[llvm-commits] Question on emitLoadStoreInstruction() of ARMCodeEmitter.cpp

Johnny Chen johnny.chen at apple.com
Mon Nov 9 17:46:22 PST 2009


I have a question wrt the following fragment of code:

  // Operand 0 of a pre- and post-indexed store is the address base
  // writeback. Skip it.
  bool Skipped = false;
  if (IsPrePost && Form == ARMII::StFrm) {
    Skipped = true;

  // Set first operand
  if (ImplicitRd)
    // Special handling for implicit use (e.g. PC).
    Binary |= (ARMRegisterInfo::getRegisterNumbering(ImplicitRd)
               << ARMII::RegRdShift);
    Binary |= getMachineOpValue(MI, OpIdx++) << ARMII::RegRdShift;

and from the Record definition of LDRB_POST:

def LDRB_POST {	// Instruction InstARM I AI2ldbpo
  field bits<32> Inst = { ?, ?, ?, ?, 0, 1, ?, 0, ?, 1, 0, 1, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? };
  string Namespace = "ARM";
  dag OutOperandList = (outs GPR:$dst, GPR:$base_wb);
  dag InOperandList = (ins GPR:$base, am2offset:$offset, pred:$p);
  string AsmString = "ldrb${p}	$dst, [$base], $offset";

it looks like the processing of "address base writeback" should happen after the processing of RegRd,
if the ordering of OutOperandList followed by InOperandList is to be observed.  Is my understanding of
the ordering of the MachineOperands correct?

If this is the case, then there could be some bug in the codegen which compensates for the incorrect
ordering/processing of base_writeback/dst?


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