[PATCH] Fix 'make uninstall' target regarding some directories (llvm part)

Edoardo P. ed0.88.prez at gmail.com
Wed Dec 18 16:26:05 PST 2013

Hello. I redid the patch which was posted in August:

In this patch I removed any reference to CVS in the uninstall part (in
another patch I'll post soon, I removed any reference to CVS as a directory
and replaced cvsbuild/CVSBUILD with vcsbuild/VCSBUILD, which should be more
coherent with .svn and .git search).

It has a cfe equivalent patch (which doesn't change anything) which will be
(re)posted in cfe-commits.

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diff --git a/Makefile.rules b/Makefile.rules
index 32b1ebc..0032f2c 100644
--- a/Makefile.rules
+++ b/Makefile.rules
@@ -2030,17 +2027,42 @@ endif
 	$(Echo) Uninstalling include files
-	$(Verb) if [ -d "$(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)/include" ] ; then \
-	  cd $(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)/include && \
-	    $(RM) -f `find . -path '*/Internal' -prune -o '(' -type f \
-	      '!' '(' -name '*~' -o -name '.#*' \
-        -o -name '*.in' ')' -print ')' | \
-        grep -v CVS | sed 's#^#$(DESTDIR)$(PROJ_includedir)/#'` ; \
+	$(Verb) if test -d "$(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)/include" ; then \
 	  cd $(PROJ_SRC_ROOT)/include && \
-	    $(RM) -f `find . -path '*/Internal' -prune -o '(' -type f -name '*.in' \
-      -print ')' | sed 's#\.in$$##;s#^#$(DESTDIR)$(PROJ_includedir)/#'` ; \
+	  for hdr in `find . -type f \
+	      '(' -name LICENSE.TXT \
+	       -o -name '*.def' \
+	       -o -name '*.h' \
+	       -o -name '*.inc' \
+	       -o -name '*.td' \
+	      ')' -print | grep -v .svn` ; do \
+	    instdir=`dirname "$(DESTDIR)$(PROJ_includedir)/$$hdr"` ; \
+	    if test -d "$$instdir" ; then \
+	      $(EchoCmd) Removing install directory $$instdir ; \
+	      $(RM) -rf $$instdir ;\
+	    fi ; \
+	  done ; \
+	fi
+	$(Verb) if test -d "$(PROJ_OBJ_ROOT)/include" ; then \
+	  cd $(PROJ_OBJ_ROOT)/include && \
+	  for hdr in `find . -type f \
+	      '(' -name LICENSE.TXT \
+	       -o -name '*.def' \
+	       -o -name '*.h' \
+	       -o -name '*.inc' \
+	       -o -name '*.td' \
+	      ')' -print | grep -v .svn` ; do \
+	    instdir=`dirname "$(DESTDIR)$(PROJ_includedir)/$$hdr"` ; \
+	    if test -d "$$instdir" ; then \
+	      $(EchoCmd) Removing install directory $$instdir ; \
+	      $(RM) -rf $$instdir ;\
+	    fi ; \
+	  done ; \

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