[llvm-commits] [PATCH] Execution domain support for VMOV and VLDR

Tim Northover t.p.northover at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 04:04:42 PDT 2012

Hi Anton,

> I was thinking - is it possible to somehow make code generic? And not
> to do error-prone manual change of instructions...

Hmm. The conversion does feel particularly error-prone. I think the
transformations are probably too dissimilar to automate though, even
within a single target. We could almost certainly improve things so
that a BuildMI is used to make a fresh instruction in all cases. We
might be able to move the implicit operand transfer into generic code,
but that almost feels more fragile to me: it's just asking for a case
to slip through where the default behaviour is unacceptable but
because it's hidden away no-one realises.

What did you have in mind?


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