[PATCH] JIT/RTDyld memory managers should know section names

Eric Christopher echristo at gmail.com
Tue Oct 1 16:26:15 PDT 2013

Can you give some examples of how you'd like to use this?


On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 4:10 PM, Filip Pizlo <fpizlo at apple.com> wrote:
> This patch threads SectionName through the allocateCodeSection/allocateDataSection APIs, both in C++ and C land.  It's useful for the memory managers that are allocating a section to know what the name of the section is.  At a minimum, this is extremely useful for low-level debugging - it's customary for JITs to be able to tell you what memory they allocated, and as part of any such dump, they should be able to tell you some meta-data about what each allocation is for.  This allows clients that supply their own memory managers to do this.  Additionally, we also envision the SectionName being useful for passing meta-data from within LLVM to an LLVM client.
> This changes both the C and C++ APIs, and all of the clients of those APIs within LLVM.  I'm assuming that it's safe to change the C++ API because that API is allowed to change.  I'm assuming that it's safe to change the C API because we haven't shipped the API in a release yet (LLVM 3.3 doesn't include the MCJIT memory management C API).
> -Filip
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