[llvm-commits] [LNT] r154405 - in /lnt/trunk: lnt/formats/AppleOpenSSLReader.py lnt/formats/NightlytestReader.py lnt/formats/__init__.py tests/Formats/nightlytest.py
Daniel Dunbar
daniel at zuster.org
Tue Apr 10 09:39:29 PDT 2012
Author: ddunbar
Date: Tue Apr 10 11:39:29 2012
New Revision: 154405
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=154405&view=rev
Remove two old and unused formats.
Removed: lnt/trunk/lnt/formats/AppleOpenSSLReader.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/formats/AppleOpenSSLReader.py?rev=154404&view=auto
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/formats/AppleOpenSSLReader.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/formats/AppleOpenSSLReader.py (removed)
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-Converter for a custom format with the output of OpenSSL test runs.
-import os
-def parseOpenSSLFile(path):
- data = open(path).read()
- lines = list(open(path))
- lnfields = [ln.strip().split(':') for ln in lines]
- assert(lnfields[0][0] == '+H')
- header = lnfields[0]
- blockSizes = map(int, header[1:])
- # Cipher -> [(Block Size,Value)*]
- data = {}
- for fields in lnfields[1:]:
- # Ignore other fields
- if fields[0] != '+F':
- continue
- name = fields[2]
- countsPerBlock = fields[3:]
- assert len(countsPerBlock) == len(blockSizes)
- data[name] = [(b,float(c))
- for b,c in zip(blockSizes,countsPerBlock)]
- return data
-def _matches_format(path_or_file):
- # If this is a file, we definitely can't load it.
- if not isinstance(path_or_file,str):
- return False
- # Assume an input matches this format if any of the key files exists.
- return (os.path.exists(os.path.join(path_or_file, 'svn-revision')) or
- os.path.exists(os.path.join(path_or_file, 'start.timestamp')) or
- os.path.exists(os.path.join(path_or_file, 'finished.timestamp')))
-def _load_data(path):
- # Look for svn-revision and timestamps.
- llvmRevision = ''
- startTime = endTime = ''
- f = os.path.join(path, 'svn-revision')
- if os.path.exists(f):
- svnRevisionData = open(f).read()
- assert(svnRevisionData[0] == 'r')
- llvmRevision = int(svnRevisionData[1:])
- f = os.path.join(path, 'start.timestamp')
- if os.path.exists(f):
- startTime = open(f).read().strip()
- f = os.path.join(path, 'finished.timestamp')
- if os.path.exists(f):
- endTime = open(f).read().strip()
- # Look for sub directories
- openSSLData = []
- for file in os.listdir(path):
- p = os.path.join(path, file)
- if os.path.isdir(p):
- # Look for Tests/Apple.OpenSSL.64/speed.txt
- p = os.path.join(p, 'Tests/Apple.OpenSSL.64/speed.txt')
- if os.path.exists(p):
- openSSLData.append((file, parseOpenSSLFile(p)))
- basename = 'apple_openssl'
- machine = { 'Name' : 'dgohman.apple.com',
- 'Info' : { } }
- run = { 'Start Time' : startTime,
- 'End Time' : endTime,
- 'Info' : { 'llvm-revision' : llvmRevision,
- 'tag' : 'apple_openssl' } }
- tests = []
- groupInfo = []
- for dirName,dirData in openSSLData:
- # Demangle compiler & flags
- if dirName.startswith('gcc'):
- compiler = 'gcc'
- elif dirName.startswith('llvm-gcc'):
- compiler = 'llvm-gcc'
- else:
- raise ValueError,compiler
- assert dirName[len(compiler)] == '-'
- flags = dirName[len(compiler)+1:]
- for cipher,values in dirData.items():
- testName = basename + '.' + cipher + '.ips'
- for block,value in values:
- parameters = { 'blockSize' : block,
- 'compiler' : compiler,
- 'compiler_flags' : flags }
- tests.append( { 'Name' : testName,
- 'Info' : parameters,
- 'Data' : [value] } )
- return { 'Machine' : machine,
- 'Run' : run,
- 'Tests' : tests,
- 'Group Info' : groupInfo }
-format = { 'name' : 'apple_openssl',
- 'predicate' : _matches_format,
- 'read' : _load_data }
Removed: lnt/trunk/lnt/formats/NightlytestReader.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/formats/NightlytestReader.py?rev=154404&view=auto
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/formats/NightlytestReader.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/formats/NightlytestReader.py (removed)
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-Data converter from the llvm/utils/NewNightlyTest.pl report file format
-(*-sentdata.txt) to the LNT plist format.
-import re
-kDataKeyStart = re.compile('(.*) =>(.*)')
-def _matches_format(path_or_file):
- if isinstance(path_or_file, str):
- path_or_file = open(path_or_file)
- # Assume this is in nightlytes format if the first line matches the
- # key-value format.
- for ln in path_or_file:
- m = kDataKeyStart.match(ln)
- if m:
- return True
- return False
-def _load_data(path_or_file):
- def parseDGResults(text):
- results = {}
- if 'Dejagnu skipped by user choice' in text:
- return results
- for ln in text.strip().split('\n'):
- result,value = ln.split(':',1)
- results[result] = results.get(result,[])
- results[result].append(value)
- return results
- if isinstance(path_or_file, str):
- path_or_file = open(path_or_file)
- basename = 'nightlytest'
- # Guess the format (server side or client side) based on the first
- # character.
- f = path_or_file
- isServerSide = (f.read(1) == '\'')
- f.seek(0)
- data = {}
- current = None
- inData = False
- for ln in f:
- if inData:
- if ln == 'EOD\n':
- inData = False
- else:
- data[current] += ln
- continue
- m = kDataKeyStart.match(ln)
- if m:
- current,value = m.groups()
- if isServerSide:
- assert current[0] == current[-1] == "'"
- current = current[1:-1]
- assert value[0] == value[1] == ' '
- value = value[2:]
- if value == '<<EOD':
- value = ''
- inData = True
- else:
- assert value[0] == value[-2] == '"'
- assert value[-1] == ','
- value = value[1:-2]
- data[current] = value
- elif isServerSide:
- assert ln == ',\n'
- else:
- assert current is not None
- data[current] += ln
- # Things we are ignoring for now
- data.pop('a_file_sizes')
- data.pop('all_tests')
- data.pop('build_data')
- data.pop('cvs_dir_count')
- data.pop('cvs_file_count')
- data.pop('cvsaddedfiles')
- data.pop('cvsmodifiedfiles')
- data.pop('cvsremovedfiles')
- data.pop('cvsusercommitlist')
- data.pop('cvsuserupdatelist')
- data.pop('dejagnutests_log')
- data.pop('expfail_tests')
- data.pop('lines_of_code')
- data.pop('llcbeta_options')
- data.pop('new_tests')
- data.pop('o_file_sizes')
- data.pop('passing_tests')
- data.pop('removed_tests')
- data.pop('target_triple')
- data.pop('unexpfail_tests')
- data.pop('warnings')
- data.pop('warnings_added')
- data.pop('warnings_removed')
- starttime = data.pop('starttime').strip()
- endtime = data.pop('endtime').strip()
- nickname = data.pop('nickname').strip()
- machine_data = data.pop('machine_data').strip()
- buildstatus = data.pop('buildstatus').strip()
- configtime_user = data.pop('configtime_cpu')
- configtime_wall = data.pop('configtime_wall')
- checkouttime_user = data.pop('cvscheckouttime_cpu')
- checkouttime_wall = data.pop('cvscheckouttime_wall')
- dgtime_user = data.pop('dejagnutime_cpu')
- dgtime_wall = data.pop('dejagnutime_wall')
- buildtime_wall = float(data.pop('buildtime_wall').strip())
- buildtime_user = float(data.pop('buildtime_cpu').strip())
- gcc_version = data.pop('gcc_version')
- dejagnutests_results = data.pop('dejagnutests_results')
- multisource = data.pop('multisource_programstable')
- singlesource = data.pop('singlesource_programstable')
- externals = data.pop('externalsource_programstable')
- assert not data.keys()
- machine = { 'Name' : nickname,
- 'Info' : { 'gcc_version' : gcc_version } }
- for ln in machine_data.split('\n'):
- ln = ln.strip()
- if not ln:
- continue
- assert ':' in ln
- key,value = ln.split(':',1)
- machine['Info'][key] = value
- # We definitely don't want these in the machine data.
- if 'time' in machine['Info']:
- machine['Info'].pop('time')
- if 'date' in machine['Info']:
- machine['Info'].pop('date')
- run = { 'Start Time' : starttime,
- 'End Time' : endtime,
- 'Info' : { 'tag' : 'nightlytest' } }
- tests = []
- # llvm-test doesn't provide this
- infoData = {}
- # Summary test information
- tests.append( { 'Name' : basename + '.Summary.configtime.wall',
- 'Info' : infoData,
- 'Data' : [configtime_wall] } )
- tests.append( { 'Name' : basename + '.Summary.configtime.user',
- 'Info' : infoData,
- 'Data' : [configtime_user] } )
- tests.append( { 'Name' : basename + '.Summary.checkouttime.wall',
- 'Info' : infoData,
- 'Data' : [checkouttime_wall] } )
- tests.append( { 'Name' : basename + '.Summary.checkouttime.user',
- 'Info' : infoData,
- 'Data' : [checkouttime_user] } )
- tests.append( { 'Name' : basename + '.Summary.buildtime.wall',
- 'Info' : infoData,
- 'Data' : [buildtime_wall] } )
- tests.append( { 'Name' : basename + '.Summary.buildtime.user',
- 'Info' : infoData,
- 'Data' : [buildtime_user] } )
- tests.append( { 'Name' : basename + '.Summary.dgtime.wall',
- 'Info' : infoData,
- 'Data' : [dgtime_wall] } )
- tests.append( { 'Name' : basename + '.Summary.dgtime.user',
- 'Info' : infoData,
- 'Data' : [dgtime_user] } )
- tests.append( { 'Name' : basename + '.Summary.buildstatus',
- 'Info' : infoData,
- 'Data' : [buildstatus == 'OK'] } )
- # DejaGNU Info
- results = parseDGResults(dejagnutests_results)
- for name in ('PASS', 'FAIL', 'XPASS', 'XFAIL'):
- tests.append( { 'Name' : basename + '.DejaGNU.' + name,
- 'Info' : infoData,
- 'Data' : [len(results.get(name,[]))] } )
- # llvm-test results
- for groupname,data in (('SingleSource', singlesource),
- ('MultiSource', multisource),
- ('Externals', externals)):
- lines = data.split('\n')
- header = lines[0].strip().split(',')
- for ln in lines[1:]:
- ln = ln.strip()
- if not ln:
- continue
- entry = dict([(k,v.strip())
- for k,v in zip(header, ln.split(','))])
- testname = basename + '.%s/%s' % (groupname,
- entry['Program'].replace('.','_'))
- for name,key,tname in (('gcc.compile', 'GCCAS', 'time'),
- ('bc.compile', 'Bytecode', 'size'),
- ('llc.compile', 'LLC compile', 'time'),
- ('llc-beta.compile', 'LLC-BETA compile', 'time'),
- ('jit.compile', 'JIT codegen', 'time'),
- ('gcc.exec', 'GCC', 'time'),
- ('cbe.exec', 'CBE', 'time'),
- ('llc.exec', 'LLC', 'time'),
- ('llc-beta.exec', 'LLC-BETA', 'time'),
- ('jit.exec', 'JIT', 'time'),
- ):
- time = entry[key]
- if time == '*':
- tests.append( { 'Name' : testname + '.%s.success' % name,
- 'Info' : infoData,
- 'Data' : [0] } )
- else:
- tests.append( { 'Name' : testname + '.%s.success' % name,
- 'Info' : infoData,
- 'Data' : [1] } )
- tests.append( { 'Name' : testname + '.%s.%s' % (name, tname),
- 'Info' : infoData,
- 'Data' : [float(time)] } )
- pass
- return { 'Machine' : machine,
- 'Run' : run,
- 'Tests' : tests }
-format = { 'name' : 'nightlytest',
- 'predicate' : _matches_format,
- 'read' : _load_data }
Modified: lnt/trunk/lnt/formats/__init__.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/lnt/formats/__init__.py?rev=154405&r1=154404&r2=154405&view=diff
--- lnt/trunk/lnt/formats/__init__.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/lnt/formats/__init__.py Tue Apr 10 11:39:29 2012
@@ -7,13 +7,10 @@
Python object to write, and the path_or_file to write to.
-from AppleOpenSSLReader import format as apple_openssl
-from NightlytestReader import format as nightlytest
from PlistFormat import format as plist
from JSONFormat import format as json
-# FIXME: Lazy loading would be nice.
-formats = [plist, json, nightlytest, apple_openssl]
+formats = [plist, json]
formats_by_name = dict((f['name'], f) for f in formats)
format_names = formats_by_name.keys()
Removed: lnt/trunk/tests/Formats/nightlytest.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/lnt/trunk/tests/Formats/nightlytest.py?rev=154404&view=auto
--- lnt/trunk/tests/Formats/nightlytest.py (original)
+++ lnt/trunk/tests/Formats/nightlytest.py (removed)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# RUN: lnt convert --to=json %S/Inputs/test.nightlytest %t
-# RUN: FileCheck %s < %t
-# We are just checking the conversion, not validating the format.
-# CHECK: "Machine":
-# CHECK: "Tests": [
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