[www] r196382 - Add initial website for 2014 European Dev Meeting (EuroLLVM 2014).

Tobias von Koch tobias.von.koch at gmail.com
Wed Dec 4 05:46:31 PST 2013

Author: tobiasvk
Date: Wed Dec  4 07:46:31 2013
New Revision: 196382

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=196382&view=rev
Add initial website for 2014 European Dev Meeting (EuroLLVM 2014).

    www/trunk/devmtg/2014-04/EuroLLVM2014.jpg   (with props)

Added: www/trunk/devmtg/2014-04/EuroLLVM2014.jpg
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/www/trunk/devmtg/2014-04/EuroLLVM2014.jpg?rev=196382&view=auto
Binary file - no diff available.

Propchange: www/trunk/devmtg/2014-04/EuroLLVM2014.jpg
    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Added: www/trunk/devmtg/2014-04/index.html
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/www/trunk/devmtg/2014-04/index.html?rev=196382&view=auto
--- www/trunk/devmtg/2014-04/index.html (added)
+++ www/trunk/devmtg/2014-04/index.html Wed Dec  4 07:46:31 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<!--#include virtual="../../header.incl" -->
+<div class="www_sectiontitle">2014 European LLVM Conference</div>
+<img src="EuroLLVM2014.jpg" style="width: auto !important; width: 100%;
+max-width: 100%;">
+<p align="center"><h3><b>SPONSORED BY:</b>
+  <a href="http://www.arm.com/">ARM</a>,
+  <a href="http://www.google.com/">Google</a>,
+  <a href="http://www.intel.com">Intel</a>,
+  <a href="http://www.parrot.com">Parrot</a>,
+  <a href="http://www.qualcomm.com/quicinc/">QuIC</a>,
+  <a href="http://www.samsung.com">Samsung</a>
+        <tr><td valign="top">
+        <li><a href="#announcements">Announcement</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#keydates">Key Dates</a></li>
+        <li><a href="#localinfo">Local Information</a></li>
+        <!-- <li><a href="#callfor">Call for Speakers, Posters, Demos</a></li> -->
+    <ul>
+      <li><b>What</b>: The 4th European LLVM Meeting</li>
+      <li><b>Why</b>: To network, learn how LLVM is used, and exchange ideas</li>
+      <li><b>When</b>: Monday 7th - Tuesday 8th April 2014</li>
+      <li><b>Where</b>: Edinburgh, Scotland</li>
+    </ul>
+<h2 id="announcements">Announcement</h2>
+<p>We are pleased to announce the 4th European LLVM conference on April 7th-8th 2014
+in Edinburgh, Scotland. This will be a full two-day conference which aims to
+present the latest developments in the LLVM world and help strengthen the
+network of LLVM developers and users. The format will be similar to that of the
+previous meetings, with ample time for presentations, discussion, and networking
+between participants. The meeting is open to anyone whether from industry or
+academia, professional or enthusiast and is not restricted to those from Europe
+- attendees from all regions are welcome. EuroLLVM 2014 will be held at the
+University of Edinburgh's School of Informatics in the historic city centre of
+Edinburgh, Scotland, a UNESCO World Heritage site.</p>
+<p>To give you a flavour of what to expect, have a look at <a href="http://llvm.org/devmtg/2013-04/">last year's website</a>
+or read the <a href="http://blog.llvm.org/2013/05/eurollvm-2013-paris-france.html">blog</a>.</p>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<h3 id="keydates">Key Dates</h3>
+<i>Watch this space for more information!</i>
+  <li><b>Registration:</b> will open mid-December.
+  <li><b>Call for contributions:</b> mid-December.</li>
+  <li><b>Conference:</b> Monday 7th April 9:30am - Tuesday 8th April 4:30pm.</li> 
+  <li><b>Hackers' Lab:</b> Monday morning (9:30am-12:30pm). The <i>Hacker's Lab</i> is an informal opportunity for networking and discussions
+  between LLVM developers and users.</li>
+<!-- *********************************************************************** -->
+<h3 id="localinfo">Local information</h3>
+  <li><b>Location:</b><div style="margin-left: 40px;">Appleton Tower, 11 Crichton St, Edinburgh EH8 9LE (<a href="https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Appleton+Tower,+Crichton+Street,+Edinburgh&hl=en&ll=55.944285,-3.186808&spn=0.007054,0.018089&sll=55.94455,-3.186893&sspn=0.007054,0.018089&oq=Appleton&gl=uk&hq=Appleton+Tower,+Crichton+Street,+Edinburgh&t=m&z=16">map</a>). This is situated on the University of Edinburgh's George Square campus in the city centre of Edinburgh.</div></li>
+  <li><b>Travel:</b> <div style="margin-left: 40px;"><a href="http://www.edinburghairport.com/">Edinburgh Airport</a> (EDI) is
+  35min away from the city centre by bus or taxi and is served by major
+  airlines such as easyJet, Ryanair, British Airways, KLM, and United Airlines. <a href="http://www.networkrail.co.uk/edinburgh-waverley-station">Edinburgh Waverley</a> train
+  station is a 15min walk from the venue. We advise against renting a car
+  while in Edinburgh as parking space near the venue and hotels is extremely limited
+  and costly.</div></li>
+  <li><b>Accommodation:</b> <div style="margin-left: 40px;">There are a number of hotels in walking distance from the venue. The closest
+large hotel is the brand-new <a
+  href="http://www.ibis.com/gb/hotel-8484-ibis-edinburgh-centre-south-bridge-opening-january-2014/index.shtml">Ibis
+  South Bridge</a> (7min walk). Other options include <a
+  href="http://www.tenhillplace.com/tenhillplace">Ten Hill Place Hotel</a> (4*,
+5min) and <a href="http://www.hotelduvin.com/locations/edinburgh/">Hotel du Vin</a> (4*, 4min). 
+If you prefer to stay in a hostel, <a href="http://smartcityhostels.com/">Smart City Hostel</a> is a 10min walk away.</div></li>
+  <li><b>Sightseeing:</b>  <div style="margin-left: 40px;">Edinburgh's medieval city centre boasts unique attractions such as Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood
+  Palace and a wide range of museums and galleries.  Set in breathtaking surroundings, Edinburgh is a premier tourist destination and in close
+  proximity to the rugged beauty of the Scottish Highlands. Watch a video about <a
+    href="http://youtu.be/LX2nq-tthxs?t=15s">Edinburgh</a>
+  and the <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEL11GbwRNE">University</a>.
+  Why not extend your visit for a few days and take in more of what Scotland has to offer?</div>
+<!--#include virtual="../../footer.incl" -->

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