[llvm-commits] [llvm] r102672 - in /llvm/trunk: lib/CodeGen/SimpleRegisterCoalescing.cpp test/CodeGen/X86/2010-04-29-CoalescerCrash.ll

Jakob Stoklund Olesen stoklund at 2pi.dk
Thu Apr 29 16:47:46 PDT 2010

Author: stoklund
Date: Thu Apr 29 18:47:46 2010
New Revision: 102672

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=102672&view=rev
Reject really weird coalescer case when trying to merge identical subregisters
of different register classes. e.g.

  %reg1048:3<def> = EXTRACT_SUBREG %RAX<kill>, 3

Where %reg1048 is a GR32 register. This is not impossible to handle, but it is
pretty hard and very rare.

This should unbreak the dragonegg builder.


Modified: llvm/trunk/lib/CodeGen/SimpleRegisterCoalescing.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/lib/CodeGen/SimpleRegisterCoalescing.cpp?rev=102672&r1=102671&r2=102672&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/lib/CodeGen/SimpleRegisterCoalescing.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/lib/CodeGen/SimpleRegisterCoalescing.cpp Thu Apr 29 18:47:46 2010
@@ -1394,6 +1394,13 @@
     return false;  // Not coalescable.
+  // We cannot handle dual subreg indices and mismatched classes at the same
+  // time.
+  if (SrcSubIdx && DstSubIdx && differingRegisterClasses(SrcReg, DstReg)) {
+    DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tCannot handle subreg indices and mismatched classes.\n");
+    return false;
+  }
   // Check that a physical source register is compatible with dst regclass
   if (SrcIsPhys) {
     unsigned SrcSubReg = SrcSubIdx ?

Added: llvm/trunk/test/CodeGen/X86/2010-04-29-CoalescerCrash.ll
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/test/CodeGen/X86/2010-04-29-CoalescerCrash.ll?rev=102672&view=auto
--- llvm/trunk/test/CodeGen/X86/2010-04-29-CoalescerCrash.ll (added)
+++ llvm/trunk/test/CodeGen/X86/2010-04-29-CoalescerCrash.ll Thu Apr 29 18:47:46 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+; RUN: llc < %s -relocation-model=pic -disable-fp-elim -verify-machineinstrs
+target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32:64"
+target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
+define void @_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_113SPUAsmPrinter15EmitInstructionEPKN4llvm12MachineInstrE(i8* %this, i8* %MI) nounwind inlinehint align 2 {
+  br i1 undef, label %"3.i", label %"4.i"
+"3.i":                                            ; preds = %entry
+  unreachable
+"4.i":                                            ; preds = %entry
+  switch i32 undef, label %_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_113SPUAsmPrinter16printInstructionEPKN4llvm12MachineInstrERNS1_11raw_ostreamE.exit [
+    i32 1, label %"5.i"
+    i32 2, label %"6.i"
+    i32 3, label %"7.i"
+    i32 4, label %"8.i"
+    i32 5, label %"9.i"
+  ]
+"5.i":                                            ; preds = %"4.i"
+  unreachable
+"6.i":                                            ; preds = %"4.i"
+  switch i32 undef, label %"11.i" [
+    i32 1, label %"12.i"
+    i32 2, label %"13.i"
+    i32 3, label %_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_113SPUAsmPrinter16printInstructionEPKN4llvm12MachineInstrERNS1_11raw_ostreamE.exit
+    i32 4, label %"14.i"
+  ]
+"7.i":                                            ; preds = %"4.i"
+  unreachable
+"8.i":                                            ; preds = %"4.i"
+  unreachable
+"9.i":                                            ; preds = %"4.i"
+  unreachable
+"11.i":                                           ; preds = %"6.i"
+  switch i32 undef, label %"15.i" [
+    i32 1, label %"16.i"
+    i32 2, label %"17.i"
+    i32 3, label %"18.i"
+    i32 4, label %"19.i"
+    i32 5, label %"20.i"
+    i32 6, label %"21.i"
+    i32 7, label %"24.i"
+    i32 8, label %"27.i"
+    i32 9, label %"28.i"
+    i32 10, label %"29.i"
+    i32 11, label %"30.i"
+    i32 12, label %"31.i"
+    i32 13, label %"32.i"
+    i32 14, label %"39.i"
+  ]
+"12.i":                                           ; preds = %"6.i"
+  unreachable
+"13.i":                                           ; preds = %"6.i"
+  unreachable
+"14.i":                                           ; preds = %"6.i"
+  unreachable
+"15.i":                                           ; preds = %"11.i"
+  unreachable
+"16.i":                                           ; preds = %"11.i"
+  unreachable
+"17.i":                                           ; preds = %"11.i"
+  unreachable
+"18.i":                                           ; preds = %"11.i"
+  unreachable
+"19.i":                                           ; preds = %"11.i"
+  unreachable
+"20.i":                                           ; preds = %"11.i"
+  unreachable
+"21.i":                                           ; preds = %"11.i"
+  br i1 undef, label %"22.i", label %"23.i"
+"22.i":                                           ; preds = %"21.i"
+  unreachable
+"23.i":                                           ; preds = %"21.i"
+  unreachable
+"24.i":                                           ; preds = %"11.i"
+  unreachable
+"27.i":                                           ; preds = %"11.i"
+  unreachable
+"28.i":                                           ; preds = %"11.i"
+  unreachable
+"29.i":                                           ; preds = %"11.i"
+  unreachable
+"30.i":                                           ; preds = %"11.i"
+  unreachable
+"31.i":                                           ; preds = %"11.i"
+  unreachable
+"32.i":                                           ; preds = %"11.i"
+  unreachable
+"39.i":                                           ; preds = %"11.i"
+  br i1 undef, label %"41.i", label %"40.i"
+"40.i":                                           ; preds = %"39.i"
+  unreachable
+"41.i":                                           ; preds = %"39.i"
+  %0 = call i64 @_ZNK4llvm14MachineOperand6getImmEv(i8 undef) nounwind inlinehint ; <i64> [#uses=1]
+  %1 = trunc i64 %0 to i16                        ; <i16> [#uses=1]
+  br i1 undef, label %"42.i", label %"43.i"
+"42.i":                                           ; preds = %"41.i"
+  unreachable
+"43.i":                                           ; preds = %"41.i"
+  %2 = and i16 %1, -16                            ; <i16> [#uses=1]
+  %3 = sext i16 %2 to i64                         ; <i64> [#uses=1]
+  %4 = call i8 @_ZN4llvm11raw_ostreamlsEl(i8 undef, i64 %3) nounwind ; <i8> [#uses=0]
+  unreachable
+_ZN12_GLOBAL__N_113SPUAsmPrinter16printInstructionEPKN4llvm12MachineInstrERNS1_11raw_ostreamE.exit: ; preds = %"6.i", %"4.i"
+  ret void
+declare i64 @_ZNK4llvm14MachineOperand6getImmEv(i8) nounwind inlinehint align 2
+declare i8 @_ZN4llvm11raw_ostreamlsEl(i8, i64)

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