[PATCH][ARM]Fix urem/srem of i64 for aeabi target (PR 17881)

Renato Golin renato.golin at linaro.org
Wed Nov 20 12:10:10 PST 2013

On 20 November 2013 19:39, Weiming Zhao <weimingz at codeaurora.org> wrote:

> Ping?
> The patch won’t affect other targets

Hi Weiming,

Regarding the original patch, I think hijacking the current function with
another, similar function, will make the code worse than it already is to
understand DivRem lowering. That confusion will affect all targets, and
that was the major concern with my first patch, which changed in a slightly
more intrusive, but also more clear way.

It'd be good if you could try to add these changes to the ARM back-end
(like I did), and upon failure (like I had), we'll have more reasons to try
a more generic approach (or refactor the generic approach to add this in
the ARM back-end without the same problems, though the problems I had were
deep inside SelectionDAG type legalization). It is also possible that you
will succeed, in which case we'll be able to get the patch across. I doubt
anyone now will want to re-factor the SelectionDAG type legalization...

Only after failing to get it through the ARM back-end that I'd re-consider
the generic approach. This time, involving as many people as possible to
get this over with once and for all.

Don't take this personally, it's just an advice that this patch will not
pass review as it is, given the context.

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