[llvm] r176408 - recommit r172363 & r171325 (reverted in r172756)

Arnold Schwaighofer aschwaighofer at apple.com
Sun Mar 3 16:24:23 PST 2013

Hi Shuxin,

On Mar 3, 2013, at 5:45 PM, Shuxin Yang <shuxin.llvm at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi, Arnold:
>  You are right. As I put in the report to the pr14988, my concerns have two parts:
>   1) in alias analysis context, while Nuno's change dose not seem correctness problem for what we have today.
>       It likely has problem in the future, as it deviate the original meaning of class ObjectSizeOffsetVisitor.
>       I gave a contrived problem in the previous mail.

I think we are mostly in wild agreement here :).

I want APIs with clearly defined semantics as do you.

I am saying if we want Nuno's functionality we (he ;) will have to clean up code:

Introduce several functions and use them appropriately, possibly rename 
ObjectSizeOffsetVisitor to ObjectsSizeOffsetVisitor (or something similar), etc . This will prevent any future confusion.

Future code will have to respect exising code or use different functions: getUnderlyingObjectSize vs getUnderlyingObjectsSize, etc.

By introducing a clearly defined API, future code will be aware that there is a difference and bugs that could arise because of unawareness can be prevented.

>       What you proposed here is that : if Nuno's change have to be committed, we can remedy this concern by
>       coming up another set of functions, each having *CLEAR* meaning, and semantics.


>       That is absolutely right, but I don't
> think it's worth that trouble.

I think us arguing about what the semantics of things should be - is a clear indicator that the sematics is unclear and as such it is worth the trouble.

If Nuno thinks it is worth the trouble I am not for standing in his way.

>   2) in the context llvm.objectsize related optimization.  I'm not expert of the llvm lang-ref.
>        However, IMHO, even if it has some loophole in the lang spec, we should not take this advantage to
>        code hard to read or maintain.

 I am not arguing for making code hard to read or maintain. I argue for the exact opposite. Define an API with clearly defined semantics and clarify the semantics of "llvm.objectsize.i32/i64" in the LangRef.

There is no loophole in the language spec. I just have a question of which of the following functions can "llvm.objectsize.i32/i64" be mapped to

Can it be

> getSizeOfPointerAdjustedUnderlyingObjects

or must it be

> getSizeOfPointerAdjustedUniqueUnderlyingObject

I think the existing text in the LangRef.html makes this a least questionable. If it must be the second then Nuno's patch is wrong (possibly also existing code before his patch as he mentioned that the existing code already handles select).


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