[LNT] r184773 - lnt: Add "send-run-comparison" command line tool.
Daniel Dunbar
daniel at zuster.org
Mon Jun 24 11:20:45 PDT 2013
Author: ddunbar
Date: Mon Jun 24 13:20:45 2013
New Revision: 184773
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=184773&view=rev
lnt: Add "send-run-comparison" command line tool.
- Useful for integrating with user scripts to kick off some runs and get
results when they are done.
Modified: lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/main.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/main.py?rev=184773&r1=184772&r2=184773&view=diff
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/main.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/main.py Mon Jun 24 13:20:45 2013
@@ -348,6 +348,102 @@ def action_send_daily_report(name, args)
+def action_send_run_comparison(name, args):
+ """send a run-vs-run comparison email"""
+ import datetime
+ import email.mime.multipart
+ import email.mime.text
+ import smtplib
+ import lnt.server.reporting.dailyreport
+ parser = OptionParser("%%prog %s [options] <instance path> "
+ "<run A ID> <run B ID>" % (
+ name,))
+ parser.add_option("", "--database", dest="database", default="default",
+ help="database to use [%default]")
+ parser.add_option("", "--testsuite", dest="testsuite", default="nts",
+ help="testsuite to use [%default]")
+ parser.add_option("", "--host", dest="host", default="localhost",
+ help="email relay host to use [%default]")
+ parser.add_option("", "--from", dest="from_address", default=None,
+ help="from email address (required)")
+ parser.add_option("", "--to", dest="to_address", default=None,
+ help="to email address (required)")
+ parser.add_option("", "--today", dest="today", action="store_true",
+ help="send the report for today (instead of most recent)")
+ parser.add_option("", "--subject-prefix", dest="subject_prefix",
+ help="add a subject prefix")
+ (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
+ if len(args) != 3:
+ parser.error("invalid number of arguments")
+ if opts.from_address is None:
+ parser.error("--from argument is required")
+ if opts.to_address is None:
+ parser.error("--to argument is required")
+ path, run_a_id, run_b_id = args
+ # Setup the base LNT logger.
+ logger = logging.getLogger("lnt")
+ logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR)
+ handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)
+ handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(
+ '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s',
+ datefmt='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
+ logger.addHandler(handler)
+ # Load the LNT instance.
+ instance = lnt.server.instance.Instance.frompath(path)
+ config = instance.config
+ # Get the database.
+ db = config.get_database(opts.database)
+ # Get the testsuite.
+ ts = db.testsuite[opts.testsuite]
+ # Lookup the two runs.
+ run_a_id = int(run_a_id)
+ run_b_id = int(run_b_id)
+ run_a = ts.query(ts.Run).\
+ filter_by(id=run_a_id).first()
+ run_b = ts.query(ts.Run).\
+ filter_by(id=run_b_id).first()
+ if run_a is None:
+ parser.error("invalid run ID %r (not in database)" % (run_a_id,))
+ if run_b is None:
+ parser.error("invalid run ID %r (not in database)" % (run_b_id,))
+ # Gather the runs to use for statistical data.
+ comparison_window = list(ts.get_previous_runs_on_machine(
+ run_a, N=10))
+ # Generate the report.
+ reports = lnt.server.reporting.runs.generate_run_report(
+ run_b, baseurl=config.zorgURL, only_html_body=False, result=None,
+ compare_to=run_a, baseline=None, comparison_window=comparison_window,
+ aggregation_fn=min)
+ subject, text_report, html_report, _ = reports
+ if opts.subject_prefix is not None:
+ subject = "%s %s" % (opts.subject_prefix, subject)
+ # Form the multipart email message.
+ msg = email.mime.multipart.MIMEMultipart('alternative')
+ msg['Subject'] = subject
+ msg['From'] = opts.from_address
+ msg['To'] = opts.to_address
+ msg.attach(email.mime.text.MIMEText(text_report, 'plain'))
+ msg.attach(email.mime.text.MIMEText(html_report, 'html'))
+ # Send the report.
+ s = smtplib.SMTP(opts.host)
+ s.sendmail(opts.from_address, [opts.to_address],
+ msg.as_string())
+ s.quit()
def _version_check():
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