[llvm-commits] [PATCH] InstCombine: Generalized patch for (icmp eq (A&B), C) & (icmp eq (A&D), E)

Dirk Steinke steinke-dirk at web.de
Tue Aug 17 15:11:49 PDT 2010


a few weeks ago I volunteered to provide a more generalized form
for one of Owens InstCombine transforms. Well, here it is.
Sorry, I didn't run all tests to make sure that it doesn't break 
anything. My machine is currently not set up for that. (Basically
it's just Visual Studio.) But all transforms have been tested and should 
not fire inappropriately.

If there are any issues with the patch, I'll fix them.

To Owen:
Sorry for ripping out your original transform. But at least
it's still in 2.8. ;-)

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