[llvm-commits] a windows pass registration patch

hume npx humeafo at gmail.com
Thu Jun 16 22:39:43 PDT 2011

> Why do we need this flag at all? Why cannot we have it always "true"?

Yes, we can have it always true and omit this flag to simplify compiling
steps, the purpose of this flag is to avoid the overhead(though not
much)when pass is staticly linked, if for code cleaness, this flag can be
omited, things should work even for static pass linkage.

> PS: Please follow LLVM coding conventions for the patches.

Sorry, I'm new to llvm, and I'll read the full coding standards document and
pay attention to that.
the patch is not perfect, this patch only make the pass registry worked and
main pass funtionality worked, It seems the pass statistics functionality
still not work yet. maybe it's not enough to make the bugpoint work yet. the
platform dependent code implementation maybe should abstracted to support

Anyhow, if you think this method is acceptable, I'll rework on this problem
on win32 platform and recommit, I hope to hear some suggestions.
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