[llvm-commits] [zorg] r143473 - in /zorg/trunk: buildbot/osuosl/master/templates/ buildbot/osuosl/master/templates/root.html zorg/buildbot/changes/ zorg/buildbot/changes/__init__.py zorg/buildbot/changes/llvmpoller.py

Galina Kistanova gkistanova at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 11:41:13 PDT 2011

Author: gkistanova
Date: Tue Nov  1 13:41:13 2011
New Revision: 143473

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=143473&view=rev
Added template for buildmaster home page and llvmpoller.py


Added: zorg/trunk/buildbot/osuosl/master/templates/root.html
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/zorg/trunk/buildbot/osuosl/master/templates/root.html?rev=143473&view=auto
--- zorg/trunk/buildbot/osuosl/master/templates/root.html (added)
+++ zorg/trunk/buildbot/osuosl/master/templates/root.html Tue Nov  1 13:41:13 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+{% extends 'layout.html' %}
+{% import 'forms.html' as forms %}
+{% block content %}
+<h1>Welcome to the Buildbot
+{%- if title -%}
+   for the 
+  {%- if title_url -%}
+    <a href="{{ title_url }}">{{ title }}</a>
+  {%- else -%}
+    {{ title }}
+  {%- endif -%}
+ project
+{%- endif -%}
+<div class="column">
+  {% set item_class=cycler('alt', '') %}
+  <li class="{{ item_class.next() }}">The <a href="waterfall">Waterfall Display</a> will give you a
+  time-oriented summary of recent buildbot activity. <a href="waterfall/help">Waterfall Help.</a></li>
+  <li class="{{ item_class.next() }}">The <a href="grid">Grid Display</a> will give you a
+  developer-oriented summary of recent buildbot activity.</li>
+  <li class="{{ item_class.next() }}">The <a href="tgrid">Transposed Grid Display</a> presents
+  the same information as the grid, but lists the revisions down the side.</li>
+  <li class="{{ item_class.next() }}">The <a href="console">Console</a> presents 
+  a user-oriented status page.</li>
+  <li class="{{ item_class.next() }}">The <a href="builders">Builders</a> and their most recent builds are
+  here.</li>
+  <li class="{{ item_class.next() }}"><a href="one_line_per_build">Recent Builds</a> are summarized here, one
+  per line.</li>
+  <li class="{{ item_class.next() }}"><a href="buildslaves">Buildslave</a> information</li>
+  <li class="{{ item_class.next() }}"><a href="changes">Changesource</a> information.</li>
+  <li class="{{ item_class.next() }}">How to <a href="http://llvm.org/docs/HowToAddABuilder.html">Add Your Build Configuration</a> to LLVM buildbot infrastructure.</li>
+  <li class="{{ item_class.next() }}"><a href="about">About</a> this Buildbot</li>
+{%- if authz.advertiseAction('cleanShutdown') -%}
+{%- if shutting_down -%}
+Master is shutting down<br/>
+{{ forms.cancel_clean_shutdown(cancel_shutdown_url, authz) }}
+{%- else -%}
+{{ forms.clean_shutdown(shutdown_url, authz) }}
+{%- endif -%}
+{%- endif -%}
+<p><i>Admin: Galina Kistanova gkistanova at gmail.com</i></p>
+{% endblock %}

Added: zorg/trunk/zorg/buildbot/changes/__init__.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/zorg/trunk/zorg/buildbot/changes/__init__.py?rev=143473&view=auto

Added: zorg/trunk/zorg/buildbot/changes/llvmpoller.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/zorg/trunk/zorg/buildbot/changes/llvmpoller.py?rev=143473&view=auto
--- zorg/trunk/zorg/buildbot/changes/llvmpoller.py (added)
+++ zorg/trunk/zorg/buildbot/changes/llvmpoller.py Tue Nov  1 13:41:13 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+# LLVM buildbot needs to watch multiple projects within a single repository.
+# Based on the buildbot.changes.svnpoller.SVNPoller source code.
+from twisted.python import log
+from twisted.internet import defer, utils
+from buildbot import util
+from buildbot.changes import base
+import xml.dom.minidom
+import os, urllib, collections
+class LLVMPoller(base.PollingChangeSource, util.ComparableMixin):
+    """
+    Poll LLVM repository for changes and submit them to the change master.
+    Following Multiple Projects.
+    """
+    _svnurl="http://llvm.org/svn/llvm-project"
+    _revlinktmpl="http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/?view=rev&revision=%s"
+    compare_attrs = ["svnurl", "split_svn_path",
+                     "svnuser", "svnpasswd",
+                     "pollInterval", "histmax",
+                     "svnbin", "category", "cachepath",
+                     "projects"]
+    parent = None # filled in when we're added
+    last_change = None
+    loop = None
+    def __init__(self, svnurl=_svnurl, svnuser=None, svnpasswd=None,
+                 pollInterval=2*60, histmax=10,
+                 svnbin='svn', revlinktmpl=_revlinktmpl, category=None, 
+                 projects=None, cachepath=None):
+        # projects is a list of projects to watch or None to watch all.
+        if projects:
+            if isinstance(projects, str):
+                projects = [projects]
+            assert isinstance(projects, list)
+            assert len(projects) > 0
+        self.projects = projects
+        if svnurl.endswith("/"):
+            svnurl = svnurl[:-1] # strip the trailing slash.
+        self.svnurl = svnurl
+        self._prefix = svnurl  # svnurl is the LLVM repository root.
+        self.svnuser = svnuser
+        self.svnpasswd = svnpasswd
+        self.revlinktmpl = revlinktmpl
+        self.environ = os.environ.copy() # include environment variables
+                                         # required for ssh-agent auth.
+        self.svnbin = svnbin
+        self.pollInterval = pollInterval
+        self.histmax = histmax
+        self.category = category
+        self.cachepath = cachepath
+        if self.cachepath and os.path.exists(self.cachepath):
+            try:
+                f = open(self.cachepath, "r")
+                self.last_change = int(f.read().strip())
+                log.msg("LLVMPoller(%s): Setting last_change to %s" % (self.svnurl, self.last_change))
+                f.close()
+                # try writing it, too
+                f = open(self.cachepath, "w")
+                f.write(str(self.last_change))
+                f.close()
+            except:
+                self.cachepath = None
+                log.msg(("LLVMPoller(%s): Cache file corrupt or unwriteable; " +
+                        "skipping and not using") % self.svnurl)
+                log.err()
+    def describe(self):
+        return "LLVMPoller: watching %s" % self.svnurl
+    def poll(self):
+        # Return value is only used for unit testing.
+        if self.projects:
+            log.msg("LLVMPoller(%s): Polling %s projects" % (self.svnurl, self.projects))
+        else:
+            log.msg("LLVMPoller(%s): Polling all projects" % self.svnurl)
+        d = defer.succeed(None)
+        d.addCallback(self.get_logs)
+        d.addCallback(self.parse_logs)
+        d.addCallback(self.get_new_logentries)
+        d.addCallback(self.create_changes)
+        d.addCallback(self.submit_changes)
+        d.addCallback(self.finished_ok)
+        d.addErrback(log.err, 'LLVMPoller: Error in  while polling') # eat errors
+        return d
+    def getProcessOutput(self, args):
+        # This exists so we can override it during the unit tests.
+        d = utils.getProcessOutput(self.svnbin, args, self.environ)
+        return d
+    def get_logs(self, _):
+        args = []
+        args.extend(["log", "--xml", "--verbose", "--non-interactive"])
+        if self.svnuser:
+            args.extend(["--username=%s" % self.svnuser])
+        if self.svnpasswd:
+            args.extend(["--password=%s" % self.svnpasswd])
+        args.extend(["--limit=%d" % (self.histmax), self.svnurl])
+        d = self.getProcessOutput(args)
+        return d
+    def parse_logs(self, output):
+        # Parse the XML output, return a list of <logentry> nodes.
+        try:
+            doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(output)
+        except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError:
+            log.msg("LLVMPoller(%s): LLVMPoller.parse_logs: ExpatError in '%s'" % (self.svnurl, output))
+            raise
+        logentries = doc.getElementsByTagName("logentry")
+        return logentries
+    def get_new_logentries(self, logentries):
+        last_change = old_last_change = self.last_change
+        # Given a list of logentries, calculate new_last_change, and
+        # new_logentries, where new_logentries contains only the ones after
+        # last_change.
+        new_last_change = None
+        new_logentries = []
+        if logentries:
+            new_last_change = int(logentries[0].getAttribute("revision"))
+            if last_change is None:
+                # If this is the first time we've been run, ignore any changes
+                # that occurred before now. This prevents a build at every
+                # startup.
+                log.msg('LLVMPoller(%s): Starting at change %s' % (self.svnurl, new_last_change))
+            elif last_change == new_last_change:
+                # An unmodified repository will hit this case.
+                log.msg('LLVMPoller(%s): No changes' % self.svnurl)
+                assert len(new_logentries) == 0
+                return [] # No new logentries.
+            else:
+                for el in logentries:
+                    if last_change == int(el.getAttribute("revision")):
+                        break
+                    new_logentries.append(el)
+                new_logentries.reverse() # Return the oldest first.
+        self.last_change = new_last_change
+        log.msg('LLVMPoller(%s): Last change set from %s to %s' %
+                (self.svnurl, old_last_change, new_last_change))
+        return new_logentries
+    def _get_text(self, element, tag_name):
+        try:
+            child_nodes = element.getElementsByTagName(tag_name)[0].childNodes
+            text = "".join([t.data for t in child_nodes])
+        except:
+            text = "<unknown>"
+        return text
+    def _transform_path(self, path):
+        """
+        Parses the given path, and returns a three-entry tuple
+        (PROJECT, BRANCH, FILEPATH) if PROJECT is watched one,
+        or None otherwise.
+        """
+        relative_path = path
+        if relative_path.startswith(self._prefix):
+            relative_path = path[len(self._prefix):]
+        if relative_path.startswith("/"):
+            relative_path = relative_path[1:]
+        # turn llvm/trunk/lib/CodeGen/Analysis.cpp into
+        #  ("llvm", "trunk", "lib/CodeGen/Analysis.cpp")
+        # llvm/branches/release_30/lib/CodeGen/Analysis.cpp into
+        #  ("llvm", "branches/release_30", "lib/CodeGen/Analysis.cpp")
+        # and llvm/tags/RELEASE_30/rc1/lib/CodeGen/Analysis.cpp into
+        #  ("llvm", "tags/RELEASE_30/rc1", "lib/CodeGen/Analysis.cpp")
+        pieces = relative_path.split('/')
+        project = pieces.pop(0)
+        if self.projects:
+            if project not in self.projects:
+                # Handle only projects we are watching.
+                return None
+        if pieces[0] == "trunk":
+            return (project, pieces[0], '/'.join(pieces[1:]))
+        elif pieces[0] == "branches":
+            return (project, '/'.join(pieces[0:2]), '/'.join(pieces[2:]))
+        elif pieces[0] == "tags":
+            return (project, '/'.join(pieces[0:3]), '/'.join(pieces[3:]))
+        else:
+            # Something we do not expect.
+            log.msg("LLVMPoller(%s) cannot parse the path (%s). Ignored." % (self.svnuurl, path))
+            return None
+    def create_changes(self, new_logentries):
+        changes = []
+        for el in new_logentries:
+            revision = str(el.getAttribute("revision"))
+            revlink = ''
+            if self.revlinktmpl:
+                if revision:
+                    revlink = self.revlinktmpl % urllib.quote_plus(revision)
+            log.msg("LLVMPoller(%s): Adding change revision %s" % (self.svnurl, revision))
+            author   = self._get_text(el, "author")
+            comments = self._get_text(el, "msg")
+            # there is a "date" field, but it provides localtime in the
+            # repository's timezone, whereas we care about buildmaster's
+            # localtime (since this will get used to position the boxes on
+            # the Waterfall display, etc). So ignore the date field, and
+            # addChange will fill in with the current time
+            branches = {}
+            try:
+                pathlist = el.getElementsByTagName("paths")[0]
+            except IndexError: # weird, we got an empty revision
+                log.msg("LLVMPoller(%s): Ignoring commit with no paths." % self.svnurl)
+                continue
+            for p in pathlist.getElementsByTagName("path"):
+                action = p.getAttribute("action")
+                path = "".join([t.data for t in p.childNodes])
+                # the rest of buildbot is certaily not yet ready to handle
+                # unicode filenames, because they get put in RemoteCommands
+                # which get sent via PB to the buildslave, and PB doesn't
+                # handle unicode.
+                path = path.encode("ascii")
+                if path.startswith("/"):
+                    path = path[1:]
+                where = self._transform_path(path)
+                # if 'where' is None, the file was outside any project that
+                # we care about and we should ignore it.
+                if where:
+                    assert len(where) == 3
+                    project, branch, filename = where
+                    if not branch in branches:
+                        branches[branch] = {'files': []}
+                    branches[branch]['files'].append(filename)
+                    if not branches[branch].has_key('action'):
+                        branches[branch]['action'] = action
+            for branch in branches.keys():
+                action = branches[branch]['action']
+                files  = branches[branch]['files']
+                number_of_files_changed = len(files)
+                if action == u'D' and number_of_files_changed == 1 and files[0] == '':
+                    log.msg("LLVMPoller(%s): Ignoring deletion of branch '%s'" % (self.svnurl, branch))
+                else:
+                    chdict = dict(author=author,
+                                  files=files,
+                                  comments=comments,
+                                  revision=revision,
+                                  branch=branch,
+                                  revlink=revlink,
+                                  category=self.category,
+                                  repository=self.svnurl,
+                                  project=project)
+                    changes.append(chdict)
+        return changes
+    @defer.deferredGenerator
+    def submit_changes(self, changes):
+        for chdict in changes:
+            wfd = defer.waitForDeferred(self.master.addChange(**chdict))
+            yield wfd
+            wfd.getResult()
+    def finished_ok(self, res):
+        if self.cachepath:
+            f = open(self.cachepath, "w")
+            f.write(str(self.last_change))
+            f.close()
+        log.msg("LLVMPoller: Finished polling with res %s" % res)
+        return res

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