[llvm-commits] [poolalloc] r99173 - in /poolalloc/trunk: include/dsa/DSCallGraph.h include/dsa/DSGraphTraits.h include/dsa/DSNode.h include/dsa/DataStructure.h include/dsa/keyiterator.h lib/DSA/BottomUpClosure.cpp lib/DSA/Local.cpp lib/DSA/Printer.cpp
Andrew Lenharth
andrewl at lenharth.org
Mon Mar 22 07:42:05 PDT 2010
Author: alenhar2
Date: Mon Mar 22 09:42:05 2010
New Revision: 99173
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=99173&view=rev
simplify and update callgraph after BU
Modified: poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DSCallGraph.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DSCallGraph.h?rev=99173&r1=99172&r2=99173&view=diff
--- poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DSCallGraph.h (original)
+++ poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DSCallGraph.h Mon Mar 22 09:42:05 2010
@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
//Functions we know about that aren't called
svset<const llvm::Function*> knownRoots;
+ svset<llvm::CallSite> completeCS;
//Types for SCC construction
typedef std::map<const llvm::Function*, unsigned> TFMap;
typedef std::vector<const llvm::Function*> TFStack;
@@ -147,6 +149,14 @@
return ii->second.size();
+ void callee_mark_complete(llvm::CallSite CS) {
+ completeCS.insert(CS);
+ }
+ bool callee_is_complete(llvm::CallSite CS) const {
+ return completeCS.find(CS) != completeCS.end();
+ }
unsigned size() const {
unsigned sum = 0;
for (ActualCalleesTy::const_iterator ii = ActualCallees.begin(),
Modified: poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DSGraphTraits.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DSGraphTraits.h?rev=99173&r1=99172&r2=99173&view=diff
--- poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DSGraphTraits.h (original)
+++ poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DSGraphTraits.h Mon Mar 22 09:42:05 2010
@@ -27,57 +27,42 @@
template<typename NodeTy>
class DSNodeIterator : public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, const DSNode, ptrdiff_t> {
friend class DSNode;
- NodeTy * const Node;
- unsigned Offset;
+ DSNode::const_edge_iterator NH;
typedef DSNodeIterator<NodeTy> _Self;
- DSNodeIterator(NodeTy *N) : Node(N), Offset(0) {} // begin iterator
- DSNodeIterator(NodeTy *N, bool) : Node(N) { // Create end iterator
- if (N != 0) {
- Offset = N->getSize();
- if (Offset == 0 && Node->isForwarding() &&
- Node->isDeadNode()) // Model Forward link
- Offset += 1;
- } else {
- Offset = 0;
- }
- }
+ DSNodeIterator(NodeTy *N) : NH(N->edge_begin()) {} // begin iterator
+ DSNodeIterator(NodeTy *N, bool) : NH(N->edge_end()) {} // Create end iterator
- DSNodeIterator(const DSNodeHandle &NH)
- : Node(NH.getNode()), Offset(NH.getOffset()) {}
+// DSNodeIterator(const DSNodeHandle &NH)
+// : Node(NH.getNode()), Offset(NH.getOffset()) {}
bool operator==(const _Self& x) const {
- return Offset == x.Offset;
+ return NH == x.NH;
bool operator!=(const _Self& x) const { return !operator==(x); }
const _Self &operator=(const _Self &I) {
- assert(I.Node == Node && "Cannot assign iterators to two different nodes!");
- Offset = I.Offset;
+ NH = I.NH;
return *this;
pointer operator*() const {
- if (Node->isDeadNode())
- return Node->getForwardNode();
- else if (Node->hasLink(Offset))
- return Node->getLink(Offset).getNode();
- else
- return 0;
+ return NH->second.getNode();
pointer operator->() const { return operator*(); }
_Self& operator++() { // Preincrement
- Offset += 1;
+ ++NH;
return *this;
_Self operator++(int) { // Postincrement
_Self tmp = *this; ++*this; return tmp;
- unsigned getOffset() const { return Offset; }
- const DSNode *getNode() const { return Node; }
+ unsigned getOffset() const { return NH->first; }
// Provide iterators for DSNode...
Modified: poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DSNode.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DSNode.h?rev=99173&r1=99172&r2=99173&view=diff
--- poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DSNode.h (original)
+++ poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DSNode.h Mon Mar 22 09:42:05 2010
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
#include <set>
#include "dsa/svset.h"
#include "dsa/super_set.h"
-#include "DSGraph.h"
+#include "dsa/keyiterator.h"
+#include "dsa/DSGraph.h"
namespace llvm {
Modified: poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DataStructure.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DataStructure.h?rev=99173&r1=99172&r2=99173&view=diff
--- poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DataStructure.h (original)
+++ poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/DataStructure.h Mon Mar 22 09:42:05 2010
@@ -202,12 +202,7 @@
class BUDataStructures : public DataStructures {
- // This map is only maintained during construction of BU Graphs
- std::map<std::vector<const Function*>,
- std::pair<DSGraph*, std::vector<DSNodeHandle> > > IndCallGraphMap;
const char* debugname;
- bool useCallGraph;
EntryPointAnalysis* EP;
@@ -215,11 +210,10 @@
static char ID;
//Child constructor (CBU)
BUDataStructures(intptr_t CID, const char* name, const char* printname)
- : DataStructures(CID, printname), debugname(name), useCallGraph(true) {}
+ : DataStructures(CID, printname), debugname(name) {}
//main constructor
- : DataStructures((intptr_t)&ID, "bu."), debugname("dsa-bu"),
- useCallGraph(false) {}
+ : DataStructures((intptr_t)&ID, "bu."), debugname("dsa-bu") {}
~BUDataStructures() { releaseMemory(); }
virtual bool runOnModule(Module &M);
Modified: poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/keyiterator.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/keyiterator.h?rev=99173&r1=99172&r2=99173&view=diff
--- poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/keyiterator.h (original)
+++ poolalloc/trunk/include/dsa/keyiterator.h Mon Mar 22 09:42:05 2010
@@ -14,6 +14,161 @@
+#include <functional>
+//From SGI's STL
+// select1st and select2nd are extensions: they are not part of the standard.
+template <class _Pair>
+class _Select1st : public std::unary_function<_Pair, typename _Pair::first_type> {
+ const typename _Pair::first_type & operator()(const _Pair& __x) const {
+ return __x.first;
+ }
+template <class _Pair>
+class _Select2nd : public std::unary_function<_Pair, typename _Pair::second_type> {
+ const typename _Pair::second_type & operator()(const _Pair& __x) const {
+ return __x.second;
+ }
+template <class _Pair> class select1st : public _Select1st<_Pair> {
+template <class _Pair> class select2nd : public _Select2nd<_Pair> {
+// ref_mapped_iterator - This is a simple iterator adapter that causes a
+// function to be dereferenced whenever operator* is invoked on the iterator.
+// It is assumed that the function returns a valid reference, which differs
+// from llvm::mapped_iterator from which this was derived (copied)
+template <class RootIt, class UnaryFunc>
+class ref_mapped_iterator {
+ RootIt current;
+ UnaryFunc Fn;
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RootIt>::iterator_category
+ iterator_category;
+ typedef typename std::iterator_traits<RootIt>::difference_type
+ difference_type;
+ typedef typename UnaryFunc::result_type value_type;
+ typedef typename UnaryFunc::result_type *pointer;
+ typedef typename UnaryFunc::result_type& reference;
+ typedef RootIt iterator_type;
+ typedef ref_mapped_iterator<RootIt, UnaryFunc> _Self;
+ inline const RootIt &getCurrent() const {
+ return current;
+ }
+ inline const UnaryFunc &getFunc() const {
+ return Fn;
+ }
+ inline explicit ref_mapped_iterator(const RootIt &I, UnaryFunc F)
+ : current(I), Fn(F) { }
+ inline ref_mapped_iterator(const ref_mapped_iterator &It)
+ : current(It.current), Fn(It.Fn) { }
+ inline reference operator*() const { // All this work to do this
+ return Fn(*current); // little change
+ }
+ _Self & operator++() {
+ ++current;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ _Self & operator--() {
+ --current;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ _Self operator++(int) {
+ _Self __tmp = *this;
+ ++current;
+ return __tmp;
+ }
+ _Self operator--(int) {
+ _Self __tmp = *this;
+ --current;
+ return __tmp;
+ }
+ _Self operator+(difference_type n) const {
+ return _Self(current + n, Fn);
+ }
+ _Self & operator+=(difference_type n) {
+ current += n;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ _Self operator-(difference_type n) const {
+ return _Self(current - n, Fn);
+ }
+ _Self & operator-=(difference_type n) {
+ current -= n;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ reference operator[](difference_type n) const {
+ return *(*this +n);
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const _Self &X) const {
+ return !operator==(X);
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const _Self &X) const {
+ return current == X.current;
+ }
+ inline bool operator<(const _Self &X) const {
+ return current < X.current;
+ }
+ inline difference_type operator-(const _Self &X) const {
+ return current - X.current;
+ }
+template <class Iter>
+class KeyIterator
+: public ref_mapped_iterator<Iter, select1st<typename Iter::value_type> > {
+ typedef select1st<typename Iter::value_type> FunTy;
+ KeyIterator(const Iter I)
+ : ref_mapped_iterator<Iter, select1st<typename Iter::value_type> >(I, FunTy()) { }
+template <class Iter>
+class ValueIterator
+: public ref_mapped_iterator<Iter, select2nd<typename Iter::value_type> > {
+ typedef select2nd<typename Iter::value_type> FunTy;
+ ValueIterator(const Iter I)
+ : ref_mapped_iterator<Iter, select2nd<typename Iter::value_type> >(I, FunTy()) { }
+#if 0
template<class Iter>
class KeyIterator {
Iter I;
@@ -87,6 +242,8 @@
return I != RHS.I;
Modified: poolalloc/trunk/lib/DSA/BottomUpClosure.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/poolalloc/trunk/lib/DSA/BottomUpClosure.cpp?rev=99173&r1=99172&r2=99173&view=diff
--- poolalloc/trunk/lib/DSA/BottomUpClosure.cpp (original)
+++ poolalloc/trunk/lib/DSA/BottomUpClosure.cpp Mon Mar 22 09:42:05 2010
@@ -83,56 +83,10 @@
- return false;
- std::vector<const Function*> EntryPoints;
- EP = &getAnalysis<EntryPointAnalysis>();
- EP->findEntryPoints(M, EntryPoints);
- #if 0
- std::vector<const Function*> Stack;
- std::map<const Function*, unsigned> ValMap;
- unsigned NextID = 1;
std::vector<const Function*> EntryPoints;
EP = &getAnalysis<EntryPointAnalysis>();
EP->findEntryPoints(M, EntryPoints);
- for (std::vector<const Function*>::iterator ii = EntryPoints.begin(),
- ee = EntryPoints.end(); ii != ee; ++ii)
- if (!hasDSGraph(**ii)) {
- errs() << debugname << ": Main Function: " << (*ii)->getName() << "\n";
- calculateGraphs(*ii, Stack, NextID, ValMap);
- //CloneAuxIntoGlobal(getDSGraph(**ii));
- }
- errs() << "done main Funcs\n";
- // Calculate the graphs for any functions that are unreachable from main...
- for (Module::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I)
- if (!I->isDeclaration() && !hasDSGraph(*I)) {
- //DEBUG(
- if (EntryPoints.size())
- errs() << debugname << ": Function unreachable from main: "
- << I->getName() << "\n";
- //);
- calculateGraphs(I, Stack, NextID, ValMap); // Calculate all graphs.
- //CloneAuxIntoGlobal(getDSGraph(*I));
- }
- errs() << "done unreachable Funcs\n";
- #endif
- // If we computed any temporary indcallgraphs, free them now.
- for (std::map<std::vector<const Function*>,
- std::pair<DSGraph*, std::vector<DSNodeHandle> > >::iterator I =
- IndCallGraphMap.begin(), E = IndCallGraphMap.end(); I != E; ++I) {
- I->second.second.clear(); // Drop arg refs into the graph.
- delete I->second.first;
- }
- IndCallGraphMap.clear();
// At the end of the bottom-up pass, the globals graph becomes complete.
// FIXME: This is not the right way to do this, but it is sorta better than
// nothing! In particular, externally visible globals and unresolvable call
@@ -216,6 +170,8 @@
+ //once calculated, we can update the callgraph
+ G->buildCallGraph(callgraph);
return G;
@@ -278,25 +234,6 @@
void BUDataStructures::calculateGraph(DSGraph* Graph) {
DEBUG(Graph->AssertGraphOK(); Graph->getGlobalsGraph()->AssertGraphOK());
- // If this graph contains the main function, clone the globals graph into this
- // graph before we inline callees and other fun stuff.
- bool ContainsMain = false;
- DSGraph::ReturnNodesTy &ReturnNodes = Graph->getReturnNodes();
- for (DSGraph::ReturnNodesTy::iterator I = ReturnNodes.begin(),
- E = ReturnNodes.end(); I != E; ++I)
- if (EP->isEntryPoint(I->first)) {
- ContainsMain = true;
- break;
- }
- // If this graph contains main, copy the contents of the globals graph over.
- // Note that this is *required* for correctness. If a callee contains a use
- // of a global, we have to make sure to link up nodes due to global-argument
- // bindings.
- if (ContainsMain)
- cloneGlobalsInto(Graph);
// Move our call site list into TempFCs so that inline call sites go into the
// new call site list and doesn't invalidate our iterators!
std::list<DSCallSite> TempFCs;
@@ -410,8 +347,7 @@
// Clone the global nodes into this graph.
for (DSScalarMap::global_iterator I = Graph->getScalarMap().global_begin(),
E = Graph->getScalarMap().global_end(); I != E; ++I)
- if (isa<GlobalVariable > (*I))
- RC.getClonedNH(GG->getNodeForValue(*I));
+ RC.getClonedNH(GG->getNodeForValue(*I));
//For all graphs
Modified: poolalloc/trunk/lib/DSA/Local.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/poolalloc/trunk/lib/DSA/Local.cpp?rev=99173&r1=99172&r2=99173&view=diff
--- poolalloc/trunk/lib/DSA/Local.cpp (original)
+++ poolalloc/trunk/lib/DSA/Local.cpp Mon Mar 22 09:42:05 2010
@@ -953,10 +953,12 @@
// Add initializers for all of the globals to the globals graph.
for (Module::global_iterator I = M.global_begin(), E = M.global_end();
I != E; ++I)
- if (I->isDeclaration())
- GGB.mergeExternalGlobal(I);
- else
- GGB.mergeInGlobalInitializer(I);
+ if (!(I->hasSection() && I->getSection() == "llvm.metadata")) {
+ if (I->isDeclaration())
+ GGB.mergeExternalGlobal(I);
+ else
+ GGB.mergeInGlobalInitializer(I);
+ }
// Add Functions to the globals graph.
for (Module::iterator I = M.begin(), E = M.end(); I != E; ++I)
if (I->hasAddressTaken())
Modified: poolalloc/trunk/lib/DSA/Printer.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/poolalloc/trunk/lib/DSA/Printer.cpp?rev=99173&r1=99172&r2=99173&view=diff
--- poolalloc/trunk/lib/DSA/Printer.cpp (original)
+++ poolalloc/trunk/lib/DSA/Printer.cpp Mon Mar 22 09:42:05 2010
@@ -145,18 +145,21 @@
static bool edgeTargetsEdgeSource(const void *Node,
DSNode::const_iterator I) {
- unsigned O = I.getNode()->getLink(I.getOffset()).getOffset();
+ unsigned O = I->getLink(I.getOffset()).getOffset();
return O != 0;
static std::string getEdgeSourceLabel(const void* Node,
DSNode::const_iterator I) {
- return "*";
+ std::string S;
+ llvm::raw_string_ostream O(S);
+ O << I.getOffset();
+ return O.str();
static DSNode::const_iterator getEdgeTarget(const DSNode *Node,
DSNode::const_iterator I) {
- unsigned O = I.getNode()->getLink(I.getOffset()).getOffset();
+ unsigned O = I->getLink(I.getOffset()).getOffset();
unsigned LinkNo = O;
const DSNode *N = *I;
DSNode::const_iterator R = N->begin();
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