[llvm-commits] [LNT] r161335 - in /lnt/trunk/lnt: db/perfdb.py db/perfdbsummary.py db/runinfo.py lnttool/import_data.py lnttool/main.py lnttool/report.py server/config.py server/ui/app.py server/ui/graphutil.py server/ui/views.py util/ImportData.py util/NTEmailReport.py util/NTUtil.py
Daniel Dunbar
daniel at zuster.org
Mon Aug 6 13:02:49 PDT 2012
Author: ddunbar
Date: Mon Aug 6 15:02:49 2012
New Revision: 161335
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=161335&view=rev
Remove v0.3 database (PerfDB) itself and associated code (like reporting).
Removed: lnt/trunk/lnt/db/perfdb.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/db/perfdb.py?rev=161334&view=auto
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/db/perfdb.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/db/perfdb.py (removed)
@@ -1,495 +0,0 @@
-# SQLAlchemy database layer
-import sqlalchemy
-import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative
-import sqlalchemy.orm
-from sqlalchemy import *
-from sqlalchemy.schema import Index
-from sqlalchemy.orm import relation, backref
-from sqlalchemy.orm.collections import attribute_mapped_collection
-Base = sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base()
-class Revision(Base):
- __tablename__ = 'Revision'
- id = Column("ID", Integer, primary_key=True)
- name = Column("Name", String(256))
- number = Column("Number", Integer)
- def __init__(self, name, number):
- self.name = name
- self.number = number
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s%r' % (self.__class__.__name__, (self.name, self.number))
-class Machine(Base):
- __tablename__ = 'Machine'
- id = Column("ID", Integer, primary_key=True)
- name = Column("Name", String(256))
- number = Column("Number", Integer)
- info = relation('MachineInfo',
- collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('key'),
- backref=backref('machine'))
- def __init__(self, name, number):
- self.name = name
- self.number = number
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s%r' % (self.__class__.__name__, (self.name, self.number))
-class MachineInfo(Base):
- __tablename__ = 'MachineInfo'
- id = Column("ID", Integer, primary_key=True)
- machine_id = Column("Machine", Integer, ForeignKey('Machine.ID'))
- key = Column("Key", String(256))
- value = Column("Value", String(4096))
- def __init__(self, machine, key, value):
- self.machine = machine
- self.key = key
- self.value = value
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s%r' % (self.__class__.__name__,
- (self.machine, self.key, self.value))
-class Run(Base):
- __tablename__ = 'Run'
- id = Column("ID", Integer, primary_key=True)
- machine_id = Column("MachineID", Integer, ForeignKey('Machine.ID'))
- start_time = Column("StartTime", DateTime)
- end_time = Column("EndTime", DateTime)
- machine = relation(Machine)
- info = relation('RunInfo',
- collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('key'),
- backref=backref('run'))
- def __init__(self, machine, start_time, end_time):
- self.machine = machine
- self.start_time = start_time
- self.end_time = end_time
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s%r' % (self.__class__.__name__,
- (self.machine, self.start_time, self.end_time))
-class RunInfo(Base):
- __tablename__ = 'RunInfo'
- id = Column("ID", Integer, primary_key=True)
- run_id = Column("Run", Integer, ForeignKey('Run.ID'))
- key = Column("Key", String(256), index=True)
- value = Column("Value", String(4096))
- def __init__(self, run, key, value):
- self.run = run
- self.key = key
- self.value = value
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s%r' % (self.__class__.__name__,
- (self.run, self.key, self.value))
-class Test(Base):
- __tablename__ = 'Test'
- id = Column("ID", Integer, primary_key=True)
- name = Column("Name", String(512))
- info = relation('TestInfo',
- collection_class=attribute_mapped_collection('key'),
- backref=backref('test'))
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.name = name
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s%r' % (self.__class__.__name__,
- (self.name,))
- def get_parameter_set(self):
- items = [(k,v.value) for k,v in self.info.items()]
- items.sort()
- return tuple(items)
-class TestInfo(Base):
- __tablename__ = 'TestInfo'
- id = Column("ID", Integer, primary_key=True)
- test_id = Column("Test", Integer, ForeignKey('Test.ID'))
- key = Column("Key", String(256))
- value = Column("Value", String(4096))
- def __init__(self, test, key, value):
- self.test = test
- self.key = key
- self.value = value
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s%r' % (self.__class__.__name__,
- (self.test, self.key, self.value))
-class Sample(Base):
- __tablename__ = 'Sample'
- id = Column("ID", Integer, primary_key=True)
- run_id = Column("RunID", Integer, ForeignKey('Run.ID'), index=True)
- test_id = Column("TestID", Integer, ForeignKey('Test.ID'), index=True)
- value = Column("Value", Float)
- run = relation(Run)
- test = relation(Test)
- def __init__(self, run, test, value):
- self.run = run
- self.test = test
- self.value = value
- def __repr__(self):
- return '%s%r' % (self.__class__.__name__,
- (self.run, self.test, self.value))
-# Define an additonal index on (RunID, TestID).
-Index("ix_Sample_RunID_TestID", Sample.run_id, Sample.test_id)
-# PerfDB wrapper, to avoid direct SA dependency when possible.
-def info_eq(a, b):
- a = list(a)
- b = list(b)
- a.sort()
- b.sort()
- return a == b
-class PerfDB:
- def __init__(self, path, echo=False):
- if (not path.startswith('mysql://') and
- not path.startswith('sqlite://')):
- path = 'sqlite:///' + path
- self.path = path
- self.engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(path, echo=echo)
- # Create the tables in case this is a new database.
- Base.metadata.create_all(self.engine)
- self.session = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(self.engine)()
- self.modified_machine = self.modified_run = self.modified_test = False
- # Make sure revision numbers exists.
- for r in ("Machine","MachineInfo","Run","RunInfo","Test","TestInfo"):
- self.get_revision(r)
- self.commit()
- # Add shortcut alias.
- self.query = self.session.query
- def get_revision(self, name):
- for r in self.session.query(Revision).filter_by(name=name):
- return r
- r = Revision(name, 0)
- self.session.add(r)
- return r
- def get_revision_number(self, name):
- return self.get_revision(name).number
- def machines(self, name=None):
- q = self.session.query(Machine)
- if name:
- q = q.filter_by(name=name)
- return q
- def tests(self, name=None):
- q = self.session.query(Test)
- if name:
- q = q.filter_by(name=name)
- return q
- def runs(self, machine=None):
- q = self.session.query(Run)
- if machine:
- q = q.filter_by(machine=machine)
- return q
- def samples(self, run=None, test=None):
- q = self.session.query(Sample)
- if run:
- q = q.filter_by(run_id=run.id)
- if test:
- q = q.filter_by(test_id=test.id)
- return q
- def getNumMachines(self):
- return self.machines().count()
- def getNumRuns(self):
- return self.runs().count()
- def getNumTests(self):
- return self.tests().count()
- def getNumSamples(self):
- return self.samples().count()
- def getMachine(self, id):
- return self.session.query(Machine).filter_by(id=id).one()
- def getRun(self, id):
- return self.session.query(Run).filter_by(id=id).one()
- def getTest(self, id):
- return self.session.query(Test).filter_by(id=id).one()
- def getOrCreateMachine(self, name, info):
- # FIXME: Not really the right way...
- number = 1
- for m in self.machines(name=name):
- if info_eq([(i.key, i.value) for i in m.info.values()], info):
- return m,False
- number += 1
- # Make a new record
- m = Machine(name, number)
- m.info = dict((k,MachineInfo(m,k,v)) for k,v in info)
- self.session.add(m)
- self.modified_machine = True
- return m,True
- def getOrCreateTest(self, name, info):
- # FIXME: Not really the right way...
- for t in self.tests(name):
- if info_eq([(i.key, i.value) for i in t.info.values()], info):
- return t,False
- t = Test(name)
- t.info = dict((k,TestInfo(t,k,v)) for k,v in info)
- self.session.add(t)
- self.modified_test = True
- return t,True
- def getOrCreateRun(self, machine, start_time, end_time, info):
- from datetime import datetime
- start_time = datetime.strptime(start_time,
- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
- end_time = datetime.strptime(end_time,
- "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
- # FIXME: Not really the right way...
- for r in self.session.query(Run).filter_by(machine=machine):
- # FIXME: Execute this filter in SQL, but resolve the
- # normalization issue w.r.t. SQLAlchemy first. I think we
- # may be running afoul of SQLite not normalizing the
- # datetime. If I don't do this then sqlalchemy issues a
- # query in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.ssss which
- # doesn't work.
- if r.start_time != start_time or r.end_time != end_time:
- continue
- if info_eq([(i.key, i.value) for i in r.info.values()], info):
- return r,False
- # Make a new record
- r = Run(machine, start_time, end_time)
- r.info = dict((k,RunInfo(r,k,v)) for k,v in info)
- self.session.add(r)
- self.modified_run = True
- return r,True
- def addSample(self, run, test, value):
- s = Sample(run, test, value)
- self.session.add(s)
- return s
- def addSamples(self, samples):
- """addSamples([(run_id, test_id, value), ...]) -> None
- Batch insert a list of samples."""
- # Flush to keep session consistent.
- self.session.flush()
- for run_id,test_id,value in samples:
- q = Sample.__table__.insert().values(RunID = run_id,
- TestID = test_id,
- Value = value)
- self.session.execute(q)
- def commit(self):
- if self.modified_machine:
- self.get_revision("Machine").number += 1
- self.get_revision("MachineInfo").number += 1
- if self.modified_run:
- self.get_revision("Run").number += 1
- self.get_revision("RunInfo").number += 1
- if self.modified_test:
- self.get_revision("Test").number += 1
- self.get_revision("TestInfo").number += 1
- self.session.commit()
- self.modified_machine = self.modified_test = self.modified_run = False
- def rollback(self):
- self.session.rollback()
- self.modified_machine = self.modified_test = self.modified_run = False
- def importDataFromDict(self, data, config=None):
- return importDataFromDict(self, data)
- def get_db_summary(self):
- import perfdbsummary
- return perfdbsummary.PerfDBSummary.fromdb(self)
-def importDataFromDict(db, data):
- # FIXME: Validate data
- machineData = data['Machine']
- runData = data['Run']
- testsData = data['Tests']
- # Get the machine
- # FIXME: Validate machine
- machine,_ = db.getOrCreateMachine(machineData['Name'],
- machineData['Info'].items())
- # Accept 'Time' as an alias for 'Start Time'
- if 'Start Time' not in runData and 'Time' in runData:
- import time
- t = time.strptime(runData['Time'],
- "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S -0700 (PDT)")
- runData['Start Time'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M', t)
- # Create the run.
- run,inserted = db.getOrCreateRun(machine,
- runData.get('Start Time',''),
- runData.get('End Time',''),
- runData.get('Info',{}).items())
- if not inserted:
- return False,run
- # Batch load the set of tests instead of repeatedly querying to unique.
- #
- # FIXME: Add explicit config object.
- test_info = {}
- for id,k,v in db.session.query(TestInfo.test_id, TestInfo.key,
- TestInfo.value):
- info = test_info[id] = test_info.get(id,{})
- info[str(k)] = str(v)
- testMap = {}
- for test_id,test_name in db.session.query(Test.id, Test.name):
- info = test_info.get(test_id,{}).items()
- info.sort()
- testMap[(str(test_name),tuple(info))] = test_id
- # Create the tests up front, so we can resolve IDs.
- test_ids = []
- late_ids = []
- for i,testData in enumerate(testsData):
- name = str(testData['Name'])
- info = [(str(k),str(v)) for k,v in testData['Info'].items()]
- info.sort()
- test_id = testMap.get((name,tuple(info)))
- if test_id is None:
- test,created = db.getOrCreateTest(testData['Name'],info)
- late_ids.append((i,test))
- test_ids.append(test_id)
- # Flush now to resolve test and run ids.
- #
- # FIXME: Surely there is a cleaner way to handle this?
- db.session.flush()
- if late_ids:
- for i,t in late_ids:
- test_ids[i] = t.id
- db.addSamples([(run.id, test_id, value)
- for test_id,testData in zip(test_ids, testsData)
- for value in testData['Data']])
- return True,run
-def test_sa_db(dbpath):
- if not dbpath.startswith('mysql://'):
- dbpath = 'sqlite:///' + dbpath
- engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(dbpath)
- Session = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(engine)
- Session.configure(bind=engine)
- session = Session()
- m = session.query(Machine).first()
- print m
- print m.info
- r = session.query(Run).first()
- print r
- print r.info
- t = session.query(Test)[20]
- print t
- print t.info
- s = session.query(Sample)[20]
- print s
- import time
- start = time.time()
- print
- q = session.query(Sample)
- q = q.filter(Sample.run_id == 994)
- print
- res = session.execute(q)
- print res
- N = 0
- for row in res:
- if N == 1:
- print row
- N += 1
- print N, time.time() - start
- print
- start = time.time()
- N = 0
- for row in q:
- if N == 1:
- print row
- N += 1
- print N, time.time() - start
-def main():
- global opts
- from optparse import OptionParser
- parser = OptionParser("usage: %prog dbpath")
- opts,args = parser.parse_args()
- if len(args) != 1:
- parser.error("incorrect number of argments")
- dbpath, = args
- # Test the SQLAlchemy layer.
- test_sa_db(dbpath)
- # Test the PerfDB wrapper.
- db = PerfDB(dbpath)
- print "Opened %r" % dbpath
- for m in db.machines():
- print m
- for r in db.runs(m):
- print ' run - id:%r, start:%r,'\
- ' # samples: %d.' % (r.id, r.start_time,
- db.samples(run=r).count())
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
Removed: lnt/trunk/lnt/db/perfdbsummary.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/db/perfdbsummary.py?rev=161334&view=auto
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/db/perfdbsummary.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/db/perfdbsummary.py (removed)
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-Classes for caching metadata about a PerfDB instance.
-from lnt.db.perfdb import Run, RunInfo, Sample, Test
-class SuiteSummary:
- def __init__(self, name, path):
- self.name = name
- self.path = path
-class PerfDBSummary:
- @staticmethod
- def fromdb(db):
- revision = db.get_revision_number("Run")
- # Look for all the run tags and use them to identify the available
- # suites.
- q = db.session.query(RunInfo.value.distinct())
- q = q.filter(RunInfo.key == "tag")
- suites = [SuiteSummary("Nightlytest", ("nightlytest",))]
- for tag, in q:
- if tag == 'nightlytest':
- continue
- suites.append(SuiteSummary(tag, ("simple",tag)))
- suites.sort(key=lambda s: s.name)
- return PerfDBSummary(revision, suites)
- def __init__(self, revision, suites):
- self.revision = revision
- self.suites = suites
- def is_up_to_date(self, db):
- return (not db.modified_run and
- self.revision == db.get_revision_number("Run"))
-class SimpleSuiteSummary(object):
- @staticmethod
- def fromdb(db, tag):
- revision = db.get_revision_number("Test")
- # Find all test names.
- q = db.session.query(Test)
- q = q.filter(Test.name.startswith(tag))
- tests = list(q)
- # Collect all the test data.
- test_names = set()
- parameter_sets = set()
- test_id_map = {}
- for t in tests:
- name = t.name.split('.', 1)[1]
- key = t.get_parameter_set()
- parameter_sets.add(key)
- test_id_map[(name, key)] = t.id
- if name.endswith('.success'):
- test_name = name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
- elif name.endswith('.status'):
- test_name = name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
- else:
- test_name = name
- test_names.add(test_name)
- # Order the test names.
- test_names = list(test_names)
- test_names.sort()
- # Collect the set of all parameter keys.
- parameter_keys = list(set([k for pset in parameter_sets
- for k,v in pset]))
- parameter_keys.sort()
- # Order the parameter sets and convert to dictionaries.
- parameter_sets = list(parameter_sets)
- parameter_sets.sort()
- return SimpleSuiteSummary(revision, tag, test_names,
- test_id_map, parameter_keys, parameter_sets)
- def __init__(self, revision, tag, test_names,
- test_id_map, parameter_keys, parameter_sets):
- self.revision = revision
- self.tag = tag
- self.test_names = test_names
- self.test_id_map = test_id_map
- self.parameter_keys = parameter_keys
- self.parameter_sets = parameter_sets
- self.parameter_maps = map(dict, parameter_sets)
- self.test_info_map = dict([(v,k) for k,v in test_id_map.items()])
- def is_up_to_date(self, db):
- return (not db.modified_test and
- self.revision == db.get_revision_number("Test"))
- def get_test_names_in_runs(self, db, runs):
- # Load the distinct test ids for these runs.
- test_ids = db.session.query(Sample.test_id)\
- .filter(Sample.run_id.in_(runs)).distinct()
- # Get the test names for the test ids.
- test_names = [self.test_info_map[id][0]
- for id, in test_ids]
- # Limit to the tests we actually report.
- test_names = list(set(test_names) & set(self.test_names))
- test_names.sort()
- return test_names
-_cache = {}
-def get_simple_suite_summary(db, tag):
- key = (db.path, tag)
- entry = _cache.get(key)
- if entry is None or not entry.is_up_to_date(db):
- _cache[key] = entry = SimpleSuiteSummary.fromdb(db, tag)
- return entry
-class SimpleSuiteRunSummary(object):
- _cache = {}
- @staticmethod
- def get_summary(db, tag):
- key = (db.path, tag)
- entry = SimpleSuiteRunSummary._cache.get(key)
- if entry is None or not entry.is_up_to_date(db):
- entry = SimpleSuiteRunSummary.fromdb(db, tag)
- SimpleSuiteRunSummary._cache[key] = entry
- return entry
- @staticmethod
- def fromdb(db, tag):
- revision = db.get_revision_number("RunInfo")
- # Find all run_orders for runs with this tag, ordered by run time so
- # that runs are ordered by both (run_order, time) in the final ordering.
- all_run_orders = db.session.query(RunInfo.value, RunInfo.run_id,
- Run.machine_id).\
- join(Run).\
- order_by(Run.start_time.desc()).\
- filter(RunInfo.key == "run_order").\
- filter(RunInfo.run_id.in_(
- db.session.query(RunInfo.run_id).\
- filter(RunInfo.key == "tag").\
- filter(RunInfo.value == tag).subquery()))
- all_run_orders = list(all_run_orders)
- order_by_run = dict((run_id,order)
- for order,run_id,machine_id in all_run_orders)
- machine_id_by_run = dict((run_id,machine_id)
- for order,run_id,machine_id in all_run_orders)
- # Create a mapping from run_order to the available runs with that order.
- runs_by_order = {}
- for order,run_id,_ in all_run_orders:
- runs = runs_by_order.get(order)
- if runs is None:
- runs = runs_by_order[order] = []
- runs.append(run_id)
- # Get all available run_orders, in order.
- def order_key(run_order):
- return run_order
- run_orders = runs_by_order.keys()
- run_orders.sort(key = order_key)
- run_orders.reverse()
- # Construct the total order of runs.
- runs_in_order = []
- for order in run_orders:
- runs_in_order.extend(runs_by_order[order])
- return SimpleSuiteRunSummary(
- revision, tag, run_orders, runs_by_order, runs_in_order,
- order_by_run, machine_id_by_run)
- def __init__(self, revision, tag, run_orders, runs_by_order, runs_in_order,
- order_by_run, machine_id_by_run):
- self.revision = revision
- self.tag = tag
- self.run_orders = run_orders
- self.runs_by_order = runs_by_order
- self.runs_in_order = runs_in_order
- self.order_by_run = order_by_run
- self.machine_id_by_run = machine_id_by_run
- self.run_status_kinds = {}
- def is_up_to_date(self, db):
- return (not db.modified_run and
- self.revision == db.get_revision_number("RunInfo"))
- def contains_run(self, run_id):
- return run_id in self.machine_id_by_run
- def get_run_order(self, run_id):
- return self.order_by_run.get(run_id)
- def get_runs_on_machine(self, machine_id):
- return [k for k,v in self.machine_id_by_run.items()
- if v == machine_id]
- def get_run_ordered_index(self, run_id):
- try:
- return self.runs_in_order.index(run_id)
- except:
- print run_id
- print self.runs_in_order
- raise
- def get_previous_run_on_machine(self, run_id):
- machine_id = self.machine_id_by_run[run_id]
- index = self.get_run_ordered_index(run_id)
- for i in range(index + 1, len(self.runs_in_order)):
- id = self.runs_in_order[i]
- if machine_id == self.machine_id_by_run[id]:
- return id
- def get_next_run_on_machine(self, run_id):
- machine_id = self.machine_id_by_run[run_id]
- index = self.get_run_ordered_index(run_id)
- for i in range(0, index)[::-1]:
- id = self.runs_in_order[i]
- if machine_id == self.machine_id_by_run[id]:
- return id
- def get_run_status_kind(self, db, run_id):
- kind = self.run_status_kinds.get(run_id)
- if kind is None:
- # Compute the status kind by for .success tests in this run.
- if db.session.query(Test.name).join(Sample)\
- .filter(Sample.run_id == run_id)\
- .filter(Test.name.endswith(".success")).first() is not None:
- kind = False
- else:
- kind = True
- self.run_status_kinds[run_id] = kind
- return kind
Modified: lnt/trunk/lnt/db/runinfo.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/db/runinfo.py?rev=161335&r1=161334&r2=161335&view=diff
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/db/runinfo.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/db/runinfo.py Mon Aug 6 15:02:49 2012
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-from lnt.util import stats
-from lnt.server.ui import util
-from lnt.db.perfdb import Sample
-from lnt.testing import PASS, FAIL, XFAIL
@@ -106,154 +101,3 @@
-class SimpleRunInfo:
- def __init__(self, db, test_suite_summary):
- self.db = db
- self.test_suite_summary = test_suite_summary
- self.sample_map = util.multidict()
- self.loaded_samples = set()
- def get_test_status_in_run(self, run_id, status_kind, test_name, pset):
- if status_kind == False: # .success
- status_name = test_name + '.success'
- status_test_id = self.test_suite_summary.test_id_map.get(
- (status_name, pset))
- run_status = self.sample_map.get((run_id, status_test_id))
- if run_status and int(run_status[0]) == 1:
- return PASS
- else:
- return FAIL
- else:
- status_name = test_name + '.status'
- status_test_id = self.test_suite_summary.test_id_map.get(
- (status_name, pset))
- run_status = self.sample_map.get((run_id, status_test_id))
- if not run_status:
- return PASS
- else:
- # FIXME: What to do about the multiple entries here. We could
- # start by just treating non-matching samples as errors.
- return int(run_status[0])
- def get_run_comparison_result(self, run, run_status_kind,
- compare_to, compare_to_status_kind,
- test_name, pset, comparison_window=[]):
- # Get the test.
- test_id = self.test_suite_summary.test_id_map.get((test_name, pset))
- if test_id is None:
- return ComparisonResult(run_value=None, prev_value=None, delta=None,
- pct_delta=None, stddev=None, MAD=None,
- cur_failed=None, prev_failed=None,
- samples=[])
- # Load the sample data for the current and previous runs and the
- # comparison window.
- if compare_to is None:
- compare_id = None
- else:
- compare_id = compare_to.id
- runs_to_load = set(comparison_window)
- runs_to_load.add(run.id)
- if compare_id is not None:
- runs_to_load.add(compare_id)
- self._load_samples_for_runs(runs_to_load)
- # Lookup the current and previous values.
- run_values = self.sample_map.get((run.id, test_id))
- prev_values = self.sample_map.get((compare_id, test_id))
- # Determine whether this (test,pset) passed or failed in the current and
- # previous runs.
- run_failed = prev_failed = False
- run_status = prev_status = None
- run_status = self.get_test_status_in_run(
- run.id, run_status_kind, test_name, pset)
- if compare_to:
- prev_status = self.get_test_status_in_run(
- compare_to.id, compare_to_status_kind, test_name, pset)
- else:
- prev_status = None
- # FIXME: Support XFAILs better.
- run_failed = run_status == FAIL
- prev_failed = prev_status == FAIL
- # Get the current and previous values.
- if run_values:
- run_value = min(run_values)
- else:
- run_value = None
- if prev_values:
- prev_value = min(prev_values)
- else:
- prev_value = None
- # If we have multiple values for this run, use that to estimate the
- # distribution.
- if run_values and len(run_values) > 1:
- stddev = stats.standard_deviation(run_values)
- MAD = stats.median_absolute_deviation(run_values)
- stddev_mean = stats.mean(run_values)
- stddev_is_estimated = False
- else:
- stddev = None
- MAD = None
- stddev_mean = None
- stddev_is_estimated = False
- # If we are missing current or comparison values we are done.
- if run_value is None or prev_value is None:
- return ComparisonResult(
- run_value, prev_value, delta=None,
- pct_delta = None, stddev = stddev, MAD = MAD,
- cur_failed = run_failed, prev_failed = prev_failed,
- samples = run_values)
- # Compute the comparison status for the test value.
- delta = run_value - prev_value
- if prev_value != 0:
- pct_delta = delta / prev_value
- else:
- pct_delta = 0.0
- # If we don't have an estimate for the distribution, attempt to "guess"
- # it using the comparison window.
- #
- # FIXME: We can substantially improve the algorithm for guessing the
- # noise level from a list of values. Probably better to just find a way
- # to kill this code though.
- if stddev is None:
- # Get all previous values in the comparison window, for passing
- # runs.
- #
- # FIXME: This is using the wrong status kind. :/
- prev_values = [v for run_id in comparison_window
- for v in self.sample_map.get((run_id, test_id), ())
- if self.get_test_status_in_run(
- run_id, run_status_kind, test_name, pset) == PASS]
- if prev_values:
- stddev = stats.standard_deviation(prev_values)
- MAD = stats.median_absolute_deviation(prev_values)
- stddev_mean = stats.mean(prev_values)
- stddev_is_estimated = True
- return ComparisonResult(run_value, prev_value, delta,
- pct_delta, stddev, MAD,
- run_failed, prev_failed, run_values,
- stddev_mean, stddev_is_estimated)
- def _load_samples_for_runs(self, runs):
- # Find the set of new runs to load.
- to_load = set(runs) - self.loaded_samples
- if not to_load:
- return
- q = self.db.session.query(Sample.value, Sample.run_id, Sample.test_id)
- q = q.filter(Sample.run_id.in_(to_load))
- for value,run_id,test_id in q:
- self.sample_map[(run_id,test_id)] = value
- self.loaded_samples |= to_load
Modified: lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/import_data.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/import_data.py?rev=161335&r1=161334&r2=161335&view=diff
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/import_data.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/import_data.py Mon Aug 6 15:02:49 2012
@@ -1,9 +1,6 @@
import os, pprint, sys, time
-import lnt.db.perfdb
-from lnt import formats
-import lnt.server.config
-import lnt.server.db.v4db
+import lnt.formats
import lnt.util.ImportData
import lnt.server.instance
@@ -16,7 +13,7 @@
parser.add_option("", "--database", dest="database", default="default",
help="database to write to [%default]")
parser.add_option("", "--format", dest="format",
- choices=formats.format_names + ['<auto>'],
+ choices=lnt.formats.format_names + ['<auto>'],
parser.add_option("", "--commit", dest="commit", type=int,
Modified: lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/main.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/main.py?rev=161335&r1=161334&r2=161335&view=diff
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/main.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/main.py Mon Aug 6 15:02:49 2012
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
import lnt
import lnt.util.ImportData
from lnt import testing
-from lnt.db import perfdb
from lnt.testing.util.commands import note, warning, error, fatal
def action_runserver(name, args):
@@ -90,7 +89,6 @@
from create import action_create
from convert import action_convert
from import_data import action_import
-from report import action_report
from updatedb import action_updatedb
def action_checkformat(name, args):
Removed: lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/report.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/report.py?rev=161334&view=auto
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/report.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/lnttool/report.py (removed)
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
-from lnt import testing
-from lnt.db import perfdb
-from lnt.db import perfdbsummary, runinfo
-from lnt.db.perfdb import Run, RunInfo, Machine, Sample, Test
-from lnt.testing.util.commands import note, warning, error, fatal
-from lnt.util import stats
-def print_table(rows):
- def format_cell(value):
- if isinstance(value, str):
- return value
- elif isinstance(value, int):
- return str(value)
- elif isinstance(value, float):
- return "%.4f" % value
- else:
- return str(value)
- N = len(rows[0])
- for row in rows:
- if len(row) != N:
- raise ValueError,"Invalid table"
- print "\t".join(map(format_cell, row))
-def action_report(name, args):
- """performance reporting tools"""
- parser = OptionParser("""\
-%%prog %s [options] <db>""" % name)
- parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose",
- help="show verbose test results",
- action="store_true", default=False)
- parser.add_option("", "--run-order", dest="run_order",
- help="run order to select on",
- type=int, default=None)
- parser.add_option("", "--arch", dest="arch",
- help="arch field to select on",
- type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_option("", "--optflags", dest="optflags",
- help="optimization flags field to select on",
- type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_option("", "--machine", dest="machine_name",
- help="machine name to select on",
- type=str, default=None)
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
- if len(args) != 1:
- parser.error("incorrect number of argments")
- path, = args
- db = perfdb.PerfDB('sqlite:///%s' % path)
- tag = 'nts'
- if opts.run_order is None:
- parser.error("--run-order is required")
- # First, find all runs with the desired order.
- q = db.session.query(Run).\
- join(RunInfo).\
- order_by(Run.start_time.desc()).\
- filter(RunInfo.key == "run_order").\
- filter(RunInfo.value == "% 7d" % opts.run_order)
- matching_runs = list(q)
- # Try to help user if nothing was found.
- if not matching_runs:
- available_orders = set(
- db.session.query(RunInfo.value).\
- filter(RunInfo.key == "run_order"))
- fatal("no runs found matching --run-order %d, available orders: %s" % (
- opts.run_order, str(sorted(int(x)
- for x, in available_orders))))
- # Match based on the machine name, if given.
- if opts.machine_name:
- selected = [r for r in matching_runs
- if r.machine.name == opts.machine_name]
- if not selected:
- available_names = set(r.machine.name
- for r in matching_runs)
- fatal(
- "no runs found matching --machine %s, available names: [%s]" %(
- opts.machine_name, ", ".join(sorted(available_names))))
- matching_runs = selected
- # Match based on the architecture, if given.
- if opts.arch:
- selected = [r for r in matching_runs
- if 'ARCH' in r.info
- if r.info['ARCH'].value == opts.arch]
- if not selected:
- available_archs = set(r.info['ARCH'].value
- for r in matching_runs
- if 'ARCH' in r.info)
- fatal("no runs found matching --arch %s, available archs: [%s]" % (
- opts.arch, ", ".join(sorted(available_archs))))
- matching_runs = selected
- # Match based on the optflags, if given.
- if opts.optflags:
- selected = [r for r in matching_runs
- if 'OPTFLAGS' in r.info
- if r.info['OPTFLAGS'].value == opts.optflags]
- if not selected:
- available_flags = set(r.info['OPTFLAGS'].value
- for r in matching_runs
- if 'OPTFLAGS' in r.info)
- fatal(
- "no runs found matching --optflags %s, available flags: [%s]" %(
- opts.optflags, ", ".join(sorted(available_flags))))
- matching_runs = selected
- # Inform the user of the final list of selected runs.
- note("selection arguments resulted in %d runs" % (len(matching_runs),))
- for run in matching_runs:
- note("Run: % 5d, Start Time: %s, Machine: %s:%d" % (
- run.id, run.start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
- run.machine.name, run.machine.number))
- # Take only the first matched run, for now. This will be the latest, by the
- # original ordering clause.
- note("selecting newest run for reporting...")
- matching_runs = [matching_runs[0]]
- # Inform the user of the final list of selected runs.
- note("reporting over %d total runs" % (len(matching_runs),))
- for run in matching_runs:
- note("Run: % 5d, Start Time: %s, Machine: %s:%d" % (
- run.id, run.start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
- run.machine.name, run.machine.number))
- # Get the run summary which has run ordering information.
- run_summary = perfdbsummary.SimpleSuiteRunSummary.get_summary(db, tag)
- # Load the test suite summary.
- ts_summary = perfdbsummary.get_simple_suite_summary(db, tag)
- # Gather the names of all tests across these runs, for more normalized
- # reporting.
- test_names = ts_summary.get_test_names_in_runs(
- db, [r.id for r in matching_runs])
- test_components = sorted(set(t.rsplit('.',1)[1] for t in test_names))
- test_base_names = sorted(set(t.rsplit('.',1)[0] for t in test_names))
- # Load all the data.
- items = {}
- for test_component in test_components:
- for name,value in get_test_passes(db, run_summary, ts_summary,
- test_component, test_base_names,
- matching_runs):
- items[(test_component, name)] = value
- # Dump the results.
- print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (
- "Test", "Mean Compile Time", "Mean Execution Time",
- "Std.Dev. Compile Time", "Std.Dev. Execution Time",
- "Num. Compile Time Samples", "Num. Execution Time Samples")
- for name in test_base_names:
- compile_results = items.get(('compile', name), [])
- exec_results = items.get(('exec', name), [])
- if compile_results:
- compile_value = "%.4f" % stats.mean(compile_results)
- compile_stddev = "%.4f" % stats.standard_deviation(compile_results)
- else:
- compile_value = compile_stddev = ""
- if exec_results:
- exec_value = "%.4f" % stats.mean(exec_results)
- exec_stddev = "%.4f" % stats.standard_deviation(exec_results)
- else:
- exec_value = exec_stddev = ""
- print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d" % (
- name, compile_value, exec_value,
- compile_stddev, exec_stddev,
- len(compile_results), len(exec_results))
-def get_test_passes(db, run_summary, ts_summary,
- test_component, test_base_names, runs):
- if not runs:
- return
- sri = runinfo.SimpleRunInfo(db, ts_summary)
- sri._load_samples_for_runs([r.id for r in runs])
- run_status_info = [(r, run_summary.get_run_status_kind(db, r.id))
- for r in runs]
- pset = ()
- for test_base_name in test_base_names:
- test_name = "%s.%s" % (test_base_name, test_component)
- test_id = ts_summary.test_id_map.get((test_name, pset))
- if test_id is None:
- continue
- run_values = sum((sri.sample_map.get((run.id, test_id))
- for run in runs
- if (run.id, test_id) in sri.sample_map), [])
- # Ignore tests that weren't reported in some runs (e.g., -disable-cxx).
- if not run_values:
- continue
- # Find the test status, treat any non-determinism as a FAIL.
- run_status = list(set([sri.get_test_status_in_run(
- r.id, rsk, test_name, pset)
- for (r,rsk) in run_status_info]))
- if len(run_status) == 1:
- status_kind = run_status[0]
- else:
- status_kind = testing.FAIL
- # Ignore failing methods.
- if status_kind == testing.FAIL:
- continue
- yield (test_base_name, run_values)
Modified: lnt/trunk/lnt/server/config.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/server/config.py?rev=161335&r1=161334&r2=161335&view=diff
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/server/config.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/server/config.py Mon Aug 6 15:02:49 2012
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
import os
import re
-import lnt.db.perfdb
import lnt.server.db.v4db
class EmailConfig:
Modified: lnt/trunk/lnt/server/ui/app.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/server/ui/app.py?rev=161335&r1=161334&r2=161335&view=diff
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/server/ui/app.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/server/ui/app.py Mon Aug 6 15:02:49 2012
@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@
import lnt.server.ui.globals
import lnt.server.ui.views
-from lnt.db import perfdbsummary
-from lnt.db import perfdb
class RootSlashPatchMiddleware(object):
def __init__(self, app):
self.app = app
@@ -127,7 +124,6 @@
- perfdb=perfdb,
Removed: lnt/trunk/lnt/server/ui/graphutil.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/server/ui/graphutil.py?rev=161334&view=auto
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/server/ui/graphutil.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/server/ui/graphutil.py (removed)
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-Helper functions for graphing test results.
-from lnt.server.ui import util
-from lnt.util import stats
-from lnt.external.stats import stats as ext_stats
-from lnt.db.perfdb import Machine, Run, RunInfo, Sample, Test
-def get_test_plots(db, machine, test_ids, run_summary, ts_summary,
- show_mad_error = False, show_points = False,
- show_all_points = False, show_stddev = False,
- show_linear_regression = False):
- # Load all the samples for these tests and this machine.
- q = db.session.query(Sample.run_id,Sample.test_id,
- Sample.value).join(Run)
- q = q.filter(Run.machine_id == machine.id)
- q = q.filter(Sample.test_id.in_(test_ids))
- samples = list(q)
- # Aggregate by test id and then run key.
- #
- # FIXME: Pretty expensive.
- samples_by_test_id = {}
- for run_id,test_id,value in samples:
- d = samples_by_test_id.get(test_id)
- if d is None:
- d = samples_by_test_id[test_id] = util.multidict()
- run_key = run_summary.get_run_order(run_id)
- if run_key is None:
- continue
- # FIXME: What to do on failure?
- run_key = int(run_key)
- d[run_key] = value
- # Build the graph data
- pset_id_map = dict([(pset,i)
- for i,pset in enumerate(ts_summary.parameter_sets)])
- num_plots = len(test_ids)
- for index,test_id in enumerate(test_ids):
- test = db.getTest(test_id)
- pset = test.get_parameter_set()
- name = test.name
- # Get the plot for this test.
- #
- # FIXME: Support order by something other than time.
- errorbar_data = []
- points_data = []
- data = []
- points = []
- for x,values in samples_by_test_id.get(test_id,{}).items():
- min_value = min(values)
- data.append((x, min_value))
- if show_points:
- if show_all_points:
- for v in values:
- points_data.append((x, v))
- else:
- points_data.append((x, min_value))
- if show_stddev:
- mean = stats.mean(values)
- sigma = stats.standard_deviation(values)
- errorbar_data.append((x, mean - sigma, mean + sigma))
- if show_mad_error:
- med = stats.median(values)
- mad = stats.median_absolute_deviation(values, med)
- errorbar_data.append((x, med - mad, med + mad))
- points.append((x, min_value, mad, med))
- data.sort()
- points.sort()
- plot_js = ""
- # Determine the base plot color.
- col = list(util.makeDarkColor(float(index) / num_plots))
- # Add regression line, if requested.
- if show_linear_regression:
- xs = [t for t,v in data]
- ys = [v for t,v in data]
- # We compute the regression line in terms of a normalized X scale.
- x_min, x_max = min(xs), max(xs)
- try:
- norm_xs = [(x - x_min) / (x_max - x_min)
- for x in xs]
- except ZeroDivisionError:
- norm_xs = xs
- try:
- info = ext_stats.linregress(norm_xs, ys)
- except ZeroDivisionError:
- info = None
- except ValueError:
- info = None
- if info is not None:
- slope, intercept,_,_,_ = info
- reglin_col = [c*.5 for c in col]
- pts = ','.join('[%.4f,%.4f]' % pt
- for pt in [(x_min, 0.0 * slope + intercept),
- (x_max, 1.0 * slope + intercept)])
- style = "new Graph2D_LinePlotStyle(4, %r)" % ([.7, .7, .7],)
- plot_js += " graph.addPlot([%s], %s);\n" % (pts,style)
- style = "new Graph2D_LinePlotStyle(2, %r)" % (reglin_col,)
- plot_js += " graph.addPlot([%s], %s);\n" % (pts,style)
- pts = ','.join(['[%.4f,%.4f]' % (t,v)
- for t,v in data])
- style = "new Graph2D_LinePlotStyle(1, %r)" % col
- plot_js += " graph.addPlot([%s], %s);\n" % (pts,style)
- if points_data:
- pts_col = (0,0,0)
- pts = ','.join(['[%.4f,%.4f]' % (t,v)
- for t,v in points_data])
- style = "new Graph2D_PointPlotStyle(1, %r)" % (pts_col,)
- plot_js += " graph.addPlot([%s], %s);\n" % (pts,style)
- if errorbar_data:
- bar_col = [c*.7 for c in col]
- pts = ','.join(['[%.4f,%.4f,%.4f]' % (x,y_min,y_max)
- for x,y_min,y_max in errorbar_data])
- style = "new Graph2D_ErrorBarPlotStyle(1, %r)" % (bar_col,)
- plot_js += " graph.addPlot([%s], %s);\n" % (pts,style)
- yield (test_id, plot_js, col, data, points)
Modified: lnt/trunk/lnt/server/ui/views.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/server/ui/views.py?rev=161335&r1=161334&r2=161335&view=diff
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/server/ui/views.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/server/ui/views.py Mon Aug 6 15:02:49 2012
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@
import lnt.util
import lnt.util.ImportData
import lnt.util.stats
-from lnt.db import perfdb
from lnt.server.ui.globals import db_url_for, v4_url_for
import lnt.server.reporting.analysis
from lnt.db import runinfo
Modified: lnt/trunk/lnt/util/ImportData.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/util/ImportData.py?rev=161335&r1=161334&r2=161335&view=diff
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/util/ImportData.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/util/ImportData.py Mon Aug 6 15:02:49 2012
@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
import os, re, time
-import lnt.db.perfdb
import lnt.testing
-from lnt import formats
-from lnt.db import runinfo
+import lnt.formats
+import lnt.db.runinfo
from lnt.util import NTEmailReport
def import_and_report(config, db_name, db, file, format, commit=False,
@@ -37,7 +36,7 @@
startTime = time.time()
- data = formats.read_any(file, format)
+ data = lnt.formats.read_any(file, format)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
@@ -223,20 +222,20 @@
# FIXME: Think longer about mapping to test codes.
result_info = None
- if test_status == runinfo.REGRESSED:
+ if test_status == lnt.db.runinfo.REGRESSED:
result_string = 'FAIL'
- elif test_status == runinfo.IMPROVED:
+ elif test_status == lnt.db.runinfo.IMPROVED:
result_string = 'IMPROVED'
result_info = "Test started passing."
- elif test_status == runinfo.UNCHANGED_FAIL:
+ elif test_status == lnt.db.runinfo.UNCHANGED_FAIL:
result_string = 'XFAIL'
elif perf_status == None:
# Missing perf status means test was just added or removed.
result_string = 'PASS'
- elif perf_status == runinfo.REGRESSED:
+ elif perf_status == lnt.db.runinfo.REGRESSED:
result_string = 'REGRESSED'
result_info = 'Performance regressed.'
- elif perf_status == runinfo.IMPROVED:
+ elif perf_status == lnt.db.runinfo.IMPROVED:
result_string = 'IMPROVED'
result_info = 'Performance improved.'
Modified: lnt/trunk/lnt/util/NTEmailReport.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/util/NTEmailReport.py?rev=161335&r1=161334&r2=161335&view=diff
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/util/NTEmailReport.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/util/NTEmailReport.py Mon Aug 6 15:02:49 2012
@@ -4,17 +4,9 @@
import urllib
import StringIO
-from lnt.db import runinfo
-from lnt.db import perfdbsummary
-from lnt.server.ui import graphutil
-from lnt.server.ui import util
-from lnt.db import perfdb
-from lnt.util.NTUtil import *
import lnt.server.db.v4db
import lnt.server.reporting.runs
-from lnt.db.perfdb import Run, Sample
def emailReport(result, db, run, baseurl, email_config, to, was_added=True,
import email.mime.multipart
@@ -51,575 +43,12 @@
s.sendmail(email_config.from_address, [to], msg.as_string())
-def findPreceedingRun(query, run):
- """findPreceedingRun - Find the most recent run in query which
- preceeds run."""
- best = None
- for r in query:
- # Restrict to nightlytest runs.
- if 'tag' in r.info and r.info['tag'].value != 'nightlytest':
- continue
- # Select most recent run prior to the one we are reporting on.
- if (r.start_time < run.start_time and
- (best is None or r.start_time > best.start_time)):
- best = r
- return best
-def getSimpleReport(result, db, run, baseurl, was_added, will_commit,
- only_html_body = False, show_graphs = False,
- num_comparison_runs = 10):
- machine = run.machine
- tag = run.info['tag'].value
- # Get the run summary.
- run_summary = perfdbsummary.SimpleSuiteRunSummary.get_summary(db, tag)
- # Ignore run's which don't appear in the summary, for whatever reason.
- if not run_summary.contains_run(run.id):
- return ("No report for run", "No report for run", None)
- # Load the test suite summary.
- ts_summary = perfdbsummary.get_simple_suite_summary(db, tag)
- # Get the run pass/fail information.
- sri = runinfo.SimpleRunInfo(db, ts_summary)
- # Gather the runs to use for statistical data.
- cur_id = run.id
- comparison_window = []
- for i in range(num_comparison_runs):
- cur_id = run_summary.get_previous_run_on_machine(cur_id)
- if not cur_id:
- break
- comparison_window.append(cur_id)
- # Find previous run to compare to.
- id = run_summary.get_previous_run_on_machine(run.id)
- if id is not None:
- compare_to = db.getRun(id)
- else:
- # FIXME: Look for run across machine.
- compare_to = None
- # Get the test status style used in each run.
- run_status_kind = run_summary.get_run_status_kind(db, run.id)
- if compare_to:
- compare_to_status_kind = run_summary.get_run_status_kind(
- db, compare_to.id)
- else:
- compare_to_status_kind = None
- # Get the list of tests we are interested in.
- interesting_runs = [run.id]
- if compare_to:
- interesting_runs.append(compare_to.id)
- test_names = ts_summary.get_test_names_in_runs(db, interesting_runs)
- # Gather the changes to report, mapped by parameter set.
- new_failures = util.multidict()
- new_passes = util.multidict()
- perf_regressions = util.multidict()
- perf_improvements = util.multidict()
- added_tests = util.multidict()
- removed_tests = util.multidict()
- existing_failures = util.multidict()
- unchanged_tests = util.multidict()
- num_total_tests = len(test_names) * len(ts_summary.parameter_sets)
- for name in test_names:
- for pset in ts_summary.parameter_sets:
- cr = sri.get_run_comparison_result(
- run, run_status_kind, compare_to, compare_to_status_kind,
- name, pset, comparison_window)
- test_status = cr.get_test_status()
- perf_status = cr.get_value_status()
- if test_status == runinfo.REGRESSED:
- new_failures[pset] = (name, cr)
- elif test_status == runinfo.IMPROVED:
- new_passes[pset] = (name, cr)
- elif cr.current is None and cr.previous is not None:
- removed_tests[pset] = (name, cr)
- elif cr.current is not None and cr.previous is None:
- added_tests[pset] = (name, cr)
- elif test_status == runinfo.UNCHANGED_FAIL:
- existing_failures[pset] = (name, cr)
- elif perf_status == runinfo.REGRESSED:
- perf_regressions[pset] = (name, cr)
- elif perf_status == runinfo.IMPROVED:
- perf_improvements[pset] = (name, cr)
- else:
- unchanged_tests[pset] = (name, cr)
- # Collect the simplified results, if desired, for sending back to clients.
- if result is not None:
- test_results = result['test_results'] = []
- for pset in ts_summary.parameter_sets:
- pset_results = []
- for name in test_names:
- cr = sri.get_run_comparison_result(
- run, run_status_kind, compare_to, compare_to_status_kind,
- name, pset, comparison_window)
- test_status = cr.get_test_status()
- perf_status = cr.get_value_status()
- # FIXME: Include additional information about performance
- # changes.
- pset_results.append( (name, test_status, perf_status) )
- test_results.append({ 'pset' : pset, 'results' : pset_results })
- # Generate the report.
- report = StringIO.StringIO()
- html_report = StringIO.StringIO()
- machine = run.machine
- subject = """%s nightly tester results""" % machine.name
- # Generate the report header.
- if baseurl[-1] == '/':
- baseurl = baseurl[:-1]
- report_url = """%s/simple/%s/%d/""" % (baseurl, tag, run.id)
- print >>report, report_url
- print >>report, """Nickname: %s:%d""" % (machine.name, machine.number)
- if 'name' in machine.info:
- print >>report, """Name: %s""" % (machine.info['name'].value,)
- print >>report, """Comparing:"""
- print >>report, """ Run: %d, Order: %s, Start Time: %s, End Time: %s""" % (
- run.id, run.info['run_order'].value, run.start_time, run.end_time)
- if compare_to:
- print >>report, (""" To: %d, Order: %s, """
- """Start Time: %s, End Time: %s""") % (
- compare_to.id, compare_to.info['run_order'].value,
- compare_to.start_time, compare_to.end_time)
- if run.machine != compare_to.machine:
- print >>report, """*** WARNING ***:""",
- print >>report, """comparison is against a different machine""",
- print >>report, """(%s:%d)""" % (compare_to.machine.name,
- compare_to.machine.number)
- else:
- print >>report, """ To: (none)"""
- print >>report
- # Generate the HTML report header.
- print >>html_report, """\
-<table>""" % subject
- print >>html_report, """\
-<tr><td>URL</td><td><a href="%s">%s</a></td></tr>""" % (report_url, report_url)
- print >>html_report, "<tr><td>Nickname</td><td>%s:%d</td></tr>" % (
- machine.name, machine.number)
- if 'name' in machine.info:
- print >>html_report, """<tr><td>Name</td<td>%s</td></tr>""" % (
- machine.info['name'].value,)
- print >>html_report, """</table>"""
- print >>html_report, """\
- <tr>
- <th>Run</th>
- <th>ID</th>
- <th>Order</th>
- <th>Start Time</th>
- <th>End Time</th>
- </tr>"""
- print >>html_report, """\
-<tr><td>Current</td><td>%d</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>""" % (
- run.id, run.info['run_order'].value, run.start_time, run.end_time)
- if compare_to:
- print >>html_report, """\
-<tr><td>Previous</td><td>%d</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>""" % (
- compare_to.id, compare_to.info['run_order'].value,
- compare_to.start_time, compare_to.end_time)
- else:
- print >>html_report, """<tr><td colspan=4>No Previous Run</td></tr>"""
- print >>html_report, """</table>"""
- if compare_to and run.machine != compare_to.machine:
- print >>html_report, """<p><b>*** WARNING ***:""",
- print >>html_report, """comparison is against a different machine""",
- print >>html_report, """(%s:%d)</b></p>""" % (compare_to.machine.name,
- compare_to.machine.number)
- # Generate the summary of the changes.
- items_info = (('New Failures', new_failures, False),
- ('New Passes', new_passes, False),
- ('Performance Regressions', perf_regressions, True),
- ('Performance Improvements', perf_improvements, True),
- ('Removed Tests', removed_tests, False),
- ('Added Tests', added_tests, False),
- ('Existing Failures', existing_failures, False),
- ('Unchanged Tests', unchanged_tests, False))
- total_changes = sum([sum(map(len, items.values()))
- for name,items,_ in items_info
- if name != 'Unchanged Tests'])
- graphs = []
- print >>report, """==============="""
- print >>report, """Tests Summary"""
- print >>report, """==============="""
- print >>report
- print >>html_report, """
-<h3>Tests Summary</h3>
-<thead><tr><th>Status Group</th><th align="right">#</th></tr></thead>
- for name,items,_ in items_info:
- if items:
- num_items = sum(map(len, items.values()))
- print >>report, '%s: %d' % (name, num_items)
- print >>html_report, """
-<tr><td>%s</td><td align="right">%d</td></tr>""" % (name, num_items)
- print >>report, """Total Tests: %d""" % num_total_tests
- print >>report
- print >>html_report, """
- <tr><td><b>Total Tests</b></td><td align="right"><b>%d</b></td></tr>
-""" % num_total_tests
- if total_changes:
- print >>report, """=============="""
- print >>report, """Changes Detail"""
- print >>report, """=============="""
- print >>html_report, """
-<h3>Changes Detail</h3>"""
- for test_name,items,show_perf in items_info:
- if not items or test_name == 'Unchanged Tests':
- continue
- show_pset = items.items()[0][0] or len(items) > 1
- pset_names = dict(
- (pset, 'pset.%d' % i)
- for i,pset in enumerate(ts_summary.parameter_sets))
- print >>report
- print >>report, test_name
- print >>report, '-' * len(test_name)
- for pset,tests in items.items():
- if show_perf:
- tests.sort(key = lambda (_,cr): -abs(cr.pct_delta))
- # Group tests by final component.
- def get_last_component(t):
- name = t[0]
- if '.' in name:
- return name.rsplit('.', 1)[1]
- return ''
- grouped = util.multidict(
- (get_last_component(t), t)
- for t in tests)
- for group,grouped_tests in util.sorted(grouped.items()):
- group_name = {
- "" : "(ungrouped)",
- "exec" : "Execution",
- "compile" : "Compile" }.get(group, group)
- if show_pset:
- table_name = "%s - %s" % (test_name, pset)
- else:
- table_name = test_name
- print >>report, "%s - %s" % (table_name, group_name)
- print >>html_report, """
- <p>
- <table class="sortable">
- <tr><th>%s - %s </th>""" % (table_name, group_name)
- if show_perf:
- print >>html_report, """
- <th>Δ</th><th>Previous</th><th>Current</th> <th>σ</th>"""
- print >>html_report, """</tr>"""
- for i,(name,cr) in enumerate(grouped_tests):
- if show_perf:
- if cr.stddev is not None:
- print >>report, (
- ' %s: %.2f%%'
- '(%.4f => %.4f, std. dev.: %.4f)') % (
- name, 100. * cr.pct_delta,
- cr.previous, cr.current, cr.stddev)
- else:
- print >>report, (
- ' %s: %.2f%%'
- '(%.4f => %.4f)') % (
- name, 100. * cr.pct_delta,
- cr.previous, cr.current)
- # Show inline charts for top 10 changes.
- if show_graphs and i < 10:
- graph_name = "graph.%d" % len(graphs)
- graphs.append( (graph_name,name,pset) )
- extra_cell_value = """
- <br><canvas id="%s" width="400" height="100"></canvas/>
- """ % (graph_name)
- else:
- extra_cell_value = ""
- # Link the regression to the chart of its
- # performance.
- pset_name = pset_names[pset]
- form_data = urllib.urlencode([(pset_name, 'on'),
- ('test.'+name, 'on')])
- linked_name = '<a href="%s?%s">%s</a>' % (
- os.path.join(report_url, "graph"),
- form_data, name)
- pct_value = util.PctCell(cr.pct_delta).render()
- if cr.stddev is not None:
- print >>html_report, """
- <tr><td>%s%s</td>%s<td>%.4f</td><td>%.4f</td><td>%.4f</td></tr>""" %(
- linked_name, extra_cell_value, pct_value,
- cr.previous, cr.current, cr.stddev)
- else:
- print >>html_report, """
- <tr><td>%s%s</td>%s<td>%.4f</td><td>%.4f</td><td>-</td></tr>""" %(
- name, extra_cell_value, pct_value,
- cr.previous, cr.current)
- else:
- print >>report, ' %s' % (name,)
- print >>html_report, """
- <tr><td>%s</td></tr>""" % (name,)
- print >>html_report, """
- </table>"""
- # Finish up the HTML report.
- if graphs:
- # Get the test ids we want data for.
- test_ids = [ts_summary.test_id_map[(name,pset)]
- for _,name,pset in graphs]
- plots_iter = graphutil.get_test_plots(db, machine, test_ids,
- run_summary, ts_summary,
- show_mad_error = True,
- show_points = True)
- print >>html_report, """
-<script type="text/javascript">
-function init_report() {"""
- for (graph_item, plot_info) in zip(graphs, plots_iter):
- graph_name = graph_item[0]
- plot_js = plot_info[1]
- print >>html_report, """
- graph = new Graph2D("%s");
- graph.clearColor = [1, 1, 1];
- %s
- graph.draw();
-""" % (graph_name, plot_js)
- print >>html_report, """
- html_report = html_report.getvalue()
- if not only_html_body:
- # We embed the additional resources, so that the message is self
- # contained.
- static_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
- "server", "ui", "static")
- style_css = open(os.path.join(static_path,
- "style.css")).read()
- header = """
- <style type="text/css">
- </style>""" % style_css
- if graphs:
- view2d_js = open(os.path.join(static_path,
- "View2D.js")).read()
- header += """
- <script type="text/javascript">
- </script>""" % locals()
- html_report = """
- <head>
- <title>%(subject)s</title>
- </head>
- <body onload="init_report()">
- </body>
-</html>""" % locals()
- return subject, report.getvalue(), html_report
def getReport(result, db, run, baseurl, was_added, will_commit,
only_html_body = False, compare_to = None):
+ assert isinstance(db, lnt.server.db.v4db.V4DB)
report = StringIO.StringIO()
- # We haven't implemented V4DB support yet in reports.
- if isinstance(db, lnt.server.db.v4db.V4DB):
- reports = lnt.server.reporting.runs.generate_run_report(
- run, baseurl=baseurl, only_html_body=only_html_body,
- result=result, compare_to=compare_to)
- return reports[:3]
- # Use a simple report unless the tag indicates this is an old style nightly
- # test run.
- if 'tag' in run.info and run.info['tag'].value != 'nightlytest':
- return getSimpleReport(result, db, run, baseurl, was_added, will_commit,
- only_html_body)
- machine = run.machine
- compareTo = None
- # Find comparison run.
- # FIXME: Share this code with similar stuff in the server UI.
- # FIXME: Scalability.
- compareCrossesMachine = False
- compareTo = findPreceedingRun(db.runs(machine=machine), run)
- # If we didn't find a comparison run against this machine, look
- # for a comparison run against the same machine name, and warn the
- # user we are crosses machines.
- if compareTo is None:
- compareCrossesMachine = True
- q = db.session.query(perfdb.Run).join(perfdb.Machine)
- q = q.filter_by(name=machine.name)
- compareTo = findPreceedingRun(q, run)
- summary = RunSummary()
- summary.addRun(db, run)
- if compareTo:
- summary.addRun(db, compareTo)
- def getTestValue(run, testname, keyname):
- fullname = 'nightlytest.' + testname + '.' + keyname
- t = summary.testMap.get(str(fullname))
- if t is None:
- return None
- samples = summary.getRunSamples(run).get(t.id)
- if not samples:
- return None
- return samples[0]
- def getTestSuccess(run, testname, keyname):
- res = getTestValue(run, testname, keyname + '.success')
- if res is None:
- return res
- return not not res
- newPasses = util.multidict()
- newFailures = util.multidict()
- addedTests = util.multidict()
- removedTests = util.multidict()
- allTests = set()
- allFailures = set()
- allFailuresByKey = util.multidict()
- for keyname,title in kTSKeys.items():
- for testname in summary.testNames:
- curResult = getTestSuccess(run, testname, keyname)
- prevResult = getTestSuccess(compareTo, testname, keyname)
- if curResult is not None:
- allTests.add((testname,keyname))
- if curResult is False:
- allFailures.add((testname,keyname))
- allFailuresByKey[title] = testname
- # Count as new pass if it passed, and previous result was failure.
- if curResult and prevResult == False:
- newPasses[testname] = title
- # Count as new failure if it failed, and previous result was not
- # failure.
- if curResult == False and prevResult != False:
- newFailures[testname] = title
- if curResult is not None and prevResult is None:
- addedTests[testname] = title
- if curResult is None and prevResult is not None:
- removedTests[testname] = title
- changes = util.multidict()
- for i,(name,key) in enumerate(kComparisonKinds):
- if not key:
- # FIXME: File Size
- continue
- for testname in summary.testNames:
- curValue = getTestValue(run, testname, key)
- prevValue = getTestValue(compareTo, testname, key)
- # Skip missing tests.
- if curValue is None or prevValue is None:
- continue
- pct = util.safediv(curValue, prevValue)
- if pct is None:
- continue
- pctDelta = pct - 1.
- if abs(pctDelta) < .05:
- continue
- if min(prevValue, curValue) <= .2:
- continue
- changes[name] = (testname, curValue, prevValue, pctDelta)
- if will_commit:
- if not was_added:
- print >>report, ("*** NOTE ***: This was a duplicate submission, "
- "and did not modify the database.\n")
- else:
- if was_added:
- print >>report, ("*** NOTE ***: This is a test submission, "
- "it will not be committed to the database.\n")
- else:
- print >>report, ("*** NOTE ***: This is a test submission, "
- "and was a duplicate of an existing run.\n")
- if baseurl[-1] == '/':
- baseurl = baseurl[:-1]
- print >>report, """%s/nightlytest/%d/""" % (baseurl, run.id)
- print >>report, """Nickname: %s:%d""" % (machine.name, machine.number)
- if 'name' in machine.info:
- print >>report, """Name: %s""" % (machine.info['name'].value,)
- print >>report
- print >>report, """Run: %d, Start Time: %s, End Time: %s""" % (
- run.id, run.start_time, run.end_time)
- if compareTo:
- print >>report, """Comparing To: %d, Start Time: %s, End Time: %s""" % (
- compareTo.id, compareTo.start_time, compareTo.end_time)
- if compareCrossesMachine:
- print >>report, """*** WARNING ***:""",
- print >>report, """comparison is against a different machine""",
- print >>report, """(%s:%d)""" % (compareTo.machine.name,
- compareTo.machine.number)
- else:
- print >>report, """Comparing To: (none)"""
- print >>report
- print >>report, """--- Changes Summary ---"""
- for title,elts in (('New Test Passes', newPasses),
- ('New Test Failures', newFailures),
- ('Added Tests', addedTests),
- ('Removed Tests', removedTests)):
- print >>report, """%s: %d""" % (title,
- sum([len(values)
- for key,values in elts.items()]))
- numSignificantChanges = sum([len(changelist)
- for name,changelist in changes.items()])
- print >>report, """Significant Changes: %d""" % (numSignificantChanges,)
- print >>report
- print >>report, """--- Tests Summary ---"""
- print >>report, """Total Tests: %d""" % (len(allTests),)
- print >>report, """Total Test Failures: %d""" % (len(allFailures),)
- print >>report
- print >>report, """Total Test Failures By Type:"""
- for name,items in util.sorted(allFailuresByKey.items()):
- print >>report, """ %s: %d""" % (name, len(set(items)))
- print >>report
- print >>report, """--- Changes Detail ---"""
- for title,elts in (('New Test Passes', newPasses),
- ('New Test Failures', newFailures),
- ('Added Tests', addedTests),
- ('Removed Tests', removedTests)):
- print >>report, """%s:""" % (title,)
- print >>report, "".join("%s [%s]\n" % (key, ", ".join(values))
- for key,values in util.sorted(elts.items()))
- print >>report, """Significant Changes in Test Results:"""
- for name,changelist in changes.items():
- print >>report, """%s:""" % name
- for name,curValue,prevValue,delta in util.sorted(changelist):
- print >>report, """ %s: %.2f%% (%.4f => %.4f)""" % (
- name, delta*100, prevValue, curValue)
- # FIXME: Where is the old mailer getting the arch from?
- subject = """%s nightly tester results""" % machine.name
- return subject, report.getvalue(), None
+ reports = lnt.server.reporting.runs.generate_run_report(
+ run, baseurl=baseurl, only_html_body=only_html_body,
+ result=result, compare_to=compare_to)
+ return reports[:3]
Removed: lnt/trunk/lnt/util/NTUtil.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/util/NTUtil.py?rev=161334&view=auto
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/util/NTUtil.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/util/NTUtil.py (removed)
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-from lnt.server.ui import util
-from lnt.db.perfdb import Run, Sample, Test
-kPrefix = 'nightlytest'
-# FIXME: We shouldn't need this.
-kSentinelKeyName = 'bc.compile.success'
-kComparisonKinds = [('File Size',None),
- ('CBE','cbe.exec.time'),
- ('LLC','llc.exec.time'),
- ('JIT','jit.exec.time'),
- ('GCCAS','gcc.compile.time'),
- ('Bitcode','bc.compile.size'),
- ('LLC compile','llc.compile.time'),
- ('LLC-BETA compile','llc-beta.compile.time'),
- ('JIT codegen','jit.compile.time'),
- ('LLC-BETA','llc-beta.exec.time')]
-kTSKeys = { 'gcc.compile' : 'GCCAS',
- 'bc.compile' : 'Bitcode',
- 'llc.compile' : 'LLC compile',
- 'llc-beta.compile' : 'LLC_BETA compile',
- 'jit.compile' : 'JIT codegen',
- 'cbe.exec' : 'CBE',
- 'llc.exec' : 'LLC',
- 'llc-beta.exec' : 'LLC-BETA',
- 'jit.exec' : 'JIT' }
-# This isn't very fast, compute a summary if querying the same run
-# repeatedly.
-def getTestValueInRun(db, r, t, default=None, coerce=None):
- for value, in db.session.query(Sample.value).\
- filter(Sample.test == t).\
- filter(Sample.run == r):
- if coerce is not None:
- return coerce(value)
- return value
- return default
-def getTestNameValueInRun(db, r, testname, default=None, coerce=None):
- for value, in db.session.query(Sample.value).join(Test).\
- filter(Test.name == testname).\
- filter(Sample.run == r):
- if coerce is not None:
- return coerce(value)
- return value
- return default
-class RunSummary:
- def __init__(self):
- # The union of test names seen.
- self.testNames = set()
- # Map of test ids to test instances.
- self.testIds = {}
- # Map of test names to test instances
- self.testMap = {}
- # Map of run to multimap of test ID to sample list.
- self.runSamples = {}
- # FIXME: Should we worry about the info parameters on a
- # nightlytest test?
- def testMatchesPredicates(self, db, t, testPredicate, infoPredicates):
- if testPredicate:
- if not testPredicate(t):
- return False
- if infoPredicates:
- info = dict((i.key,i.value) for i in t.info.values())
- for key,predicate in infoPredicates:
- value = info.get(key)
- if not predicate(t, key, value):
- return False
- return True
- def addRun(self, db, run, testPredicate=None, infoPredicates=None):
- sampleMap = self.runSamples.get(run.id)
- if sampleMap is None:
- sampleMap = self.runSamples[run.id] = util.multidict()
- q = db.session.query(Sample.value,Test).join(Test)
- q = q.filter(Sample.run == run)
- for s_value,t in q:
- if not self.testMatchesPredicates(db, t, testPredicate, infoPredicates):
- continue
- sampleMap[t.id] = s_value
- self.testMap[t.name] = t
- self.testIds[t.id] = t
- # Filter out summary things in name lists by only looking
- # for things which have a .success entry.
- if t.name.endswith('.success'):
- self.testNames.add(t.name.split('.', 3)[1])
- def getRunSamples(self, run):
- if run is None:
- return {}
- return self.runSamples.get(run.id, {})
- def getTestValueByName(self, run, testName, default, coerce=None):
- t = self.testMap.get(testName)
- if t is None:
- return default
- sampleMap = self.runSamples.get(run.id, {})
- samples = sampleMap.get(t.id)
- if sampleMap is None or samples is None:
- return default
- # FIXME: Multiple samples?
- if coerce:
- return coerce(samples[0].value)
- else:
- return samples[0].value
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