[PATCH] Correctly handle truncates when detecting tail-call opportunities in the presence of the 'returned' attribute

Stephen Lin swlin at post.harvard.edu
Wed Jul 24 09:45:27 PDT 2013


This patch resolves an issue noticed by Tim Northover off-list: the
function sameNoopInput in lib/CodeGen/Analysis is treating the return
value of the caller and the callee symmetrically allowing either to be
truncated (if the target reports that this truncation is a no-op),
which is leading to a tail call opportunity incorrectly being detected
on X86-64 in the following example:

    declare i32 @ret32(i32 returned)

    define i64 @test1(i64 %val) {
     %in = trunc i64 %val to i32
     tail call i32 @ret32(i32 returned %in)
     ret i64 %val

This is not valid because the call to "@ret32 is not guaranteed to
preserve the full 64bit value. On the other hand, tail calls are valid
in the following two examples:

    declare i32 @ret32(i32 returned)
    declare i64 @ret64(i64 returned)

    define i32 @test2(i64 %val) {
     %in = trunc i64 %val to i32
     tail call i64 @ret64(i64 returned %val)
     ret i32 %in

    define i32 @test3(i64 %in) {
     %small = trunc i64 %in to i32
     tail call i32 @ret32(i32 returned %small)
     ret i32 %small

Tim is working on a larger patch that addresses this bug and also
generalizes tail call detection in other ways. However, I think it
makes sense to patch this issue separately first with a targeted bug
fix, so if any problem requires the larger patch to be reverted
temporarily we will have a working baseline version to return to.
(Definitely, Tim's in-progress patch which generalizes this logic is a
good idea, so that should be applied regardless once it's complete.)

Please let me know if you have any feedback or comments.


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