[llvm-commits] [llvm] r128425 - in /llvm/trunk/utils: CollectDebugInfoUsingLLDB.py CompareDebugInfo.py

Devang Patel dpatel at apple.com
Mon Mar 28 13:28:30 PDT 2011

Author: dpatel
Date: Mon Mar 28 15:28:30 2011
New Revision: 128425

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=128425&view=rev
Remove scripts used by TEST=dbg from here. They now live inside llvm test suite.


Removed: llvm/trunk/utils/CollectDebugInfoUsingLLDB.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/utils/CollectDebugInfoUsingLLDB.py?rev=128424&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/utils/CollectDebugInfoUsingLLDB.py (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/utils/CollectDebugInfoUsingLLDB.py (removed)
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-# Be sure to add the python path that points to the LLDB shared library.
-# On MacOSX csh, tcsh:
-#   setenv PYTHONPATH /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LLDB.framework/Resources/Python
-# On MacOSX sh, bash:
-#   export PYTHONPATH=/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LLDB.framework/Resources/Python
-# This script collect debugging information using LLDB. This script is
-# used by TEST=dbg in llvm testsuite to measure quality of debug info in
-# optimized builds.
-# Usage:
-# export PYTHONPATH=...
-# ./CollectDebugInfUsingLLDB.py program bp_file out_file
-#     program - Executable program with debug info.
-#     bp_file - Simple text file listing breakpoints.
-#               <absolute file name> <line number>
-#     out_file - Output file where the debug info will be emitted.
-import lldb
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-# AlreadyPrintedValues - A place to keep track of recursive values.
-AlreadyPrintedValues = {}
-# ISAlreadyPrinted - Return true if value is already printed.
-def IsAlreadyPrinted(value_name):
-        if AlreadyPrintedValues.get(value_name) is None:
-                AlreadyPrintedValues[value_name] = 1
-                return False
-        return True
-# print_var_value - Print a variable's value.
-def print_var_value (v, file, frame):
-        if v.IsValid() == False:
-                return
-        if IsAlreadyPrinted(v.GetName()):
-                return
-        total_children = v.GetNumChildren()
-        if total_children > 0:
-            c = 0
-            while (c < total_children) :
-                    child = v.GetChildAtIndex(c)
-                    if child is None:
-                        file.write("None")
-                    else:
-                        if (child.GetName()) is None:
-                                file.write("None")
-                        else:
-                                file.write(child.GetName())
-                                file.write('=')
-                                print_var_value(child, file, frame)
-                                file.write(',')
-                    c = c + 1
-        else:
-            if v.GetValue(frame) is None:
-                file.write("None")
-            else:
-                file.write(v.GetValue(frame))
-# print_vars - Print variable values in output file.
-def print_vars (tag, vars, fname, line, file, frame, target, thread):
-    # disable this thread.
-    count = thread.GetStopReasonDataCount()
-    bid = 0
-    tid = 0
-    for i in range(count):
-        id = thread.GetStopReasonDataAtIndex(i)
-        bp = target.FindBreakpointByID(id)
-        if bp.IsValid():
-            if bp.IsEnabled() == True:
-                    bid = bp.GetID()
-                    tid = bp.GetThreadID()
-                    bp.SetEnabled(False)
-        else:
-            bp_loc = bp.FindLocationByID(thread.GetStopReasonDataAtIndex(i+1))
-            if bp_loc.IsValid():
-                bid = bp_loc.GetBreakPoint().GetID()
-                tid = bp_loc.ThreadGetID()
-                bp_loc.SetEnabled(False);
-    for i in range(vars.GetSize()):
-            v = vars.GetValueAtIndex(i)
-            if v.GetName() is not None:
-                    file.write(tag)
-                    file.write(fname)
-                    file.write(':')
-                    file.write(str(line))
-                    file.write(' ')
-                    file.write(str(tid))
-                    file.write(':')
-                    file.write(str(bid))
-                    file.write(' ')
-                    file.write(v.GetName())
-                    file.write(' ')
-                    AlreadyPrintedValues.clear()
-                    print_var_value (v, file, frame)
-                    file.write('\n')
-# set_breakpoints - set breakpoints as listed in input file.
-def set_breakpoints (target, breakpoint_filename, file):
-    f = open(breakpoint_filename, "r")
-    lines = f.readlines()
-    for l in range(len(lines)):
-        c = lines[l].split()
-        # print "setting break point - ", c
-        bp = target.BreakpointCreateByLocation (str(c[0]), int(c[1]))
-        file.write("#Breakpoint ")
-        file.write(str(c[0]))
-        file.write(':')
-        file.write(str(c[1]))
-        file.write(' ')
-        file.write(str(bp.GetThreadID()))
-        file.write(':')
-        file.write(str(bp.GetID()))
-        file.write('\n')
-    f.close()
-# stopeed_at_breakpoint - Return True if process is stopeed at a
-# breakpoint.
-def stopped_at_breakpoint (process):
-    if process.IsValid():
-        state = process.GetState()
-        if state == lldb.eStateStopped:
-                thread = process.GetThreadAtIndex(0)
-                if thread.IsValid():
-                        if thread.GetStopReason() == lldb.eStopReasonBreakpoint:
-                                return True
-    return False
-# Create a new debugger instance
-debugger = lldb.SBDebugger.Create()
-# When we step or continue, don't return from the function until the process 
-# stops. We do this by setting the async mode to false.
-debugger.SetAsync (False)
-# Create a target from a file and arch
-##print "Creating a target for '%s'" % sys.argv[1]
-target = debugger.CreateTargetWithFileAndArch (sys.argv[1], lldb.LLDB_ARCH_DEFAULT)
-if target.IsValid():
-    #print "target is valid"
-    file=open(str(sys.argv[3]), 'w')    
-    set_breakpoints (target, sys.argv[2], file)
-    # Launch the process. Since we specified synchronous mode, we won't return
-    # from this function until we hit the breakpoint at main
-    sberror = lldb.SBError()
-    process = target.Launch (None, None, os.ctermid(), os.ctermid(), os.ctermid(), None, 0, False, sberror)
-    # Make sure the launch went ok
-    while stopped_at_breakpoint(process):
-        thread = process.GetThreadAtIndex (0)
-        frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex (0)
-        if frame.IsValid():
-            # #Print some simple frame info
-            ##print frame
-            #print "frame is valid"
-            function = frame.GetFunction()
-            if function.IsValid():
-                fname = function.GetMangledName()
-                if fname is None:
-                    fname = function.GetName()
-                #print "function : ",fname
-                line = frame.GetLineEntry().GetLine()
-                vars = frame.GetVariables(1,0,0,0)
-                print_vars ("#Argument ", vars, fname, line, file, frame, target, thread)
-                # vars = frame.GetVariables(0,1,0,0)
-                # print_vars ("#Variables ", vars, fname, line, file, frame, target, thread)
-        process.Continue()
-    file.close()

Removed: llvm/trunk/utils/CompareDebugInfo.py
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/utils/CompareDebugInfo.py?rev=128424&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/utils/CompareDebugInfo.py (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/utils/CompareDebugInfo.py (removed)
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-import os
-import sys
-DBG_OUTPUT_FILE="Output/" + sys.argv[1] + ".dbg.out"
-OPT_DBG_OUTPUT_FILE="Output/" + sys.argv[1] + ".dbg.opt.out"
-LOG_FILE="Output/" + sys.argv[1] + ".log"
-NATIVE_DBG_OUTPUT_FILE="Output/" + sys.argv[1] + ".native.dbg.out"
-NATIVE_OPT_DBG_OUTPUT_FILE="Output/" + sys.argv[1] + ".native.dbg.opt.out"
-NATIVE_LOG_FILE="Output/" + sys.argv[1] + ".native.log"
-REPORT_FILE="Output/" + sys.argv[1] + ".dbg.report.html"
-class BreakPoint:
-    def __init__(self, bp_name):
-        self.name = bp_name
-        self.values = {}
-        self.missing_args = []
-        self.matching_args = []
-        self.notmatching_args = []
-        self.missing_bp = False
-    def setMissing(self):
-        self.missing_bp = True
-    def getArgCount(self):
-        return len(self.values)
-    def getMissingArgCount(self):
-        if self.missing_bp == True:
-            return len(self.values)
-        return len(self.missing_args)
-    def getMatchingArgCount(self):
-        if self.missing_bp == True:
-            return 0
-        return len(self.matching_args)
-    def getNotMatchingArgCount(self):
-        if self.missing_bp == True:
-            return 0
-        return len(self.notmatching_args)
-    def recordArgument(self, arg_name, value):
-        self.values[arg_name] = value
-    def __repr__(self):
-        print self.name
-        items = self.values.items()
-        for i in range(len(items)):
-            print items[i][0]," = ",items[i][1]
-        return ''
-    def compare_args(self, other, file):
-        myitems = self.values.items()
-        otheritems = other.values.items()
-        match = False
-        for i in range(len(myitems)):
-            if i >= len(otheritems):
-                match = True
-                self.missing_args.append(myitems[i][0])
-            elif cmp(myitems[i][1], otheritems[i][1]):
-                match = True
-                self.notmatching_args.append(myitems[i][0])
-            else:
-                self.matching_args.append(myitems[i][0])
-        self.print_list(self.matching_args, " Matching arguments ", file)
-        self.print_list(self.notmatching_args, " Not Matching arguments ", file)
-        self.print_list(self.missing_args, " Missing arguments ", file)
-        return match
-    def print_list(self, items, txt, pfile):
-        if len(items) == 0:
-            return
-        pfile.write(self.name)
-        pfile.write(txt)
-        for e in items:
-            pfile.write(e)
-            pfile.write(' ')
-        pfile.write('\n')
-def read_input(filename, dict):
-    f = open(filename, "r")
-    lines = f.readlines()
-    for l in range(len(lines)):
-        c = lines[l].split()
-        if c[0] == "#Breakpoint":
-            bp = dict.get(c[2])
-            if bp is None:
-                bp = BreakPoint(c[1])
-            dict[c[2]] = bp
-        if c[0] == "#Argument":
-            bp = dict.get(c[2])
-            if bp is None:
-                bp = BreakPoint(c[1])
-            dict[c[2]] = bp
-            bp.recordArgument(c[3], c[4])
-    return
-f1_breakpoints = {}
-read_input(DBG_OUTPUT_FILE, f1_breakpoints)
-f1_items = f1_breakpoints.items()
-f2_breakpoints = {}
-read_input(OPT_DBG_OUTPUT_FILE, f2_breakpoints)
-f2_items = f2_breakpoints.items()
-f = open(LOG_FILE, "w")
-f.write("Log output\n")
-for f2bp in range(len(f2_items)):
-    id = f2_items[f2bp][0]
-    bp = f2_items[f2bp][1]
-    bp1 = f1_breakpoints.get(id)
-    if bp1 is None:
-        bp.setMissing()
-    else:
-        bp1.compare_args(bp,f)
-nf1_breakpoints = {}
-read_input(NATIVE_DBG_OUTPUT_FILE, nf1_breakpoints)
-nf1_items = nf1_breakpoints.items()
-nf2_breakpoints = {}
-read_input(NATIVE_OPT_DBG_OUTPUT_FILE, nf2_breakpoints)
-nf2_items = nf2_breakpoints.items()
-nfl = open(NATIVE_LOG_FILE, "w")
-for nf2bp in range(len(nf2_items)):
-    id = nf2_items[nf2bp][0]
-    bp = nf2_items[nf2bp][1]
-    bp1 = nf1_breakpoints.get(id)
-    if bp1 is None:
-        bp.setMissing()
-    else:
-        bp1.compare_args(bp,nfl)
-f1_arg_count = 0
-f1_matching_arg_count = 0
-f1_notmatching_arg_count = 0
-f1_missing_arg_count = 0
-for idx in range(len(f1_items)):
-    bp = f1_items[idx][1]
-    f1_arg_count = f1_arg_count + bp.getArgCount()
-    f1_matching_arg_count = f1_matching_arg_count + bp.getMatchingArgCount()
-    f1_notmatching_arg_count = f1_notmatching_arg_count + bp.getNotMatchingArgCount()
-    f1_missing_arg_count = f1_missing_arg_count + bp.getMissingArgCount()
-nf1_arg_count = 0
-nf1_matching_arg_count = 0
-nf1_notmatching_arg_count = 0
-nf1_missing_arg_count = 0
-for idx in range(len(nf1_items)):
-    bp = nf1_items[idx][1]
-    nf1_arg_count = nf1_arg_count + bp.getArgCount()
-    nf1_matching_arg_count = nf1_matching_arg_count + bp.getMatchingArgCount()
-    nf1_notmatching_arg_count = nf1_notmatching_arg_count + bp.getNotMatchingArgCount()
-    nf1_missing_arg_count = nf1_missing_arg_count + bp.getMissingArgCount()
-rf = open(REPORT_FILE, "w")

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