[llvm-commits] [llvm] r163951 - in /llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen: CodeGenSchedule.cpp CodeGenSchedule.h SubtargetEmitter.cpp

Andrew Trick atrick at apple.com
Fri Sep 14 17:19:57 PDT 2012

Author: atrick
Date: Fri Sep 14 19:19:57 2012
New Revision: 163951

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=163951&view=rev
TableGen subtarget parser. Handle new machine model.

Collect SchedClasses and SchedRW types from the subtarget defs.


Modified: llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/CodeGenSchedule.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/CodeGenSchedule.cpp?rev=163951&r1=163950&r2=163951&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/CodeGenSchedule.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/CodeGenSchedule.cpp Fri Sep 14 19:19:57 2012
@@ -16,41 +16,299 @@
 #include "CodeGenSchedule.h"
 #include "CodeGenTarget.h"
+#include "llvm/TableGen/Error.h"
 #include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
 using namespace llvm;
-// CodeGenModels ctor interprets machine model records and populates maps.
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+static void dumpIdxVec(const IdxVec &V) {
+  for (unsigned i = 0, e = V.size(); i < e; ++i) {
+    dbgs() << V[i] << ", ";
+  }
+/// CodeGenModels ctor interprets machine model records and populates maps.
 CodeGenSchedModels::CodeGenSchedModels(RecordKeeper &RK,
                                        const CodeGenTarget &TGT):
-  Records(RK), Target(TGT), NumItineraryClasses(0), HasProcItineraries(false) {
+  Records(RK), Target(TGT), NumItineraryClasses(0) {
+  // Instantiate a CodeGenProcModel for each SchedMachineModel with the values
+  // that are explicitly referenced in tablegen records. Resources associated
+  // with each processor will be derived later. Populate ProcModelMap with the
+  // CodeGenProcModel instances.
+  collectProcModels();
+  // Instantiate a CodeGenSchedRW for each SchedReadWrite record explicitly
+  // defined, and populate SchedReads and SchedWrites vectors. Implicit
+  // SchedReadWrites that represent sequences derived from expanded variant will
+  // be inferred later.
+  collectSchedRW();
+  // Instantiate a CodeGenSchedClass for each unique SchedRW signature directly
+  // required by an instruction definition, and populate SchedClassIdxMap. Set
+  // NumItineraryClasses to the number of explicit itinerary classes referenced
+  // by instructions. Set NumInstrSchedClasses to the number of itinerary
+  // classes plus any classes implied by instructions that derive from class
+  // Sched and provide SchedRW list. This does not infer any new classes from
+  // SchedVariant.
+  collectSchedClasses();
+  // Find instruction itineraries for each processor. Sort and populate
+  // CodeGenProcMode::ItinDefList. (Cycle-to-cycle itineraries). This requires
+  // all itinerary classes to be discovered.
+  collectProcItins();
+  // Find ItinRW records for each processor and itinerary class.
+  // (For per-operand resources mapped to itinerary classes).
+  collectProcItinRW();
+/// Gather all processor models.
+void CodeGenSchedModels::collectProcModels() {
+  RecVec ProcRecords = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Processor");
+  std::sort(ProcRecords.begin(), ProcRecords.end(), LessRecordFieldName());
+  // Reserve space because we can. Reallocation would be ok.
+  ProcModels.reserve(ProcRecords.size()+1);
+  // Use idx=0 for NoModel/NoItineraries.
+  Record *NoModelDef = Records.getDef("NoSchedModel");
+  Record *NoItinsDef = Records.getDef("NoItineraries");
+  ProcModels.push_back(CodeGenProcModel(0, "NoSchedModel",
+                                        NoModelDef, NoItinsDef));
+  ProcModelMap[NoModelDef] = 0;
+  // For each processor, find a unique machine model.
+  for (unsigned i = 0, N = ProcRecords.size(); i < N; ++i)
+    addProcModel(ProcRecords[i]);
+/// Get a unique processor model based on the defined MachineModel and
+/// ProcessorItineraries.
+void CodeGenSchedModels::addProcModel(Record *ProcDef) {
+  Record *ModelKey = getModelOrItinDef(ProcDef);
+  if (!ProcModelMap.insert(std::make_pair(ModelKey, ProcModels.size())).second)
+    return;
+  std::string Name = ModelKey->getName();
+  if (ModelKey->isSubClassOf("SchedMachineModel")) {
+    Record *ItinsDef = ModelKey->getValueAsDef("Itineraries");
+    ProcModels.push_back(
+      CodeGenProcModel(ProcModels.size(), Name, ModelKey, ItinsDef));
+  }
+  else {
+    // An itinerary is defined without a machine model. Infer a new model.
+    if (!ModelKey->getValueAsListOfDefs("IID").empty())
+      Name = Name + "Model";
+    ProcModels.push_back(
+      CodeGenProcModel(ProcModels.size(), Name,
+                       ProcDef->getValueAsDef("SchedModel"), ModelKey));
+  }
+  DEBUG(ProcModels.back().dump());
+// Recursively find all reachable SchedReadWrite records.
+static void scanSchedRW(Record *RWDef, RecVec &RWDefs,
+                        SmallPtrSet<Record*, 16> &RWSet) {
+  if (!RWSet.insert(RWDef))
+    return;
+  RWDefs.push_back(RWDef);
+  // Reads don't current have sequence records, but it can be added later.
+  if (RWDef->isSubClassOf("WriteSequence")) {
+    RecVec Seq = RWDef->getValueAsListOfDefs("Writes");
+    for (RecIter I = Seq.begin(), E = Seq.end(); I != E; ++I)
+      scanSchedRW(*I, RWDefs, RWSet);
+  }
+  else if (RWDef->isSubClassOf("SchedVariant")) {
+    // Visit each variant (guarded by a different predicate).
+    RecVec Vars = RWDef->getValueAsListOfDefs("Variants");
+    for (RecIter VI = Vars.begin(), VE = Vars.end(); VI != VE; ++VI) {
+      // Visit each RW in the sequence selected by the current variant.
+      RecVec Selected = (*VI)->getValueAsListOfDefs("Selected");
+      for (RecIter I = Selected.begin(), E = Selected.end(); I != E; ++I)
+        scanSchedRW(*I, RWDefs, RWSet);
+    }
+  }
-  // Populate SchedClassIdxMap and set NumItineraryClasses.
-  CollectSchedClasses();
+// Collect and sort all SchedReadWrites reachable via tablegen records.
+// More may be inferred later when inferring new SchedClasses from variants.
+void CodeGenSchedModels::collectSchedRW() {
+  // Reserve idx=0 for invalid writes/reads.
+  SchedWrites.resize(1);
+  SchedReads.resize(1);
-  // Populate ProcModelMap.
-  CollectProcModels();
+  SmallPtrSet<Record*, 16> RWSet;
+  // Find all SchedReadWrites referenced by instruction defs.
+  RecVec SWDefs, SRDefs;
+  for (CodeGenTarget::inst_iterator I = Target.inst_begin(),
+         E = Target.inst_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+    Record *SchedDef = (*I)->TheDef;
+    if (!SchedDef->isSubClassOf("Sched"))
+      continue;
+    RecVec RWs = SchedDef->getValueAsListOfDefs("SchedRW");
+    for (RecIter RWI = RWs.begin(), RWE = RWs.end(); RWI != RWE; ++RWI) {
+      if ((*RWI)->isSubClassOf("SchedWrite"))
+        scanSchedRW(*RWI, SWDefs, RWSet);
+      else {
+        assert((*RWI)->isSubClassOf("SchedRead") && "Unknown SchedReadWrite");
+        scanSchedRW(*RWI, SRDefs, RWSet);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Find all ReadWrites referenced by InstRW.
+  RecVec InstRWDefs = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("InstRW");
+  for (RecIter OI = InstRWDefs.begin(), OE = InstRWDefs.end(); OI != OE; ++OI) {
+    // For all OperandReadWrites.
+    RecVec RWDefs = (*OI)->getValueAsListOfDefs("OperandReadWrites");
+    for (RecIter RWI = RWDefs.begin(), RWE = RWDefs.end();
+         RWI != RWE; ++RWI) {
+      if ((*RWI)->isSubClassOf("SchedWrite"))
+        scanSchedRW(*RWI, SWDefs, RWSet);
+      else {
+        assert((*RWI)->isSubClassOf("SchedRead") && "Unknown SchedReadWrite");
+        scanSchedRW(*RWI, SRDefs, RWSet);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Find all ReadWrites referenced by ItinRW.
+  RecVec ItinRWDefs = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("ItinRW");
+  for (RecIter II = ItinRWDefs.begin(), IE = ItinRWDefs.end(); II != IE; ++II) {
+    // For all OperandReadWrites.
+    RecVec RWDefs = (*II)->getValueAsListOfDefs("OperandReadWrites");
+    for (RecIter RWI = RWDefs.begin(), RWE = RWDefs.end();
+         RWI != RWE; ++RWI) {
+      if ((*RWI)->isSubClassOf("SchedWrite"))
+        scanSchedRW(*RWI, SWDefs, RWSet);
+      else {
+        assert((*RWI)->isSubClassOf("SchedRead") && "Unknown SchedReadWrite");
+        scanSchedRW(*RWI, SRDefs, RWSet);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // Sort and add the SchedReadWrites directly referenced by instructions or
+  // itinerary resources. Index reads and writes in separate domains.
+  std::sort(SWDefs.begin(), SWDefs.end(), LessRecord());
+  for (RecIter SWI = SWDefs.begin(), SWE = SWDefs.end(); SWI != SWE; ++SWI) {
+    assert(!getSchedRWIdx(*SWI, /*IsRead=*/false) && "duplicate SchedWrite");
+    SchedWrites.push_back(CodeGenSchedRW(*SWI));
+  }
+  std::sort(SRDefs.begin(), SRDefs.end(), LessRecord());
+  for (RecIter SRI = SRDefs.begin(), SRE = SRDefs.end(); SRI != SRE; ++SRI) {
+    assert(!getSchedRWIdx(*SRI, /*IsRead-*/true) && "duplicate SchedWrite");
+    SchedReads.push_back(CodeGenSchedRW(*SRI));
+  }
+  // Initialize WriteSequence vectors.
+  for (std::vector<CodeGenSchedRW>::iterator WI = SchedWrites.begin(),
+         WE = SchedWrites.end(); WI != WE; ++WI) {
+    if (!WI->IsSequence)
+      continue;
+    findRWs(WI->TheDef->getValueAsListOfDefs("Writes"), WI->Sequence,
+            /*IsRead=*/false);
+  }
+    for (unsigned WIdx = 0, WEnd = SchedWrites.size(); WIdx != WEnd; ++WIdx) {
+      dbgs() << WIdx << ": ";
+      SchedWrites[WIdx].dump();
+      dbgs() << '\n';
+    }
+    for (unsigned RIdx = 0, REnd = SchedReads.size(); RIdx != REnd; ++RIdx) {
+      dbgs() << RIdx << ": ";
+      SchedReads[RIdx].dump();
+      dbgs() << '\n';
+    }
+    RecVec RWDefs = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("SchedReadWrite");
+    for (RecIter RI = RWDefs.begin(), RE = RWDefs.end();
+         RI != RE; ++RI) {
+      if (!getSchedRWIdx(*RI, (*RI)->isSubClassOf("SchedRead"))) {
+        const std::string &Name = (*RI)->getName();
+        if (Name != "NoWrite" && Name != "ReadDefault")
+          dbgs() << "Unused SchedReadWrite " << (*RI)->getName() << '\n';
+      }
+    });
+/// Compute a SchedWrite name from a sequence of writes.
+std::string CodeGenSchedModels::genRWName(const IdxVec& Seq, bool IsRead) {
+  std::string Name("(");
+  for (IdxIter I = Seq.begin(), E = Seq.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+    if (I != Seq.begin())
+      Name += '_';
+    Name += getSchedRW(*I, IsRead).Name;
+  }
+  Name += ')';
+  return Name;
+unsigned CodeGenSchedModels::getSchedRWIdx(Record *Def, bool IsRead,
+                                           unsigned After) const {
+  const std::vector<CodeGenSchedRW> &RWVec = IsRead ? SchedReads : SchedWrites;
+  assert(After < RWVec.size() && "start position out of bounds");
+  for (std::vector<CodeGenSchedRW>::const_iterator I = RWVec.begin() + After,
+         E = RWVec.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+    if (I->TheDef == Def)
+      return I - RWVec.begin();
+  }
+  return 0;
+namespace llvm {
+void splitSchedReadWrites(const RecVec &RWDefs,
+                          RecVec &WriteDefs, RecVec &ReadDefs) {
+  for (RecIter RWI = RWDefs.begin(), RWE = RWDefs.end(); RWI != RWE; ++RWI) {
+    if ((*RWI)->isSubClassOf("SchedWrite"))
+      WriteDefs.push_back(*RWI);
+    else {
+      assert((*RWI)->isSubClassOf("SchedRead") && "unknown SchedReadWrite");
+      ReadDefs.push_back(*RWI);
+    }
+  }
+} // namespace llvm
+// Split the SchedReadWrites defs and call findRWs for each list.
+void CodeGenSchedModels::findRWs(const RecVec &RWDefs,
+                                 IdxVec &Writes, IdxVec &Reads) const {
+    RecVec WriteDefs;
+    RecVec ReadDefs;
+    splitSchedReadWrites(RWDefs, WriteDefs, ReadDefs);
+    findRWs(WriteDefs, Writes, false);
+    findRWs(ReadDefs, Reads, true);
+// Call getSchedRWIdx for all elements in a sequence of SchedRW defs.
+void CodeGenSchedModels::findRWs(const RecVec &RWDefs, IdxVec &RWs,
+                                 bool IsRead) const {
+  for (RecIter RI = RWDefs.begin(), RE = RWDefs.end(); RI != RE; ++RI) {
+    unsigned Idx = getSchedRWIdx(*RI, IsRead);
+    assert(Idx && "failed to collect SchedReadWrite");
+    RWs.push_back(Idx);
+  }
-// Visit all the instruction definitions for this target to gather and enumerate
-// the itinerary classes. These are the explicitly specified SchedClasses. More
-// SchedClasses may be inferred.
-void CodeGenSchedModels::CollectSchedClasses() {
+/// Visit all the instruction definitions for this target to gather and
+/// enumerate the itinerary classes. These are the explicitly specified
+/// SchedClasses. More SchedClasses may be inferred.
+void CodeGenSchedModels::collectSchedClasses() {
-  // NoItinerary is always the first class at Index=0
+  // NoItinerary is always the first class at Idx=0
   SchedClasses.back().Name = "NoItinerary";
+  SchedClasses.back().ProcIndices.push_back(0);
   SchedClassIdxMap[SchedClasses.back().Name] = 0;
   // Gather and sort all itinerary classes used by instruction descriptions.
-  std::vector<Record*> ItinClassList;
+  RecVec ItinClassList;
   for (CodeGenTarget::inst_iterator I = Target.inst_begin(),
          E = Target.inst_end(); I != E; ++I) {
-    Record *SchedDef = (*I)->TheDef->getValueAsDef("Itinerary");
+    Record *ItinDef = (*I)->TheDef->getValueAsDef("Itinerary");
     // Map a new SchedClass with no index.
-    if (!SchedClassIdxMap.count(SchedDef->getName())) {
-      SchedClassIdxMap[SchedDef->getName()] = 0;
-      ItinClassList.push_back(SchedDef);
+    if (!SchedClassIdxMap.count(ItinDef->getName())) {
+      SchedClassIdxMap[ItinDef->getName()] = 0;
+      ItinClassList.push_back(ItinDef);
   // Assign each itinerary class unique number, skipping NoItinerary==0
@@ -61,91 +319,340 @@
     SchedClassIdxMap[ItinDef->getName()] = SchedClasses.size();
+  // Infer classes from SchedReadWrite resources listed for each
+  // instruction definition that inherits from class Sched.
+  for (CodeGenTarget::inst_iterator I = Target.inst_begin(),
+         E = Target.inst_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+    if (!(*I)->TheDef->isSubClassOf("Sched"))
+      continue;
+    IdxVec Writes, Reads;
+    findRWs((*I)->TheDef->getValueAsListOfDefs("SchedRW"), Writes, Reads);
+    // ProcIdx == 0 indicates the class applies to all processors.
+    IdxVec ProcIndices(1, 0);
+    addSchedClass(Writes, Reads, ProcIndices);
+  }
+  // Create classes for InstReadWrite defs.
+  RecVec InstRWDefs = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("InstRW");
+  std::sort(InstRWDefs.begin(), InstRWDefs.end(), LessRecord());
+  for (RecIter OI = InstRWDefs.begin(), OE = InstRWDefs.end(); OI != OE; ++OI)
+    createInstRWClass(*OI);
+  NumInstrSchedClasses = SchedClasses.size();
+  bool EnableDump = false;
+  DEBUG(EnableDump = true);
+  if (!EnableDump)
+    return;
+  for (CodeGenTarget::inst_iterator I = Target.inst_begin(),
+         E = Target.inst_end(); I != E; ++I) {
+    Record *SchedDef = (*I)->TheDef;
+    std::string InstName = (*I)->TheDef->getName();
+    if (SchedDef->isSubClassOf("Sched")) {
+      IdxVec Writes;
+      IdxVec Reads;
+      findRWs((*I)->TheDef->getValueAsListOfDefs("SchedRW"), Writes, Reads);
+      dbgs() << "SchedRW machine model for " << InstName;
+      for (IdxIter WI = Writes.begin(), WE = Writes.end(); WI != WE; ++WI)
+        dbgs() << " " << SchedWrites[*WI].Name;
+      for (IdxIter RI = Reads.begin(), RE = Reads.end(); RI != RE; ++RI)
+        dbgs() << " " << SchedReads[*RI].Name;
+      dbgs() << '\n';
+    }
+    unsigned SCIdx = InstrClassMap.lookup((*I)->TheDef);
+    if (SCIdx) {
+      const RecVec &RWDefs = SchedClasses[SCIdx].InstRWs;
+      for (RecIter RWI = RWDefs.begin(), RWE = RWDefs.end();
+           RWI != RWE; ++RWI) {
+        const CodeGenProcModel &ProcModel =
+          getProcModel((*RWI)->getValueAsDef("SchedModel"));
+        dbgs() << "InstrRW on " << ProcModel.ModelName << " for " << InstName;
+        IdxVec Writes;
+        IdxVec Reads;
+        findRWs((*RWI)->getValueAsListOfDefs("OperandReadWrites"),
+                Writes, Reads);
+        for (IdxIter WI = Writes.begin(), WE = Writes.end(); WI != WE; ++WI)
+          dbgs() << " " << SchedWrites[*WI].Name;
+        for (IdxIter RI = Reads.begin(), RE = Reads.end(); RI != RE; ++RI)
+          dbgs() << " " << SchedReads[*RI].Name;
+        dbgs() << '\n';
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (!SchedDef->isSubClassOf("Sched")
+        && (SchedDef->getValueAsDef("Itinerary")->getName() == "NoItinerary")) {
+      dbgs() << "No machine model for " << (*I)->TheDef->getName() << '\n';
+    }
+  }
-  // TODO: Infer classes from non-itinerary scheduler resources.
+unsigned CodeGenSchedModels::getSchedClassIdx(
+  const RecVec &RWDefs) const {
+  IdxVec Writes, Reads;
+  findRWs(RWDefs, Writes, Reads);
+  return findSchedClassIdx(Writes, Reads);
-// Gather all processor models.
-void CodeGenSchedModels::CollectProcModels() {
-  std::vector<Record*> ProcRecords =
-    Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("Processor");
-  std::sort(ProcRecords.begin(), ProcRecords.end(), LessRecordFieldName());
+/// Find an SchedClass that has been inferred from a per-operand list of
+/// SchedWrites and SchedReads.
+unsigned CodeGenSchedModels::findSchedClassIdx(const IdxVec &Writes,
+                                               const IdxVec &Reads) const {
+  for (SchedClassIter I = schedClassBegin(), E = schedClassEnd(); I != E; ++I) {
+    // Classes with InstRWs may have the same Writes/Reads as a class originally
+    // produced by a SchedRW definition. We need to be able to recover the
+    // original class index for processors that don't match any InstRWs.
+    if (I->ItinClassDef || !I->InstRWs.empty())
+      continue;
-  // Reserve space because we can. Reallocation would be ok.
-  ProcModels.reserve(ProcRecords.size());
+    if (I->Writes == Writes && I->Reads == Reads) {
+      return I - schedClassBegin();
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
-  // For each processor, find a unique machine model.
-  for (unsigned i = 0, N = ProcRecords.size(); i < N; ++i)
-    addProcModel(ProcRecords[i]);
+// Get the SchedClass index for an instruction.
+unsigned CodeGenSchedModels::getSchedClassIdx(
+  const CodeGenInstruction &Inst) const {
+  unsigned SCIdx = InstrClassMap.lookup(Inst.TheDef);
+  if (SCIdx)
+    return SCIdx;
+  // If this opcode isn't mapped by the subtarget fallback to the instruction
+  // definition's SchedRW or ItinDef values.
+  if (Inst.TheDef->isSubClassOf("Sched")) {
+    RecVec RWs = Inst.TheDef->getValueAsListOfDefs("SchedRW");
+    return getSchedClassIdx(RWs);
+  }
+  Record *ItinDef = Inst.TheDef->getValueAsDef("Itinerary");
+  assert(SchedClassIdxMap.count(ItinDef->getName()) && "missing ItinClass");
+  unsigned Idx = SchedClassIdxMap.lookup(ItinDef->getName());
+  assert(Idx <= NumItineraryClasses && "bad ItinClass index");
+  return Idx;
-// Get a unique processor model based on the defined MachineModel and
-// ProcessorItineraries.
-void CodeGenSchedModels::addProcModel(Record *ProcDef) {
-  unsigned Idx = getProcModelIdx(ProcDef);
-  if (Idx < ProcModels.size())
-    return;
+std::string CodeGenSchedModels::createSchedClassName(
+  const IdxVec &OperWrites, const IdxVec &OperReads) {
-  Record *ModelDef = ProcDef->getValueAsDef("SchedModel");
-  Record *ItinsDef = ProcDef->getValueAsDef("ProcItin");
+  std::string Name;
+  for (IdxIter WI = OperWrites.begin(), WE = OperWrites.end(); WI != WE; ++WI) {
+    if (WI != OperWrites.begin())
+      Name += '_';
+    Name += SchedWrites[*WI].Name;
+  }
+  for (IdxIter RI = OperReads.begin(), RE = OperReads.end(); RI != RE; ++RI) {
+    Name += '_';
+    Name += SchedReads[*RI].Name;
+  }
+  return Name;
-  std::string ModelName = ModelDef->getName();
-  const std::string &ItinName = ItinsDef->getName();
+std::string CodeGenSchedModels::createSchedClassName(const RecVec &InstDefs) {
-  bool NoModel = ModelDef->getValueAsBit("NoModel");
-  bool hasTopLevelItin = !ItinsDef->getValueAsListOfDefs("IID").empty();
-  if (NoModel) {
-    // If an itinerary is defined without a machine model, infer a new model.
-    if (NoModel && hasTopLevelItin) {
-      ModelName = ItinName + "Model";
-      ModelDef = NULL;
-    }
-  }
-  else {
-    // If a machine model is defined, the itinerary must be defined within it
-    // rather than in the Processor definition itself.
-    assert(!hasTopLevelItin && "Itinerary must be defined in SchedModel");
-    ItinsDef = ModelDef->getValueAsDef("Itineraries");
+  std::string Name;
+  for (RecIter I = InstDefs.begin(), E = InstDefs.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+    if (I != InstDefs.begin())
+      Name += '_';
+    Name += (*I)->getName();
+  return Name;
-  ProcModelMap[getProcModelKey(ProcDef)]= ProcModels.size();
+/// Add an inferred sched class from a per-operand list of SchedWrites and
+/// SchedReads. ProcIndices contains the set of IDs of processors that may
+/// utilize this class.
+unsigned CodeGenSchedModels::addSchedClass(const IdxVec &OperWrites,
+                                           const IdxVec &OperReads,
+                                           const IdxVec &ProcIndices)
+  assert(!ProcIndices.empty() && "expect at least one ProcIdx");
+  unsigned Idx = findSchedClassIdx(OperWrites, OperReads);
+  if (Idx) {
+    IdxVec PI;
+    std::set_union(SchedClasses[Idx].ProcIndices.begin(),
+                   SchedClasses[Idx].ProcIndices.end(),
+                   ProcIndices.begin(), ProcIndices.end(),
+                   std::back_inserter(PI));
+    SchedClasses[Idx].ProcIndices.swap(PI);
+    return Idx;
+  }
+  Idx = SchedClasses.size();
+  SchedClasses.resize(Idx+1);
+  CodeGenSchedClass &SC = SchedClasses.back();
+  SC.Name = createSchedClassName(OperWrites, OperReads);
+  SC.Writes = OperWrites;
+  SC.Reads = OperReads;
+  SC.ProcIndices = ProcIndices;
-  ProcModels.push_back(CodeGenProcModel(ModelName, ModelDef, ItinsDef));
+  return Idx;
-  std::vector<Record*> ItinRecords = ItinsDef->getValueAsListOfDefs("IID");
-  CollectProcItin(ProcModels.back(), ItinRecords);
+// Create classes for each set of opcodes that are in the same InstReadWrite
+// definition across all processors.
+void CodeGenSchedModels::createInstRWClass(Record *InstRWDef) {
+  // ClassInstrs will hold an entry for each subset of Instrs in InstRWDef that
+  // intersects with an existing class via a previous InstRWDef. Instrs that do
+  // not intersect with an existing class refer back to their former class as
+  // determined from ItinDef or SchedRW.
+  SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, SmallVector<Record *, 8> >, 4> ClassInstrs;
+  // Sort Instrs into sets.
+  RecVec InstDefs = InstRWDef->getValueAsListOfDefs("Instrs");
+  std::sort(InstDefs.begin(), InstDefs.end(), LessRecord());
+  for (RecIter I = InstDefs.begin(), E = InstDefs.end(); I != E; ++I) {
+    unsigned SCIdx = 0;
+    InstClassMapTy::const_iterator Pos = InstrClassMap.find(*I);
+    if (Pos != InstrClassMap.end())
+      SCIdx = Pos->second;
+    else {
+      // This instruction has not been mapped yet. Get the original class. All
+      // instructions in the same InstrRW class must be from the same original
+      // class because that is the fall-back class for other processors.
+      Record *ItinDef = (*I)->getValueAsDef("Itinerary");
+      SCIdx = SchedClassIdxMap.lookup(ItinDef->getName());
+      if (!SCIdx && (*I)->isSubClassOf("Sched"))
+        SCIdx = getSchedClassIdx((*I)->getValueAsListOfDefs("SchedRW"));
+    }
+    unsigned CIdx = 0, CEnd = ClassInstrs.size();
+    for (; CIdx != CEnd; ++CIdx) {
+      if (ClassInstrs[CIdx].first == SCIdx)
+        break;
+    }
+    if (CIdx == CEnd) {
+      ClassInstrs.resize(CEnd + 1);
+      ClassInstrs[CIdx].first = SCIdx;
+    }
+    ClassInstrs[CIdx].second.push_back(*I);
+  }
+  // For each set of Instrs, create a new class if necessary, and map or remap
+  // the Instrs to it.
+  unsigned CIdx = 0, CEnd = ClassInstrs.size();
+  for (; CIdx != CEnd; ++CIdx) {
+    unsigned OldSCIdx = ClassInstrs[CIdx].first;
+    ArrayRef<Record*> InstDefs = ClassInstrs[CIdx].second;
+    // If the all instrs in the current class are accounted for, then leave
+    // them mapped to their old class.
+    if (SchedClasses[OldSCIdx].InstRWs.size() == InstDefs.size()) {
+      assert(SchedClasses[OldSCIdx].ProcIndices[0] == 0 &&
+             "expected a generic SchedClass");
+      continue;
+    }
+    unsigned SCIdx = SchedClasses.size();
+    SchedClasses.resize(SCIdx+1);
+    CodeGenSchedClass &SC = SchedClasses.back();
+    SC.Name = createSchedClassName(InstDefs);
+    // Preserve ItinDef and Writes/Reads for processors without an InstRW entry.
+    SC.ItinClassDef = SchedClasses[OldSCIdx].ItinClassDef;
+    SC.Writes = SchedClasses[OldSCIdx].Writes;
+    SC.Reads = SchedClasses[OldSCIdx].Reads;
+    SC.ProcIndices.push_back(0);
+    // Map each Instr to this new class.
+    // Note that InstDefs may be a smaller list than InstRWDef's "Instrs".
+    for (ArrayRef<Record*>::const_iterator
+           II = InstDefs.begin(), IE = InstDefs.end(); II != IE; ++II) {
+      unsigned OldSCIdx = InstrClassMap[*II];
+      if (OldSCIdx) {
+        SC.InstRWs.insert(SC.InstRWs.end(),
+                          SchedClasses[OldSCIdx].InstRWs.begin(),
+                          SchedClasses[OldSCIdx].InstRWs.end());
+      }
+      InstrClassMap[*II] = SCIdx;
+    }
+    SC.InstRWs.push_back(InstRWDef);
+  }
 // Gather the processor itineraries.
-void CodeGenSchedModels::CollectProcItin(CodeGenProcModel &ProcModel,
-                                         std::vector<Record*> ItinRecords) {
-  // Skip empty itinerary.
-  if (ItinRecords.empty())
-    return;
+void CodeGenSchedModels::collectProcItins() {
+  for (std::vector<CodeGenProcModel>::iterator PI = ProcModels.begin(),
+         PE = ProcModels.end(); PI != PE; ++PI) {
+    CodeGenProcModel &ProcModel = *PI;
+    RecVec ItinRecords = ProcModel.ItinsDef->getValueAsListOfDefs("IID");
+    // Skip empty itinerary.
+    if (ItinRecords.empty())
+      continue;
-  HasProcItineraries = true;
+    ProcModel.ItinDefList.resize(NumItineraryClasses+1);
-  ProcModel.ItinDefList.resize(NumItineraryClasses+1);
+    // Insert each itinerary data record in the correct position within
+    // the processor model's ItinDefList.
+    for (unsigned i = 0, N = ItinRecords.size(); i < N; i++) {
+      Record *ItinData = ItinRecords[i];
+      Record *ItinDef = ItinData->getValueAsDef("TheClass");
+      if (!SchedClassIdxMap.count(ItinDef->getName())) {
+        DEBUG(dbgs() << ProcModel.ItinsDef->getName()
+              << " has unused itinerary class " << ItinDef->getName() << '\n');
+        continue;
+      }
+      assert(SchedClassIdxMap.count(ItinDef->getName()) && "missing ItinClass");
+      unsigned Idx = SchedClassIdxMap.lookup(ItinDef->getName());
+      assert(Idx <= NumItineraryClasses && "bad ItinClass index");
+      ProcModel.ItinDefList[Idx] = ItinData;
+    }
+    // Check for missing itinerary entries.
+    assert(!ProcModel.ItinDefList[0] && "NoItinerary class can't have rec");
+    DEBUG(
+      for (unsigned i = 1, N = ProcModel.ItinDefList.size(); i < N; ++i) {
+        if (!ProcModel.ItinDefList[i])
+          dbgs() << ProcModel.ItinsDef->getName()
+                 << " missing itinerary for class "
+                 << SchedClasses[i].Name << '\n';
+      });
+  }
-  // Insert each itinerary data record in the correct position within
-  // the processor model's ItinDefList.
-  for (unsigned i = 0, N = ItinRecords.size(); i < N; i++) {
-    Record *ItinData = ItinRecords[i];
-    Record *ItinDef = ItinData->getValueAsDef("TheClass");
-    if (!SchedClassIdxMap.count(ItinDef->getName())) {
-      DEBUG(dbgs() << ProcModel.ItinsDef->getName()
-            << " has unused itinerary class " << ItinDef->getName() << '\n');
-      continue;
+// Gather the read/write types for each itinerary class.
+void CodeGenSchedModels::collectProcItinRW() {
+  RecVec ItinRWDefs = Records.getAllDerivedDefinitions("ItinRW");
+  std::sort(ItinRWDefs.begin(), ItinRWDefs.end(), LessRecord());
+  for (RecIter II = ItinRWDefs.begin(), IE = ItinRWDefs.end(); II != IE; ++II) {
+    if (!(*II)->getValueInit("SchedModel")->isComplete())
+      throw TGError((*II)->getLoc(), "SchedModel is undefined");
+    Record *ModelDef = (*II)->getValueAsDef("SchedModel");
+    ProcModelMapTy::const_iterator I = ProcModelMap.find(ModelDef);
+    if (I == ProcModelMap.end()) {
+      throw TGError((*II)->getLoc(), "Undefined SchedMachineModel "
+                    + ModelDef->getName());
-    ProcModel.ItinDefList[getItinClassIdx(ItinDef)] = ItinData;
+    ProcModels[I->second].ItinRWDefs.push_back(*II);
 #ifndef NDEBUG
-  // Check for missing itinerary entries.
-  assert(!ProcModel.ItinDefList[0] && "NoItinerary class can't have rec");
-  for (unsigned i = 1, N = ProcModel.ItinDefList.size(); i < N; ++i) {
-    if (!ProcModel.ItinDefList[i])
-      DEBUG(dbgs() << ProcModel.ItinsDef->getName()
-            << " missing itinerary for class " << SchedClasses[i].Name << '\n');
+void CodeGenProcModel::dump() const {
+  dbgs() << Index << ": " << ModelName << " "
+         << (ModelDef ? ModelDef->getName() : "inferred") << " "
+         << (ItinsDef ? ItinsDef->getName() : "no itinerary") << '\n';
+void CodeGenSchedRW::dump() const {
+  dbgs() << Name << (IsVariadic ? " (V) " : " ");
+  if (IsSequence) {
+    dbgs() << "(";
+    dumpIdxVec(Sequence);
+    dbgs() << ")";
+void CodeGenSchedClass::dump(const CodeGenSchedModels* SchedModels) const {
+  dbgs() << "SCHEDCLASS " << Name << '\n'
+         << "  Writes: ";
+  for (unsigned i = 0, N = Writes.size(); i < N; ++i) {
+    SchedModels->getSchedWrite(Writes[i]).dump();
+    if (i < N-1) {
+      dbgs() << '\n';
+      dbgs().indent(10);
+    }
+  }
+  dbgs() << "\n  Reads: ";
+  for (unsigned i = 0, N = Reads.size(); i < N; ++i) {
+    SchedModels->getSchedRead(Reads[i]).dump();
+    if (i < N-1) {
+      dbgs() << '\n';
+      dbgs().indent(10);
+    }
+  }
+  dbgs() << "\n  ProcIdx: "; dumpIdxVec(ProcIndices); dbgs() << '\n';
+#endif // NDEBUG

Modified: llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/CodeGenSchedule.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/CodeGenSchedule.h?rev=163951&r1=163950&r2=163951&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/CodeGenSchedule.h (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/CodeGenSchedule.h Fri Sep 14 19:19:57 2012
@@ -23,21 +23,112 @@
 namespace llvm {
 class CodeGenTarget;
+class CodeGenSchedModels;
+class CodeGenInstruction;
-// Scheduling class.
-// Each instruction description will be mapped to a scheduling class. It may be
-// an explicitly defined itinerary class, or an inferred class in which case
-// ItinClassDef == NULL.
+typedef std::vector<Record*> RecVec;
+typedef std::vector<Record*>::const_iterator RecIter;
+typedef std::vector<unsigned> IdxVec;
+typedef std::vector<unsigned>::const_iterator IdxIter;
+void splitSchedReadWrites(const RecVec &RWDefs,
+                          RecVec &WriteDefs, RecVec &ReadDefs);
+/// We have two kinds of SchedReadWrites. Explicitly defined and inferred
+/// sequences.  TheDef is nonnull for explicit SchedWrites, but Sequence may or
+/// may not be empty. TheDef is null for inferred sequences, and Sequence must
+/// be nonempty.
+/// IsVariadic controls whether the variants are expanded into multiple operands
+/// or a sequence of writes on one operand.
+struct CodeGenSchedRW {
+  std::string Name;
+  Record *TheDef;
+  bool HasVariants;
+  bool IsVariadic;
+  bool IsSequence;
+  IdxVec Sequence;
+  CodeGenSchedRW(): TheDef(0), HasVariants(false), IsVariadic(false),
+                    IsSequence(false) {}
+  CodeGenSchedRW(Record *Def): TheDef(Def), IsVariadic(false) {
+    Name = Def->getName();
+    HasVariants = Def->isSubClassOf("SchedVariant");
+    if (HasVariants)
+      IsVariadic = Def->getValueAsBit("Variadic");
+    // Read records don't currently have sequences, but it can be easily
+    // added. Note that implicit Reads (from ReadVariant) may have a Sequence
+    // (but no record).
+    IsSequence = Def->isSubClassOf("WriteSequence");
+  }
+  CodeGenSchedRW(const IdxVec &Seq, const std::string &Name):
+    Name(Name), TheDef(0), HasVariants(false), IsVariadic(false),
+    IsSequence(true), Sequence(Seq) {
+    assert(Sequence.size() > 1 && "implied sequence needs >1 RWs");
+  }
+  bool isValid() const {
+    assert((!HasVariants || TheDef) && "Variant write needs record def");
+    assert((!IsVariadic || HasVariants) && "Variadic write needs variants");
+    assert((!IsSequence || !HasVariants) && "Sequence can't have variant");
+    assert((!IsSequence || !Sequence.empty()) && "Sequence should be nonempty");
+    return TheDef || !Sequence.empty();
+  }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  void dump() const;
+/// Scheduling class.
+/// Each instruction description will be mapped to a scheduling class. There are
+/// four types of classes:
+/// 1) An explicitly defined itinerary class with ItinClassDef set.
+/// Writes and ReadDefs are empty. ProcIndices contains 0 for any processor.
+/// 2) An implied class with a list of SchedWrites and SchedReads that are
+/// defined in an instruction definition and which are common across all
+/// subtargets. ProcIndices contains 0 for any processor.
+/// 3) An implied class with a list of InstRW records that map instructions to
+/// SchedWrites and SchedReads per-processor. InstrClassMap should map the same
+/// instructions to this class. ProcIndices contains all the processors that
+/// provided InstrRW records for this class. ItinClassDef or Writes/Reads may
+/// still be defined for processors with no InstRW entry.
+/// 4) An inferred class represents a variant of another class that may be
+/// resolved at runtime. ProcIndices contains the set of processors that may
+/// require the class. ProcIndices are propagated through SchedClasses as
+/// variants are expanded. Multiple SchedClasses may be inferred from an
+/// itinerary class. Each inherits the processor index from the ItinRW record
+/// that mapped the itinerary class to the variant Writes or Reads.
 struct CodeGenSchedClass {
   std::string Name;
-  unsigned Index;
   Record *ItinClassDef;
-  CodeGenSchedClass(): Index(0), ItinClassDef(0) {}
-  CodeGenSchedClass(Record *rec): Index(0), ItinClassDef(rec) {
+  IdxVec Writes;
+  IdxVec Reads;
+  // Sorted list of ProcIdx, where ProcIdx==0 implies any processor.
+  IdxVec ProcIndices;
+  // InstReadWrite records associated with this class. Any Instrs that the
+  // definitions refer to that are not mapped to this class should be ignored.
+  RecVec InstRWs;
+  CodeGenSchedClass(): ItinClassDef(0) {}
+  CodeGenSchedClass(Record *rec): ItinClassDef(rec) {
     Name = rec->getName();
+    ProcIndices.push_back(0);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  void dump(const CodeGenSchedModels *SchedModels) const;
 // Processor model.
@@ -55,28 +146,53 @@
 // ItinDefList orders this processor's InstrItinData records by SchedClass idx.
 struct CodeGenProcModel {
+  unsigned Index;
   std::string ModelName;
   Record *ModelDef;
   Record *ItinsDef;
-  // Array of InstrItinData records indexed by CodeGenSchedClass::Index.
-  // The list is empty if the subtarget has no itineraries.
-  std::vector<Record *> ItinDefList;
+  // Derived members...
-  CodeGenProcModel(const std::string &Name, Record *MDef, Record *IDef):
-    ModelName(Name), ModelDef(MDef), ItinsDef(IDef) {}
+  // Array of InstrItinData records indexed by a CodeGenSchedClass index.
+  // This list is empty if the Processor has no value for Itineraries.
+  // Initialized by collectProcItins().
+  RecVec ItinDefList;
+  // Map itinerary classes to per-operand resources.
+  // This list is empty if no ItinRW refers to this Processor.
+  RecVec ItinRWDefs;
+  CodeGenProcModel(unsigned Idx, const std::string &Name, Record *MDef,
+                   Record *IDef) :
+    Index(Idx), ModelName(Name), ModelDef(MDef), ItinsDef(IDef) {}
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  void dump() const;
-// Top level container for machine model data.
+/// Top level container for machine model data.
 class CodeGenSchedModels {
   RecordKeeper &Records;
   const CodeGenTarget &Target;
+  // List of unique processor models.
+  std::vector<CodeGenProcModel> ProcModels;
+  // Map Processor's MachineModel or ProcItin to a CodeGenProcModel index.
+  typedef DenseMap<Record*, unsigned> ProcModelMapTy;
+  ProcModelMapTy ProcModelMap;
+  // Per-operand SchedReadWrite types.
+  std::vector<CodeGenSchedRW> SchedWrites;
+  std::vector<CodeGenSchedRW> SchedReads;
   // List of unique SchedClasses.
   std::vector<CodeGenSchedClass> SchedClasses;
   // Map SchedClass name to itinerary index.
-  // These are either explicit itinerary classes or inferred classes.
+  // These are either explicit itinerary classes or classes implied by
+  // instruction definitions with SchedReadWrite lists.
   StringMap<unsigned> SchedClassIdxMap;
   // SchedClass indices 1 up to and including NumItineraryClasses identify
@@ -84,22 +200,68 @@
   // definitions. NoItinerary always has index 0 regardless of whether it is
   // explicitly referenced.
-  // Any inferred SchedClass have a index greater than NumItineraryClasses.
+  // Any implied SchedClass has an index greater than NumItineraryClasses.
   unsigned NumItineraryClasses;
-  // List of unique processor models.
-  std::vector<CodeGenProcModel> ProcModels;
-  // Map Processor's MachineModel + ProcItin fields to a CodeGenProcModel index.
-  typedef DenseMap<std::pair<Record*, Record*>, unsigned> ProcModelMapTy;
-  ProcModelMapTy ProcModelMap;
+  // Any inferred SchedClass has an index greater than NumInstrSchedClassses.
+  unsigned NumInstrSchedClasses;
-  // True if any processors have nonempty itineraries.
-  bool HasProcItineraries;
+  // Map Instruction to SchedClass index. Only for Instructions mentioned in
+  // OpReadWrites.
+  typedef DenseMap<Record*, unsigned> InstClassMapTy;
+  InstClassMapTy InstrClassMap;
   CodeGenSchedModels(RecordKeeper& RK, const CodeGenTarget &TGT);
+  Record *getModelOrItinDef(Record *ProcDef) const {
+    Record *ModelDef = ProcDef->getValueAsDef("SchedModel");
+    Record *ItinsDef = ProcDef->getValueAsDef("ProcItin");
+    if (!ItinsDef->getValueAsListOfDefs("IID").empty()) {
+      assert(ModelDef->getValueAsBit("NoModel")
+             && "Itineraries must be defined within SchedMachineModel");
+      return ItinsDef;
+    }
+    return ModelDef;
+  }
+  const CodeGenProcModel &getModelForProc(Record *ProcDef) const {
+    Record *ModelDef = getModelOrItinDef(ProcDef);
+    ProcModelMapTy::const_iterator I = ProcModelMap.find(ModelDef);
+    assert(I != ProcModelMap.end() && "missing machine model");
+    return ProcModels[I->second];
+  }
+  const CodeGenProcModel &getProcModel(Record *ModelDef) const {
+    ProcModelMapTy::const_iterator I = ProcModelMap.find(ModelDef);
+    assert(I != ProcModelMap.end() && "missing machine model");
+    return ProcModels[I->second];
+  }
+  // Iterate over the unique processor models.
+  typedef std::vector<CodeGenProcModel>::const_iterator ProcIter;
+  ProcIter procModelBegin() const { return ProcModels.begin(); }
+  ProcIter procModelEnd() const { return ProcModels.end(); }
+  // Get a SchedWrite from its index.
+  const CodeGenSchedRW &getSchedWrite(unsigned Idx) const {
+    assert(Idx < SchedWrites.size() && "bad SchedWrite index");
+    assert(SchedWrites[Idx].isValid() && "invalid SchedWrite");
+    return SchedWrites[Idx];
+  }
+  // Get a SchedWrite from its index.
+  const CodeGenSchedRW &getSchedRead(unsigned Idx) const {
+    assert(Idx < SchedReads.size() && "bad SchedRead index");
+    assert(SchedReads[Idx].isValid() && "invalid SchedRead");
+    return SchedReads[Idx];
+  }
+  const CodeGenSchedRW &getSchedRW(unsigned Idx, bool IsRead) const {
+    return IsRead ? getSchedRead(Idx) : getSchedWrite(Idx);
+  }
+  unsigned getSchedRWIdx(Record *Def, bool IsRead, unsigned After = 0) const;
   // Check if any instructions are assigned to an explicit itinerary class other
   // than NoItinerary.
   bool hasItineraryClasses() const { return NumItineraryClasses > 0; }
@@ -111,7 +273,11 @@
   // Get a SchedClass from its index.
-  const CodeGenSchedClass &getSchedClass(unsigned Idx) {
+  CodeGenSchedClass &getSchedClass(unsigned Idx) {
+    assert(Idx < SchedClasses.size() && "bad SchedClass index");
+    return SchedClasses[Idx];
+  }
+  const CodeGenSchedClass &getSchedClass(unsigned Idx) const {
     assert(Idx < SchedClasses.size() && "bad SchedClass index");
     return SchedClasses[Idx];
@@ -125,46 +291,52 @@
     return Idx;
-  bool hasProcessorItineraries() const {
-    return HasProcItineraries;
-  }
+  // Get the SchedClass index for an instruction. Instructions with no
+  // itinerary, no SchedReadWrites, and no InstrReadWrites references return 0
+  // for NoItinerary.
+  unsigned getSchedClassIdx(const CodeGenInstruction &Inst) const;
+  unsigned getSchedClassIdx(const RecVec &RWDefs) const;
-  // Get an existing machine model for a processor definition.
-  const CodeGenProcModel &getProcModel(Record *ProcDef) const {
-    unsigned idx = getProcModelIdx(ProcDef);
-    assert(idx < ProcModels.size() && "missing machine model");
-    return ProcModels[idx];
+  unsigned getSchedClassIdxForItin(const Record *ItinDef) {
+    return SchedClassIdxMap[ItinDef->getName()];
-  // Iterate over the unique processor models.
-  typedef std::vector<CodeGenProcModel>::const_iterator ProcIter;
-  ProcIter procModelBegin() const { return ProcModels.begin(); }
-  ProcIter procModelEnd() const { return ProcModels.end(); }
+  typedef std::vector<CodeGenSchedClass>::const_iterator SchedClassIter;
+  SchedClassIter schedClassBegin() const { return SchedClasses.begin(); }
+  SchedClassIter schedClassEnd() const { return SchedClasses.end(); }
-  // Get a key that can uniquely identify a machine model.
-  ProcModelMapTy::key_type getProcModelKey(Record *ProcDef) const {
-    Record *ModelDef = ProcDef->getValueAsDef("SchedModel");
-    Record *ItinsDef = ProcDef->getValueAsDef("ProcItin");
-    return std::make_pair(ModelDef, ItinsDef);
-  }
+  void findRWs(const RecVec &RWDefs, IdxVec &Writes, IdxVec &Reads) const;
+  void findRWs(const RecVec &RWDefs, IdxVec &RWs, bool IsRead) const;
-  // Get the unique index of a machine model.
-  unsigned getProcModelIdx(Record *ProcDef) const {
-    ProcModelMapTy::const_iterator I =
-      ProcModelMap.find(getProcModelKey(ProcDef));
-    if (I == ProcModelMap.end())
-      return ProcModels.size();
-    return I->second;
-  }
+  unsigned addSchedClass(const IdxVec &OperWrites, const IdxVec &OperReads,
+                         const IdxVec &ProcIndices);
+  unsigned findOrInsertRW(ArrayRef<unsigned> Seq, bool IsRead);
+  unsigned findSchedClassIdx(const IdxVec &Writes, const IdxVec &Reads) const;
+  void collectProcModels();
   // Initialize a new processor model if it is unique.
   void addProcModel(Record *ProcDef);
-  void CollectSchedClasses();
-  void CollectProcModels();
-  void CollectProcItin(CodeGenProcModel &ProcModel,
-                       std::vector<Record*> ItinRecords);
+  void collectSchedRW();
+  std::string genRWName(const IdxVec& Seq, bool IsRead);
+  unsigned findRWForSequence(const IdxVec &Seq, bool IsRead);
+  void collectSchedClasses();
+  std::string createSchedClassName(const IdxVec &OperWrites,
+                                   const IdxVec &OperReads);
+  std::string createSchedClassName(const RecVec &InstDefs);
+  void createInstRWClass(Record *InstRWDef);
+  void collectProcItins();
+  void collectProcItinRW();
 } // namespace llvm

Modified: llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/SubtargetEmitter.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/SubtargetEmitter.cpp?rev=163951&r1=163950&r2=163951&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/SubtargetEmitter.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/SubtargetEmitter.cpp Fri Sep 14 19:19:57 2012
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
   std::vector<std::vector<InstrItinerary> >::iterator
       ProcItinListsIter = ProcItinLists.begin();
   for (CodeGenSchedModels::ProcIter PI = SchedModels.procModelBegin(),
-         PE = SchedModels.procModelEnd(); PI != PE; ++PI) {
+         PE = SchedModels.procModelEnd(); PI != PE; ++PI, ++ProcItinListsIter) {
     Record *ItinsDef = PI->ItinsDef;
     if (!ItinsDefSet.insert(ItinsDef))
@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@
     // Get the itinerary list for the processor.
     assert(ProcItinListsIter != ProcItinLists.end() && "bad iterator");
-    std::vector<InstrItinerary> &ItinList = *ProcItinListsIter++;
+    std::vector<InstrItinerary> &ItinList = *ProcItinListsIter;
     OS << "\n";
     OS << "static const llvm::InstrItinerary ";
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@
     const std::string &Name = Processor->getValueAsString("Name");
     const std::string &ProcModelName =
-      SchedModels.getProcModel(Processor).ModelName;
+      SchedModels.getModelForProc(Processor).ModelName;
     // Emit as { "cpu", procinit },
     OS << "  { "

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