[llvm-commits] [zorg] r150592 - in /zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/lnttool: __init__.py main.py
Daniel Dunbar
daniel at zuster.org
Wed Feb 15 10:01:04 PST 2012
Author: ddunbar
Date: Wed Feb 15 12:01:04 2012
New Revision: 150592
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=150592&view=rev
[lnt] lnttool: Move real logic out of __init__.py, for no apparent reason.
- copied, changed from r150115, zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/lnttool/__init__.py
Modified: zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/lnttool/__init__.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/lnttool/__init__.py?rev=150592&r1=150591&r2=150592&view=diff
--- zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/lnttool/__init__.py (original)
+++ zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/lnttool/__init__.py Wed Feb 15 12:01:04 2012
@@ -1,435 +1 @@
-"""Implement the command line 'lnt' tool."""
-import os
-import sys
-from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
-import StringIO
-import lnt
-from lnt import testing
-from lnt.db import perfdb
-from lnt.testing.util.commands import note, warning, error, fatal
-def action_runserver(name, args):
- """start a new development server"""
- parser = OptionParser("%%prog %s [options] [<path|config file>]" % name)
- parser.add_option("", "--hostname", dest="hostname", type=str,
- help="host interface to use [%default]",
- default='localhost')
- parser.add_option("", "--port", dest="port", type=int, metavar="N",
- help="local port to use [%default]", default=8000)
- parser.add_option("", "--reloader", dest="reloader", default=False,
- action="store_true", help="use WSGI reload monitor")
- parser.add_option("", "--debugger", dest="debugger", default=False,
- action="store_true", help="use WSGI debugger")
- parser.add_option("", "--threaded", dest="threaded", default=False,
- action="store_true", help="use a threaded server")
- parser.add_option("", "--processes", dest="processes", type=int,
- metavar="N", help="number of processes to use [%default]",
- default=1)
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
- if len(args) != 1:
- parser.error("invalid number of arguments")
- config, = args
- # Accept paths to config files, or to directories containing 'lnt.cfg'.
- if os.path.isdir(config):
- tmp = os.path.join(config, 'lnt.cfg')
- if os.path.exists(tmp):
- config = tmp
- if not config or not os.path.exists(config):
- raise SystemExit,"error: invalid config: %r" % config
- import lnt.server.ui.app
- instance = lnt.server.ui.app.App.create_standalone(
- config_path = config)
- if opts.debugger:
- instance.debug = True
- instance.run(opts.hostname, opts.port,
- use_reloader = opts.reloader,
- use_debugger = opts.debugger,
- threaded = opts.threaded,
- processes = opts.processes)
-from create import action_create
-from convert import action_convert
-from import_data import action_import
-# FIXME: We really just need a web admin interface. That makes this kind of
-# stuff much easier to work with, and also simplifies dealing with things like
-# file permissions.
-def action_createdb(name, args):
- """create a new empty LNT sqlite3 database"""
- parser = OptionParser("%%prog %s [options] path" % name)
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
- if len(args) != 1:
- parser.error("incorrect number of argments")
- path, = args
- db = perfdb.PerfDB('sqlite:///%s' % path)
- db.commit()
-def action_checkformat(name, args):
- """check the format of an LNT test report file"""
- parser = OptionParser("%%prog %s [options] files" % name)
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
- if len(args) > 1:
- parser.error("incorrect number of argments")
- if len(args) == 0:
- input = '-'
- else:
- input, = args
- if input == '-':
- input = StringIO.StringIO(sys.stdin.read())
- from lnt import formats
- db = perfdb.PerfDB('sqlite:///:memory:')
- data = formats.read_any(input, '<auto>')
- perfdb.importDataFromDict(db, data)
-def action_runtest(name, args):
- """run a builtin test application"""
- parser = OptionParser("%%prog %s test-name [options]" % name)
- parser.disable_interspersed_args()
- parser.add_option("", "--submit", dest="submit_url", metavar="URL",
- help=("autosubmit the test result to the given server "
- "[%default]"),
- type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_option("", "--commit", dest="commit",
- help=("whether the autosubmit result should be committed "
- "[%default]"),
- type=int, default=True)
- parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose",
- help="show verbose test results",
- action="store_true", default=False)
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
- if len(args) < 1:
- parser.error("incorrect number of argments")
- test_name,args = args[0],args[1:]
- import lnt.tests
- try:
- test_instance = lnt.tests.get_test_instance(test_name)
- except KeyError:
- parser.error('invalid test name %r' % test_name)
- report = test_instance.run_test('%s %s' % (name, test_name), args)
- if opts.submit_url is not None:
- if report is None:
- raise SystemExit,"error: report generation failed"
- from lnt.util import ServerUtil
- io = StringIO.StringIO(report.render(indent=None))
- ServerUtil.submitFile(opts.submit_url, io, True, opts.verbose)
- else:
- # Simulate a submission to retrieve the results report.
- from lnt.util import ImportData
- import tempfile
- # Save the report to a temporary file.
- tmp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.json')
- print >>tmp, report.render()
- tmp.flush()
- # Construct a temporary database and import the result.
- db = lnt.db.perfdb.PerfDB("sqlite:///:memory:")
- result = ImportData.import_and_report(
- None, None, db, tmp.name, 'json', commit = True)
- ImportData.print_report_result(result, sys.stdout, opts.verbose)
- tmp.close()
-def action_showtests(name, args):
- """show the available built-in tests"""
- parser = OptionParser("%%prog %s" % name)
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
- if len(args) != 0:
- parser.error("incorrect number of argments")
- import lnt.tests
- print 'Available tests:'
- test_names = lnt.tests.get_test_names()
- max_name = max(map(len, test_names))
- for name in test_names:
- print ' %-*s - %s' % (max_name, name,
- lnt.tests.get_test_description(name))
-def action_submit(name, args):
- """submit a test report to the server"""
- parser = OptionParser("%%prog %s [options] <url> <file>+" % name)
- parser.add_option("", "--commit", dest="commit", type=int,
- help=("whether the result should be committed "
- "[%default]"),
- default=False)
- parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose",
- help="show verbose test results",
- action="store_true", default=False)
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
- if len(args) < 2:
- parser.error("incorrect number of argments")
- from lnt.util import ServerUtil
- ServerUtil.submitFiles(args[0], args[1:], opts.commit, opts.verbose)
-from lnt.db import perfdbsummary, runinfo
-from lnt.db.perfdb import Run, RunInfo, Machine, Sample, Test
-from lnt.util import stats
-def print_table(rows):
- def format_cell(value):
- if isinstance(value, str):
- return value
- elif isinstance(value, int):
- return str(value)
- elif isinstance(value, float):
- return "%.4f" % value
- else:
- return str(value)
- N = len(rows[0])
- for row in rows:
- if len(row) != N:
- raise ValueError,"Invalid table"
- print "\t".join(map(format_cell, row))
-def action_report(name, args):
- """performance reporting tools"""
- parser = OptionParser("""\
-%%prog %s [options] <db>""" % name)
- parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose",
- help="show verbose test results",
- action="store_true", default=False)
- parser.add_option("", "--run-order", dest="run_order",
- help="run order to select on",
- type=int, default=None)
- parser.add_option("", "--arch", dest="arch",
- help="arch field to select on",
- type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_option("", "--optflags", dest="optflags",
- help="optimization flags field to select on",
- type=str, default=None)
- parser.add_option("", "--machine", dest="machine_name",
- help="machine name to select on",
- type=str, default=None)
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args(args)
- if len(args) != 1:
- parser.error("incorrect number of argments")
- path, = args
- db = perfdb.PerfDB('sqlite:///%s' % path)
- tag = 'nts'
- if opts.run_order is None:
- parser.error("--run-order is required")
- # First, find all runs with the desired order.
- q = db.session.query(Run).\
- join(RunInfo).\
- order_by(Run.start_time.desc()).\
- filter(RunInfo.key == "run_order").\
- filter(RunInfo.value == "% 7d" % opts.run_order)
- matching_runs = list(q)
- # Try to help user if nothing was found.
- if not matching_runs:
- available_orders = set(
- db.session.query(RunInfo.value).\
- filter(RunInfo.key == "run_order"))
- fatal("no runs found matching --run-order %d, available orders: %s" % (
- opts.run_order, str(sorted(int(x)
- for x, in available_orders))))
- # Match based on the machine name, if given.
- if opts.machine_name:
- selected = [r for r in matching_runs
- if r.machine.name == opts.machine_name]
- if not selected:
- available_names = set(r.machine.name
- for r in matching_runs)
- fatal(
- "no runs found matching --machine %s, available names: [%s]" %(
- opts.machine_name, ", ".join(sorted(available_names))))
- matching_runs = selected
- # Match based on the architecture, if given.
- if opts.arch:
- selected = [r for r in matching_runs
- if 'ARCH' in r.info
- if r.info['ARCH'].value == opts.arch]
- if not selected:
- available_archs = set(r.info['ARCH'].value
- for r in matching_runs
- if 'ARCH' in r.info)
- fatal("no runs found matching --arch %s, available archs: [%s]" % (
- opts.arch, ", ".join(sorted(available_archs))))
- matching_runs = selected
- # Match based on the optflags, if given.
- if opts.optflags:
- selected = [r for r in matching_runs
- if 'OPTFLAGS' in r.info
- if r.info['OPTFLAGS'].value == opts.optflags]
- if not selected:
- available_flags = set(r.info['OPTFLAGS'].value
- for r in matching_runs
- if 'OPTFLAGS' in r.info)
- fatal(
- "no runs found matching --optflags %s, available flags: [%s]" %(
- opts.optflags, ", ".join(sorted(available_flags))))
- matching_runs = selected
- # Inform the user of the final list of selected runs.
- note("selection arguments resulted in %d runs" % (len(matching_runs),))
- for run in matching_runs:
- note("Run: % 5d, Start Time: %s, Machine: %s:%d" % (
- run.id, run.start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
- run.machine.name, run.machine.number))
- # Take only the first matched run, for now. This will be the latest, by the
- # original ordering clause.
- note("selecting newest run for reporting...")
- matching_runs = [matching_runs[0]]
- # Inform the user of the final list of selected runs.
- note("reporting over %d total runs" % (len(matching_runs),))
- for run in matching_runs:
- note("Run: % 5d, Start Time: %s, Machine: %s:%d" % (
- run.id, run.start_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
- run.machine.name, run.machine.number))
- # Get the run summary which has run ordering information.
- run_summary = perfdbsummary.SimpleSuiteRunSummary.get_summary(db, tag)
- # Load the test suite summary.
- ts_summary = perfdbsummary.get_simple_suite_summary(db, tag)
- # Gather the names of all tests across these runs, for more normalized
- # reporting.
- test_names = ts_summary.get_test_names_in_runs(
- db, [r.id for r in matching_runs])
- test_components = sorted(set(t.rsplit('.',1)[1] for t in test_names))
- test_base_names = sorted(set(t.rsplit('.',1)[0] for t in test_names))
- # Load all the data.
- items = {}
- for test_component in test_components:
- for name,value in get_test_passes(db, run_summary, ts_summary,
- test_component, test_base_names,
- matching_runs):
- items[(test_component, name)] = value
- # Dump the results.
- print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" % (
- "Test", "Mean Compile Time", "Mean Execution Time",
- "Std.Dev. Compile Time", "Std.Dev. Execution Time",
- "Num. Compile Time Samples", "Num. Execution Time Samples")
- for name in test_base_names:
- compile_results = items.get(('compile', name), [])
- exec_results = items.get(('exec', name), [])
- if compile_results:
- compile_value = "%.4f" % stats.mean(compile_results)
- compile_stddev = "%.4f" % stats.standard_deviation(compile_results)
- else:
- compile_value = compile_stddev = ""
- if exec_results:
- exec_value = "%.4f" % stats.mean(exec_results)
- exec_stddev = "%.4f" % stats.standard_deviation(exec_results)
- else:
- exec_value = exec_stddev = ""
- print "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d" % (
- name, compile_value, exec_value,
- compile_stddev, exec_stddev,
- len(compile_results), len(exec_results))
-def get_test_passes(db, run_summary, ts_summary,
- test_component, test_base_names, runs):
- if not runs:
- return
- sri = runinfo.SimpleRunInfo(db, ts_summary)
- sri._load_samples_for_runs([r.id for r in runs])
- run_status_info = [(r, run_summary.get_run_status_kind(db, r.id))
- for r in runs]
- pset = ()
- for test_base_name in test_base_names:
- test_name = "%s.%s" % (test_base_name, test_component)
- test_id = ts_summary.test_id_map.get((test_name, pset))
- if test_id is None:
- continue
- run_values = sum((sri.sample_map.get((run.id, test_id))
- for run in runs
- if (run.id, test_id) in sri.sample_map), [])
- # Ignore tests that weren't reported in some runs (e.g., -disable-cxx).
- if not run_values:
- continue
- # Find the test status, treat any non-determinism as a FAIL.
- run_status = list(set([sri.get_test_status_in_run(
- r.id, rsk, test_name, pset)
- for (r,rsk) in run_status_info]))
- if len(run_status) == 1:
- status_kind = run_status[0]
- else:
- status_kind = testing.FAIL
- # Ignore failing methods.
- if status_kind == testing.FAIL:
- continue
- yield (test_base_name, run_values)
-commands = dict((name[7:], f) for name,f in locals().items()
- if name.startswith('action_'))
-def main():
- cmds_width = max(map(len, commands))
- parser = OptionParser("""\
-%%prog [options] <command> ... arguments ...
-Available commands:
-%s""" % ("\n".join(" %-*s - %s" % (cmds_width, name, func.__doc__)
- for name, func in sorted(commands.items()))),
- version = "lnt version %s" % lnt.__version__)
- parser.disable_interspersed_args()
- (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if not args:
- parser.print_usage()
- return
- cmd = args[0]
- if cmd not in commands:
- parser.error("invalid command: %r" % cmd)
- commands[cmd](cmd, args[1:])
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
+from main import main
Copied: zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/lnttool/main.py (from r150115, zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/lnttool/__init__.py)
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/lnttool/main.py?p2=zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/lnttool/main.py&p1=zorg/trunk/lnt/lnt/lnttool/__init__.py&r1=150115&r2=150592&rev=150592&view=diff
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