[PATCH] [DOC] Mapping High-Level Language Constructs to LLVM IR

David Blaikie dblaikie at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 15:26:47 PST 2013

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 3:16 PM, Mikael Lyngvig <mikael at lyngvig.org> wrote:

> Actually, I don't think there was any confusion.  But the document needs
> to be finished up rather sooner than latter so I figured I might as well go
> ahead and do what it takes to get there.
> The non-user-visible section sounds good.  How is it that you make those?

A random Googling for Rest comments turned up this:


> -- Mikael
> 2013/12/17 David Blaikie <dblaikie at gmail.com>
>> On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 12:36 PM, Mikael Lyngvig <mikael at lyngvig.org>wrote:
>>> I agree it is not suited for publication.  I'll be happy to spend some
>>> hours trying to make it ready to go live.  But I cannot document most of
>>> the things in such a short time.
>> Sorry for the confusion - I was trying to suggest a low-investment way to
>> get this to a publishable state. I didn't mean to suggest you should just
>> 'finish everything'.
>>>  What I can do is to move the to-do's to an appendix at the end of the
>>> document and try to clean up the existing things.
>> Something like that would make sense to me - a "coming soon" section,
>> perhaps. (or it could be kept in non-user-visible comments inside the doc,
>> or in a bug/bugs in the llvm.org/bugs database)
>>>  I'd hate to loose the to-do list as it is a very important indication
>>> of what direction the document is heading - and also a great way to ensure
>>> that all the great suggestions that people have made actually make it into
>>> the final document.
>>> I am open to any and all suggestions as to how to do this, though.
>>> -- Mikael
>>> 2013/12/17 David Blaikie <dblaikie at gmail.com>
>>>> Would it be helpful to find more incremental forms of this
>>>> documentation so we could make it 'live' (linked from places, indexed, etc)
>>>> and improve it from there - rather than having an incomplete/unusable (I
>>>> get the impression it's unusable in its current state - is that correct?)
>>>> document?
>>>> On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 10:33 AM, Mikael Lyngvig <mikael at lyngvig.org>wrote:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> I am a bit short on time for the time being so I thought it would be
>>>>> better to move the quite incomplete mapping document into the LLVM docs
>>>>> folder so that others are more likely to join in the fun of documenting
>>>>> every detail of LLVM IR from the opposite direction of what the existing
>>>>> documentation does (the existing documentation is very developer-centric
>>>>> whereas the Mapping document is very user-centric).  Also, I had expected
>>>>> many more to join in than actually did join in so I figure it is better to
>>>>> store the document with the rest of the LLVM documentation.
>>>>> I am by no means done working on this document, I just want to make it
>>>>> easier for others to contribute.  And I'd like to encourage everybody to
>>>>> add their tips, tricks, observations, experiences, and so forth so that we
>>>>> get a gigantic document that will help all newbies a lot.
>>>>> The end goal is to eliminate any and all TODO's in the document as
>>>>> well as the first chapter of to-do items.  I must also confess that we are
>>>>> reaching the limits of what I currently know about compilers and LLVM IR.
>>>>>  I figure somebody with actual hands-on experience of how to implement
>>>>> exception handing using the Itanium ABI can document this in a matter of
>>>>> hours where it would take me weeks because I'd have to learn it all from
>>>>> scratch, experiment with it, and then finally document my findings.
>>>>> -- Mikael
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