[llvm-commits] [lld] r172512 - in /lld/trunk: include/lld/Core/range.h unittests/CMakeLists.txt unittests/RangeTest.cpp

Chris Lattner clattner at apple.com
Fri Mar 22 10:50:51 PDT 2013

On Mar 22, 2013, at 2:27 AM, Michael Spencer <bigcheesegs at gmail.com> wrote:
> Very late comment, I know, but this seems like a reasonable addition to
> LLVM's ADT library, especially if it can be adapted to at least allow instantiation
> under C++03.  We've been talking for some time about allowing non-core LLVM
> subsystems (like the static analyzer) use C++11, and of course there are tons of
> external projects that are free to use C++11 as they like.  LLVM and Clang have
> a *lot* of types with "tagged" iterators, like llvm::Value::use_iterator and
> clang::DeclContext::decl_iterator;  with this class in-tree, it would become very
> straightforward to start adding range adapters to a lot of those interfaces.
> That would be a pretty nice enhancement to get in for the 3.3 release.
> John.
> I originally intended to port as much as possible to C++03 and stick it in LLVM ADT, but there were concerns with adopting this specific API as it may be significantly different from what gets standardized in C++1y.
> I'm in favor of some support for the range concept in LLVM, even if it's just a begin/end pair.

Just MHO, but I care far more about functionality than following whatever ends up in C++'1y.


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