[llvm-commits] [patch][pr12251] Add range metadata to llvm. Make clang produce it.

Rafael Espíndola rafael.espindola at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 10:40:04 PDT 2012

> OK, that's fair.  One good thing about [A, B) is that someone working with
> i32
> who wants to represent [0, 2^32-1] will say to themselves: "oh no, I need to
> output [0, 2^32) but I can't represent that in 32 bits", and then realize
> that
> they were being silly wanting to output this range in the first place :)

That is true, that was my first reaction to using half open ranges :-)
Nick (on IRC) also mentioned that he prefers half open ranges, so this
new pair of patches uses it.

> Ciao, Duncan.

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