[PATCH] Disable load/store vectorization for types with padding bytes
Daisuke Takahashi
dtakahashi42 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 24 02:19:03 PDT 2013
Hi Nadav,
>> + if (0 == Stride || ScalarAllocatedSize != VectorElementSize) {
> I think that it should be:
> if (0 == Stride && ScalarAllocatedSize == VectorElementSize) {
In my understanding, the cost model gives up the vectorization when above conditions are met. My patch says there are two different conditions that the optimizer should not vectorize memory instructions,
1. the target pointer is not an array (I suppose, stride == 0),
2. the size of array and vector elements are different (the new one).
Those conditions seems to be independent, and both conditions should be concerned.
> Can you please provide a test case ? Also, if you attach a file to the email it would make it easier apply the patch.
I apologize for troubling you, I attach both of them on this email. The test case simply checks if there is not bit-casting from x86_fp80 array to vector, because I could not figure out how can it check the wrong "result" when it runs.
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