for (const Elf_Rela &rai : rari->second) {
+ if (rai.r_offset < symbol->st_value ||
+ symbol->st_value + content.size() <= rai.r_offset)
+ continue;
+ bool isMips64EL = _objFile->isMips64EL();
+ uint32_t symbolIndex = rai.getSymbol(isMips64EL);
+ auto *ERef = new (_readerStorage)
+ ELFReference<ELFT>(&rai, rai.r_offset - symbol->st_value, kindArch(),
+ rai.getType(isMips64EL), symbolIndex);
+ _references.push_back(ERef);
+ }
- // cannot add atoms to C Runtime file
- virtual void addAtom(const Atom &) {
- llvm_unreachable("cannot add atoms to Runtime files");
+ // Add Rel references.
+ auto rri = _relocationReferences.find(sectionName);
+ if (rri != _relocationReferences.end()) {
+ for (const Elf_Rel &ri : rri->second) {
+ if (ri.r_offset < symbol->st_value ||
+ symbol->st_value + content.size() <= ri.r_offset)
+ continue;
+ bool isMips64EL = _objFile->isMips64EL();
+ uint32_t symbolIndex = ri.getSymbol(isMips64EL);
+ auto *ERef = new (_readerStorage)
+ ELFReference<ELFT>(&ri, ri.r_offset - symbol->st_value, kindArch(),
+ ri.getType(isMips64EL), symbolIndex);
+ // Read the addend from the section contents
+ // TODO : We should move the way lld reads relocations totally from
+ // ELFFile
+ int32_t addend = *(content.data() + ri.r_offset - symbol->st_value);
+ ERef->setAddend(addend);
+ _references.push_back(ERef);
+ }
- llvm::BumpPtrAllocator _allocator;
- File::atom_collection_vector<DefinedAtom> _definedAtoms;
- File::atom_collection_vector<UndefinedAtom> _undefinedAtoms;
- File::atom_collection_vector<SharedLibraryAtom> _sharedLibraryAtoms;
- File::atom_collection_vector<AbsoluteAtom> _absoluteAtoms;
+ // Create the DefinedAtom and add it to the list of DefinedAtoms.
+ return new (_readerStorage) ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT>(
+ *this, symbolName, sectionName, symbol, section, content, referenceStart,
+ _references.size(), _references);
+template <class ELFT> void ELFFile<ELFT>::updateReferences() {
+ /// cached value of target relocation handler
+ assert(_targetHandler);
+ const TargetRelocationHandler<ELFT> &targetRelocationHandler =
+ _targetHandler->getRelocationHandler();
+ for (auto &ri : _references) {
+ if (ri->kindNamespace() == lld::Reference::KindNamespace::ELF) {
+ const Elf_Sym *symbol = _objFile->getSymbol(ri->targetSymbolIndex());
+ const Elf_Shdr *shdr = _objFile->getSection(symbol);
+ // If the atom is not in mergeable string section, the target atom is
+ // simply that atom.
+ if (!isMergeableStringSection(shdr)) {
+ ri->setTarget(findAtom(symbol));
+ continue;
+ }
+ // If the target atom is mergeable string atom, the atom might have been
+ // merged with other atom having the same contents. Try to find the
+ // merged one if that's the case.
+ int64_t relocAddend = targetRelocationHandler.relocAddend(*ri);
+ uint64_t addend = ri->addend() + relocAddend;
+ const MergeSectionKey ms(shdr, addend);
+ auto msec = _mergedSectionMap.find(ms);
+ if (msec != _mergedSectionMap.end()) {
+ ri->setTarget(msec->second);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // The target atom was not merged. Mergeable atoms are not in
+ // _symbolToAtomMapping, so we cannot find it by calling findAtom(). We
+ // instead call findMergeAtom().
+ if (symbol->getType() != llvm::ELF::STT_SECTION)
+ addend = symbol->st_value + addend;
+ ELFMergeAtom<ELFT> *mergedAtom = findMergeAtom(shdr, addend);
+ ri->setOffset(addend - mergedAtom->offset());
+ ri->setAddend(0);
+ ri->setTarget(mergedAtom);
+ }
+ }
+template <class ELFT>
+bool ELFFile<ELFT>::isTargetSpecificAtom(const Elf_Shdr *shdr,
+ const Elf_Sym *sym) {
+ return ((shdr && (shdr->sh_flags & llvm::ELF::SHF_MASKPROC)) ||
+ (sym->st_shndx >= llvm::ELF::SHN_LOPROC &&
+ sym->st_shndx <= llvm::ELF::SHN_HIPROC));
+template <class ELFT>
+bool ELFFile<ELFT>::isIgnoredSection(const Elf_Shdr *section) {
+ switch (section->sh_type) {
+ case llvm::ELF::SHT_NOTE:
+ case llvm::ELF::SHT_STRTAB:
+ case llvm::ELF::SHT_SYMTAB:
+ case llvm::ELF::SHT_SYMTAB_SHNDX:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+template <class ELFT>
+bool ELFFile<ELFT>::isMergeableStringSection(const Elf_Shdr *section) {
+ if (_doStringsMerge && section) {
+ int64_t sectionFlags = section->sh_flags;
+ sectionFlags &= ~llvm::ELF::SHF_ALLOC;
+ // Mergeable string sections have both SHF_MERGE and SHF_STRINGS flags
+ // set. sh_entsize is the size of each character which is normally 1.
+ if ((section->sh_entsize < 2) &&
+ (sectionFlags == (llvm::ELF::SHF_MERGE | llvm::ELF::SHF_STRINGS))) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+template <class ELFT>
+ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *
+ELFFile<ELFT>::createSectionAtom(const Elf_Shdr *section, StringRef sectionName,
+ StringRef sectionContents) {
+ Elf_Sym *sym = new (_readerStorage) Elf_Sym;
+ sym->st_name = 0;
+ sym->setBindingAndType(llvm::ELF::STB_LOCAL, llvm::ELF::STT_SECTION);
+ sym->st_other = 0;
+ sym->st_shndx = 0;
+ sym->st_value = 0;
+ sym->st_size = 0;
+ ArrayRef<uint8_t> content((const uint8_t *)sectionContents.data(),
+ sectionContents.size());
+ auto *newAtom = new (_readerStorage) ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT>(
+ *this, "", sectionName, sym, section, content, 0, 0, _references);
+ newAtom->setOrdinal(++_ordinal);
+ return newAtom;
+template <class ELFT>
+bool ELFFile<ELFT>::isCommonSymbol(const Elf_Sym *symbol) {
+ // This method handles only architecture independent stuffs, and don't know
+ // whether an architecture dependent section is for common symbols or
+ // not. Let the TargetHandler to make a decision if that's the case.
+ if (isTargetSpecificAtom(nullptr, symbol)) {
+ assert(_targetHandler);
+ TargetAtomHandler<ELFT> &atomHandler = _targetHandler->targetAtomHandler();
+ return atomHandler.getType(symbol) == llvm::ELF::STT_COMMON;
+ }
+ return symbol->getType() == llvm::ELF::STT_COMMON ||
+ symbol->st_shndx == llvm::ELF::SHN_COMMON;
+template <class ELFT>
+uint64_t ELFFile<ELFT>::symbolContentSize(const Elf_Shdr *section,
+ const Elf_Sym *symbol,
+ const Elf_Sym *nextSymbol) {
+ // if this is the last symbol, take up the remaining data.
+ return nextSymbol ? nextSymbol->st_value - symbol->st_value
+ : section->sh_size - symbol->st_value;
+template <class ELFT>
+void ELFFile<ELFT>::createEdge(ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *from,
+ ELFDefinedAtom<ELFT> *to, uint32_t edgeKind) {
+ auto reference = new (_readerStorage) ELFReference<ELFT>(edgeKind);
+ reference->setTarget(to);
+ from->addReference(reference);
} // end namespace elf
} // end namespace lld
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