[llvm-commits] [dragonegg] r152713 - /dragonegg/trunk/test/compilator/local/induct.f90
Duncan Sands
baldrick at free.fr
Wed Mar 14 05:28:20 PDT 2012
Author: baldrick
Date: Wed Mar 14 07:28:19 2012
New Revision: 152713
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=152713&view=rev
This is the same as induct2.f90 from the polyhedron benchmark.
Removed: dragonegg/trunk/test/compilator/local/induct.f90
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/dragonegg/trunk/test/compilator/local/induct.f90?rev=152712&view=auto
--- dragonegg/trunk/test/compilator/local/induct.f90 (original)
+++ dragonegg/trunk/test/compilator/local/induct.f90 (removed)
@@ -1,6635 +0,0 @@
-module computer_time_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-implicit none
-public :: computer_time
-integer, parameter, private :: LONGreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
- subroutine computer_time (tnow)
-! purpose: return the elapsed system time for this
-! process on a sun microsystems computer.
-! coded: f90 version coded 1 may 1993
-! author: john k. prentice
-! input: none
-! output:
-! tnow real elapsed system time (seconds)
-! external routines used: etime
- real (kind = LONGreal), intent(out) :: tnow
- logical, save :: first = .true.
- logical, save :: first_flip
- integer :: counted, count_rate, count_max
- real (kind = LONGreal) :: trate, tmax
- real (kind = LONGreal), save :: tfirst
- call system_clock (counted, count_rate, count_max)
- if (counted < 0 .or. count_rate == 0) then
- tnow = 0.0_LONGreal
- else
- tnow = real(counted,LONGreal)
- trate = real(count_rate,LONGreal)
- tnow = tnow/trate
- if (first) then
- first = .false.
- tfirst = tnow
- first_flip = .true.
- else if (tnow < tfirst) then
- if (.not. first_flip) then
- tmax = real(count_max,LONGreal)/trate
- tfirst = tfirst - tmax
- else
- tmax = real(count_max,LONGreal)/trate
- tfirst = -(tmax - tfirst)
- first_flip = .false.
- end if
- end if
- tnow = tnow - tfirst
- end if
- end subroutine computer_time
-end module computer_time_m
-module define_type
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
-!=========== type definitions =============
- type, public :: vector
- real (kind = longreal) :: x, y, z
- end type vector
- type, public :: quad_inductor
- integer :: i1, i2
- type (vector) :: current_vector1, current_vector2, v1, v2, v3, v4
- real (kind = longreal) :: self_ind, thickness, resistance
- end type quad_inductor
- type, public :: coil
- real (kind = longreal) :: a, b, r, h, turns, theta, phi, psi, self_ind
- type (vector) :: origin
- logical :: circular, rectangular
- end type coil
-end module define_type
-module scc_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-implicit none
-public :: self_ind_cir_coil
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: pi = 3.141592653589793_longreal
- subroutine self_ind_cir_coil (r, l, turns, mu, self_l)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 19 september 1997
-! purpose: compute the self inductance of a circular coil. the self
-! inductance is defined as:
-! l = mu/(4 pi i*i) int dv1 [int dv2 (j1 * j2)/r]
-! where
-! l = self inductance of coil
-! mu = permeability of the medium
-! i = current in coil
-! j1 = current density in coil
-! j2 = current density in coil
-! int dv1 and int dv2 denote volume integrals over the coil.
-! we assume the coil is made of very thin wire.
-! this routine uses the equation for the self-inductance that is
-! in "static and dynamic electricity" by w. r. smythe, third edition,
-! mcgraw-hill book company, 1968, page 346.
-! input:
-! r [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! radius of coil
-! l [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! length of coil
-! turns [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! turns per unit length of coil
-! mu [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! permeability of the medium
-! output:
-! self_l [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! self-inductance of the coil.
-!=========== formal variables =============
- real (kind = longreal), intent(in) :: r, l, turns, mu
- real (kind = longreal), intent(out) :: self_l
-!========== internal variables ============
- real (kind = longreal) :: alpha, modulus, pk, ak, bk, ae, be, elliptice, elliptick
-! evaluate the complete elliptic integrals of modulus sin(alpha). we use a polynomial
-! approximation given by hastings. this approximation is from "computation of
-! special functions" by shanjie zhang and jianming jin, john wiley and sons, inc,
-! 1996, page 661ff.
- alpha = atan(2.0_longreal*r/l)
- modulus = sin(alpha)
- pk = 1.0_longreal - modulus**2
- ak = (((0.01451196212_longreal*pk+0.03742563713_longreal)*pk+ &
- 0.03590092383_longreal)*pk+0.09666344259_longreal)*pk+1.38629436112_longreal
- bk = (((0.00441787012_longreal*pk+0.03328355346_longreal)*pk+ &
- 0.06880248576_longreal)*pk+0.12498593597_longreal)*pk+0.5_longreal
- elliptick = ak - bk * log(pk)
- ae = (((0.01736506451_longreal*pk+0.04757383546_longreal)*pk+ &
- 0.0626060122_longreal)*pk+0.44325141463_longreal)*pk+1.0_longreal
- be = (((0.00526449639_longreal*pk+0.04069697526_longreal)*pk+ &
- 0.09200180037_longreal)*pk+0.2499836831_longreal)*pk
- elliptice = ae - be * log(pk)
-! evaluate self-inductance
- self_l = (mu * turns**2 * l**2 * 2.0_longreal * r)/3.0_longreal * &
- (((tan(alpha)**2-1.0_longreal)*elliptice+elliptick)/sin(alpha) - &
- tan(alpha)**2)
- end subroutine self_ind_cir_coil
-end module scc_m
-module src_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-implicit none
-public :: self_ind_rec_coil
-private :: i_star, i_star_star
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: pi = 3.141592653589793_longreal
- subroutine self_ind_rec_coil (a, b, h, turns, mu, self_l)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 29 september 1997
-! purpose: compute the self inductance of a square coil. the self
-! inductance is defined as:
-! l = mu/(4 pi i*i) int dv1 [int dv2 (j1 * j2)/r]
-! where
-! l = self inductance of coil
-! mu = permeability of the medium
-! i = current in coil
-! j1 = current density in coil
-! j2 = current density in coil
-! int dv1 and int dv2 denote volume integrals over the coil.
-! we assume the coil is made of very thin wire.
-! this routine implements an analytical evaluation for the
-! self-inductance derived by john prentice.
-! input:
-! a [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! first dimension of the rectanglar coil
-! b [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! second dimension of the rectangular coil
-! h [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! length of coil
-! turns [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! turns per unit length of coil.
-! mu [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! permeability of the medium
-! output:
-! self_l [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! self-inductance of the coil.
-!=========== formal variables =============
- real (kind = longreal), intent(in) :: a, b, h, turns, mu
- real (kind = longreal), intent(out) :: self_l
-!========== internal variables ============
- real (kind = longreal) :: i1, i2, i3, i4
-! evaluate integral i1
-! i1 = int(dz) int(dz') int(dx) int(dx') 1/sqrt((x-x')^2 + (z-z')^2)
-! where the z and z' integrals go from 0 to h and the x and x' integrals go
-! from -a/2 to a/2.
- i1 = i_star_star (h, a)
-! evaluate integral i2
-! i2 = int(dz) int(dz') int(dx) int(dx') 1/sqrt((x-x')^2 + (z-z')^2 + b^2)
-! where the z and z' integrals go from 0 to h and the x and x' integrals go
-! from -a/2 to a/2 and b>0.
- i2 = i_star (h, a, b)
-! evaluate integral i3
-! i3 = int(dz) int(dz') int(dy) int(dy') 1/sqrt((y-y')^2 + (z-z')^2)
-! where the z and z' integrals go from 0 to h and the y and y' integrals go
-! from -b/2 to b/2.
- i3 = i_star_star (h, b)
-! evaluate integral i4
-! i4 = int(dz) int(dz') int(dy) int(dy') 1/sqrt((y-y')^2 + (z-z')^2 + a^2)
-! where the z and z' integrals go from 0 to h and the y and y' integrals go
-! from -b/2 to b/2 and a>0.
- i4 = i_star (h, b, a)
-! evaluate the self-inductance
- self_l = mu * turns**2 / (2.0_longreal * pi) * (i1 - i2 + i3 - i4)
- end subroutine self_ind_rec_coil
- function i_star (h, a, b) result (integral)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 29 september 1997
-! purpose: analytically evaluate the integral of the form:
-! int(dz) int(dz') int(dx) int(dx') 1/sqrt((x-x')^2 + (z-z')^2 + b^2)
-! where the z and z' integrals go from 0 to h and the x and x'
-! integrals go from -a/2 to a/2. b is always non-zero.
-! input:
-! h [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! limit of integration for z and z' integrals
-! a [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! limit of integration for the x and x' integrals
-! b [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! non-zero constant in denominator of integration kernel
-! output:
-! integral [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! value of the integral.
-!=========== formal variables =============
- real (kind = longreal), intent(in) :: h, a, b
- real (kind = longreal) :: integral
-!========== internal variables ============
- real (kind = longreal) :: i1_prime, i2_prime, i3_prime, i4_prime, factor1, factor2, &
- factor3
-! evaluate integral i1'
-! i1' = 4ah int(d rho) int (d lambda) 1/sqrt(rho^2 + lambda^2 + b^2)
-! where the rho integration is from 0 to h and the lambda integration is
-! from 0 to a.
- factor1 = sqrt(a**2 + b**2 + h**2)
- factor2 = sqrt(b**2 + h**2)
- factor3 = sqrt(a**2 + b**2)
- i1_prime = 4.0_longreal * a * h**2 * (log((a+factor1)/factor2) + &
- (b/h)*atan((a*b)/(h*factor1))) + 4.0_longreal * a**2 * h * &
- (log((h+factor1)/factor3) + (b/a)*atan((h*b)/(a*factor1))) - &
- 2.0_longreal * pi * a * b * h
-! evaluate integral i2'
-! i2' = -4a int(d rho) int (d lambda) rho/sqrt(rho^2 + lambda^2 + b^2)
-! where the rho integration is from 0 to h and the lambda integration is
-! from 0 to a.
- factor1 = sqrt(a**2 + b**2 + h**2)
- factor2 = sqrt(b**2 + h**2)
- factor3 = sqrt(a**2 + b**2)
- i2_prime = -2.0_longreal * a * (h**2 * log((a+factor1)/factor2) + b**2 * &
- log((b*(a+factor1))/(factor2*(a+factor3))) + a * (factor1 - factor3))
-! evaluate integral i3'
-! i3' = -4h int(d rho) int (d lambda) lambda/sqrt(rho^2 + lambda^2 + b^2)
-! where the rho integration is from 0 to h and the lambda integration is
-! from 0 to a.
- factor1 = sqrt(a**2 + b**2 + h**2)
- factor2 = sqrt(a**2 + b**2)
- factor3 = sqrt(b**2 + h**2)
- i3_prime = -2.0_longreal * h * (a**2 * log((h+factor1)/factor2) + b**2 * &
- log((b*(h+factor1))/(factor2*(h+factor3))) + h * (factor1 - factor3))
-! evaluate integral i4'
-! i4' = 4 int(d rho) int (d lambda) (rho * lambda)/sqrt(rho^2 + lambda^2 + b^2)
-! where the rho integration is from 0 to h and the lambda integration is
-! from 0 to a.
- factor1 = a**2 + b**2 + h**2
- factor2 = a**2 + b**2
- factor3 = b**2 + h**2
- i4_prime = 4.0_longreal/3.0_longreal * (factor1**1.5_longreal - factor2**1.5_longreal &
- - factor3**1.5_longreal + b**3)
-! evaluate the final integral
- integral = i1_prime + i2_prime + i3_prime + i4_prime
- end function i_star
- function i_star_star (h, a) result (integral)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 29 september 1997
-! purpose: analytically evaluate the integral of the form:
-! int(dz) int(dz') int(dx) int(dx') 1/sqrt((x-x')^2 + (z-z')^2)
-! where the z and z' integrals go from 0 to h and the x and x'
-! integrals go from -a/2 to a/2.
-! input:
-! h [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! limit of integration for z and z' integrals
-! a [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! limit of integration for the x and x' integrals
-! output:
-! integral [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! value of the integral.
-!=========== formal variables =============
- real (kind = longreal), intent(in) :: h, a
- real (kind = longreal) :: integral
-!========== internal variables ============
- real (kind = longreal) :: i1_prime_prime, i2_prime_prime, i3_prime_prime, &
- i4_prime_prime, factor
- factor = sqrt(a**2 + h**2)
-! evaluate integral i1''
-! i1'' = 4ah int(d rho) int (d lambda) 1/sqrt(rho^2 + lambda^2)
-! where the rho integration is from 0 to h and the lambda integration is
-! from 0 to a.
- i1_prime_prime = 4.0_longreal * a * h**2 * log((a+factor)/h) + 4.0_longreal * &
- a**2 * h * log((h+factor)/a)
-! evaluate integral i2''
-! i2'' = -4a int(d rho) int (d lambda) rho/sqrt(rho^2 + lambda^2)
-! where the rho integration is from 0 to h and the lambda integration is
-! from 0 to a.
- i2_prime_prime = -2.0_longreal * a * (h**2 * log((a+factor)/h) + a*(factor - a))
-! evaluate integral i3''
-! i3'' = -4h int(d rho) int (d lambda) lambda/sqrt(rho^2 + lambda^2)
-! where the rho integration is from 0 to h and the lambda integration is
-! from 0 to a.
- i3_prime_prime = -2.0_longreal * h * (a**2 * log((h+factor)/a) + h*(factor - h))
-! evaluate integral i4''
-! i4'' = 4 int(d rho) int (d lambda) (rho * lambda)/sqrt(rho^2 + lambda^2)
-! where the rho integration is from 0 to h and the lambda integration is
-! from 0 to a.
- i4_prime_prime = 4.0_longreal/3.0_longreal * (factor**3 - a**3 - h**3)
-! evaluate the final integral
- integral = i1_prime_prime + i2_prime_prime + i3_prime_prime + i4_prime_prime
- end function i_star_star
-end module src_m
-MODULE free_input
-implicit none
-public :: next, value, convert_lower_case, check_eof, check_number
-integer, parameter, public :: nin = 10
-character (len=80), public :: card, field, lfield
-integer, public :: icpnt, free_format_error_flag
-logical, public :: eoff
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
-real (kind = LONGreal), public :: real_variable
- subroutine next
- implicit none
-! L o c a l P a r a m e t e r s
- integer, parameter :: icend = 80
-! L o c a l V a r i a b l e s
- integer :: i, j, k, iend, istart, kmin, nodel
- logical :: first
- character, dimension(3) :: delim
- save first
- data first/.TRUE./
- data nodel, delim/3, ' ', ',', '='/
-! on first pass, initialize icpnt pointer
- if (first) then
- icpnt = icend + 1
- first = .FALSE.
- endif
-! if icpnt>icend, read the next record off unit 2 into
-! the string 'card'. next verify that this is a non-
-! blank card. if it is blank or an input comment card
-! (asterisk in column 1), skip it and get the next record
- 10 continue
- eoff = .FALSE.
- if (icpnt > icend) then
- read (nin, '(a)', end=50) card
- if (card(1:icend)==' ' .or. card(1:1)=='*') go to 10
- icpnt = 1
- endif
-! get the next sub-string. we do this as follows. we
-! look for the next delimeter. if it is as the same
-! position as the current pointer, we advance the pointer
-! and try again. if not, then the pointer is at the beginning
-! of a sub-string and the delimeter is trailing this sub-string.
-! note that we look for all the delimeters possible before
-! taking any action.
- do i = icpnt, icend
- istart = i
- kmin = 0
- do j = 1, nodel
- k = index(card(i:icend),delim(j))
-! index returns positions relative the beginning of the
-! sub-string. hence we add in the appropiate off-set to
-! give the index relative to the beginning of the string
-! card, not just the sub-string card(i:icend).
- if (k /= 0) then
- k = k + i - 1
- if (kmin == 0) then
- kmin = k
- else
- kmin = min(k,kmin)
- endif
- endif
- end do
-! if kmin is not equal to the current pointer position, then
-! it must be pointing at the trailing delimeter of a valid
-! sub-string.
- if (kmin /= i) then
- if (kmin > 0) then
- iend = kmin - 1
- go to 40
- endif
-! if we fall through, there was no delimeter
-! found on the remainder of this record. this means
-! the entire remainder of this record is a valid sub-string
- iend = icend
- go to 40
- endif
- end do
-! if we fall through this loop, there were no more non-
-! delimeters on this record. go get next record
- icpnt = icend + 1
- go to 10
-! put the sub-string into the string 'field'. note
-! that fortran 77 pads the string with blanks
- 40 continue
- field = card(istart:iend)
- icpnt = iend + 2
- return
-! end of file encountered, set flag and return
- 50 continue
- eoff = .TRUE.
- icpnt = icend + 1
- return
- end subroutine next
- subroutine value(result, itype)
-! M o d u l e s
- implicit none
-! D u m m y A r g u m e n t s
- integer itype
- real (kind = LONGreal) :: result
-! L o c a l V a r i a b l e s
-! get next field off unit 2
- call next
- if (eoff) then
- itype = -1
- else
-! read field as a numeric
- read (field, fmt='(bn,f20.0)', err=10) result
- itype = 1
- go to 20
-! the only possibility left is that this was an alphanumeric
- 10 continue
- itype = 0
- 20 continue
- endif
- end subroutine value
- function convert_lower_case (input_string) result (output_string)
- character (len=1) :: input_string, output_string
- integer :: collating_difference
- if (ichar(input_string) >= ichar('A') .AND. ichar(input_string) <= ichar('Z')) then
- collating_difference = ichar(input_string) - ichar('A')
- output_string = char(ichar('a') + collating_difference)
- else
- output_string = input_string
- end if
- end function convert_lower_case
- subroutine check_eof
- if (free_format_error_flag == (-1)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Abort. Unexpected end of file while reading input. "
- print *,"Was reading the line:"
- print *,card
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end subroutine check_eof
- subroutine check_number
- if (free_format_error_flag == 0) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Abort. Expected a number on input and instead encountered the word: "
- print *,field
- print *," "
- print *,"was reading the line:"
- print *,card
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end subroutine check_number
-END MODULE free_input
-module mcc_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-implicit none
-public :: mutual_ind_cir_cir_coils
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: pi = 3.141592653589793_longreal
- subroutine mutual_ind_cir_cir_coils (r1, r2, x12, y12, z12, l1, l2, turns1, turns2, &
- mu, rotate, m, l12)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 6 september 1997
-! purpose: compute the mutual inductance of two coupled circular coils. the
-! coils can be oriented arbitrarily in space. the mutual inductance
-! is defined as:
-! l12 = mu/(4 pi i1 i2) int dv1 [int dv2 (j1 * j2)/r]
-! where
-! l12 = mutual inductance between coils 1 and 2
-! mu = permeability of the medium
-! i1 = current in coil 1
-! i2 = current in coil 2
-! j1 = current density in coil 1
-! j2 = current density in coil 2
-! int dv1 and int dv2 denote volume integrals over coil 1 and 2,
-! respectively. we assume the coils are made of very thin wires,
-! which allows us to reduce the integral to:
-! l12 = (mu turns1 turn2 r1 r2)/(4 pi) * int dz1 [int dz2
-! [int dtheta1 [int dtheta2 cos(theta_1 - theta_2) /
-! sqrt((x_1 - x_2 - x12)**2 + (y_1 - y_2 - y12)**2 +
-! (z_1 - z_2 - z12)**2)
-! where int dz1 is from -l1/2 to l1/2, int dz2 is from -l2/2 to l2/2,
-! int dtheta1 is from 0 to 2 pi and int dtheta2 is from 0 to 2 pi.
-! this routine calculates these integrals numerically. the dtheta1 and
-! dtheta2 integrals are done using an m point euler integration (see
-! 25.4.60 on page 891 of "handbook of mathematical functions" by
-! m. abramowitz and i. stegun, dover publications, 1972). the
-! dz1 dz2 integration is done using a 9 point, 6th order gaussian
-! quadrature in the plane (see 25.4.62 on page 892 of "handbook of
-! mathematical functions" by m. abramowitz and i. stegun, dover
-! publications, 1972).
-! input:
-! r1 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! radius of coil 1
-! r2 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! radius of coil 2
-! x12 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! x coordinate of the center of coil 2 relative to coil 1
-! y12 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! y coordinate of the center of coil 2 relative to coil 1
-! z12 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! z coordinate of the center of coil 2 relative to coil 1
-! l1 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! length of coil 1
-! l2 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! length of coil 2
-! turns1 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! turns per unit length of coil 1
-! turns2 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! turns per unit length of coil 2
-! mu [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! permeability of the medium
-! rotate [real, selected_real_kind(15,90), dimension(3,3)]
-! rotation matrix that maps the coordinate system for coil 2
-! into the coordinate system of coil 1.
-! m [integer]
-! number of quadrature points for theta integrals
-! output:
-! l12 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! mutual inductance between the coils.
-!=========== formal variables =============
- real (kind = longreal), intent(in) :: r1, r2, x12, y12, z12, l1, l2, turns1, turns2, &
- mu
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: rotate
- integer, intent(in) :: m
- real (kind = longreal), intent(out) :: l12
-!========== internal variables ============
- integer :: n1, n2, i
- real (kind = longreal) :: coefficient, theta_1, theta_2, x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2, z_1, &
- z_2, theta_l12, x_2rot, y_2rot, z_2rot, tvx, tvy, &
- numerator, denominator
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(1:9), save :: z1g, z2g, zw
- logical, save :: first = .true.
-! on the first call to this routine, initialize the weights for a 9 point 6th order
-! gaussian quadrature on a square.
- if (first) then
- z1g(1) = 0.0_longreal
- z2g(1) = 0.0_longreal
- zw(1) = 16.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- z1g(2) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(2) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(2) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- z1g(3) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(3) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(3) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- z1g(4) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(4) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(4) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- z1g(5) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(5) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(5) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- z1g(6) = 0.0_longreal
- z2g(6) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(6) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- z1g(7) = 0.0_longreal
- z2g(7) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(7) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- z1g(8) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(8) = 0.0_longreal
- zw(8) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- z1g(9) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(9) = 0.0_longreal
- zw(9) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- first = .false.
- end if
- l12 = 0.0_longreal
-! outer loop (gauss) is the gaussian quadrature from -11/2 to l1/2 and from
-! -l2/2 to l2/2. the next most inner loop (theta1) does a line integral from
-! 0 to 2 pi. the inner most integral (theta2) does the other line integral from
-! 0 t0 2 pi.
-gauss:do i = 1, 9
- theta_l12 = 0.0_longreal
- z_1 = 0.5 * l1 * z1g(i)
- z_2 = 0.5 * l2 * z2g(i)
-theta1: do n1 = 1, 2*m
- theta_1 = pi*real(n1,longreal)/real(m,longreal)
- x_1 = r1 * cos(theta_1)
- y_1 = r1 * sin(theta_1)
-theta2: do n2 = 1, 2*m
- theta_2 = pi*real(n2,longreal)/real(m,longreal)
- x_2 = r2 * cos(theta_2)
- y_2 = r2 * sin(theta_2)
-! rotate coordinates of the point on coil 2 into the coordinate system
-! for coil 1
- x_2rot = rotate(1,1)*x_2 + rotate(1,2)*y_2 + rotate(1,3)*z_2
- y_2rot = rotate(2,1)*x_2 + rotate(2,2)*y_2 + rotate(2,3)*z_2
- z_2rot = rotate(3,1)*x_2 + rotate(3,2)*y_2 + rotate(3,3)*z_2
-! compute the theta unit vector for the point on coil 2 in the coordinate
-! system of coil 1
- tvx = -rotate(1,1)*sin(theta_2) + rotate(1,2)*cos(theta_2)
- tvy = -rotate(2,1)*sin(theta_2) + rotate(2,2)*cos(theta_2)
- numerator = -sin(theta_1)*tvx + cos(theta_1)*tvy
- denominator = sqrt((x_1 - x_2rot - x12) **2 + (y_1 - y_2rot - y12)**2 + &
- (z_1 - z_2rot - z12)**2)
- theta_l12 = theta_l12 + numerator/denominator
- end do theta2
- end do theta1
- l12 = l12 + zw(i)*theta_l12
- end do gauss
-! multiply these integrals by the appropriate quadrature weights, lengths, and
-! physical constants
- coefficient = (mu * l1 * l2 * pi * r1 * r2 * turns1 * turns2)/(4.0_longreal * &
- real(m,longreal)**2)
- l12 = coefficient * l12
- end subroutine mutual_ind_cir_cir_coils
-end module mcc_m
-module mcr_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-implicit none
-public :: mutual_ind_cir_rec_coils
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: pi = 3.141592653589793_longreal
- subroutine mutual_ind_cir_rec_coils (radius, length, width, x12, y12, z12, l1, l2, &
- turns1, turns2, mu, rotate1, rotate2, m, l12)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 6 september 1997
-! purpose: compute the mutual inductance of two coupled coils. one coil is
-! circular and the other is rectangular. the coils can be oriented
-! arbitrarily in space. the mutual inductance is defined as:
-! l12 = mu/(4 pi i1 i2) int dv1 [int dv2 (j1 * j2)/r]
-! where
-! l12 = mutual inductance between coils 1 and 2
-! mu = permeability of the medium
-! i1 = current in coil 1
-! i2 = current in coil 2
-! j1 = current density in coil 1
-! j2 = current density in coil 2
-! int dv1 and int dv2 denote volume integrals over coil 1 and 2,
-! respectively. we assume the coils are made of very thin wires,
-! which allows us to reduce the integral to:
-! l12 = (mu turns1 turn2 radius r2)/(4 pi) * int dz1 [int dz2
-! [int dtheta1 [int dtheta2 cos(theta_1 - theta_2) /
-! sqrt((x_1 - x_2 - x12)**2 + (y_1 - y_2 - y12)**2 +
-! (z_1 - z_2 - z12)**2)
-! where int dz1 is from -l1/2 to l1/2, int dz2 is from -l2/2 to l2/2,
-! int dtheta1 is from 0 to 2 pi and int dtheta2 is from 0 to 2 pi.
-! this routine calculates these integrals numerically. the dtheta1 and
-! dtheta2 integrals are done using an m point euler integration (see
-! 25.4.60 on page 891 of "handbook of mathematical functions" by
-! m. abramowitz and i. stegun, dover publications, 1972). the
-! dz1 dz2 integration is done using a 9 point, 6th order gaussian
-! quadrature in the plane (see 25.4.62 on page 892 of "handbook of
-! mathematical functions" by m. abramowitz and i. stegun, dover
-! publications, 1972).
-! input:
-! radius [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! radius of circular coil
-! length [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! length of rectangular coil
-! width [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! width of rectangular coil
-! x12 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! x coordinate of the center of rectangular coil 2
-! relative to circular coil
-! y12 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! y coordinate of the center of rectangular coil 2
-! relative to circular coil
-! z12 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! z coordinate of the center of rectangular coil 2
-! relative to circular coil
-! l1 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! length of circular coil
-! l2 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! length of rectangular coil
-! turns1 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! turns per unit length of circular coil
-! turns2 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! turns per unit length of circular coil
-! mu [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! permeability of the medium
-! rotate [real, selected_real_kind(15,90), dimension(3,3)]
-! rotation matrix that maps the coordinate system for the
-! rectangular coil into the coordinate system of the
-! circular coil.
-! m [integer]
-! number of quadrature points for theta integrals
-! output:
-! l12 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! mutual inductance between the coils.
-!=========== formal variables =============
- real (kind = longreal), intent(in) :: radius, length, width, x12, y12, z12, l1, l2, &
- turns1, turns2, mu
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: rotate1, rotate2
- integer, intent(in) :: m
- real (kind = longreal), intent(out) :: l12
-!========== internal variables ============
- integer :: n1, n2, i
- real (kind = longreal) :: coefficient, theta_1, theta_2, x_1, x_2, y_1, y_2, z_1, &
- z_2, theta_l12, x_2rot, y_2rot, z_2rot, tvx_1, tvy_1, &
- tvx_2, tvy_2, x_1rot, y_1rot, z_1rot, numerator, &
- denominator, s, ds, deltas
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(9), save :: z1g, z2g, zw
- logical, save :: first = .true.
-! on the first call to this routine, initialize the weights for a 9 point 6th order
-! gaussian quadrature on a square.
- if (first) then
- z1g(1) = 0.0_longreal
- z2g(1) = 0.0_longreal
- zw(1) = 16.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- z1g(2) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(2) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(2) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- z1g(3) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(3) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(3) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- z1g(4) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(4) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(4) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- z1g(5) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(5) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(5) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- z1g(6) = 0.0_longreal
- z2g(6) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(6) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- z1g(7) = 0.0_longreal
- z2g(7) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(7) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- z1g(8) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(8) = 0.0_longreal
- zw(8) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- z1g(9) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(9) = 0.0_longreal
- zw(9) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- first = .false.
- end if
- l12 = 0.0_longreal
- ds = 2.0_longreal * (width + length) / real(2*m,longreal)
-! outer loop (gauss) is the gaussian quadrature from -11/2 to l1/2 and from
-! -l2/2 to l2/2. the next most inner loop (theta1) does a line integral from
-! 0 to 2 pi. the inner most integral (theta2) does the other line integral from
-! 0 t0 2 pi.
-gauss:do i = 1, 9
- theta_l12 = 0.0_longreal
- z_1 = 0.5 * l1 * z1g(i)
- z_2 = 0.5 * l2 * z2g(i)
-theta1: do n1 = 1, 2*m
- theta_1 = pi*real(n1,longreal)/real(m,longreal)
- x_1 = radius * cos(theta_1)
- y_1 = radius * sin(theta_1)
-theta2: do n2 = 1, 2*m
- s = real(n2,longreal) * ds
- if (s <= 0.5_longreal * length) then
- x_2 = 0.5_longreal * width
- y_2 = s
- theta_2 = atan(y_2/x_2)
- else if (s <= 0.5_longreal * length + width) then
- deltas = s - 0.5_longreal * length
- x_2 = 0.5_longreal * width - deltas
- y_2 = 0.5_longreal * length
- theta_2 = 0.5_longreal * pi - atan(x_2/y_2)
- else if (s <= 1.5_longreal * length + width) then
- deltas = s - width - 0.5_longreal * length
- x_2 = - 0.5_longreal * width
- y_2 = 0.5_longreal * length - deltas
- theta_2 = pi + atan(y_2/x_2)
- else if (s < 2.0_longreal * width + 1.5_longreal * length) then
- deltas = s - width - 1.5_longreal * length
- x_2 = -0.5_longreal * width + deltas
- y_2 = - 0.5_longreal * length
- theta_2 = 1.5_longreal * pi - atan(x_2/y_2)
- else
- deltas = s - 2.0_longreal * width - 1.5_longreal * length
- x_2 = 0.5_longreal * width
- y_2 = -0.5_longreal * length + deltas
- theta_2 = 2.0_longreal * pi + atan(y_2/x_2)
- end if
-! rotate coordinates of the point on coil 1 into the can coordinate system
- x_1rot = rotate1(1,1)*x_1 + rotate1(1,2)*y_1 + rotate1(1,3)*z_1
- y_1rot = rotate1(2,1)*x_1 + rotate1(2,2)*y_1 + rotate1(2,3)*z_1
- z_1rot = rotate1(3,1)*x_1 + rotate1(3,2)*y_1 + rotate1(3,3)*z_1
-! compute the theta unit vector for the point on coil 2 in the can coordinate system
- tvx_1 = -rotate1(1,1)*sin(theta_1) + rotate1(1,2)*cos(theta_1)
- tvy_1 = -rotate1(2,1)*sin(theta_1) + rotate1(2,2)*cos(theta_1)
-! rotate coordinates of the point on coil 2 into the can coordinate system
- x_2rot = rotate2(1,1)*x_2 + rotate2(1,2)*y_2 + rotate2(1,3)*z_2
- y_2rot = rotate2(2,1)*x_2 + rotate2(2,2)*y_2 + rotate2(2,3)*z_2
- z_2rot = rotate2(3,1)*x_2 + rotate2(3,2)*y_2 + rotate2(3,3)*z_2
-! compute the theta unit vector for the point on coil 2 in the can coordinate system
- tvx_2 = -rotate2(1,1)*sin(theta_2) + rotate2(1,2)*cos(theta_2)
- tvy_2 = -rotate2(2,1)*sin(theta_2) + rotate2(2,2)*cos(theta_2)
- numerator = tvx_1*tvx_2 + tvy_1*tvy_2
- denominator = sqrt((x_1rot - x_2rot - x12) **2 + &
- (y_1rot - y_2rot - y12)**2 + (z_1rot - z_2rot - z12)**2)
- theta_l12 = theta_l12 + numerator/denominator
- end do theta2
- end do theta1
- l12 = l12 + zw(i)*theta_l12
- end do gauss
-! multiply these integrals by the appropriate quadrature weights, lengths, and
-! physical constants
- coefficient = (mu * l1 * l2 * radius * (length + width) * turns1 * turns2)/ &
- (4.0_longreal * real(m,longreal)**2)
- l12 = coefficient * l12
- end subroutine mutual_ind_cir_rec_coils
-end module mcr_m
-module misc_input_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-use free_input
-implicit none
-public :: misc_input
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
- subroutine misc_input (qq_mutual_inductance_cutoff, wq_mutual_inductance_cutoff, &
- rq_mutual_inductance_cutoff, inductor_to_ground_capacitance, &
- theta_integral_quad_points, input_file)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 12 october 1997
-! purpose: define the geometry of the res-q 3 coil
-!=========== formal variables =============
- real (kind = LONGreal), intent(out) :: qq_mutual_inductance_cutoff, &
- wq_mutual_inductance_cutoff, &
-& rq_mutual_inductance_cutoff, &
- inductor_to_ground_capacitance
- integer, intent(out) :: theta_integral_quad_points
- character (len=80), intent(in) :: input_file
-!========== internal variables ============
- integer :: n, wand_count, coil_count
- real (kind = LONGreal) :: real_value
- open (unit=nin,file=input_file,status="old",form="formatted",action="read")
- icpnt = 9999
-! set defaults
- qq_mutual_inductance_cutoff = 1.0e-10_LONGreal
- wq_mutual_inductance_cutoff = 1.0e-10_LONGreal
- rq_mutual_inductance_cutoff = 1.0e-10_LONGreal
- inductor_to_ground_capacitance = 0.0_LONGreal
- theta_integral_quad_points = 10
-! read through input until resq coil input is located
-resq: do
- call next
- if (.NOT. eoff) then
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field /= 'misc_calculation_definitions:') cycle resq
- do
- call next
- if (eoff) then
- print *," "
- print *,"unexpected end of file while reading resq coil ", &
- "definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field == 'end_of_misc_calculation_definitions') then
- exit resq
- else if (field == 'quad_quad_mutual_inductance_cutoff') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- qq_mutual_inductance_cutoff = real_variable
- else if (field == 'wand_quad_mutual_inductance_cutoff') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- wq_mutual_inductance_cutoff = real_variable
- else if (field == 'resq_coil_quad_mutual_inductance_cutoff') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- rq_mutual_inductance_cutoff = real_variable
- else if (field == 'inductor_to_ground_capacitance') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- inductor_to_ground_capacitance = real_variable
- else if (field == 'theta_integral_quadrature_points') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- theta_integral_quad_points = int(real_variable + 0.5_LONGreal)
- else
- print *," "
- print *,"unrecognized word in misc input definition, abort."
- print *," "
- print *,"The unrecognized word was: ",field
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end do
- end if
- end do resq
- close (unit = nin)
-! check input to catch obvious errors
- if (qq_mutual_inductance_cutoff < 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"quad/quad inductance cutoff must be >= 0, abort while reading input."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (qq_mutual_inductance_cutoff > 1.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"quad/quad inductance cutoff must be <= 1, abort while reading input."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (wq_mutual_inductance_cutoff < 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"wand/quad inductance cutoff must be >= 0, abort while reading input."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (wq_mutual_inductance_cutoff > 1.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"wand/quad inductance cutoff must be <= 1, abort while reading input."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (rq_mutual_inductance_cutoff < 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"resq coil/quad inductance cutoff must be >= 0, abort while reading input."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (rq_mutual_inductance_cutoff > 1.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"resq coil/quad inductance cutoff must be <= 1, abort while reading input."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (theta_integral_quad_points < 10) then
- print *," "
- print *,"need at least 10 theta integral quadrature points, abort while ", &
- "reading input."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end subroutine misc_input
-end module misc_input_m
-module mqc_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-use define_type
-implicit none
-public :: mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: pi = 3.141592653589793_longreal
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: small = 1.0e-10_longreal
- subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil (r_coil, x_coil, y_coil, z_coil, h_coil, n_coil, &
- rotate_coil, rect_inductor, m, mu, l12)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 6 september 1997
-! purpose: compute the mutual inductance of a rectangle and a circular coil. the
-! coil and rectangle can be oriented arbitrarily in space.
-! input:
-! m [integer]
-! number of quadrature points for theta integrals
-! output:
-! l12 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! mutual inductance .
-!=========== formal variables =============
- type (quad_inductor), intent(in) :: rect_inductor
- real (kind = longreal), intent(in) :: r_coil, x_coil, y_coil, z_coil, h_coil, n_coil, &
- mu
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: rotate_coil
- integer, intent(in) :: m
- real (kind = longreal), intent(out) :: l12
-!========== internal variables ============
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(3,3) :: rotate_quad
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(9), save :: x2gauss, y2gauss, w2gauss, z1gauss, &
- w1gauss
- real (kind = longreal) :: xxvec, xyvec, xzvec, yxvec, yyvec, yzvec, zxvec, zyvec, &
- zzvec, magnitude, l12_lower, l12_upper, dx, dy, dz, theta, &
- a, b1, b2, numerator, denominator, coefficient, angle
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(3) :: c_vector, q_vector, rot_c_vector, &
- rot_q_vector, current_vector, &
- coil_current_vec, coil_tmp_vector
- integer :: i, j, k
- logical, save :: first = .true.
-! on the first call to this routine, initialize the weights for a 9 point 6th order
-! gaussian quadrature on a square.
- if (first) then
- x2gauss(1) = 0.0_longreal
- y2gauss(1) = 0.0_longreal
- w2gauss(1) = 16.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- x2gauss(2) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- y2gauss(2) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- w2gauss(2) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- x2gauss(3) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- y2gauss(3) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- w2gauss(3) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- x2gauss(4) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- y2gauss(4) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- w2gauss(4) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- x2gauss(5) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- y2gauss(5) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- w2gauss(5) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- x2gauss(6) = 0.0_longreal
- y2gauss(6) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- w2gauss(6) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- x2gauss(7) = 0.0_longreal
- y2gauss(7) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- w2gauss(7) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- x2gauss(8) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- y2gauss(8) = 0.0_longreal
- w2gauss(8) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- x2gauss(9) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- y2gauss(9) = 0.0_longreal
- w2gauss(9) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- z1gauss(1) = -0.9681602395_longreal
- w1gauss(1) = 0.0812743883_longreal
- z1gauss(2) = -0.8360311073_longreal
- w1gauss(2) = 0.1806481606_longreal
- z1gauss(3) = -0.6133714327_longreal
- w1gauss(3) = 0.2606106964_longreal
- z1gauss(4) = -0.3242534234_longreal
- w1gauss(4) = 0.3123470770_longreal
- z1gauss(5) = 0.0_longreal
- w1gauss(5) = 0.3302393550_longreal
- do i = 6, 9
- z1gauss(i) = - z1gauss(10-i)
- w1gauss(i) = w1gauss(10-i)
- end do
- first = .false.
- end if
-! build dimensions of inductor
- a = sqrt((rect_inductor%v2%x - rect_inductor%v4%x)**2 + (rect_inductor%v2%y - &
- rect_inductor%v4%y)**2 + (rect_inductor%v2%z - rect_inductor%v4%z)**2)
- magnitude = sqrt((rect_inductor%v2%x - rect_inductor%v1%x)**2 + &
- (rect_inductor%v2%y - rect_inductor%v1%y)**2 + &
- (rect_inductor%v2%z - rect_inductor%v1%z)**2)
- angle = asin(0.5_LONGreal * a / magnitude)
- b1 = magnitude * cos(angle)
- magnitude = sqrt((rect_inductor%v3%x - rect_inductor%v2%x)**2 + &
- (rect_inductor%v3%y - rect_inductor%v2%y)**2 + &
- (rect_inductor%v3%z - rect_inductor%v2%z)**2)
- angle = asin(0.5_LONGreal * a / magnitude)
- b2 = magnitude * cos(angle)
-! compute the radius vector from the vertex 1 of the quad to the center of the coil
- dx = x_coil - rect_inductor%v4%x
- dy = y_coil - rect_inductor%v4%y
- dz = z_coil - rect_inductor%v4%z
-! compute the mutual inductance between the coil and the lower half of the quad
- current_vector(1) = rect_inductor%current_vector1%x
- current_vector(2) = rect_inductor%current_vector1%y
- current_vector(3) = rect_inductor%current_vector1%z
-! first build the rotation matrix for the lower half of the quad
-! define a coordinate system for which this quad is in the xy plane.
-! first define the x axis as radius vector of node 2 minus radius vector of
-! node 4
- xxvec = rect_inductor%v2%x - rect_inductor%v4%x
- xyvec = rect_inductor%v2%y - rect_inductor%v4%y
- xzvec = rect_inductor%v2%z - rect_inductor%v4%z
- magnitude = sqrt(xxvec**2 + xyvec**2 + xzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length x axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- xxvec = xxvec / magnitude
- xyvec = xyvec / magnitude
- xzvec = xzvec / magnitude
-! next define the y axis as the current vector direction
- yxvec = rect_inductor%current_vector1%x
- yyvec = rect_inductor%current_vector1%y
- yzvec = rect_inductor%current_vector1%z
-! define the z axis as the cross-product of the x and y axes
- zxvec = xyvec*yzvec - xzvec*yyvec
- zyvec = xzvec*yxvec - xxvec*yzvec
- zzvec = xxvec*yyvec - xyvec*yxvec
- magnitude = sqrt(zxvec**2 + zyvec**2 + zzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length z axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- zxvec = zxvec / magnitude
- zyvec = zyvec / magnitude
- zzvec = zzvec / magnitude
-! generate the rotation matrix with which to rotate the quad into the xy plane
- rotate_quad(1,1) = xxvec
- rotate_quad(1,2) = xyvec
- rotate_quad(1,3) = xzvec
- rotate_quad(2,1) = yxvec
- rotate_quad(2,2) = yyvec
- rotate_quad(2,3) = yzvec
- rotate_quad(3,1) = zxvec
- rotate_quad(3,2) = zyvec
- rotate_quad(3,3) = zzvec
- rotate_quad = transpose(rotate_quad)
-! outer loop is the integration over the circumference of the coil. the next most
-! inner loop is a gaussian integration over the height of the coil. the inner
-! most loop is the gaussian integration over the quad
- l12_lower = 0.0_longreal
- do i = 1, 2*m
- theta = pi*real(i,longreal)/real(m,longreal)
- c_vector(1) = r_coil * cos(theta)
- c_vector(2) = r_coil * sin(theta)
-! compute current vector for the coil in the global coordinate system
- coil_tmp_vector(1) = -sin(theta)
- coil_tmp_vector(2) = cos(theta)
- coil_tmp_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
- coil_current_vec(1) = dot_product(rotate_coil(1,:),coil_tmp_vector(:))
- coil_current_vec(2) = dot_product(rotate_coil(2,:),coil_tmp_vector(:))
- coil_current_vec(3) = dot_product(rotate_coil(3,:),coil_tmp_vector(:))
- do j = 1, 9
- c_vector(3) = 0.5 * h_coil * z1gauss(j)
-! rotate coil vector into the global coordinate system and translate it
- rot_c_vector(1) = dot_product(rotate_coil(1,:),c_vector(:)) + dx
- rot_c_vector(2) = dot_product(rotate_coil(2,:),c_vector(:)) + dy
- rot_c_vector(3) = dot_product(rotate_coil(3,:),c_vector(:)) + dz
- do k = 1, 9
- q_vector(1) = 0.5_longreal * a * (x2gauss(k) + 1.0_longreal)
- q_vector(2) = 0.5_longreal * b1 * (y2gauss(k) - 1.0_longreal)
- q_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
-! rotate quad vector into the global coordinate system
- rot_q_vector(1) = dot_product(rotate_quad(1,:),q_vector(:))
- rot_q_vector(2) = dot_product(rotate_quad(2,:),q_vector(:))
- rot_q_vector(3) = dot_product(rotate_quad(3,:),q_vector(:))
-! compute and add in quadrature term
- numerator = w1gauss(j) * w2gauss(k) * &
- dot_product(coil_current_vec,current_vector)
- denominator = sqrt(dot_product(rot_c_vector-rot_q_vector, &
- rot_c_vector-rot_q_vector))
- l12_lower = l12_lower + numerator/denominator
- end do
- end do
- end do
-! compute the mutual inductance between the coil and the upper half of the quad
- current_vector(1) = rect_inductor%current_vector2%x
- current_vector(2) = rect_inductor%current_vector2%y
- current_vector(3) = rect_inductor%current_vector2%z
-! first build the rotation matrix for the upper half of the quad
-! define a coordinate system for which this quad is in the xy plane.
-! first define the x axis as radius vector of node 2 minus radius vector of
-! node 4
- xxvec = rect_inductor%v2%x - rect_inductor%v4%x
- xyvec = rect_inductor%v2%y - rect_inductor%v4%y
- xzvec = rect_inductor%v2%z - rect_inductor%v4%z
- magnitude = sqrt(xxvec**2 + xyvec**2 + xzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length x axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- xxvec = xxvec / magnitude
- xyvec = xyvec / magnitude
- xzvec = xzvec / magnitude
-! next define the y axis as the current vector direction
- yxvec = rect_inductor%current_vector2%x
- yyvec = rect_inductor%current_vector2%y
- yzvec = rect_inductor%current_vector2%z
-! define the z axis as the cross-product of the x and y axes
- zxvec = xyvec*yzvec - xzvec*yyvec
- zyvec = xzvec*yxvec - xxvec*yzvec
- zzvec = xxvec*yyvec - xyvec*yxvec
- magnitude = sqrt(zxvec**2 + zyvec**2 + zzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length z axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- zxvec = zxvec / magnitude
- zyvec = zyvec / magnitude
- zzvec = zzvec / magnitude
-! generate the rotation matrix with which to rotate the quad into the xy plane
- rotate_quad(1,1) = xxvec
- rotate_quad(1,2) = xyvec
- rotate_quad(1,3) = xzvec
- rotate_quad(2,1) = yxvec
- rotate_quad(2,2) = yyvec
- rotate_quad(2,3) = yzvec
- rotate_quad(3,1) = zxvec
- rotate_quad(3,2) = zyvec
- rotate_quad(3,3) = zzvec
- rotate_quad = transpose(rotate_quad)
-! outer loop is the integration over the circumference of the coil. the next most
-! inner loop is a gaussian integration over the height of the coil. the inner
-! most loop is the gaussian integration over the quad
- l12_upper = 0.0_longreal
- do i = 1, 2*m
- theta = pi*real(i,longreal)/real(m,longreal)
- c_vector(1) = r_coil * cos(theta)
- c_vector(2) = r_coil * sin(theta)
-! compute current vector for the coil in the global coordinate system
- coil_tmp_vector(1) = -sin(theta)
- coil_tmp_vector(2) = cos(theta)
- coil_tmp_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
- coil_current_vec(1) = dot_product(rotate_coil(1,:),coil_tmp_vector(:))
- coil_current_vec(2) = dot_product(rotate_coil(2,:),coil_tmp_vector(:))
- coil_current_vec(3) = dot_product(rotate_coil(3,:),coil_tmp_vector(:))
- do j = 1, 9
- c_vector(3) = 0.5 * h_coil * z1gauss(j)
-! rotate coil vector into the global coordinate system and translate it
- rot_c_vector(1) = dot_product(rotate_coil(1,:),c_vector(:)) + dx
- rot_c_vector(2) = dot_product(rotate_coil(2,:),c_vector(:)) + dy
- rot_c_vector(3) = dot_product(rotate_coil(3,:),c_vector(:)) + dz
- do k = 1, 9
- q_vector(1) = 0.5_longreal * a * (x2gauss(k) + 1.0_longreal)
- q_vector(2) = 0.25_longreal * b2 * (y2gauss(k) + 1.0_longreal)
- q_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
-! rotate quad vector into the global coordinate system
- rot_q_vector(1) = dot_product(rotate_quad(1,:),q_vector(:))
- rot_q_vector(2) = dot_product(rotate_quad(2,:),q_vector(:))
- rot_q_vector(3) = dot_product(rotate_quad(3,:),q_vector(:))
-! compute and add in quadrature term
- numerator = w1gauss(j) * w2gauss(k) * &
- dot_product(coil_current_vec,current_vector)
- denominator = sqrt(dot_product(rot_c_vector-rot_q_vector, &
- rot_c_vector-rot_q_vector))
- l12_upper = l12_upper + numerator/denominator
- end do
- end do
- end do
-! sum the terms to get the total mutual inductance
- coefficient = (mu * r_coil * n_coil * h_coil)/(8.0_longreal * real(m,longreal))
- l12 = coefficient * (b1 * l12_lower + b2 * l12_upper)
- end subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil
-end module mqc_m
-module mqr_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-use define_type
-implicit none
-public :: mutual_ind_quad_rec_coil
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: pi = 3.141592653589793_longreal
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: small = 1.0e-10_longreal
- subroutine mutual_ind_quad_rec_coil (a_coil, b_coil, x_coil, y_coil, z_coil, h_coil, &
- n_coil, rotate_coil, rect_inductor, m, mu, l12)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 6 september 1997
-! purpose: compute the mutual inductance of a rectangle and a rectangular coil.
-! the coil and rectangle can be oriented arbitrarily in space.
-! input:
-! m [integer]
-! number of quadrature points for theta integrals
-! output:
-! l12 [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! mutual inductance .
-!=========== formal variables =============
- type (quad_inductor), intent(in) :: rect_inductor
- real (kind = longreal), intent(in) :: a_coil, b_coil, x_coil, y_coil, z_coil, h_coil, &
- n_coil, mu
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(:,:), intent(in) :: rotate_coil
- integer, intent(in) :: m
- real (kind = longreal), intent(out) :: l12
-!========== internal variables ============
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(3,3) :: rotate_quad
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(9), save :: x2gauss, y2gauss, w2gauss, z1gauss, &
- w1gauss
- real (kind = longreal) :: xxvec, xyvec, xzvec, yxvec, yyvec, yzvec, zxvec, zyvec, &
- zzvec, magnitude, l12_lower, l12_upper, dx, dy, dz, &
- a, b1, b2, numerator, denominator, coefficient, &
- s, ds, deltas, theta
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(3) :: c_vector, q_vector, rot_c_vector, &
- rot_q_vector, current_vector, &
- coil_current_vec, coil_tmp_vector
- integer :: i, j, k
- logical, save :: first = .true.
-! on the first call to this routine, initialize the weights for a 9 point 6th order
-! gaussian quadrature on a square.
- if (first) then
- x2gauss(1) = 0.0_longreal
- y2gauss(1) = 0.0_longreal
- w2gauss(1) = 16.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- x2gauss(2) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- y2gauss(2) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- w2gauss(2) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- x2gauss(3) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- y2gauss(3) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- w2gauss(3) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- x2gauss(4) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- y2gauss(4) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- w2gauss(4) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- x2gauss(5) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- y2gauss(5) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- w2gauss(5) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- x2gauss(6) = 0.0_longreal
- y2gauss(6) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- w2gauss(6) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- x2gauss(7) = 0.0_longreal
- y2gauss(7) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- w2gauss(7) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- x2gauss(8) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- y2gauss(8) = 0.0_longreal
- w2gauss(8) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- x2gauss(9) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- y2gauss(9) = 0.0_longreal
- w2gauss(9) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- z1gauss(1) = -0.9681602395_longreal
- w1gauss(1) = 0.0812743883_longreal
- z1gauss(2) = -0.8360311073_longreal
- w1gauss(2) = 0.1806481606_longreal
- z1gauss(3) = -0.6133714327_longreal
- w1gauss(3) = 0.2606106964_longreal
- z1gauss(4) = -0.3242534234_longreal
- w1gauss(4) = 0.3123470770_longreal
- z1gauss(5) = 0.0_longreal
- w1gauss(5) = 0.3302393550_longreal
- do i = 6, 9
- z1gauss(i) = - z1gauss(10-i)
- w1gauss(i) = w1gauss(10-i)
- end do
- first = .false.
- end if
-! build dimensions of inductor
- a = sqrt((rect_inductor%v2%x - rect_inductor%v4%x)**2 + (rect_inductor%v2%y - &
- rect_inductor%v4%y)**2 + (rect_inductor%v2%z - rect_inductor%v4%z)**2)
- magnitude = sqrt((rect_inductor%v2%x - rect_inductor%v1%x)**2 + &
- (rect_inductor%v2%y - rect_inductor%v1%y)**2 + &
- (rect_inductor%v2%z - rect_inductor%v1%z)**2)
- theta = asin(0.5_LONGreal * a / magnitude)
- b1 = magnitude * cos(theta)
- magnitude = sqrt((rect_inductor%v3%x - rect_inductor%v2%x)**2 + &
- (rect_inductor%v3%y - rect_inductor%v2%y)**2 + &
- (rect_inductor%v3%z - rect_inductor%v2%z)**2)
- theta = asin(0.5_LONGreal * a / magnitude)
- b2 = magnitude * cos(theta)
-! compute the radius vector from the vertex 4 of the quad to the center of the coil
- dx = x_coil - rect_inductor%v4%x
- dy = y_coil - rect_inductor%v4%y
- dz = z_coil - rect_inductor%v4%z
-! compute quadrature interval over the circumference of the coil
- ds = 2.0_longreal * (a_coil + b_coil) / real(2*m,longreal)
-! compute the mutual inductance between the coil and the lower half of the quad
- current_vector(1) = rect_inductor%current_vector1%x
- current_vector(2) = rect_inductor%current_vector1%y
- current_vector(3) = rect_inductor%current_vector1%z
-! first build the rotation matrix for the lower half of the quad
-! define a coordinate system for which this quad is in the xy plane.
-! first define the x axis as radius vector of node 2 minus radius vector of
-! node 4
- xxvec = rect_inductor%v2%x - rect_inductor%v4%x
- xyvec = rect_inductor%v2%y - rect_inductor%v4%y
- xzvec = rect_inductor%v2%z - rect_inductor%v4%z
- magnitude = sqrt(xxvec**2 + xyvec**2 + xzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length x axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- xxvec = xxvec / magnitude
- xyvec = xyvec / magnitude
- xzvec = xzvec / magnitude
-! next define the y axis as the current vector direction
- yxvec = rect_inductor%current_vector1%x
- yyvec = rect_inductor%current_vector1%y
- yzvec = rect_inductor%current_vector1%z
-! define the z axis as the cross-product of the x and y axes
- zxvec = xyvec*yzvec - xzvec*yyvec
- zyvec = xzvec*yxvec - xxvec*yzvec
- zzvec = xxvec*yyvec - xyvec*yxvec
- magnitude = sqrt(zxvec**2 + zyvec**2 + zzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length z axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- zxvec = zxvec / magnitude
- zyvec = zyvec / magnitude
- zzvec = zzvec / magnitude
-! generate the rotation matrix with which to rotate the quad into the xy plane
- rotate_quad(1,1) = xxvec
- rotate_quad(1,2) = xyvec
- rotate_quad(1,3) = xzvec
- rotate_quad(2,1) = yxvec
- rotate_quad(2,2) = yyvec
- rotate_quad(2,3) = yzvec
- rotate_quad(3,1) = zxvec
- rotate_quad(3,2) = zyvec
- rotate_quad(3,3) = zzvec
- rotate_quad = transpose(rotate_quad)
-! outer loop is the integration over the circumference of the coil. the next most
-! inner loop is a gaussian integration over the height of the coil. the inner
-! most loop is the gaussian integration over the quad
- l12_lower = 0.0_longreal
- do i = 1, 2*m
- s = real(i,longreal) * ds
- if (s <= 0.5_longreal * a_coil) then
- c_vector(1) = 0.5_longreal * b_coil
- c_vector(2) = s
- coil_tmp_vector(1) = 0.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(2) = 1.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
- else if (s <= 0.5_longreal * a_coil + b_coil) then
- deltas = s - 0.5_longreal * a_coil
- c_vector(1) = 0.5_longreal * b_coil - deltas
- c_vector(2) = 0.5_longreal * a_coil
- coil_tmp_vector(1) = -1.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(2) = 0.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
- else if (s <= 1.5_longreal * a_coil + b_coil) then
- deltas = s - b_coil - 0.5_longreal * a_coil
- c_vector(1) = - 0.5_longreal * b_coil
- c_vector(2) = 0.5_longreal * a_coil - deltas
- coil_tmp_vector(1) = 0.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(2) = -1.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
- else if (s < 2.0_longreal * b_coil + 1.5_longreal * a_coil) then
- deltas = s - b_coil - 1.5_longreal * a_coil
- c_vector(1) = -0.5_longreal * b_coil + deltas
- c_vector(2) = - 0.5_longreal * a_coil
- coil_tmp_vector(1) = 1.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(2) = 0.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
- else
- deltas = s - 2.0_longreal * b_coil - 1.5_longreal * a_coil
- c_vector(1) = 0.5_longreal * b_coil
- c_vector(2) = -0.5_longreal * a_coil + deltas
- coil_tmp_vector(1) = 0.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(2) = 1.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
- end if
-! compute current vector for the coil in the global coordinate system
- coil_current_vec(1) = dot_product(rotate_coil(1,:),coil_tmp_vector(:))
- coil_current_vec(2) = dot_product(rotate_coil(2,:),coil_tmp_vector(:))
- coil_current_vec(3) = dot_product(rotate_coil(3,:),coil_tmp_vector(:))
- do j = 1, 9
- c_vector(3) = 0.5 * h_coil * z1gauss(j)
-! rotate coil vector into the global coordinate system and translate it
- rot_c_vector(1) = dot_product(rotate_coil(1,:),c_vector(:)) + dx
- rot_c_vector(2) = dot_product(rotate_coil(2,:),c_vector(:)) + dy
- rot_c_vector(3) = dot_product(rotate_coil(3,:),c_vector(:)) + dz
- do k = 1, 9
- q_vector(1) = 0.5_longreal * a * (x2gauss(k) + 1.0_longreal)
- q_vector(2) = 0.5_longreal * b1 * (y2gauss(k) - 1.0_longreal)
- q_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
-! rotate quad vector into the global coordinate system
- rot_q_vector(1) = dot_product(rotate_quad(1,:),q_vector(:))
- rot_q_vector(2) = dot_product(rotate_quad(2,:),q_vector(:))
- rot_q_vector(3) = dot_product(rotate_quad(3,:),q_vector(:))
-! compute and add in quadrature term
- numerator = w1gauss(j) * w2gauss(k) * &
- dot_product(coil_current_vec,current_vector)
- denominator = sqrt(dot_product(rot_c_vector-rot_q_vector, &
- rot_c_vector-rot_q_vector))
- l12_lower = l12_lower + numerator/denominator
- end do
- end do
- end do
-! compute the mutual inductance between the coil and the upper half of the quad
- current_vector(1) = rect_inductor%current_vector2%x
- current_vector(2) = rect_inductor%current_vector2%y
- current_vector(3) = rect_inductor%current_vector2%z
-! first build the rotation matrix for the upper half of the quad
-! define a coordinate system for which this quad is in the xy plane.
-! first define the x axis as radius vector of node 2 minus radius vector of
-! node 4
- xxvec = rect_inductor%v2%x - rect_inductor%v4%x
- xyvec = rect_inductor%v2%y - rect_inductor%v4%y
- xzvec = rect_inductor%v2%z - rect_inductor%v4%z
- magnitude = sqrt(xxvec**2 + xyvec**2 + xzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length x axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- xxvec = xxvec / magnitude
- xyvec = xyvec / magnitude
- xzvec = xzvec / magnitude
-! next define the y axis as the current vector direction
- yxvec = rect_inductor%current_vector2%x
- yyvec = rect_inductor%current_vector2%y
- yzvec = rect_inductor%current_vector2%z
-! define the z axis as the cross-product of the x and y axes
- zxvec = xyvec*yzvec - xzvec*yyvec
- zyvec = xzvec*yxvec - xxvec*yzvec
- zzvec = xxvec*yyvec - xyvec*yxvec
- magnitude = sqrt(zxvec**2 + zyvec**2 + zzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length z axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- zxvec = zxvec / magnitude
- zyvec = zyvec / magnitude
- zzvec = zzvec / magnitude
-! generate the rotation matrix with which to rotate the quad into the xy plane
- rotate_quad(1,1) = xxvec
- rotate_quad(1,2) = xyvec
- rotate_quad(1,3) = xzvec
- rotate_quad(2,1) = yxvec
- rotate_quad(2,2) = yyvec
- rotate_quad(2,3) = yzvec
- rotate_quad(3,1) = zxvec
- rotate_quad(3,2) = zyvec
- rotate_quad(3,3) = zzvec
- rotate_quad = transpose(rotate_quad)
-! outer loop is the integration over the circumference of the coil. the next most
-! inner loop is a gaussian integration over the height of the coil. the inner
-! most loop is the gaussian integration over the quad
- l12_upper = 0.0_longreal
- do i = 1, 2*m
- s = real(i,longreal) * ds
- if (s <= 0.5_longreal * a_coil) then
- c_vector(1) = 0.5_longreal * b_coil
- c_vector(2) = s
- coil_tmp_vector(1) = 0.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(2) = 1.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
- else if (s <= 0.5_longreal * a_coil + b_coil) then
- deltas = s - 0.5_longreal * a_coil
- c_vector(1) = 0.5_longreal * b_coil - deltas
- c_vector(2) = 0.5_longreal * a_coil
- coil_tmp_vector(1) = -1.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(2) = 0.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
- else if (s <= 1.5_longreal * a_coil + b_coil) then
- deltas = s - b_coil - 0.5_longreal * a_coil
- c_vector(1) = - 0.5_longreal * b_coil
- c_vector(2) = 0.5_longreal * a_coil - deltas
- coil_tmp_vector(1) = 0.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(2) = -1.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
- else if (s < 2.0_longreal * b_coil + 1.5_longreal * a_coil) then
- deltas = s - b_coil - 1.5_longreal * a_coil
- c_vector(1) = -0.5_longreal * b_coil + deltas
- c_vector(2) = - 0.5_longreal * a_coil
- coil_tmp_vector(1) = 1.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(2) = 0.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
- else
- deltas = s - 2.0_longreal * b_coil - 1.5_longreal * a_coil
- c_vector(1) = 0.5_longreal * b_coil
- c_vector(2) = -0.5_longreal * a_coil + deltas
- coil_tmp_vector(1) = 0.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(2) = 1.0_longreal
- coil_tmp_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
- end if
-! compute current vector for the coil in the global coordinate system
- coil_current_vec(1) = dot_product(rotate_coil(1,:),coil_tmp_vector(:))
- coil_current_vec(2) = dot_product(rotate_coil(2,:),coil_tmp_vector(:))
- coil_current_vec(3) = dot_product(rotate_coil(3,:),coil_tmp_vector(:))
- do j = 1, 9
- c_vector(3) = 0.5 * h_coil * z1gauss(j)
-! rotate coil vector into the global coordinate system and translate it
- rot_c_vector(1) = dot_product(rotate_coil(1,:),c_vector(:)) + dx
- rot_c_vector(2) = dot_product(rotate_coil(2,:),c_vector(:)) + dy
- rot_c_vector(3) = dot_product(rotate_coil(3,:),c_vector(:)) + dz
- do k = 1, 9
- q_vector(1) = 0.5_longreal * a * (x2gauss(k) + 1.0_longreal)
- q_vector(2) = 0.5_longreal * b2 * (y2gauss(k) + 1.0_longreal)
- q_vector(3) = 0.0_longreal
-! rotate quad vector into the global coordinate system
- rot_q_vector(1) = dot_product(rotate_quad(1,:),q_vector(:))
- rot_q_vector(2) = dot_product(rotate_quad(2,:),q_vector(:))
- rot_q_vector(3) = dot_product(rotate_quad(3,:),q_vector(:))
-! compute and add in quadrature term
- numerator = w1gauss(j) * w2gauss(k) * &
- dot_product(coil_current_vec,current_vector)
- denominator = sqrt(dot_product(rot_c_vector-rot_q_vector, &
- rot_c_vector-rot_q_vector))
- l12_upper = l12_upper + numerator/denominator
- end do
- end do
- end do
-! sum the terms to get the total mutual inductance
- coefficient = (mu * (a_coil + b_coil) * n_coil * h_coil)/(8.0_longreal * &
- real(m,longreal) * pi)
- l12 = coefficient * (b1 * l12_lower + b2 * l12_upper)
- end subroutine mutual_ind_quad_rec_coil
-end module mqr_m
-module m_quad_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-use define_type
-implicit none
-public :: quad_mutual_inductance
-private :: self_inductance, asinh
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: pi = 3.141592653589793_longreal
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: small = 1.0e-10_longreal
- subroutine quad_mutual_inductance (inductor1, inductor2, mu, mutual_inductance)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 11 october 1997
-! purpose: compute the mutual inductance between two arbitrary non-planar
-! quadralaterals in three-dimensions
-! input:
-! mu [real, selected_real_kind(15,90)]
-! permeability of the medium
-! output:
-!=========== formal variables =============
- type (quad_inductor), intent(in) :: inductor1, inductor2
- real (kind = longreal), intent(in) :: mu
- real (kind = longreal), intent(out) :: mutual_inductance
-!========== internal variables ============
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(3) :: current1a, current1b, current2a, current2b, &
-& r1_vec, r2_vec, r1_rot_vec, r2_rot_vec
- real (kind = longreal) :: a1, b1a, b1b, a2, b2a, b2b, mutual_1a_2a, &
- mutual_1a_2b, mutual_1b_2a, mutual_1b_2b, dx, dy, dz, sgn, &
- coefficient, magnitude, theta, xxvec, xyvec, xzvec, yxvec, &
- yyvec, yzvec, zxvec, zyvec, zzvec
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(9), save :: z1g, z2g, zw
- real (kind = LONGreal), dimension(3,3) :: rotate1, rotate2
- integer :: i, j
- logical :: touch
- logical, save :: first = .true.
-! on the first call to this routine, initialize the weights for a 9 point 6th order
-! gaussian quadrature on a square.
- if (first) then
- z1g(1) = 0.0_longreal
- z2g(1) = 0.0_longreal
- zw(1) = 16.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- z1g(2) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(2) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(2) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- z1g(3) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(3) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(3) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- z1g(4) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(4) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(4) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- z1g(5) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(5) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(5) = 25.0_longreal/324.0_longreal
- z1g(6) = 0.0_longreal
- z2g(6) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(6) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- z1g(7) = 0.0_longreal
- z2g(7) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- zw(7) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- z1g(8) = -sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(8) = 0.0_longreal
- zw(8) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- z1g(9) = sqrt(0.6_longreal)
- z2g(9) = 0.0_longreal
- zw(9) = 10.0_longreal/81.0_longreal
- first = .false.
- end if
- mutual_1a_2a = 0.0_longreal
- mutual_1a_2b = 0.0_longreal
- mutual_1b_2a = 0.0_longreal
- mutual_1b_2b = 0.0_longreal
-! build the current vectors for each inductor-section
- current1a(1) = inductor1%current_vector1%x
- current1a(2) = inductor1%current_vector1%y
- current1a(3) = inductor1%current_vector1%z
- current1b(1) = inductor1%current_vector2%x
- current1b(2) = inductor1%current_vector2%y
- current1b(3) = inductor1%current_vector2%z
- current2a(1) = inductor2%current_vector1%x
- current2a(2) = inductor2%current_vector1%y
- current2a(3) = inductor2%current_vector1%z
- current2b(1) = inductor2%current_vector2%x
- current2b(2) = inductor2%current_vector2%y
- current2b(3) = inductor2%current_vector2%z
-! build dimensions of each inductor
- a1 = sqrt((inductor1%v2%x - inductor1%v4%x)**2 + (inductor1%v2%y - &
- inductor1%v4%y)**2 + (inductor1%v2%z - inductor1%v4%z)**2)
- magnitude = sqrt((inductor1%v2%x - inductor1%v1%x)**2 + (inductor1%v2%y - &
- inductor1%v1%y)**2 + (inductor1%v2%z - inductor1%v1%z)**2)
- theta = asin(0.5_LONGreal * a1 / magnitude)
- b1a = magnitude * cos(theta)
- magnitude = sqrt((inductor1%v3%x - inductor1%v2%x)**2 + (inductor1%v3%y - &
- inductor1%v2%y)**2 + (inductor1%v3%z - inductor1%v2%z)**2)
- theta = asin(0.5_LONGreal * a1 / magnitude)
- b1b = magnitude * cos(theta)
- a2 = sqrt((inductor2%v2%x - inductor2%v4%x)**2 + (inductor2%v2%y - &
- inductor2%v4%y)**2 + (inductor2%v2%z - inductor2%v4%z)**2)
- magnitude = sqrt((inductor2%v2%x - inductor2%v1%x)**2 + (inductor2%v2%y - &
- inductor2%v1%y)**2 + (inductor2%v2%z - inductor2%v1%z)**2)
- theta = asin(0.5_LONGreal * a2 / magnitude)
- b2a = magnitude * cos(theta)
- magnitude = sqrt((inductor2%v3%x - inductor2%v2%x)**2 + (inductor2%v3%y - &
- inductor2%v2%y)**2 + (inductor2%v3%z - inductor2%v2%z)**2)
- theta = asin(0.5_LONGreal * a2 / magnitude)
- b2b = magnitude * cos(theta)
-! build vector between vertex 4 of each inductor
- dx = inductor2%v4%x - inductor1%v4%x
- dy = inductor2%v4%y - inductor1%v4%y
- dz = inductor2%v4%z - inductor1%v4%z
-! mutual inductance of 1a with 2a
- if (abs(abs(dot_product(current1a,current2a)) - 1.0_longreal) < small) then
-! see if these rectangles share a common edge. If so, do the mutual
-! inductance analytically.
- touch = .FALSE.
- if (abs(inductor1%v1%x - inductor2%v1%x) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v1%y - inductor2%v1%y) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v1%z - inductor2%v1%z) < small) then
- mutual_1a_2a = - 0.5_LONGreal * (self_inductance(a1, b1a + b2a, mu) - &
- self_inductance(a1, b1a, mu) - self_inductance(a2, b2a, mu))
- mutual_1a_2a = mutual_1a_2a / (a1*a2)
- if (abs(a1-a2) > small) then
- print *,"bad common rectangle inductance, abort"
- stop
- end if
- touch = .TRUE.
- else if (abs(inductor1%v2%x - inductor2%v4%x) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v2%y - inductor2%v4%y) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v2%z - inductor2%v4%z) < small) then
- mutual_1a_2a = 0.5_LONGreal * (self_inductance(a1 + a2, b1a, mu) - &
- self_inductance(a1, b1a, mu) - self_inductance(a2, b2a, mu))
- mutual_1a_2a = mutual_1a_2a / (a1*a2)
- if (abs(b1a-b2a) > small) then
- print *,"bad common rectangle inductance, abort"
- stop
- end if
- touch = .TRUE.
- else if (abs(inductor1%v4%x - inductor2%v2%x) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v4%y - inductor2%v2%y) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v4%z - inductor2%v2%z) < small) then
- mutual_1a_2a = 0.5_LONGreal * (self_inductance(a1 + a2, b1a, mu) - &
- self_inductance(a1, b1a, mu) - self_inductance(a2, b2a, mu))
- mutual_1a_2a = mutual_1a_2a / (a1*a2)
- if (abs(b1a-b2a) > small) then
- print *,"bad common rectangle inductance, abort"
- stop
- end if
- touch = .TRUE.
- end if
- if (.NOT. touch) then
-! do the calculation numerically
-! first build the rotation matrix for the lower half of the 1st quad
-! define a coordinate system for which this quad is in the xy plane.
-! first define the x axis as radius vector of node 2 minus radius vector of
-! node 4
- xxvec = inductor1%v2%x - inductor1%v4%x
- xyvec = inductor1%v2%y - inductor1%v4%y
- xzvec = inductor1%v2%z - inductor1%v4%z
- magnitude = sqrt(xxvec**2 + xyvec**2 + xzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length x axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- xxvec = xxvec / magnitude
- xyvec = xyvec / magnitude
- xzvec = xzvec / magnitude
-! next define the y axis as the current vector direction
- yxvec = inductor1%current_vector1%x
- yyvec = inductor1%current_vector1%y
- yzvec = inductor1%current_vector1%z
-! define the z axis as the cross-product of the x and y axes
- zxvec = xyvec*yzvec - xzvec*yyvec
- zyvec = xzvec*yxvec - xxvec*yzvec
- zzvec = xxvec*yyvec - xyvec*yxvec
- magnitude = sqrt(zxvec**2 + zyvec**2 + zzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length z axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- zxvec = zxvec / magnitude
- zyvec = zyvec / magnitude
- zzvec = zzvec / magnitude
-! generate the rotation matrix with which to rotate the quad into the xy plane
- rotate1(1,1) = xxvec
- rotate1(1,2) = xyvec
- rotate1(1,3) = xzvec
- rotate1(2,1) = yxvec
- rotate1(2,2) = yyvec
- rotate1(2,3) = yzvec
- rotate1(3,1) = zxvec
- rotate1(3,2) = zyvec
- rotate1(3,3) = zzvec
- rotate1 = transpose(rotate1)
-! build rotation matrix for lower half of 2nd inductor
- xxvec = inductor2%v2%x - inductor2%v4%x
- xyvec = inductor2%v2%y - inductor2%v4%y
- xzvec = inductor2%v2%z - inductor2%v4%z
- magnitude = sqrt(xxvec**2 + xyvec**2 + xzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length x axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- xxvec = xxvec / magnitude
- xyvec = xyvec / magnitude
- xzvec = xzvec / magnitude
-! next define the y axis as the current vector direction
- yxvec = inductor2%current_vector1%x
- yyvec = inductor2%current_vector1%y
- yzvec = inductor2%current_vector1%z
-! define the z axis as the cross-product of the x and y axes
- zxvec = xyvec*yzvec - xzvec*yyvec
- zyvec = xzvec*yxvec - xxvec*yzvec
- zzvec = xxvec*yyvec - xyvec*yxvec
- magnitude = sqrt(zxvec**2 + zyvec**2 + zzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length z axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- zxvec = zxvec / magnitude
- zyvec = zyvec / magnitude
- zzvec = zzvec / magnitude
-! generate the rotation matrix with which to rotate the quad into the xy plane
- rotate2(1,1) = xxvec
- rotate2(1,2) = xyvec
- rotate2(1,3) = xzvec
- rotate2(2,1) = yxvec
- rotate2(2,2) = yyvec
- rotate2(2,3) = yzvec
- rotate2(3,1) = zxvec
- rotate2(3,2) = zyvec
- rotate2(3,3) = zzvec
- rotate2 = transpose(rotate2)
-! compute sgn for transforming the integrations into the same orientation for each
-! inductor
- if (dot_product(current1a,current2a) > 0.0_longreal) then
- sgn = 1.0_longreal
- else
- sgn = -1.0_longreal
- end if
-! do numerical integrations to compute mutual inductances
- coefficient = (mu * b1a * b2a * sgn)/(4.0_longreal * pi)
- mutual_1a_2a = 0.0_longreal
- do i = 1, 9
- r1_vec(1) = 0.5_longreal * a1 * (z1g(i) + 1.0_longreal)
- r1_vec(2) = 0.5_longreal * b1a * (z2g(i) - 1.0_longreal)
- r1_vec(3) = 0.0_LONGreal
- r1_rot_vec(1) = dot_product(rotate1(1,:),r1_vec(:))
- r1_rot_vec(2) = dot_product(rotate1(2,:),r1_vec(:))
- r1_rot_vec(3) = dot_product(rotate1(3,:),r1_vec(:))
- do j = 1, 9
- r2_vec(1) = 0.5_longreal * a2 * (z1g(j) + 1.0_longreal)
- r2_vec(2) = 0.5_longreal * b2a * (z2g(j) - 1.0_longreal)
- r2_vec(3) = 0.0_LONGreal
- r2_rot_vec(1) = dot_product(rotate2(1,:),r2_vec(:)) + dx
- r2_rot_vec(2) = dot_product(rotate2(2,:),r2_vec(:)) + dy
- r2_rot_vec(3) = dot_product(rotate2(3,:),r2_vec(:)) + dz
- mutual_1a_2a = mutual_1a_2a + (zw(i)*zw(j))/ &
- sqrt(dot_product(r1_rot_vec-r2_rot_vec, r1_rot_vec-r2_rot_vec))
- end do
- end do
- mutual_1a_2a = coefficient * mutual_1a_2a
- end if
- else if (abs(dot_product(current1a,current2a)) > small) then
- print *," "
- print *,"non-planar and non-orthogonal rectangle in quad_mutual_inductance, abort"
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
-! mutual inductance of 1a with 2b
-! currents are parallel:
- if (abs(abs(dot_product(current1a,current2b)) - 1.0_longreal) < small) then
-! see if these rectangles share a common edge. If so, do the mutual
-! inductance analytically.
- touch = .FALSE.
- if (abs(inductor1%v1%x - inductor2%v3%x) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v1%y - inductor2%v3%y) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v1%z - inductor2%v3%z) < small) then
- mutual_1a_2b = 0.5_LONGreal * (self_inductance(a1, b1a + b2b, mu) - &
- self_inductance(a1, b1a, mu) - self_inductance(a2, b2b, mu))
- mutual_1a_2b = mutual_1a_2b / (a1*a2)
- if (abs(a1-a2) > small) then
- print *,"bad common rectangle inductance, abort"
- stop
- end if
- touch = .TRUE.
- else if (abs(inductor1%v2%x - inductor2%v2%x) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v2%y - inductor2%v2%y) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v2%z - inductor2%v2%z) < small) then
- mutual_1a_2b = - 0.5_LONGreal * (self_inductance(a1 + a2, b1a, mu) - &
- self_inductance(a1, b1a, mu) - self_inductance(a2, b2b, mu))
- mutual_1a_2b = mutual_1a_2b / (a1*a2)
- if (abs(b1a - b2b) > small) then
- print *,"bad common rectangle inductance, abort"
- stop
- end if
- touch = .TRUE.
- else if (abs(inductor1%v4%x - inductor2%v4%x) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v4%y - inductor2%v4%y) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v4%z - inductor2%v4%z) < small) then
- mutual_1a_2b = - 0.5_LONGreal * (self_inductance(a1 + a2, b1a, mu) - &
- self_inductance(a1, b1a, mu) - self_inductance(a2, b2b, mu))
- mutual_1a_2b = mutual_1a_2b / (a1*a2)
- if (abs(b1a - b2b) > small) then
- print *,"bad common rectangle inductance, abort"
- stop
- end if
- touch = .TRUE.
- end if
- if (.NOT. touch) then
-! do the calculation numerically
-! build rotation matrix for upper half of 2nd inductor
- xxvec = inductor2%v2%x - inductor2%v4%x
- xyvec = inductor2%v2%y - inductor2%v4%y
- xzvec = inductor2%v2%z - inductor2%v4%z
- magnitude = sqrt(xxvec**2 + xyvec**2 + xzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length x axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- xxvec = xxvec / magnitude
- xyvec = xyvec / magnitude
- xzvec = xzvec / magnitude
-! next define the y axis as the current vector direction
- yxvec = inductor2%current_vector2%x
- yyvec = inductor2%current_vector2%y
- yzvec = inductor2%current_vector2%z
-! define the z axis as the cross-product of the x and y axes
- zxvec = xyvec*yzvec - xzvec*yyvec
- zyvec = xzvec*yxvec - xxvec*yzvec
- zzvec = xxvec*yyvec - xyvec*yxvec
- magnitude = sqrt(zxvec**2 + zyvec**2 + zzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length z axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- zxvec = zxvec / magnitude
- zyvec = zyvec / magnitude
- zzvec = zzvec / magnitude
-! generate the rotation matrix with which to rotate the quad into the xy plane
- rotate2(1,1) = xxvec
- rotate2(1,2) = xyvec
- rotate2(1,3) = xzvec
- rotate2(2,1) = yxvec
- rotate2(2,2) = yyvec
- rotate2(2,3) = yzvec
- rotate2(3,1) = zxvec
- rotate2(3,2) = zyvec
- rotate2(3,3) = zzvec
- rotate2 = transpose(rotate2)
-! compute sgn for transforming the integrations into the same orientation for each
-! inductor
- if (dot_product(current1a,current2b) > 0.0_longreal) then
- sgn = 1.0_longreal
- else
- sgn = -1.0_longreal
- end if
-! do numerical integrations to compute mutual inductances
- coefficient = (mu * b1a * b2b * sgn)/(4.0_longreal * pi)
- mutual_1a_2b = 0.0_longreal
- do i = 1, 9
- r1_vec(1) = 0.5_longreal * a1 * (z1g(i) + 1.0_longreal)
- r1_vec(2) = 0.5_longreal * b1a * (z2g(i) - 1.0_longreal)
- r1_vec(3) = 0.0_LONGreal
- r1_rot_vec(1) = dot_product(rotate1(1,:),r1_vec(:))
- r1_rot_vec(2) = dot_product(rotate1(2,:),r1_vec(:))
- r1_rot_vec(3) = dot_product(rotate1(3,:),r1_vec(:))
- do j = 1, 9
- r2_vec(1) = 0.5_longreal * a2 * (z1g(j) + 1.0_longreal)
- r2_vec(2) = 0.5_longreal * b2b * (z2g(j) + 1.0_longreal)
- r2_vec(3) = 0.0_LONGreal
- r2_rot_vec(1) = dot_product(rotate2(1,:),r2_vec(:)) + dx
- r2_rot_vec(2) = dot_product(rotate2(2,:),r2_vec(:)) + dy
- r2_rot_vec(3) = dot_product(rotate2(3,:),r2_vec(:)) + dz
- mutual_1a_2b = mutual_1a_2b + (zw(i)*zw(j))/ &
- sqrt(dot_product(r1_rot_vec-r2_rot_vec, r1_rot_vec-r2_rot_vec))
- end do
- end do
- mutual_1a_2b = coefficient * mutual_1a_2b
- end if
- else if (abs(dot_product(current1a,current2b)) > small) then
- print *," "
- print *,"non-planar and non-orthogonal rectangle in quad_mutual_inductance, abort"
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
-! mutual inductance of 1b with 2a
-! currents are parallel:
- if (abs(abs(dot_product(current1b,current2a)) - 1.0_longreal) < small) then
-! see if these rectangles share a common edge. If so, do the mutual
-! inductance analytically.
- touch = .FALSE.
- if (abs(inductor1%v3%x - inductor2%v1%x) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v3%y - inductor2%v1%y) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v3%z - inductor2%v1%z) < small) then
- mutual_1b_2a = 0.5_LONGreal * (self_inductance(a1, b1b + b2a, mu) - &
- self_inductance(a1, b1b, mu) - self_inductance(a2, b2a, mu))
- mutual_1b_2a = mutual_1b_2a / (a1*a2)
- if (abs(a1-a2) > small) then
- print *,"bad common rectangle inductance, abort"
- stop
- end if
- touch = .TRUE.
- else if (abs(inductor1%v2%x - inductor2%v2%x) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v2%y - inductor2%v2%y) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v2%z - inductor2%v2%z) < small) then
- mutual_1b_2a = - 0.5_LONGreal * (self_inductance(a1 + a2, b1b, mu) - &
- self_inductance(a1, b1b, mu) - self_inductance(a2, b2a, mu))
- mutual_1b_2a = mutual_1b_2a / (a1*a2)
- if (abs(b1b - b2a) > small) then
- print *,"bad common rectangle inductance, abort"
- stop
- end if
- touch = .TRUE.
- else if (abs(inductor1%v4%x - inductor2%v4%x) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v4%y - inductor2%v4%y) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v4%z - inductor2%v4%z) < small) then
- mutual_1b_2a = - 0.5_LONGreal * (self_inductance(a1 + a2, b1b, mu) - &
- self_inductance(a1, b1b, mu) - self_inductance(a2, b2a, mu))
- mutual_1b_2a = mutual_1b_2a / (a1*a2)
- if (abs(b1b - b2a) > small) then
- print *,"bad common rectangle inductance, abort"
- stop
- end if
- touch = .TRUE.
- end if
- if (.NOT. touch) then
-! first build the rotation matrix for the upper half of the 1st quad
-! define a coordinate system for which this quad is in the xy plane.
-! first define the x axis as radius vector of node 2 minus radius vector of
-! node 4
- xxvec = inductor1%v2%x - inductor1%v4%x
- xyvec = inductor1%v2%y - inductor1%v4%y
- xzvec = inductor1%v2%z - inductor1%v4%z
- magnitude = sqrt(xxvec**2 + xyvec**2 + xzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length x axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- xxvec = xxvec / magnitude
- xyvec = xyvec / magnitude
- xzvec = xzvec / magnitude
-! next define the y axis as the current vector direction
- yxvec = inductor1%current_vector2%x
- yyvec = inductor1%current_vector2%y
- yzvec = inductor1%current_vector2%z
-! define the z axis as the cross-product of the x and y axes
- zxvec = xyvec*yzvec - xzvec*yyvec
- zyvec = xzvec*yxvec - xxvec*yzvec
- zzvec = xxvec*yyvec - xyvec*yxvec
- magnitude = sqrt(zxvec**2 + zyvec**2 + zzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length z axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- zxvec = zxvec / magnitude
- zyvec = zyvec / magnitude
- zzvec = zzvec / magnitude
-! generate the rotation matrix with which to rotate the quad into the xy plane
- rotate1(1,1) = xxvec
- rotate1(1,2) = xyvec
- rotate1(1,3) = xzvec
- rotate1(2,1) = yxvec
- rotate1(2,2) = yyvec
- rotate1(2,3) = yzvec
- rotate1(3,1) = zxvec
- rotate1(3,2) = zyvec
- rotate1(3,3) = zzvec
- rotate1 = transpose(rotate1)
-! build rotation matrix for lower half of 2nd inductor
- xxvec = inductor2%v2%x - inductor2%v4%x
- xyvec = inductor2%v2%y - inductor2%v4%y
- xzvec = inductor2%v2%z - inductor2%v4%z
- magnitude = sqrt(xxvec**2 + xyvec**2 + xzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length x axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- xxvec = xxvec / magnitude
- xyvec = xyvec / magnitude
- xzvec = xzvec / magnitude
-! next define the y axis as the current vector direction
- yxvec = inductor2%current_vector1%x
- yyvec = inductor2%current_vector1%y
- yzvec = inductor2%current_vector1%z
-! define the z axis as the cross-product of the x and y axes
- zxvec = xyvec*yzvec - xzvec*yyvec
- zyvec = xzvec*yxvec - xxvec*yzvec
- zzvec = xxvec*yyvec - xyvec*yxvec
- magnitude = sqrt(zxvec**2 + zyvec**2 + zzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length z axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- zxvec = zxvec / magnitude
- zyvec = zyvec / magnitude
- zzvec = zzvec / magnitude
-! generate the rotation matrix with which to rotate the quad into the xy plane
- rotate2(1,1) = xxvec
- rotate2(1,2) = xyvec
- rotate2(1,3) = xzvec
- rotate2(2,1) = yxvec
- rotate2(2,2) = yyvec
- rotate2(2,3) = yzvec
- rotate2(3,1) = zxvec
- rotate2(3,2) = zyvec
- rotate2(3,3) = zzvec
- rotate2 = transpose(rotate2)
-! compute sgn for transforming the integrations into the same orientation for each
-! inductor
- if (dot_product(current1b,current2a) > 0.0_longreal) then
- sgn = 1.0_longreal
- else
- sgn = -1.0_longreal
- end if
-! do numerical integrations to compute mutual inductances
- coefficient = (mu * b1b * b2a * sgn)/(4.0_longreal * pi)
- mutual_1b_2a = 0.0_longreal
- do i = 1, 9
- r1_vec(1) = 0.5_longreal * a1 * (z1g(i) + 1.0_longreal)
- r1_vec(2) = 0.5_longreal * b1b * (z2g(i) + 1.0_longreal)
- r1_vec(3) = 0.0_LONGreal
- r1_rot_vec(1) = dot_product(rotate1(1,:),r1_vec(:))
- r1_rot_vec(2) = dot_product(rotate1(2,:),r1_vec(:))
- r1_rot_vec(3) = dot_product(rotate1(3,:),r1_vec(:))
- do j = 1, 9
- r2_vec(1) = 0.5_longreal * a2 * (z1g(j) + 1.0_longreal)
- r2_vec(2) = 0.5_longreal * b2a * (z2g(j) - 1.0_longreal)
- r2_vec(3) = 0.0_LONGreal
- r2_rot_vec(1) = dot_product(rotate2(1,:),r2_vec(:)) + dx
- r2_rot_vec(2) = dot_product(rotate2(2,:),r2_vec(:)) + dy
- r2_rot_vec(3) = dot_product(rotate2(3,:),r2_vec(:)) + dz
- mutual_1b_2a = mutual_1b_2a + (zw(i)*zw(j))/ &
- sqrt(dot_product(r1_rot_vec-r2_rot_vec, r1_rot_vec-r2_rot_vec))
- end do
- end do
- mutual_1b_2a = coefficient * mutual_1b_2a
- end if
- else if (abs(dot_product(current1b,current2a)) > small) then
- print *," "
- print *,"non-planar and non-orthogonal rectangle in quad_mutual_inductance, abort"
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
-! mutual inductance of 1b with 2b
-! currents are parallel:
- if (abs(abs(dot_product(current1b,current2b)) - 1.0_longreal) < small) then
-! see if these rectangles share a common edge. If so, do the mutual
-! inductance analytically.
- touch = .FALSE.
- if (abs(inductor1%v3%x - inductor2%v3%x) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v3%y - inductor2%v3%y) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v3%z - inductor2%v3%z) < small) then
- mutual_1b_2b = - 0.5_LONGreal * (self_inductance(a1, b1b + b2b, mu) - &
- self_inductance(a1, b1b, mu) - self_inductance(a2, b2b, mu))
- mutual_1b_2b = mutual_1b_2b / (a1*a2)
- if (abs(a1-a2) > small) then
- print *,"bad common rectangle inductance, abort"
- stop
- end if
- touch = .TRUE.
- else if (abs(inductor1%v2%x - inductor2%v4%x) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v2%y - inductor2%v4%y) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v2%z - inductor2%v4%z) < small) then
- mutual_1b_2b = 0.5_LONGreal * (self_inductance(a1 + a2, b1b, mu) - &
- self_inductance(a1, b1b, mu) - self_inductance(a2, b2b, mu))
- mutual_1b_2b = mutual_1b_2b / (a1*a2)
- if (abs(b1b - b2b) > small) then
- print *,"bad common rectangle inductance, abort"
- stop
- end if
- touch = .TRUE.
- else if (abs(inductor1%v4%x - inductor2%v2%x) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v4%y - inductor2%v2%y) < small .AND. &
- abs(inductor1%v4%z - inductor2%v2%z) < small) then
- mutual_1b_2b = 0.5_LONGreal * (self_inductance(a1 + a2, b1b, mu) - &
- self_inductance(a1, b1b, mu) - self_inductance(a2, b2b, mu))
- mutual_1b_2b = mutual_1b_2b / (a1*a2)
- if (abs(b1b - b2b) > small) then
- print *,"bad common rectangle inductance, abort"
- stop
- end if
- touch = .TRUE.
- end if
- if (.NOT. touch) then
-! do the calculation numerically
-! build rotation matrix for upper half of 2nd inductor
- xxvec = inductor2%v2%x - inductor2%v4%x
- xyvec = inductor2%v2%y - inductor2%v4%y
- xzvec = inductor2%v2%z - inductor2%v4%z
- magnitude = sqrt(xxvec**2 + xyvec**2 + xzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length x axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- xxvec = xxvec / magnitude
- xyvec = xyvec / magnitude
- xzvec = xzvec / magnitude
-! next define the y axis as the current vector direction
- yxvec = inductor2%current_vector2%x
- yyvec = inductor2%current_vector2%y
- yzvec = inductor2%current_vector2%z
-! define the z axis as the cross-product of the x and y axes
- zxvec = xyvec*yzvec - xzvec*yyvec
- zyvec = xzvec*yxvec - xxvec*yzvec
- zzvec = xxvec*yyvec - xyvec*yxvec
- magnitude = sqrt(zxvec**2 + zyvec**2 + zzvec**2)
- if (magnitude <= epsilon(1.0_longreal)) then
- print *," "
- print *,"zero length z axis in subroutine mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- zxvec = zxvec / magnitude
- zyvec = zyvec / magnitude
- zzvec = zzvec / magnitude
-! generate the rotation matrix with which to rotate the quad into the xy plane
- rotate2(1,1) = xxvec
- rotate2(1,2) = xyvec
- rotate2(1,3) = xzvec
- rotate2(2,1) = yxvec
- rotate2(2,2) = yyvec
- rotate2(2,3) = yzvec
- rotate2(3,1) = zxvec
- rotate2(3,2) = zyvec
- rotate2(3,3) = zzvec
- rotate2 = transpose(rotate2)
-! compute sgn for transforming the integrations into the same orientation for each
-! inductor
- if (dot_product(current1b,current2b) > 0.0_longreal) then
- sgn = 1.0_longreal
- else
- sgn = -1.0_longreal
- end if
-! do numerical integrations to compute mutual inductances
- coefficient = (mu * b1b * b2b * sgn)/(4.0_longreal * pi)
- mutual_1b_2b = 0.0_longreal
- do i = 1, 9
- r1_vec(1) = 0.5_longreal * a1 * (z1g(i) + 1.0_longreal)
- r1_vec(2) = 0.5_longreal * b1b * (z2g(i) + 1.0_longreal)
- r1_vec(3) = 0.0_LONGreal
- r1_rot_vec(1) = dot_product(rotate1(1,:),r1_vec(:))
- r1_rot_vec(2) = dot_product(rotate1(2,:),r1_vec(:))
- r1_rot_vec(3) = dot_product(rotate1(3,:),r1_vec(:))
- do j = 1, 9
- r2_vec(1) = 0.5_longreal * a2 * (z1g(j) + 1.0_longreal)
- r2_vec(2) = 0.5_longreal * b2b * (z2g(j) + 1.0_longreal)
- r2_vec(3) = 0.0_LONGreal
- r2_rot_vec(1) = dot_product(rotate2(1,:),r2_vec(:)) + dx
- r2_rot_vec(2) = dot_product(rotate2(2,:),r2_vec(:)) + dy
- r2_rot_vec(3) = dot_product(rotate2(3,:),r2_vec(:)) + dz
- mutual_1b_2b = mutual_1b_2b + (zw(i)*zw(j))/ &
- sqrt(dot_product(r1_rot_vec-r2_rot_vec, r1_rot_vec-r2_rot_vec))
- end do
- end do
- mutual_1b_2b = coefficient * mutual_1b_2b
- end if
- else if (abs(dot_product(current1b,current2b)) > small) then
- print *," "
- print *,"non-planar and non-orthogonal rectangle in quad_mutual_inductance, abort"
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
-! finally, calculate the mutual inductance of the two rectangles
- mutual_inductance = mutual_1a_2a + mutual_1a_2b + mutual_1b_2a + mutual_1b_2b
- end subroutine quad_mutual_inductance
- function self_inductance (a, b, mu) result (inductance)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 11 october 1997
-!=========== formal variables =============
- real (kind = longreal), intent(in) :: a, b, mu
- real (kind = longreal) :: inductance
-!========== internal variables ============
- real (kind = longreal) :: coefficient
- coefficient = mu/(2.0_longreal * pi)
- inductance = coefficient * (a**2 * b * asinh(b/a) + a * b**2 * asinh(a/b) + (a**3 + &
- b**3 - (a**2 + b**2)**1.5_longreal)/3.0_longreal)
- end function self_inductance
- function asinh(x) result(arcsinh)
- real (kind = longreal), intent(in) :: x
- real (kind = longreal) :: arcsinh
- arcsinh = log(x + sqrt(x**2 + 1.0_longreal))
- end function asinh
-end module m_quad_m
-module print_input_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-use free_input
-implicit none
-public :: print_input
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
- subroutine print_input (iout, input_file)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 12 october 1997
-! purpose: print a copy of the input to unit iout
-!=========== formal variables =============
- integer, intent(in) :: iout
- character (len=80), intent(in) :: input_file
-!========== internal variables ============
- integer :: n, m
- open (unit=nin,file=input_file,status="old",form="formatted",action="read")
- icpnt = 9999
-! read through input until eof hit. Print output to unit iout in a format
-! that will work as a Pspice comment line
-resq: do
- call next
- if (.NOT. eoff) then
- do n = 80, 1, -1
- m = n
- if (card(m:m) /= ' ') exit
- end do
- write(iout,'(''* '',a)') card(1:m)
- icpnt = 100
- else
- exit resq
- end if
- end do resq
- close (unit = nin)
- end subroutine print_input
-end module print_input_m
-module rect_r_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-use define_type
-implicit none
-public :: rect_resistance
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: pi = 3.141592653589793_longreal
- subroutine rect_resistance (rect_inductor, conductivity)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 11 october 1997
-! purpose: compute the resistance of a quad
-! input:
-! output:
-!=========== formal variables =============
- type (quad_inductor), intent(inout) :: rect_inductor
- real (kind = longreal), intent(in) :: conductivity
-!========== internal variables ============
- real (kind = longreal) :: cross_sectional_area, a, b, theta, magnitude, b1a, b1b
- a = sqrt((rect_inductor%v2%x - rect_inductor%v4%x)**2 + (rect_inductor%v2%y - &
- rect_inductor%v4%y)**2 + (rect_inductor%v2%z - rect_inductor%v4%z)**2)
- cross_sectional_area = rect_inductor%thickness * a
- magnitude = sqrt((rect_inductor%v2%x - rect_inductor%v1%x)**2 + (rect_inductor%v2%y - &
- rect_inductor%v1%y)**2 + (rect_inductor%v2%z - rect_inductor%v1%z)**2)
- theta = asin(0.5_LONGreal * a / magnitude)
- b1a = magnitude * cos(theta)
- magnitude = sqrt((rect_inductor%v3%x - rect_inductor%v2%x)**2 + (rect_inductor%v3%y - &
- rect_inductor%v2%y)**2 + (rect_inductor%v3%z - rect_inductor%v2%z)**2)
- theta = asin(0.5_LONGreal * a / magnitude)
- b1b = magnitude * cos(theta)
- b = b1a + b1b
- rect_inductor%resistance = b/(conductivity*cross_sectional_area)
- end subroutine rect_resistance
-end module rect_r_m
-module define_resq_coil_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-use define_type
-use src_m
-use scc_m
-use free_input
-implicit none
-public :: define_resq_coil
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: pi = 3.141592653589793_longreal
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: mu0 = 4.0e-7_longreal * pi
-real (kind = LONGreal), parameter, private :: degrees_to_radians = pi/180.0_LONGreal
- subroutine define_resq_coil (resq_coil, no_resq_coil, input_file)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 12 october 1997
-! purpose: define the geometry of the res-q 3 coil
-! input:
-! none
-! output:
-! resq_coil [type(rectangular_coil)]
-! geometry of resq coil.
-! resq_coil%a = 1st dimension of coil
-! resq_coil%b = 2nd dimension of coil
-! resq_coil%h = height of coil
-! resq_coil%turns = turns per unit length
-! resq_coil%theta = theta euler angle relative to can
-! resq_coil%phi = phi euler angle relative to can
-! resq_coil%psi = psi euler angle relative to can
-! resq_coil%self_ind = self inductance of coil
-! resq_coil%origin%x = x coordinate of coil center
-! relative to origin of can.
-! resq_coil%origin%y = y coordinate of coil center
-! relative to origin of can.
-! resq_coil%origin%z = z coordinate of coil center
-! relative to origin of can.
-!=========== formal variables =============
- type(coil), intent(out) :: resq_coil
- logical, intent(out) :: no_resq_coil
- character (len=80), intent(in) :: input_file
-!========== internal variables ============
- integer :: n
- open (unit=nin,file=input_file,status="old",form="formatted",action="read")
- icpnt = 9999
-! set defaults
- no_resq_coil = .FALSE.
- resq_coil%a = -1.e20_longreal
- resq_coil%b = -1.e20_longreal
- resq_coil%r = -1.e20_LONGreal
- resq_coil%h = -1.e20_longreal
- resq_coil%turns = -1.e20_longreal
- resq_coil%theta = 0.0_longreal
- resq_coil%phi = 0.0_longreal
- resq_coil%psi = 0.0_longreal
- resq_coil%origin%x = -1.e20_longreal
- resq_coil%origin%y = -1.e20_longreal
- resq_coil%origin%z = -1.e20_longreal
- resq_coil%circular = .FALSE.
- resq_coil%rectangular = .FALSE.
-! read through input until resq coil input is located
-resq: do
- call next
- if (.NOT. eoff) then
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field /= 'resq_coil_definition:') cycle resq
- do
- call next
- if (eoff) then
- print *," "
- print *,"unexpected end of file while reading resq coil ", &
- "definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field == 'end_of_resq_coil_definition') then
- exit resq
- else if (field == 'x_length') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- resq_coil%b = real_variable
- resq_coil%rectangular = .TRUE.
- else if (field == 'y_length') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- resq_coil%a = real_variable
- resq_coil%rectangular = .TRUE.
- else if (field == 'radius') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- resq_coil%r = real_variable
- resq_coil%circular = .TRUE.
- else if (field == 'height') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- resq_coil%h = real_variable
- else if (field == 'turns') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- resq_coil%turns = real_variable
- else if (field == 'theta') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- resq_coil%theta = real_variable * degrees_to_radians
- else if (field == 'phi') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- resq_coil%phi = real_variable * degrees_to_radians
- else if (field == 'psi') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- resq_coil%psi = real_variable * degrees_to_radians
- else if (field == 'x_location_relative_to_case') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- resq_coil%origin%x = real_variable
- else if (field == 'y_location_relative_to_case') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- resq_coil%origin%y = real_variable
- else if (field == 'z_location_relative_to_case') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- resq_coil%origin%z = real_variable
- else if (field == 'no_resq_coil_in_simulation') then
- no_resq_coil = .TRUE.
- return
- else
- print *," "
- print *,"unrecognized word in resq coil definition, abort."
- print *," "
- print *,"The unrecognized word was: ",field
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end do
- else
- print *," "
- print *,"resq coil definition not found in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end do resq
- close (unit = nin)
-! check input to catch obvious errors
- if (.NOT. resq_coil%circular .AND. .NOT. resq_coil%rectangular) then
- print *," "
- print *,"resq coil dimensions not defined in resq_coil_definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (resq_coil%circular .AND. resq_coil%rectangular) then
- print *," "
- print *,"dimensions for both a circular and a rectangular resq coil were "
- print *,"defined in resq_coil_definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (resq_coil%rectangular .AND. resq_coil%a <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"x length of resq coil not defined in resq_coil_definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (resq_coil%rectangular .AND. resq_coil%b <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"y length of resq coil not defined in resq_coil_definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (resq_coil%circular .AND. resq_coil%r <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"radius of resq coil not defined in resq_coil_definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (resq_coil%h <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Height of resq coil not defined in resq_coil_definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (resq_coil%turns <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Number of turns of resq coil not defined in resq_coil_definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (resq_coil%origin%x <= -1.0e10_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"x coordinate of resq coil center not defined in resq_coil_definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (resq_coil%origin%y <= -1.0e10_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"y coordinate of resq coil center not defined in resq_coil_definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (resq_coil%origin%z <= -1.0e10_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"z coordinate of resq coil center not defined in resq_coil_definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_coil%turns = resq_coil%turns/resq_coil%h
- if (resq_coil%circular) then
- call self_ind_cir_coil (resq_coil%r, resq_coil%h, resq_coil%turns, mu0, &
- resq_coil%self_ind)
- else
- call self_ind_rec_coil (resq_coil%a, resq_coil%b, resq_coil%h, resq_coil%turns, &
- mu0, resq_coil%self_ind)
- end if
- end subroutine define_resq_coil
-end module define_resq_coil_m
-module gen_resq_mesh_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-use define_type
-use free_input
-implicit none
-public :: gen_resq_mesh, gen_resq_mesh_size
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
- subroutine gen_resq_mesh_size (nx, ny, nz, number_resq_inductors, no_can, debug_can, &
- input_file)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 11 october. 1997
-! purpose: read in the dimensions of the mesh representing the device enclosure
-! and return this information to the calling routine.
-! input:
-! none
-! output:
-!=========== formal variables =============
- integer, intent(out) :: nx, ny, nz
- integer, intent(out) :: number_resq_inductors
- logical, intent(out) :: no_can, debug_can
- character (len=80), intent(in) :: input_file
-!========== internal variables ============
- integer :: n
- open (unit=nin,file=input_file,status="old",form="formatted",action="read")
- icpnt = 9999
-! set defaults
- nx = 0
- ny = 0
- nz = 0
- no_can = .FALSE.
- debug_can = .FALSE.
-! read through input until can input is located
-resq: do
- call next
- if (.NOT. eoff) then
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field /= 'can_definition:') cycle resq
- do
- call next
- if (eoff) then
- print *," "
- print *,"unexpected end of file while can definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field == 'end_of_can_definition') then
- exit resq
- else if (field == 'number_of_elements_along_x_axis_of_can') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- nx = int(real_variable + 0.5_LONGreal)
- else if (field == 'number_of_elements_along_y_axis_of_can') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- ny = int(real_variable + 0.5_LONGreal)
- else if (field == 'number_of_elements_along_height_of_can') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- nz = int(real_variable + 0.5_LONGreal)
- else if (field == 'no_can_in_simulation') then
- no_can = .TRUE.
- close (unit = nin)
- return
- else if (field == 'print_can_mesh_debug_information') then
- debug_can = .TRUE.
- end if
- end do
- else
- print *," "
- print *,"can definition not found in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end do resq
- close (unit = nin)
- if (nx <= 0) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Number of elements along x axis of can not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (ny <= 0) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Number of elements along y axis of can not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (nz <= 0) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Number of elements along height of can not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- nx = nx + 1
- ny = ny + 1
- nz = nz + 1
- number_resq_inductors = (4*nx-8+4*ny)*nz+(4*ny-8)*nx+12-8*ny
- end subroutine gen_resq_mesh_size
- subroutine gen_resq_mesh (number_of_resq_inductors, resq_inductors, conductivity, &
- nx, ny, nz, debug_can, build_vrml_of_inductance, input_file)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 11 october. 1997
-! purpose: read in the mesh representing the device enclosure.
-! input:
-! none
-! output:
-!=========== formal variables =============
- integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny, nz
- logical, intent(in) :: debug_can
- integer, intent(out) :: number_of_resq_inductors
- type (quad_inductor), dimension(:), intent(inout) :: resq_inductors
- real (kind = longreal), intent(out) :: conductivity
- logical, intent(out) :: build_vrml_of_inductance
- character (len=80), intent(in) :: input_file
-!========== internal variables ============
- integer :: max_resq_inductors, i, j, k, nxmin, nxmax, nymin, nymax, nzmin, nzmax, &
- nmax, n
- real (kind = longreal) :: xmin, ymin, zmin, dx, dy, dz, xmax, ymax, zmax, dx2, dy2, &
- dz2, thickness, resq_can_dx, resq_can_dy, resq_can_dz
- open (unit=nin,file=input_file,status="old",form="formatted",action="read")
- icpnt = 9999
-! set defaults
- conductivity = -1.e20_LONGreal
- thickness = -1.e20_LONGreal
- resq_can_dx = -1.e20_LONGreal
- resq_can_dy = -1.e20_LONGreal
- resq_can_dz = -1.e20_LONGreal
- build_vrml_of_inductance = .FALSE.
-! read through input until can input is located
-resq: do
- call next
- if (.NOT. eoff) then
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field /= 'can_definition:') cycle resq
- do
- call next
- if (eoff) then
- print *," "
- print *,"unexpected end of file while reading can definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field == 'end_of_can_definition') then
- exit resq
- else if (field == 'x_length_of_can') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- resq_can_dx = real_variable
- else if (field == 'y_length_of_can') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- resq_can_dy = real_variable
- else if (field == 'height_of_can') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- resq_can_dz = real_variable
- else if (field == 'thickness_of_can') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- thickness = real_variable
- else if (field == 'conductivity_of_can') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- conductivity = real_variable
- else if (field == 'number_of_elements_along_x_axis_of_can') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- else if (field == 'number_of_elements_along_y_axis_of_can') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- else if (field == 'number_of_elements_along_height_of_can') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- else if (field == 'print_can_mesh_debug_information') then
- cycle
- else if (field == 'build_data_for_vrml_of_mesh_inductance') then
- build_vrml_of_inductance = .TRUE.
- else
- print *," "
- print *,"unrecognized word in can definition, abort."
- print *," "
- print *,"The unrecognized word was: ",field
- print *," "
- print *,"Last resq.in line that was read was: "
- print *,card
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end do
- else
- print *," "
- print *,"can definition not found in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end do resq
- close (unit = nin)
- if (resq_can_dx <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"x length of can not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (resq_can_dy <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"y length of can not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (resq_can_dz <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Height of can not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (thickness <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Thickness of can not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (conductivity <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Conductivity of can not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- max_resq_inductors = size(resq_inductors,1)
- number_of_resq_inductors = 0
- xmin = -0.5_longreal * resq_can_dx
- ymin = -0.5_longreal * resq_can_dy
- zmin = -resq_can_dz
- xmax = 0.5_longreal * resq_can_dx
- ymax = 0.5_longreal * resq_can_dy
- zmax = 0.0_longreal
- dx = resq_can_dx/real(nx-1,longreal)
- dy = resq_can_dy/real(ny-1,longreal)
- dz = resq_can_dz/real(nz-1,longreal)
- dx2 = 0.5_longreal * dx
- dy2 = 0.5_longreal * dy
- dz2 = 0.5_longreal * dz
-! define element offsets for each face of the mesh
- nmax = 10**(1+max(0,int(log10(real(max(nx*ny, nx*nz, ny*nz),longreal)))))
- nxmin = 0
- nxmax = nmax
- nymin = 2*nmax
- nymax = 3*nmax
- nzmin = 4*nmax
- nzmax = 5*nmax
- if (debug_can) then
- print *,"xmin starts at node ",nxmin
- print *,"xmax starts at node ",nxmax
- print *,"ymin starts at node ",nymin
- print *,"ymax starts at node ",nymax
- print *,"zmin starts at node ",nzmin
- print *,"zmax starts at node ",nzmax
- end if
- do i = 0, nx-2
-! build elements along y=ymin corner of top of case
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx + dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmax - dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin + real(i+1,longreal) * dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx + dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin + dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin + real(i,longreal) * dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = (nz-2)*(nx-1)+i+1+nymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = i+1+nzmax
-! build elements along y=ymax corner of top of case
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx + dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymax - dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin + real(i+1,longreal) * dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx + dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmax - dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin + real(i,longreal) * dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = -1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = (ny-2)*(nx-1)+i+1+nzmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = (nz-2)*(nx-1)+i+1+nymax
- end do
-! build elements along x=xmin corner of top of case
- do j = 0, ny-2
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin + dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy + dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin + real(j+1,longreal) * dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy + dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmax - dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin + real(j,longreal) * dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = -1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = -1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = j*(nx-1)+1+nzmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = (nz-2)*(ny-1)+j+1+nxmin
-! build elements along x=xmax corner of top of case
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmax - dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy + dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin + real(j,longreal) * dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy + dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmax - dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin + real(j+1,longreal) * dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = -1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = j*(nx-1)+nx-1+nzmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = (nz-2)*(ny-1)+j+1+nxmax
- end do
- do i = 0, nx-2
-! build elements along y=ymin corner of bottom of case
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx + dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin + dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin + real(i,longreal) * dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx + dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin + dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin + real(i+1,longreal) * dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = -1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = i+1+nymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = i+1+nzmin
-! build elements along y=ymax corner of bottom of case
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx + dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymax - dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin + real(i,longreal) * dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx + dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin + dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin + real(i+1,longreal) * dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = (ny-2)*(nx-1)+i+1+nzmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = i+1+nymax
- end do
-! build elements along x=xmin corner of bottom of case
- do j = 0, ny-2
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin + dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy + dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin + real(j,longreal) * dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy + dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin + dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin + real(j+1,longreal) * dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = -1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = j*(nx-1)+1+nzmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = j+1+nxmin
-! build elements along x=xmax corner of bottom of case
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmax - dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy + dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin + real(j+1,longreal) * dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy + dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin + dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin + real(j,longreal) * dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = j*(nx-1)+nx-1+nzmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = j+1+nxmax
- end do
- do k = 0, nz-2
-! build elements along x=xmin, y=ymin corner of case
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin + dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin + real(k,longreal)*dz + dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin + real(k+1,longreal) * dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin + dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin + real(k,longreal)*dz + dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin + real(k,longreal) * dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = -1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = k*(nx-1)+1+nymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = k*(ny-1)+1+nxmin
-! build elements along x=xmax, y=ymin corner of case
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmax - dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin + real(k,longreal)*dz + dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin + real(k,longreal) * dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin + dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin + real(k,longreal)*dz + dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin + real(k+1,longreal) * dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = (k+1)*(nx-1) + nymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = k*(ny-1) + 1 + nxmax
-! build elements along x=xmin, y=ymax corner of case
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin + dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin + real(k,longreal)*dz + dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin + real(k,longreal) * dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymax - dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin + real(k,longreal)*dz + dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin + real(k+1,longreal) * dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = -1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = -1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = k*(nx-1) + 1 + nymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = (k+1)*(ny-1) + nxmin
-! build elements along x=xmax, y=ymax corner of case
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmax - dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin + real(k,longreal)*dz + dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin + real(k+1,longreal) * dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymax - dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin + real(k,longreal)*dz + dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin + real(k,longreal) * dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = -1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = (k+1)*(nx-1) + nymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = (k+1)*(ny-1) + nxmax
- end do
-! build remaining elements along top of case
- do j = 0, ny-3
- do i = 0, nx-2
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin + real(i+1,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin + real(j+1,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin+real(j+1,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin + real(j+1,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = j*(nx-1)+i+1+nzmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = (j+1)*(nx-1)+i+1+nzmax
- end do
- end do
- do j = 0, ny-2
- do i = 0, nx-3
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin+real(i,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin+real(j,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin+real(i+1,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin+real(j,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin+real(i+1,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin+real(j,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin+real(i+1,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin+real(j+1,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = j*(nx-1)+i+1+nzmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = j*(nx-1)+i+2+nzmax
- end do
- end do
-! build remaining elements along bottom of case
- do j = 0, ny-3
- do i = 0, nx-2
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin + real(j+1,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin+real(j+1,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin + real(i+1,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin + real(j+1,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = j*(nx-1)+i+1+nzmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = (j+1)*(nx-1)+i+1+nzmin
- end do
- end do
- do j = 0, ny-2
- do i = 0, nx-3
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin+real(i,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin+real(j,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin+real(i+1,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin+real(j+1,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin+real(i+1,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin+real(j,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin + real(i+1,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin+real(j,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = j*(nx-1)+i+1+nzmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = j*(nx-1)+i+2+nzmin
- end do
- end do
-! build remaining elements along x=xmin side of case
- do k = 0, nz-3
- do j = 0, ny-2
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin + real(k,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin + real(k+1,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin+real(k+1,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin + real(j+1,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin + real(k+1,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = k*(ny-1)+j+1+nxmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = (k+1)*(ny-1)+j+1+nxmin
- end do
- end do
- do k = 0, nz-2
- do j = 0, ny-3
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin+real(j,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin+real(k,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin +real(j+1,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin +real(k+1,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin+real(j+1,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin+real(k,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin + real(j+1,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin+real(k,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = k*(ny-1)+j+1+nxmin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = k*(ny-1)+j+2+nxmin
- end do
- end do
-! build remaining elements along x=xmax side of case
- do k = 0, nz-3
- do j = 0, ny-2
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin + real(k,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin + real(j+1,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin + real(k+1,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin+real(k+1,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin + real(j,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin + real(k+1,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = k*(ny-1)+j+1+nxmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = (k+1)*(ny-1)+j+1+nxmax
- end do
- end do
- do k = 0, nz-2
- do j = 0, ny-3
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin+real(j,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin+real(k,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin +real(j+1,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin +real(k,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin+real(j+1,longreal)*dy+dy2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin+real(k,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin + real(j+1,longreal)*dy
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin+real(k+1,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = k*(ny-1)+j+1+nxmax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = k*(ny-1)+j+2+nxmax
- end do
- end do
-! build remaining elements along y=ymin side of case
- do k = 0, nz-3
- do i = 0, nx-2
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin + real(k,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin + real(i+1,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin + real(k+1,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin+real(k+1,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin + real(k+1,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = k*(nx-1)+i+1+nymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = (k+1)*(nx-1)+i+1+nymin
- end do
- end do
- do k = 0, nz-2
- do i = 0, nx-3
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin+real(i,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin+real(k,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin +real(i+1,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin +real(k,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin+real(i+1,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin+real(k,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin + real(i+1,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin+real(k+1,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = k*(nx-1)+i+1+nymin
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = k*(nx-1)+i+2+nymin
- end do
- end do
-! build remaining elements along y=ymax side of case
- do k = 0, nz-3
- do i = 0, nx-2
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin + real(k,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin + real(k+1,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin + real(i,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin+real(k+1,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin + real(i+1,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin + real(k+1,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = k*(nx-1)+i+1+nymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = (k+1)*(nx-1)+i+1+nymax
- end do
- end do
- do k = 0, nz-2
- do i = 0, nx-3
- number_of_resq_inductors = number_of_resq_inductors + 1
- if (number_of_resq_inductors > max_resq_inductors) then
- print *," "
- print *,"maximum number of can inductors exceeded, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%x = xmin+real(i,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%z = zmin+real(k,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v1%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%x = xmin +real(i+1,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%z = zmin +real(k+1,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v2%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%x = xmin+real(i+1,longreal)*dx+dx2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%z = zmin+real(k,longreal)*dz+dz2
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v3%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%x = xmin + real(i+1,longreal)*dx
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%z = zmin+real(k,longreal)*dz
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%v4%y = ymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%thickness = thickness
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%x = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector1%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%x = 1.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%z = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%current_vector2%y = 0.0_longreal
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i1 = k*(nx-1)+i+1+nymax
- resq_inductors(number_of_resq_inductors)%i2 = k*(nx-1)+i+2+nymax
- end do
- end do
- end subroutine gen_resq_mesh
-end module gen_resq_mesh_m
-module s_rect_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-use define_type
-implicit none
-public :: rect_self_inductance
-private :: asinh
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: pi = 3.141592653589793_longreal
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: small = 1.0e-10_longreal
- subroutine rect_self_inductance (rect_inductor, mu)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 11 october 1997
-! purpose: compute the mutual inductance between two arbitrary non-planar
-! quadralaterals in three-dimensions
-! input:
-! output:
-!=========== formal variables =============
- type (quad_inductor), intent(inout) :: rect_inductor
- real (kind = longreal), intent(in) :: mu
-!========== internal variables ============
- real (kind = longreal) :: coefficient, a, b, b1, b2, theta, magnitude
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(3) :: normal1, normal2
- normal1(1) = rect_inductor%current_vector1%x
- normal1(2) = rect_inductor%current_vector1%y
- normal1(3) = rect_inductor%current_vector1%z
- normal2(1) = rect_inductor%current_vector2%x
- normal2(2) = rect_inductor%current_vector2%y
- normal2(3) = rect_inductor%current_vector2%z
- a = sqrt((rect_inductor%v2%x - rect_inductor%v4%x)**2 + (rect_inductor%v2%y - &
- rect_inductor%v4%y)**2 + (rect_inductor%v2%z - rect_inductor%v4%z)**2)
- magnitude = sqrt((rect_inductor%v2%x - rect_inductor%v1%x)**2 + (rect_inductor%v2%y - &
- rect_inductor%v1%y)**2 + (rect_inductor%v2%z - rect_inductor%v1%z)**2)
- theta = asin(0.5_LONGreal * a / magnitude)
- b1 = magnitude * cos(theta)
- magnitude = sqrt((rect_inductor%v3%x - rect_inductor%v2%x)**2 + (rect_inductor%v3%y - &
- rect_inductor%v2%y)**2 + (rect_inductor%v3%z - rect_inductor%v2%z)**2)
- theta = asin(0.5_LONGreal * a / magnitude)
- b2 = magnitude * cos(theta)
- b = b1 + b2
- coefficient = mu/(2.0_longreal * pi * a**2)
-! planar rectangle
- if (abs(dot_product(normal1,normal2) - 1.0_longreal) < small) then
- rect_inductor%self_ind = coefficient * (a**2 * b * asinh(b/a) + a * b**2 * &
- asinh(a/b) + (a**3 + b**3 - (a**2 + b**2)**1.5_longreal)/3.0_longreal)
-! rectangle over a 90 degree edge
- else if (abs(dot_product(normal1,normal2)) < small) then
- rect_inductor%self_ind = coefficient * ((a**2 * b1 * asinh(b1/a) + a * b1**2 * &
- asinh(a/b1) + (a**3 + b1**3 - (a**2 + b1**2)**1.5_longreal)/ &
- 3.0_longreal) + (a**2 * b2 * asinh(b2/a) + a * b2**2 * &
- asinh(a/b2) + (a**3 + b2**3 - (a**2 + b2**2)**1.5_longreal)/ &
- 3.0_longreal))
- else
- print *," "
- print *,"non-planar and non-orthogonal rectangle in rect_self_inductance, abort"
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end subroutine rect_self_inductance
- function asinh(x) result(arcsinh)
- real (kind = longreal), intent(in) :: x
- real (kind = longreal) :: arcsinh
- arcsinh = log(x + sqrt(x**2 + 1.0_longreal))
- end function asinh
-end module s_rect_m
-module build_vrml_data_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-use define_type
-implicit none
-public :: build_vrml_data
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
-real (kind = LONGreal), parameter, private :: small = 1.e-10_LONGreal
- subroutine build_vrml_data (nout, inductor, nx, ny, nz, debug_can)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 11 october 1997
-! purpose: generate a file with data for building VRMLs of can mesh
-! with self-indutances colored in
-! input:
-! output:
-!=========== formal variables =============
- type (quad_inductor), dimension(:), intent(in) :: inductor
- integer, intent(in) :: nout, nx, ny, nz
- logical :: debug_can
-!========== internal variables ============
- real (kind = LONGreal), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: nodes
- integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: node_number, inductor_number
- real (kind = LONGreal) :: x, y, z, max_inductance, inductance, a, magnitude, theta, &
- b1, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax
- integer :: m, n, number_of_inductors, number_of_nodes, max_node_number, e1, e2, &
- correct_number_of_nodes, virtual_node
- number_of_inductors = size(inductor)
- max_node_number = max(maxval(inductor(:)%i1),maxval(inductor(:)%i2))
- allocate (nodes(3,max_node_number))
- correct_number_of_nodes = 2*((nx-1)*(ny-1) + (nx-1)*(nz-1) + (ny-1)*(nz-1))
- allocate (node_number(max_node_number))
- allocate (inductor_number(correct_number_of_nodes))
-! build node array
- nodes(:,:) = -1.e20_LONGreal
- number_of_nodes = 0
- do m = 1, number_of_inductors
-! vertex 1 node
- x = inductor(m)%v1%x
- y = inductor(m)%v1%y
- z = inductor(m)%v1%z
- n = inductor(m)%i1
- if (nodes(1,n) < -1.e10_LONGreal) then
- nodes(1,n) = x
- nodes(2,n) = y
- nodes(3,n) = z
- number_of_nodes = number_of_nodes + 1
- if (number_of_nodes > correct_number_of_nodes) then
- print *," "
- print *,"number of nodes too large in build_vrml_data, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- node_number(n) = number_of_nodes
- inductor_number(number_of_nodes) = n
- else
- if (abs(nodes(1,n) - x) > small) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Bad node in subroutine build_vrml_data, abort."
- print *,"Offending node number = ",n,", associated with inductor ",m
- print *,"Coordinates in node array = ",nodes(1,n), nodes(2,n), &
- nodes(3,n)
- print *,"Coordinate from inductor array = ",x, y, z
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (abs(nodes(2,n) - y) > small) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Bad node in subroutine build_vrml_data, abort."
- print *,"Offending node number = ",n,", associated with inductor ",m
- print *,"Coordinates in node array = ",nodes(1,n), nodes(2,n), &
- nodes(3,n)
- print *,"Coordinate from inductor array = ",x, y, z
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (abs(nodes(3,n) - z) > small) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Bad node in subroutine build_vrml_data, abort."
- print *,"Offending node number = ",n,", associated with inductor ",m
- print *,"Coordinates in node array = ",nodes(1,n), nodes(2,n), &
- nodes(3,n)
- print *,"Coordinate from inductor array = ",x, y, z
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end if
-! vertex 3 node
- x = inductor(m)%v3%x
- y = inductor(m)%v3%y
- z = inductor(m)%v3%z
- n = inductor(m)%i2
- if (nodes(1,n) < -1.e10_LONGreal) then
- nodes(1,n) = x
- nodes(2,n) = y
- nodes(3,n) = z
- number_of_nodes = number_of_nodes + 1
- if (number_of_nodes > correct_number_of_nodes) then
- print *," "
- print *,"number of nodes too large in build_vrml_data, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- node_number(n) = number_of_nodes
- inductor_number(number_of_nodes) = n
- else
- if (abs(nodes(1,n) - x) > small) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Bad node in subroutine build_vrml_data, abort."
- print *,"Offending node number = ",n,", associated with inductor ",m
- print *,"Coordinates in node array = ",nodes(1,n), nodes(2,n), &
- nodes(3,n)
- print *,"Coordinate from inductor array = ",x, y, z
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (abs(nodes(2,n) - y) > small) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Bad node in subroutine build_vrml_data, abort."
- print *,"Offending node number = ",n,", associated with inductor ",m
- print *,"Coordinates in node array = ",nodes(1,n), nodes(2,n), &
- nodes(3,n)
- print *,"Coordinate from inductor array = ",x, y, z
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (abs(nodes(3,n) - z) > small) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Bad node in subroutine build_vrml_data, abort."
- print *,"Offending node number = ",n,", associated with inductor ",m
- print *,"Coordinates in node array = ",nodes(1,n), nodes(2,n), &
- nodes(3,n)
- print *,"Coordinate from inductor array = ",x, y, z
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end if
- end do
-! make sure we got all the nodes
- if (number_of_nodes /= correct_number_of_nodes) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Wrong number of nodes in build_vrml_data, abort."
- print *,"Number of nodes encountered = ",number_of_nodes
- print *,"Correct number of nodes = ",(nx-1)*(ny-1)*(nz-1)
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
-! generate node location list
- open (unit=nout,file="inductance.dat",status="unknown",form="formatted")
- write (nout,'(i5)') number_of_nodes + number_of_inductors
-! real nodes:
- do m = 1, number_of_nodes
- n = inductor_number(m)
- write (nout,'(i5,1p,3e15.5)') m, nodes(1,n), nodes(2,n), nodes(3,n)
- end do
-! virtual nodes
- do m = 1, number_of_inductors
- a = sqrt((inductor(m)%v2%x - inductor(m)%v4%x)**2 + (inductor(m)%v2%y - &
- inductor(m)%v4%y)**2 + (inductor(m)%v2%z - inductor(m)%v4%z)**2)
- magnitude = sqrt((inductor(m)%v2%x - inductor(m)%v1%x)**2 + (inductor(m)%v2%y - &
- inductor(m)%v1%y)**2 + (inductor(m)%v2%z - inductor(m)%v1%z)**2)
- theta = asin(0.5_LONGreal * a / magnitude)
- b1 = magnitude * cos(theta)
- n = node_number(inductor(m)%i1)
- virtual_node = m + number_of_nodes
- x = inductor(m)%v1%x + b1 * inductor(m)%current_vector1%x
- y = inductor(m)%v1%y + b1 * inductor(m)%current_vector1%y
- z = inductor(m)%v1%z + b1 * inductor(m)%current_vector1%z
- write (nout,'(i5,1p,3e15.5)') virtual_node, x, y, z
- end do
- max_inductance = maxval(abs(inductor(:)%self_ind))
-! generate node connectivity
- write (nout,'(i5)') 2*number_of_inductors
- do m = 1, number_of_inductors
- inductance = abs(inductor(m)%self_ind)/max_inductance
- e1 = inductor(m)%i1
- e2 = inductor(m)%i2
- virtual_node = number_of_nodes + m
- write (nout,'(2i10,1pe15.5)') node_number(e1), virtual_node, inductance
- write (nout,'(2i10,1pe15.5)') virtual_node, node_number(e2), inductance
- end do
-! print out locations for each face of the can
- if (debug_can) then
- xmin = minval(nodes(1,inductor_number(1:number_of_nodes)))
- xmax = maxval(nodes(1,inductor_number(1:number_of_nodes)))
- ymin = minval(nodes(2,inductor_number(1:number_of_nodes)))
- ymax = maxval(nodes(2,inductor_number(1:number_of_nodes)))
- zmin = minval(nodes(3,inductor_number(1:number_of_nodes)))
- zmax = maxval(nodes(3,inductor_number(1:number_of_nodes)))
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- do m = 1, number_of_nodes
- n = inductor_number(m)
- if (abs(nodes(1,n) - xmin) < small) then
- write(12,'(''* Node '',i5,'' on xmin face at x,y,z='',1p,3e14.5)') n, &
- nodes(1,n), nodes(2,n), nodes(3,n)
- end if
- end do
- do m = 1, number_of_nodes
- n = inductor_number(m)
- if (abs(nodes(1,n) - xmax) < small) then
- write(12,'(''* Node '',i5,'' on xmax face at x,y,z='',1p,3e14.5)') n, &
- nodes(1,n), nodes(2,n), nodes(3,n)
- end if
- end do
- do m = 1, number_of_nodes
- n = inductor_number(m)
- if (abs(nodes(2,n) - ymin) < small) then
- write(12,'(''* Node '',i5,'' on ymin face at x,y,z='',1p,3e14.5)') n, &
- nodes(1,n), nodes(2,n), nodes(3,n)
- end if
- end do
- do m = 1, number_of_nodes
- n = inductor_number(m)
- if (abs(nodes(2,n) - ymax) < small) then
- write(12,'(''* Node '',i5,'' on ymax face at x,y,z='',1p,3e14.5)') n, &
- nodes(1,n), nodes(2,n), nodes(3,n)
- end if
- end do
- do m = 1, number_of_nodes
- n = inductor_number(m)
- if (abs(nodes(3,n) - zmin) < small) then
- write(12,'(''* Node '',i5,'' on zmin face at x,y,z='',1p,3e14.5)') n, &
- nodes(1,n), nodes(2,n), nodes(3,n)
- end if
- end do
- do m = 1, number_of_nodes
- n = inductor_number(m)
- if (abs(nodes(3,n) - zmax) < small) then
- write(12,'(''* Node '',i5,'' on zmax face at x,y,z='',1p,3e14.5)') n, &
- nodes(1,n), nodes(2,n), nodes(3,n)
- end if
- end do
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- end if
- close (unit=nout)
- deallocate (nodes)
- deallocate (node_number)
- end subroutine build_vrml_data
-end module build_vrml_data_m
-module define_wand_coils_m
-! copyright (c) 1997 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-use define_type
-use scc_m
-use free_input
-implicit none
-public :: define_wand_coils
-integer, parameter, private :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: pi = 3.141592653589793_longreal
-real (kind = longreal), parameter, private :: mu0 = 4.0e-7_longreal * pi
-real (kind = LONGreal), parameter, private :: degrees_to_radians = pi/180.0_LONGreal
- subroutine define_wand_coils (transmit_coil, receive_coil_1, receive_coil_2, &
- input_file)
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 12 october 1997
-! purpose: define the geometry of the transmit wand coils
-! input:
-! none
-! output:
-! transmit_coil [type(circular_coil)]
-! geometry of wand transmit coil.
-! transmit_coil%r = radius of coil
-! transmit_coil%h = height of coil
-! transmit_coil%turns = turns per unit length
-! transmit_coil%theta = theta euler angle relative to can
-! transmit_coil%phi = phi euler angle relative to can
-! transmit_coil%psi = psi euler angle relative to can
-! transmit_coil%self_ind = self inductance of coil
-! transmit_coil%origin%x = x coordinate of coil center
-! relative to the resq can
-! reference point
-! transmit_coil%origin%y = y coordinate of coil center
-! relative to the resq can
-! reference point
-! transmit_coil%origin%z = z coordinate of coil center
-! relative to the resq can
-! reference point
-! receive_coil_1 [type(circular_coil)]
-! geometry of 1st wand receive coil.
-! receive_coil_1%r = radius of coil
-! receive_coil_1%h = height of coil
-! receive_coil_1%turns = turns per unit length
-! receive_coil_1%theta = theta euler angle relative to can
-! receive_coil_1%phi = phi euler angle relative to can
-! receive_coil_1%psi = psi euler angle relative to can
-! receive_coil_1%self_ind = self inductance of coil
-! receive_coil_1%origin%x = x coordinate of coil center
-! relative to the resq can
-! reference point
-! receive_coil_1%origin%y = y coordinate of coil center
-! relative to the resq can
-! reference point
-! receive_coil_1%origin%z = z coordinate of coil center
-! relative to the resq can
-! reference point
-! receive_coil_2 [type(circular_coil)]
-! geometry of 2nd wand receive coil.
-! receive_coil_2%r = radius of coil
-! receive_coil_2%h = height of coil
-! receive_coil_2%turns = turns per unit length
-! receive_coil_2%theta = theta euler angle relative to can
-! receive_coil_2%phi = phi euler angle relative to can
-! receive_coil_2%psi = psi euler angle relative to can
-! receive_coil_2%self_ind = self inductance of coil
-! receive_coil_2%origin%x = x coordinate of coil center
-! relative to the resq can
-! reference point
-! receive_coil_2%origin%y = y coordinate of coil center
-! relative to the resq can
-! reference point
-! receive_coil_2%origin%z = z coordinate of coil center
-! relative to the resq can
-! reference point
-!=========== formal variables =============
- type(coil), intent(out) :: transmit_coil, receive_coil_1, receive_coil_2
- character (len=80), intent(in) :: input_file
-!========== internal variables ============
- type (vector) :: wand_location
- integer :: n
- real (kind = LONGreal) :: x, y, z, theta, phi, psi
-! Wand transmit coil definition
- open (unit=nin,file=input_file,status="old",form="formatted",action="read")
-! set defaults
- transmit_coil%r = -1.e20_longreal
- transmit_coil%h = -1.e20_longreal
- transmit_coil%turns = -1.e20_longreal
- transmit_coil%origin%x = -1.e20_longreal
- transmit_coil%origin%y = -1.e20_longreal
- transmit_coil%origin%z = -1.e20_longreal
- transmit_coil%circular = .TRUE.
- transmit_coil%rectangular = .FALSE.
-! read through input until wand coil input is located
- icpnt = 9999
-trans :do
- call next
- if (.NOT. eoff) then
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field /= 'wand_transmit_coil_definition:') cycle trans
- do
- call next
- if (eoff) then
- print *," "
- print *,"unexpected end of file while reading transmit coil ", &
- "definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field == 'end_of_wand_transmit_coil_definition') then
- exit trans
- else if (field == 'radius') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- transmit_coil%r = real_variable
- else if (field == 'height') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- transmit_coil%h = real_variable
- else if (field == 'turns') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- transmit_coil%turns = real_variable
- else if (field == 'x_location_in_wand') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- transmit_coil%origin%x = real_variable
- else if (field == 'y_location_in_wand') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- transmit_coil%origin%y = real_variable
- else if (field == 'z_location_in_wand') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- transmit_coil%origin%z = real_variable
- else
- print *," "
- print *,"unrecognized word in wand coil definition, abort."
- print *," "
- print *,"The unrecognized word was: ",field
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end do
- else
- print *," "
- print *,"wand transmit coil definition not found in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end do trans
-! check input to catch obvious errors
- if (transmit_coil%r <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Radius of wand transmit coil not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (transmit_coil%h <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Heigth of wand transmit coil not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (transmit_coil%turns <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Number of turns of wand transmit coil not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (transmit_coil%origin%x <= -1.0e10_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"x coordinate of wand transmit coil center not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (transmit_coil%origin%y <= -1.0e10_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"y coordinate of wand transmit coil center not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (transmit_coil%origin%z <= -1.0e10_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"z coordinate of wand transmit coil center not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- transmit_coil%turns = transmit_coil%turns/transmit_coil%h
- call self_ind_cir_coil (transmit_coil%r, transmit_coil%h, transmit_coil%turns, mu0, &
- transmit_coil%self_ind)
-! Wand receiver coil 1 definition
-! set defaults
- receive_coil_1%r = -1.e20_longreal
- receive_coil_1%h = -1.e20_longreal
- receive_coil_1%turns = -1.e20_longreal
- receive_coil_1%origin%x = -1.e20_longreal
- receive_coil_1%origin%y = -1.e20_longreal
- receive_coil_1%origin%z = -1.e20_longreal
- receive_coil_1%circular = .TRUE.
- receive_coil_1%rectangular = .FALSE.
-! read through input until wand coil input is located
- icpnt = 9999
- rewind nin
- call next
- if (.NOT. eoff) then
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field /= 'wand_receive_coil_1_definition:') cycle wand1
- do
- call next
- if (eoff) then
- print *," "
- print *,"unexpected end of file while reading receive coil 1 ", &
- "definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field == 'end_of_wand_receive_coil_1_definition') then
- exit wand1
- else if (field == 'radius') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- receive_coil_1%r = real_variable
- else if (field == 'height') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- receive_coil_1%h = real_variable
- else if (field == 'turns') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- receive_coil_1%turns = real_variable
- else if (field == 'x_location_in_wand') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- receive_coil_1%origin%x = real_variable
- else if (field == 'y_location_in_wand') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- receive_coil_1%origin%y = real_variable
- else if (field == 'z_location_in_wand') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- receive_coil_1%origin%z = real_variable
- else
- print *," "
- print *,"unrecognized word in wand coil definition, abort."
- print *," "
- print *,"The unrecognized word was: ",field
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end do
- else
- print *," "
- print *,"wand receive coil 1 definition not found in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end do wand1
-! check input to catch obvious errors
- if (receive_coil_1%r <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Radius of wand receive coil 1 not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (receive_coil_1%h <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Heigth of wand receive coil 1 not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (receive_coil_1%turns <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Number of turns of receive coil 1 not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (receive_coil_1%origin%x <= -1.0e10_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"x coordinate of wand receive coil 1 center not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (receive_coil_1%origin%y <= -1.0e10_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"y coordinate of wand receive coil 1 center not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (receive_coil_1%origin%z <= -1.0e10_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"z coordinate of wand receive coil 1 center not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- receive_coil_1%turns = receive_coil_1%turns/receive_coil_1%h
- call self_ind_cir_coil (receive_coil_1%r, receive_coil_1%h, receive_coil_1%turns, &
- mu0, receive_coil_1%self_ind)
-! Wand receiver coil 2 definition
-! set defaults
- receive_coil_2%r = -1.e20_longreal
- receive_coil_2%h = -1.e20_longreal
- receive_coil_2%turns = -1.e20_longreal
- receive_coil_2%origin%x = -1.e20_longreal
- receive_coil_2%origin%y = -1.e20_longreal
- receive_coil_2%origin%z = -1.e20_longreal
- receive_coil_2%circular = .TRUE.
- receive_coil_2%rectangular = .FALSE.
-! read through input until wand coil input is located
- icpnt = 9999
- rewind nin
- call next
- if (.NOT. eoff) then
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field /= 'wand_receive_coil_2_definition:') cycle wand2
- do
- call next
- if (eoff) then
- print *," "
- print *,"unexpected end of file while reading receive coil 2 ", &
- "definition, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field == 'end_of_wand_receive_coil_2_definition') then
- exit wand2
- else if (field == 'radius') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- receive_coil_2%r = real_variable
- else if (field == 'height') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- receive_coil_2%h = real_variable
- else if (field == 'turns') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- receive_coil_2%turns = real_variable
- else if (field == 'x_location_in_wand') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- receive_coil_2%origin%x = real_variable
- else if (field == 'y_location_in_wand') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- receive_coil_2%origin%y = real_variable
- else if (field == 'z_location_in_wand') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- receive_coil_2%origin%z = real_variable
- else
- print *," "
- print *,"unrecognized word in wand coil definition, abort."
- print *," "
- print *,"The unrecognized word was: ",field
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end do
- else
- print *," "
- print *,"wand receive coil 2 definition not found in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end do wand2
-! check input to catch obvious errors
- if (receive_coil_2%r <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Radius of wand receive coil 2 not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (receive_coil_2%h <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Heigth of wand receive coil 2 not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (receive_coil_2%turns <= 0.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Number of turns of receive coil 2 not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (receive_coil_2%origin%x <= -1.0e10_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"x coordinate of wand receive coil 2 center not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (receive_coil_1%origin%y <= -1.0e10_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"y coordinate of wand receive coil 2 center not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (receive_coil_1%origin%z <= -1.0e10_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"z coordinate of wand receive coil 2 center not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- receive_coil_2%turns = receive_coil_2%turns/receive_coil_2%h
- call self_ind_cir_coil (receive_coil_2%r, receive_coil_2%h, receive_coil_2%turns, &
- mu0, receive_coil_2%self_ind)
-! read through input until wand input is located
- x = -1.e20_LONGreal
- y = -1.e20_LONGreal
- z = -1.e20_LONGreal
- theta = 0.0_LONGreal
- phi = 0.0_LONGreal
- psi = 0.0_LONGreal
- icpnt = 9999
- rewind nin
-wand: do
- call next
- if (.NOT. eoff) then
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field /= 'wand_location_definition:') cycle wand
- do
- call next
- if (eoff) then
- print *," "
- print *,"unexpected end of file while reading wand location, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- if (len(field) > 0) then
- do n = 1, len(field)
- field(n:n) = convert_lower_case(field(n:n))
- end do
- end if
- if (field == 'end_of_wand_location_definition') then
- exit wand
- else if (field == 'theta_angle_of_wand') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- theta = real_variable * degrees_to_radians
- else if (field == 'phi_angle_of_wand') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- phi = real_variable * degrees_to_radians
- else if (field == 'psi_angle_of_wand') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- psi = real_variable * degrees_to_radians
- else if (field == 'x_location_of_wand_relative_to_case') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- x = real_variable
- else if (field == 'y_location_of_wand_relative_to_case') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- y = real_variable
- else if (field == 'z_location_of_wand_relative_to_case') then
- call value (real_variable, free_format_error_flag)
- call check_eof
- call check_number
- z = real_variable
- else
- print *," "
- print *,"unrecognized word in wand location definition, abort."
- print *," "
- print *,"The unrecognized word was: ",field
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end do
- else
- print *," "
- print *,"wand location definition not found in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- end do wand
-! check input to catch obvious errors
- if (x <= -1.0e10_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"x coordinate of wand not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (y <= -1.0e10_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"y coordinate of wand not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- else if (z <= -1.0e10_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"z coordinate of wand not defined in input, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- transmit_coil%origin%x = transmit_coil%origin%x + x
- transmit_coil%origin%y = transmit_coil%origin%y + y
- transmit_coil%origin%z = transmit_coil%origin%z + z
- transmit_coil%theta = theta
- transmit_coil%phi = phi
- transmit_coil%psi = psi
- receive_coil_1%origin%x = receive_coil_1%origin%x + x
- receive_coil_1%origin%y = receive_coil_1%origin%y + y
- receive_coil_1%origin%z = receive_coil_1%origin%z + z
- receive_coil_1%theta = theta
- receive_coil_1%phi = phi
- receive_coil_1%psi = psi
- receive_coil_2%origin%x = receive_coil_2%origin%x + x
- receive_coil_2%origin%y = receive_coil_2%origin%y + y
- receive_coil_2%origin%z = receive_coil_2%origin%z + z
- receive_coil_2%theta = theta
- receive_coil_2%phi = phi
- receive_coil_2%psi = psi
- close (unit = nin)
- end subroutine define_wand_coils
-end module define_wand_coils_m
- subroutine induct
-! copyright (c) 1997, 1998 by quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! address any questions about this copyright notice to:
-! john k. prentice
-! quetzal computational associates, incorporated
-! 3455 main avenue, suite 4
-! durango, co 81301
-! usa
-! phone: 970-382-8979
-! e-mail: quetzal at quetzalcoatl.com
-! author: john k. prentice
-! affiliation: quetzal computational associates, inc.
-! dates: 11 october 1997
-! purpose: this program generates pspice input for modeling the low-frequency
-! electromagnetic properties of a res-q communications system.
- use define_type
- use gen_resq_mesh_m
- use s_rect_m
- use m_quad_m
- use rect_r_m
- use define_wand_coils_m
- use define_resq_coil_m
- use mcc_m
- use mcr_m
- use mqc_m
- use mqr_m
- use computer_time_m
- use misc_input_m
- use print_input_m
- use build_vrml_data_m
- implicit none
-!============== parameters ================
- integer, parameter :: longreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
- real (kind = longreal), parameter :: pi = 3.141592653589793_longreal
- real (kind = longreal), parameter :: mu0 = 4.0e-7_longreal * pi
- real (kind = longreal), parameter :: small = 1.0e-10_longreal
-!========== internal variables ============
- integer :: number_of_resq_inductors, m, n, e1, e2, number_of_quad_quad_mutuals, &
- max_resq_inductors, nx, ny, nz, no_of_quad_quad_mutuals_used, &
- no_of_wand_quad_mutuals, no_of_wand_quad_mutuals_used, &
- no_of_resq_quad_mutuals, no_of_resq_quad_mutuals_used, &
- theta_integral_quad_points
- type (quad_inductor), dimension(:), allocatable :: resq_inductors
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(6) :: coil_coil_mutuals
- type(coil) :: transmit_coil, receive_coil_1, receive_coil_2
- type(coil) :: resq_coil
- real (kind = longreal), dimension(3,3) :: wand_rotation_matrix, resq_rotation_matrix, &
- rotation_matrix
- real (kind = longreal) :: computer_time_now, computer_time_before, &
- elapsed_computer_time, inductance, resq_conductivity, &
- theta, psi, phi, qq_mutual_inductance_cutoff, &
- min_qq_mutual_inductance, max_qq_mutual_inductance, &
- min_cq_mutual_inductance, max_cq_mutual_inductance, &
- min_rq_mutual_inductance, max_rq_mutual_inductance, &
- wq_mutual_inductance_cutoff, rq_mutual_inductance_cutoff, &
- real_inductance, min_qq_real_mutuals, max_qq_real_mutuals, &
- min_quad_self_ind, max_quad_self_ind, min_resistance, &
- max_resistance, inductor_to_ground_capacitance
- logical :: no_can, debug_can, build_vrml_of_inductance, no_resq_coil, exists, do_output
- integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: node_map
- character (len=80) :: input_file, output_file, wand_include_file, coil_include_file
- character (len=1) :: answer
- number_of_quad_quad_mutuals=0 !JRA
- do_output = .FALSE.
- input_file = "induct.in"
- inquire (file=input_file, exist=exists)
- if (.NOT. exists) then
- print *," "
- print *,"Input file does not exist, abort."
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- output_file = "induct.out"
-! open circuits file for the main Pspice input
- if (do_output) then
- open (unit=12,file=output_file,form="formatted",status="unknown",action="write")
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''* Quetzal Computational Associates, Incorporated.'')')
- write (12,'(''* Spice input for low-frequency electromagnetic modeling of '')')
- write (12,'(''* communications between shielding coils.'')')
- write (12,'(''* Version 2.2'')')
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''* Incorporate this file into a Pspice input file containing '')')
- write (12,'(''* a valid transmit wand and Res-Q coil circuit description '')')
- write (12,'(''* and commands for executing Pspice.'')')
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''* Note: All units must be MKS.'')')
- write (12,'(''*'')')
-! make a copy of the induct input in the Pspice input
- call print_input (12, input_file)
- end if
-! read miscellaneous input
- call misc_input (qq_mutual_inductance_cutoff, wq_mutual_inductance_cutoff, &
- rq_mutual_inductance_cutoff, inductor_to_ground_capacitance, &
- theta_integral_quad_points, input_file)
- print *," "
- print *," "
- print *," "
- print *,"==================== Induct calculation statistics ===================="
- print *," "
- min_qq_mutual_inductance = 1.e20_LONGreal
- min_cq_mutual_inductance = 1.e20_LONGreal
- min_rq_mutual_inductance = 1.e20_LONGreal
- max_qq_mutual_inductance = -1.e20_LONGreal
- max_cq_mutual_inductance = -1.e20_LONGreal
- max_rq_mutual_inductance = -1.e20_LONGreal
- no_of_wand_quad_mutuals = 0
- no_of_wand_quad_mutuals_used = 0
- no_of_resq_quad_mutuals = 0
- no_of_resq_quad_mutuals_used = 0
- min_qq_real_mutuals = 1.e20_LONGreal
- max_qq_real_mutuals = -1.e20_LONGreal
- min_quad_self_ind = 1.e20_LONGreal
- max_quad_self_ind = -1.e20_LONGreal
- min_resistance = 1.e20_LONGreal
- max_resistance = -1.e20_LONGreal
-! see if there is a can, and if so, what model to use
- call gen_resq_mesh_size (nx, ny, nz, max_resq_inductors, no_can, debug_can, &
- input_file)
- call computer_time (computer_time_before)
-! define geometry and self-inductance of coils in the wand
- call define_wand_coils (transmit_coil, receive_coil_1, receive_coil_2, input_file)
-! define mutual inductances of coils in the wand
- theta = transmit_coil%theta
- phi = transmit_coil%phi
- psi = transmit_coil%psi
-! define rotation matrix for the wand (see Goldstein, page 147)
- wand_rotation_matrix(1,1) = cos(psi)*cos(phi)-cos(theta)*sin(phi)*sin(psi)
- wand_rotation_matrix(1,2) = cos(psi)*sin(phi)+cos(theta)*cos(phi)*sin(psi)
- wand_rotation_matrix(1,3) = sin(psi)*sin(theta)
- wand_rotation_matrix(2,1) = -sin(psi)*cos(phi) - cos(theta)*sin(phi)*cos(psi)
- wand_rotation_matrix(2,2) = -sin(psi)*sin(phi) + cos(theta)*cos(phi)*cos(psi)
- wand_rotation_matrix(2,3) = cos(psi)*sin(theta)
- wand_rotation_matrix(3,1) = sin(theta)*sin(phi)
- wand_rotation_matrix(3,2) = -sin(theta)*cos(phi)
- wand_rotation_matrix(3,3) = cos(theta)
- rotation_matrix(:,:) = 0.0_LONGreal
- rotation_matrix(1,1) = 1.0_LONGreal
- rotation_matrix(2,2) = 1.0_LONGreal
- rotation_matrix(3,3) = 1.0_LONGreal
- call mutual_ind_cir_cir_coils (transmit_coil%r, receive_coil_1%r, &
- transmit_coil%origin%x - receive_coil_1%origin%x, &
- transmit_coil%origin%y - receive_coil_1%origin%y, &
- transmit_coil%origin%z - receive_coil_1%origin%z, &
- transmit_coil%h, receive_coil_1%h, &
- transmit_coil%turns, receive_coil_1%turns, mu0, &
- rotation_matrix, theta_integral_quad_points, &
- coil_coil_mutuals(1))
- coil_coil_mutuals(1) = coil_coil_mutuals(1) / sqrt(transmit_coil%self_ind * &
- receive_coil_1%self_ind)
- call mutual_ind_cir_cir_coils (transmit_coil%r, receive_coil_2%r, &
- transmit_coil%origin%x - receive_coil_2%origin%x, &
- transmit_coil%origin%y - receive_coil_2%origin%y, &
- transmit_coil%origin%z - receive_coil_2%origin%z, &
- transmit_coil%h, receive_coil_2%h, &
- transmit_coil%turns, receive_coil_2%turns, mu0, &
- rotation_matrix, theta_integral_quad_points, &
- coil_coil_mutuals(2))
- coil_coil_mutuals(2) = coil_coil_mutuals(2) / sqrt(transmit_coil%self_ind * &
- receive_coil_2%self_ind)
- call mutual_ind_cir_cir_coils (receive_coil_1%r, receive_coil_2%r, &
- receive_coil_1%origin%x - receive_coil_2%origin%x, &
- receive_coil_1%origin%y - receive_coil_2%origin%y, &
- receive_coil_1%origin%z - receive_coil_2%origin%z, &
- receive_coil_1%h, receive_coil_2%h, &
- receive_coil_1%turns, receive_coil_2%turns, mu0, &
- rotation_matrix, theta_integral_quad_points, &
- coil_coil_mutuals(3))
- coil_coil_mutuals(3) = coil_coil_mutuals(3) / sqrt(receive_coil_1%self_ind * &
- receive_coil_2%self_ind)
- call computer_time (computer_time_now)
- elapsed_computer_time = computer_time_now - computer_time_before
- computer_time_before = computer_time_now
- write(unit=*,fmt="(a,f7.3)") "cpu time to define wand geometries/inductances = ", &
- elapsed_computer_time
-! define geometry and self-inductance of the res-q coil
- call define_resq_coil (resq_coil, no_resq_coil, input_file)
- if (.NOT. no_resq_coil) then
-! define mutual inductances of coils in the wand
- theta = resq_coil%theta
- phi = resq_coil%phi
- psi = resq_coil%psi
-! define rotation matrix for the coil (see Goldstein, page 147)
- resq_rotation_matrix(1,1) = cos(psi)*cos(phi)-cos(theta)*sin(phi)*sin(psi)
- resq_rotation_matrix(1,2) = cos(psi)*sin(phi)+cos(theta)*cos(phi)*sin(psi)
- resq_rotation_matrix(1,3) = sin(psi)*sin(theta)
- resq_rotation_matrix(2,1) = -sin(psi)*cos(phi) - cos(theta)*sin(phi)*cos(psi)
- resq_rotation_matrix(2,2) = -sin(psi)*sin(phi) + cos(theta)*cos(phi)*cos(psi)
- resq_rotation_matrix(2,3) = cos(psi)*sin(theta)
- resq_rotation_matrix(3,1) = sin(theta)*sin(phi)
- resq_rotation_matrix(3,2) = -sin(theta)*cos(phi)
- resq_rotation_matrix(3,3) = cos(theta)
-! define mutual inductances of wand and resq coils
- if (resq_coil%rectangular) then
- call mutual_ind_cir_rec_coils (transmit_coil%r, resq_coil%a, resq_coil%b, &
- transmit_coil%origin%x - resq_coil%origin%x, &
- transmit_coil%origin%y - resq_coil%origin%y, &
- transmit_coil%origin%z - resq_coil%origin%z, &
- transmit_coil%h, resq_coil%h, transmit_coil%turns, &
- resq_coil%turns, mu0, wand_rotation_matrix, &
- resq_rotation_matrix, theta_integral_quad_points, &
- coil_coil_mutuals(4))
- else
- rotation_matrix = matmul(wand_rotation_matrix,transpose(resq_rotation_matrix))
- call mutual_ind_cir_cir_coils (transmit_coil%r, resq_coil%r, &
- transmit_coil%origin%x - resq_coil%origin%x, &
- transmit_coil%origin%y - resq_coil%origin%y, &
- transmit_coil%origin%z - resq_coil%origin%z, &
- transmit_coil%h, resq_coil%h, &
- transmit_coil%turns, resq_coil%turns, mu0, &
- rotation_matrix, theta_integral_quad_points, &
- coil_coil_mutuals(4))
- end if
- coil_coil_mutuals(4) = coil_coil_mutuals(4) / sqrt(transmit_coil%self_ind * &
- resq_coil%self_ind)
- if (resq_coil%rectangular) then
- call mutual_ind_cir_rec_coils (receive_coil_1%r, resq_coil%a, resq_coil%b, &
- receive_coil_1%origin%x - resq_coil%origin%x, &
- receive_coil_1%origin%y - resq_coil%origin%y, &
- receive_coil_1%origin%z - resq_coil%origin%z, &
- receive_coil_1%h, resq_coil%h, receive_coil_1%turns, &
- resq_coil%turns, mu0, wand_rotation_matrix, &
- resq_rotation_matrix, theta_integral_quad_points, &
- coil_coil_mutuals(5))
- else
- rotation_matrix = matmul(wand_rotation_matrix,transpose(resq_rotation_matrix))
- call mutual_ind_cir_cir_coils (receive_coil_1%r, resq_coil%r, &
- receive_coil_1%origin%x - resq_coil%origin%x, &
- receive_coil_1%origin%y - resq_coil%origin%y, &
- receive_coil_1%origin%z - resq_coil%origin%z, &
- receive_coil_1%h, resq_coil%h, &
- receive_coil_1%turns, resq_coil%turns, mu0, &
- rotation_matrix, theta_integral_quad_points, &
- coil_coil_mutuals(5))
- end if
- coil_coil_mutuals(5) = coil_coil_mutuals(5) / sqrt(receive_coil_1%self_ind * &
- resq_coil%self_ind)
- if (resq_coil%rectangular) then
- call mutual_ind_cir_rec_coils (receive_coil_2%r, resq_coil%a, resq_coil%b, &
- receive_coil_2%origin%x - resq_coil%origin%x, &
- receive_coil_2%origin%y - resq_coil%origin%y, &
- receive_coil_2%origin%z - resq_coil%origin%z, &
- receive_coil_2%h, resq_coil%h, receive_coil_2%turns, &
- resq_coil%turns, mu0, wand_rotation_matrix, &
- resq_rotation_matrix, theta_integral_quad_points, &
- coil_coil_mutuals(6))
- else
- rotation_matrix = matmul(wand_rotation_matrix,transpose(resq_rotation_matrix))
- call mutual_ind_cir_cir_coils (receive_coil_2%r, resq_coil%r, &
- receive_coil_2%origin%x - resq_coil%origin%x, &
- receive_coil_2%origin%y - resq_coil%origin%y, &
- receive_coil_2%origin%z - resq_coil%origin%z, &
- receive_coil_2%h, resq_coil%h, &
- receive_coil_2%turns, resq_coil%turns, mu0, &
- rotation_matrix, theta_integral_quad_points, &
- coil_coil_mutuals(6))
- end if
- coil_coil_mutuals(6) = coil_coil_mutuals(6) / sqrt(receive_coil_2%self_ind * &
- resq_coil%self_ind)
- call computer_time (computer_time_now)
- elapsed_computer_time = computer_time_now - computer_time_before
- computer_time_before = computer_time_now
- write(unit=*,fmt="(a,a,f7.3)") "cpu time to define res-q coil ", &
- "geometry/inductances = ", elapsed_computer_time
- end if
-! construct spice input for coils
- if (do_output) then
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''********* Induct diagnostic information regarding the wand'')')
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''* inductance of the transmit coil = '', 1pe12.5)') transmit_coil%self_ind
- write (12,'(''* inductance of receive coil 1 = '', 1pe12.5)') receive_coil_1%self_ind
- write (12,'(''* inductance of receive coil 2 = '', 1pe12.5)') receive_coil_2%self_ind
- write (12,'(''* mutual inductance between transmit coil and receive coil 1 = '', &
-& 1pe12.5)') coil_coil_mutuals(1)
- write (12,'(''* mutual inductance between transmit coil and receive coil 2 = '', &
-& 1pe12.5)') coil_coil_mutuals(2)
- write (12,'(''* mutual inductance between receive coil 1 and receive coil 2 = '', &
-& 1pe12.5)') coil_coil_mutuals(3)
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- if (.NOT. no_resq_coil) then
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''********* Induct diagnostic information regarding the Res-Q coil'')')
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''* inductance of the Res-Q receive coil = '',1pe12.5)') &
- resq_coil%self_ind
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''*********'')')
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''* wand to receive coil mutuals'')')
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''kw_1r_1 lw_1 lr_1 '',1pe12.5)') coil_coil_mutuals(4)
- write (12,'(''kw_2r_2 lw_2 lr_1 '',1pe12.5)') coil_coil_mutuals(5)
- write (12,'(''kw_3r_3 lw_3 lr_1 '',1pe12.5)') coil_coil_mutuals(6)
- end if
- end if
-! construct resq can mesh
- if (.NOT. no_can) then
- call computer_time (computer_time_before)
- max_resq_inductors = (4*nx-8+4*ny)*nz+(4*ny-8)*nx+12-8*ny
- allocate (resq_inductors(max_resq_inductors))
- call gen_resq_mesh (number_of_resq_inductors, resq_inductors, resq_conductivity, &
- nx, ny, nz, debug_can, build_vrml_of_inductance, input_file)
-! compute self-inductance and resistance of the inductors. generate pspice
-! input for the inductors
- do m = 1, number_of_resq_inductors
-! compute the resistance of the quad
- call rect_resistance (resq_inductors(m), resq_conductivity)
-! compute the self-inductance of the quad
- call rect_self_inductance (resq_inductors(m), mu0)
- min_quad_self_ind = min(min_quad_self_ind,abs(resq_inductors(m)%self_ind))
- max_quad_self_ind = max(max_quad_self_ind,abs(resq_inductors(m)%self_ind))
- end do
-! build vrml files, if requested
- if (build_vrml_of_inductance .OR. debug_can) then
- call build_vrml_data (3, resq_inductors, nx, ny, nz, debug_can)
- end if
-! build Pspice input include file
- no_of_quad_quad_mutuals_used = 0 !JRA
- if (do_output) then
- write(12,'(''*'')')
- write(12,'(''* can inductors'')')
- write(12,'(''*'')')
- do m = 1, number_of_resq_inductors
- e1 = resq_inductors(m)%i1
- e2 = resq_inductors(m)%i2
- if (debug_can) then
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''* inductor '',i5)') m
- write (12,'(''* nodes '',i5,'' to '',i5)') e1, e2
- write (12,'(''* vertex 1 coordinates = '',1p,3e15.5)') &
- resq_inductors(m)%v1%x, resq_inductors(m)%v1%y, resq_inductors(m)%v1%z
- write (12,'(''* vertex 2 coordinates = '',1p,3e15.5)') &
- resq_inductors(m)%v2%x, resq_inductors(m)%v2%y, resq_inductors(m)%v2%z
- write (12,'(''* vertex 3 coordinates = '',1p,3e15.5)') &
- resq_inductors(m)%v3%x, resq_inductors(m)%v3%y, resq_inductors(m)%v3%z
- write (12,'(''* vertex 4 coordinates = '',1p,3e15.5)') &
- resq_inductors(m)%v4%x, resq_inductors(m)%v4%y, resq_inductors(m)%v4%z
- write (12,'(''* current vector 1 = '',1p,3e15.5)') &
- resq_inductors(m)%current_vector1%x, &
- resq_inductors(m)%current_vector1%y, &
- resq_inductors(m)%current_vector1%z
- write (12,'(''* current vector 2 = '',1p,3e15.5)') &
- resq_inductors(m)%current_vector2%x, &
- resq_inductors(m)%current_vector2%y, &
- resq_inductors(m)%current_vector2%z
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- end if
- write(12,'(''rq'',i10.10,'' '',i10.10,''q '',i10.10,''rq '',1pe12.5)') m, e1&
- ,m, resq_inductors(m)%resistance
- write(12,'(''lq'',i10.10,'' '',i10.10,''rq '',i10.10,''q '',1pe12.5)') m, m&
- ,e2, resq_inductors(m)%self_ind
- end do
-! add a resistor to ground with a very large impedance to make pspice happy
- write(12,'(''rq'',i10.10,'' '',i10.10,''q 0 1.0e6'')') &
- number_of_resq_inductors+1, resq_inductors(1)%i1
- call computer_time (computer_time_now)
- elapsed_computer_time = computer_time_now - computer_time_before
- computer_time_before = computer_time_now
- write(unit=*,fmt="(a,a,f7.3)") "cpu time to define res-q can ", &
- "geometry/self-inductances = ", elapsed_computer_time
- if (max_resq_inductors /= number_of_resq_inductors) then
- print *,"number of resq_inductors wrong, abort."
- write(unit=12,fmt="(a)") "number of resq_inductors wrong, abort."
- stop
- end if
-! compute the mutual inductances between the elements of the res-q can
- write(12,'(''*'')')
- write(12,'(''* can mutual inductances'')')
- write(12,'(''*'')')
- number_of_quad_quad_mutuals = 0
- no_of_quad_quad_mutuals_used = 0
- do m = 1, number_of_resq_inductors-1
- do n = m+1, number_of_resq_inductors
- number_of_quad_quad_mutuals = number_of_quad_quad_mutuals + 1
- call quad_mutual_inductance (resq_inductors(m), resq_inductors(n), mu0, &
- real_inductance)
- min_qq_real_mutuals = min(min_qq_real_mutuals,abs(real_inductance))
- max_qq_real_mutuals = max(max_qq_real_mutuals,abs(real_inductance))
- inductance = real_inductance / &
- sqrt(resq_inductors(m)%self_ind*resq_inductors(n)%self_ind)
- min_qq_mutual_inductance = min(min_qq_mutual_inductance, abs(inductance))
- max_qq_mutual_inductance = max(max_qq_mutual_inductance, abs(inductance))
- if (abs(inductance) >= qq_mutual_inductance_cutoff) then
- no_of_quad_quad_mutuals_used = no_of_quad_quad_mutuals_used + 1
- if (abs(inductance) > 1.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"bad mutual inductance between quads ",m," and ",n
- print *,"computed mutual inductance = ",inductance
- print *,"self inductance of quad ",m," is ", &
- resq_inductors(m)%self_ind
- print *,"self inductance of quad ",n," is ", &
- resq_inductors(n)%self_ind
- print *,"mutual inductance of quads is ",real_inductance
- print *," "
- write (unit=12,fmt="(a,i10,a,i10)") &
- "bad mutual inductance between quads ",m," and ",n
- write (unit=12,fmt="(a,i10)") "computed mutual inductance = ", &
- inductance
- write (unit=12,fmt="(a,i10,a,1pe15.5)") &
- "self inductance of quad ",m," is ", &
- resq_inductors(m)%self_ind
- write (unit=12,fmt="(a,i10,a,1pe15.5)") &
- "self inductance of quad ",n," is ", &
- resq_inductors(n)%self_ind
- print *,"geometry of inductor ",m
- e1 = resq_inductors(m)%i1
- e2 = resq_inductors(m)%i2
- print *," nodes ",e1," to ",e2
- print *," vertex 1 coordinates = ",resq_inductors(m)%v1%x, &
- resq_inductors(m)%v1%y, resq_inductors(m)%v1%z
- print *," vertex 2 coordinates = ",resq_inductors(m)%v2%x, &
- resq_inductors(m)%v2%y, resq_inductors(m)%v2%z
- print *," vertex 3 coordinates = ",resq_inductors(m)%v3%x, &
- resq_inductors(m)%v3%y, resq_inductors(m)%v3%z
- print *," vertex 4 coordinates = ",resq_inductors(m)%v4%x, &
- resq_inductors(m)%v4%y, resq_inductors(m)%v4%z
- print *," current vector 1 = ", &
- resq_inductors(m)%current_vector1%x, &
- resq_inductors(m)%current_vector1%y, &
- resq_inductors(m)%current_vector1%z
- print *," current vector 2 = ", &
- resq_inductors(m)%current_vector2%x, &
- resq_inductors(m)%current_vector2%y, &
- resq_inductors(m)%current_vector2%z
- print *," "
- print *,"geometry of inductor ",n
- e1 = resq_inductors(n)%i1
- e2 = resq_inductors(n)%i2
- print *," nodes ",e1," to ",e2
- print *," vertex 1 coordinates = ",resq_inductors(n)%v1%x, &
- resq_inductors(n)%v1%y, resq_inductors(n)%v1%z
- print *," vertex 2 coordinates = ",resq_inductors(n)%v2%x, &
- resq_inductors(n)%v2%y, resq_inductors(n)%v2%z
- print *," vertex 3 coordinates = ",resq_inductors(n)%v3%x, &
- resq_inductors(n)%v3%y, resq_inductors(n)%v3%z
- print *," vertex 4 coordinates = ",resq_inductors(n)%v4%x, &
- resq_inductors(n)%v4%y, resq_inductors(n)%v4%z
- print *," current vector 1 = ", &
- resq_inductors(n)%current_vector1%x, &
- resq_inductors(n)%current_vector1%y, &
- resq_inductors(n)%current_vector1%z
- print *," current vector 2 = ", &
- resq_inductors(n)%current_vector2%x, &
- resq_inductors(n)%current_vector2%y, &
- resq_inductors(n)%current_vector2%z
- stop
- end if
- write(12,'(''kq'',i10.10,''_'',i10.10,'' lq'',i10.10,'' lq'',i10.10,'' &
-& '',1pe12.5)') m, n, m, n, inductance
- end if
- end do
- end do
-! add a low capacitance capacitor to each inductor node
- if (inductor_to_ground_capacitance > EPSILON(1.0_LONGreal)) then
- allocate (node_map(number_of_resq_inductors))
- node_map = -1
- do m = 1, number_of_resq_inductors
- e1 = resq_inductors(m)%i1
- if (node_map(e1) <= 0) then
- write(12,'(''cq'',i10.10,'' '',i10.10,''q 0 '',1pe12.5)') e1, e1, &
- inductor_to_ground_capacitance
- node_map(e1) = e1
- end if
- e2 = resq_inductors(m)%i2
- if (node_map(e2) <= 0) then
- write(12,'(''cq'',i10.10,'' '',i10.10,''q 0 '',1pe12.5)') e2, e2, &
- inductor_to_ground_capacitance
- node_map(e2) = e2
- end if
- end do
- deallocate (node_map)
- end if
- call computer_time (computer_time_now)
- elapsed_computer_time = computer_time_now - computer_time_before
- computer_time_before = computer_time_now
- write(unit=*,fmt="(a,a,f7.3)") "cpu time to define res-q can mutual ", &
- "inductances = ", elapsed_computer_time
- if (number_of_quad_quad_mutuals /= &
- (number_of_resq_inductors*(number_of_resq_inductors-1))/2) then
- print *,"miscount of quad mutual inductances, abort."
- write(unit=12,fmt="(a)") "miscount of quad mutual inductances, abort."
- stop
- end if
- end if
-! compute mutual inductances between the various coils and the res-q can. generate
-! spice input for these mutual inductances
- if (do_output) then
- write(12,'(''*'')')
- write(12,'(''* mutual inductances between coils and can inductors'')')
- write(12,'(''*'')')
- end if
- do m = 1, number_of_resq_inductors
-! inductance between the transmit coil in the wand and this quad
- call mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil (transmit_coil%r, transmit_coil%origin%x, &
- transmit_coil%origin%y, transmit_coil%origin%z, &
- transmit_coil%h, transmit_coil%turns, &
- wand_rotation_matrix, resq_inductors(m), &
- theta_integral_quad_points, mu0, inductance)
- inductance = inductance / sqrt(transmit_coil%self_ind * &
- resq_inductors(m)%self_ind)
- if (abs(inductance) > 1.0_LONGreal) then
- print *,"bad mutual inductance between quad ",m," and the wand ", &
- "transmit coil, abort."
- print *,"computed mutual inductance = ",inductance
- stop
- end if
- min_cq_mutual_inductance = min(min_cq_mutual_inductance, abs(inductance))
- max_cq_mutual_inductance = max(max_cq_mutual_inductance, abs(inductance))
- no_of_wand_quad_mutuals = no_of_wand_quad_mutuals + 1
- if (abs(inductance) >= wq_mutual_inductance_cutoff) then
- no_of_wand_quad_mutuals_used = no_of_wand_quad_mutuals_used + 1
- if (do_output) then
- write(12,'(''kw_1_'',i10.10,'' lw_1 lq'',i10.10,'' '',1pe12.5)') m, m, &
-& inductance
- end if
- end if
-! inductance between the 1st receiver coil in the wand and this quad
- call mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil (receive_coil_1%r, receive_coil_1%origin%x, &
- receive_coil_1%origin%y, receive_coil_1%origin%z, &
- receive_coil_1%h, receive_coil_1%turns, &
- wand_rotation_matrix, resq_inductors(m), &
- theta_integral_quad_points, mu0, inductance)
- inductance = inductance/sqrt(receive_coil_1%self_ind * &
- resq_inductors(m)%self_ind)
- if (abs(inductance) > 1.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"bad mutual inductance between quad ",m," and the wand ", &
- "receive coil 1, abort."
- print *,"computed mutual inductance = ",inductance
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- min_cq_mutual_inductance = min(min_cq_mutual_inductance, abs(inductance))
- max_cq_mutual_inductance = max(max_cq_mutual_inductance, abs(inductance))
- no_of_wand_quad_mutuals = no_of_wand_quad_mutuals + 1
- if (abs(inductance) >= wq_mutual_inductance_cutoff) then
- no_of_wand_quad_mutuals_used = no_of_wand_quad_mutuals_used + 1
- if (do_output) then
- write(12,'(''kw_2_'',i10.10,'' lw_2 lq'',i10.10,'' '',1pe12.5)') m, m, &
- inductance
- end if
- end if
-! inductance between the 2nd receiver coil in the wand and this quad
- call mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil (receive_coil_2%r, receive_coil_2%origin%x, &
- receive_coil_2%origin%y, receive_coil_2%origin%z, &
- receive_coil_2%h, receive_coil_2%turns, &
- wand_rotation_matrix, resq_inductors(m), &
- theta_integral_quad_points, mu0, inductance)
- inductance = inductance/sqrt(receive_coil_2%self_ind * &
- resq_inductors(m)%self_ind)
- if (abs(inductance) > 1.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"bad mutual inductance between quad ",m," and the wand ", &
- "receive coil 2, abort."
- print *,"computed mutual inductance = ",inductance
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- min_cq_mutual_inductance = min(min_cq_mutual_inductance, abs(inductance))
- max_cq_mutual_inductance = max(max_cq_mutual_inductance, abs(inductance))
- no_of_wand_quad_mutuals = no_of_wand_quad_mutuals + 1
- if (abs(inductance) >= wq_mutual_inductance_cutoff) then
- no_of_wand_quad_mutuals_used = no_of_wand_quad_mutuals_used + 1
- if (do_output) then
- write(12,'(''kw_3_'',i10.10,'' lw_3 lq'',i10.10,'' '',1pe12.5)') m, m, &
- inductance
- end if
- end if
-! inductance between the res-q coil and this quad
- if (.NOT. no_resq_coil) then
- if (resq_coil%rectangular) then
- call mutual_ind_quad_rec_coil (resq_coil%a, resq_coil%b, &
- resq_coil%origin%x, resq_coil%origin%y, resq_coil%origin%z, &
- resq_coil%h, resq_coil%turns, resq_rotation_matrix, &
- resq_inductors(m), theta_integral_quad_points, mu0, &
- inductance)
- else
- call mutual_ind_quad_cir_coil (resq_coil%r, resq_coil%origin%x, &
- resq_coil%origin%y, resq_coil%origin%z, &
- resq_coil%h, resq_coil%turns, &
- resq_rotation_matrix, resq_inductors(m), &
- theta_integral_quad_points, mu0, inductance)
- end if
- inductance = inductance/sqrt(resq_coil%self_ind*resq_inductors(m)%self_ind)
- if (abs(inductance) > 1.0_LONGreal) then
- print *," "
- print *,"bad mutual inductance between quad ",m," and the Res-Q ", &
- "receive coil, abort."
- print *,"computed mutual inductance = ",inductance
- print *," "
- stop
- end if
- min_rq_mutual_inductance = min(min_rq_mutual_inductance, abs(inductance))
- max_rq_mutual_inductance = max(max_rq_mutual_inductance, abs(inductance))
- no_of_resq_quad_mutuals = no_of_resq_quad_mutuals + 1
- if (abs(inductance) >= rq_mutual_inductance_cutoff) then
- no_of_resq_quad_mutuals_used = no_of_resq_quad_mutuals_used + 1
- if (do_output) then
- write(12,'(''kr_2_lq'',i10.10,'' lr_1 lq'',i10.10,'' '',1pe12.5)') m, &
- m, inductance
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end do
- call computer_time (computer_time_now)
- elapsed_computer_time = computer_time_now - computer_time_before
- computer_time_before = computer_time_now
- write(unit=*,fmt="(a,a,f7.3)") "cpu time to define res-q can/coil mutual ", &
- "inductances = ", elapsed_computer_time
- end if
-! print some statistics
- print *," "
- print *,"Number of theta quadrature points = ",theta_integral_quad_points
- if (.NOT. no_can) then
- min_resistance = minval(resq_inductors(:)%resistance)
- max_resistance = maxval(resq_inductors(:)%resistance)
- print *," "
- print *,"Minimum quad resistance = ",min_resistance
- print *,"Maximum quad resistance = ",max_resistance
- print *,"Minimum quad abs self-inductance = ",min_quad_self_ind
- print *,"Maximum quad abs self-inductance = ",max_quad_self_ind
- print *,"Minimum quad/quad abs rel mutual inductance = ",min_qq_mutual_inductance
- print *,"Maximum quad/quad abs rel mutual inductance = ",max_qq_mutual_inductance
- print *,"Minimum quad/quad abs mutual inductance = ",min_qq_real_mutuals
- print *,"Maximum quad/quad abs mutual inductance = ",max_qq_real_mutuals
- print *,"Minimum wand/quad abs rel mutual inductance = ",min_cq_mutual_inductance
- print *,"Maximum wand/quad abs rel mutual inductance = ",max_cq_mutual_inductance
- if (.NOT. no_resq_coil) then
- print *,"Minimum resq coil/quad abs rel mutual inductance = ", &
- min_rq_mutual_inductance
- print *,"Maximum resq coil/quad abs rel mutual inductance = ", &
- max_rq_mutual_inductance
- end if
- print *," "
- print *,"Number of inductors in res-q 3 can mesh = ",number_of_resq_inductors
- print *,"Number of mutual inductances calculated for res-q 3 can = ", &
- number_of_quad_quad_mutuals
- print *,"Number of mutual inductances actually used for res-q 3 can = ", &
- no_of_quad_quad_mutuals_used
- print *,"Number of wand/quad mutuals computed = ", no_of_wand_quad_mutuals
- print *,"Number of wand/quad mutuals actually used = ",no_of_wand_quad_mutuals_used
- if (.NOT. no_resq_coil) then
- print *,"Number of resq coil/quad mutuals computed = ", no_of_resq_quad_mutuals
- print *,"Number of resq coil/quad mutuals actually used = ", &
- no_of_resq_quad_mutuals_used
- end if
- if (do_output) then
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''* Simulation statistics:'')')
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''* Minimum quad resistance = '',1pe13.5)') min_resistance
- write (12,'(''* Maximum quad resistance = '',1pe13.5)') max_resistance
- write (12,'(''* Minimum quad abs self-inductance = '',1pe13.5)') min_quad_self_ind
- write (12,'(''* Maximum quad abs self-inductance = '',1pe13.5)') max_quad_self_ind
- write (12,'(''* Minimum quad/quad abs rel mutual inductance = '',1pe13.5)') &
- min_qq_mutual_inductance
- write (12,'(''* Maximum quad/quad abs rel mutual inductance = '',1pe13.5)') &
- max_qq_mutual_inductance
- write (12,'(''* Minimum quad/quad abs mutual inductance = '',1pe13.5)') &
- min_qq_real_mutuals
- write (12,'(''* Maximum quad/quad abs mutual inductance = '',1pe13.5)') &
- max_qq_real_mutuals
- write (12,'(''* Minimum wand/quad abs rel mutual inductance = '',1pe13.5)') &
- min_cq_mutual_inductance
- write (12,'(''* Maximum wand/quad abs rel mutual inductance = '',1pe13.5)') &
- max_cq_mutual_inductance
- if (.NOT. no_resq_coil) then
- write (12,'(''* Minimum resq coil/quad abs rel mutual inductance = '', &
-& 1pe13.5)') min_rq_mutual_inductance
- write (12,'(''* Maximum resq coil/quad abs rel mutual inductance = '', &
-& 1pe13.5)') max_rq_mutual_inductance
- end if
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''* Number of inductors in res-q 3 can mesh = '',i10)') &
-& number_of_resq_inductors
- write (12,'(''* Number of mutual inductances calculated for res-q 3 can = '',i10)')&
-& number_of_quad_quad_mutuals
- write (12,'(''* Number of mutual inductances actually used for res-q 3 can = '', &
-& i10)') no_of_quad_quad_mutuals_used
- write (12,'(''* Number of wand/quad mutuals computed = '',i10)') &
- no_of_wand_quad_mutuals
- write (12,'(''* Number of wand/quad mutuals actually used = '',i10)') &
- no_of_wand_quad_mutuals_used
- if (.NOT. no_resq_coil) then
- write (12,'(''* Number of resq coil/quad mutuals computed = '',i10)') &
- no_of_resq_quad_mutuals
- write (12,'(''* Number of resq coil/quad mutuals actually used = '',i10)') &
- no_of_resq_quad_mutuals_used
- end if
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- write (12,'(''*'')')
- end if
- end if
- if (.NOT. no_resq_coil) deallocate (resq_inductors)
- close (unit=12)
- print *," "
- end subroutine induct
- program runit
-! Wrapper for benchmark codes to do timing
- implicit none
- integer, parameter :: LONGreal = selected_real_kind(15,90)
- real (kind = LONGreal) :: tstart, tend, tdelta
- call time_now(tstart)
- call induct
- call time_now(tend)
- tdelta = tend - tstart
-! open (unit = 99, file = "timing_info", form="formatted", status="unknown")
-! write (unit = 99, fmt = "(a,f9.3)") "Execution time for this program = ",tdelta
-! close (unit = 99)
-subroutine time_now (tnow)
- implicit none
- real (kind=LONGreal) :: tnow
- integer :: count, count_rate
-! real (kind=LONGreal) :: total_conformation_time, initial_conformation_time, final_conformation_time, &
-!& percent_conformation_time
-! real (kind=LONGreal) :: total_energy_time, initial_energy_time, final_energy_time, percent_energy_time
-! real (kind=LONGreal) :: total_time, initial_time, final_time
- call system_clock (count, count_rate)
- if (count_rate == 0) then
- print *,"no system clock, abort."
- stop
- else
- tnow = real(count,LONGreal)/real(count_rate,LONGreal)
- end if
-end subroutine time_now
-end program runit
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