[llvm-commits] [llvm] r72650 - in /llvm/trunk:include/llvm/CodeGen/JITCodeEmitter.hinclude/llvm/CodeGe n/MachineCodeEmitter.hinclude/llvm/ExecutionEngine/JITMemoryManager. hlib/CodeGen/MachOWriter.cpp lib/CodeGen/MachOWriter.hlib/ExecutionEngi

Julien Lerouge jlerouge at apple.com
Wed Jun 3 14:44:32 PDT 2009

On Wed, Jun 03, 2009 at 08:37:39PM +0100, Aaron Gray wrote:
> Julien Lerouge,
> I am about to attempt to reproduce the problem on an XP MinGW machine. But 
> am unsure how you got dejaGNU and expect to work on MinGW. Did you compile 
> them from source or are binaries availiable ?

Hello Aaron,

I am using a gross hack in the test/Makefile to start a cygwin shell when
dejaGNU/expect are about to be called, so it ends up using dejaGNU/expect that
come with cygwin. Doing something like the following:

ifeq ($(LLVM_ON_WIN32), 1)
TestDir      = $(shell pwd -W)
CWPATH      := $(shell echo $(RUNTESTPATH) | sed 's/\/c\//\/cygdrive\/c\//g' | sed 's/c:/\/cygdrive\/c/g' )
RUNTESTCMD   = c:/cygwin/bin/sh.exe -l -c 'cd "$(TestDir)" && \
               export PATH="$$PATH:$(CWPATH)" && \
               export DEJAGNULIBS="/usr/local/share/dejagnu/" && \
               /bin/runtest $(RUNTESTFLAGS) --build=i686-pc-mingw32'
RUNTEST      = 1
SITE_EXP     = site.win32.exp
MWINSTALL    = /cygdrive/c/msys/1.0
CC           = $(MWINSTALL)$(shell which gcc)
CXX          = $(MWINSTALL)$(shell which g++)

site.win32.exp is the same as site.exp, but where posix path have been replaced
with windows or cygwin path.

I think there are ways to get a native dejaGNU/expect (google turned up this:
http://www.geocities.com/henrik_bach_llvm/), but it's not as straightforward as
using cygwin IMHO.


Julien Lerouge
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