[llvm-commits] [llvm] r62553 - in /llvm/trunk: autoconf/configure.ac lib/ExecutionEngine/Interpreter/ExternalFunctions.cpp

Tanya Lattner lattner at apple.com
Thu Jan 22 12:14:10 PST 2009

This has been reverted until the issues can be fixed.


On Jan 22, 2009, at 2:41 AM, sanjiv gupta wrote:

> On Wed, 2009-01-21 at 23:54 -0800, Nick Lewycky wrote:
>> Evan Cheng wrote:
>>>> -#ifdef __linux__
>>>> -#include <cxxabi.h>
>>>> +#ifdef HAVE_LIBFFI
>>>> +#include FFI_HEADER
>>> Is this portable code? I am having trouble building on one of my  
>>> Mac.
>>> llvm[3]: Compiling ExternalFunctions.cpp for Debug build
>>> ExternalFunctions.cpp:37:10: error: #include expects "FILENAME" or
>> I was hoping it would be, but apparently not.
>> Could you tell me what your include/llvm/Config/config.h says for
>> HAVE_LIBFFI and FFI_HEADER ? And if you happen to know, do you have
>> libffi installed, and ffi.h?
>> Nick
> This breaks the build on my linux box with gcc 4.2.3.
> config.h says
> /* Path to ffi.h */
> /* #undef FFI_HEADER */
> /* Define to 1 if you have the libffi library (-lffi). */
> #define HAVE_LIBFFI 1
>>> Evan
>>>> #endif
>>>> -using std::vector;
>>>> -
>>>> using namespace llvm;
>>>> -typedef GenericValue (*ExFunc)(FunctionType *, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &);
>>>> -static ManagedStatic<std::map<const Function *, ExFunc> >  
>>>> Functions;
>>>> +typedef GenericValue (*ExFunc)(const FunctionType *,
>>>> +                               const std::vector<GenericValue> &);
>>>> +static ManagedStatic<std::map<const Function *, ExFunc> >
>>>> ExportedFunctions;
>>>> static std::map<std::string, ExFunc> FuncNames;
>>>> +#ifdef HAVE_LIBFFI
>>>> +typedef void (*RawFunc)(void);
>>>> +static ManagedStatic<std::map<const Function *, RawFunc> >  
>>>> RawFunctions;
>>>> +#endif // HAVE_LIBFFI
>>>> +
>>>> static Interpreter *TheInterpreter;
>>>> static char getTypeID(const Type *Ty) {
>>>> @@ -89,34 +94,181 @@
>>>>  if (FnPtr == 0)  // Try calling a generic function... if it  
>>>> exists...
>>>>    FnPtr =
>>>> (ExFunc)(intptr_t)sys::DynamicLibrary::SearchForAddressOfSymbol(
>>>>            ("lle_X_"+F->getName()).c_str());
>>>> -  if (FnPtr == 0)
>>>> -    FnPtr = (ExFunc)(intptr_t)
>>>> -      sys::DynamicLibrary::SearchForAddressOfSymbol(F->getName());
>>>>  if (FnPtr != 0)
>>>> -    Functions->insert(std::make_pair(F, FnPtr));  // Cache for  
>>>> later
>>>> +    ExportedFunctions->insert(std::make_pair(F, FnPtr));  // Cache
>>>> for later
>>>>  return FnPtr;
>>>> }
>>>> +#ifdef HAVE_LIBFFI
>>>> +static ffi_type *ffiTypeFor(const Type *Ty) {
>>>> +  switch (Ty->getTypeID()) {
>>>> +    case Type::VoidTyID: return &ffi_type_void;
>>>> +    case Type::IntegerTyID:
>>>> +      switch (cast<IntegerType>(Ty)->getBitWidth()) {
>>>> +        case 8:  return &ffi_type_sint8;
>>>> +        case 16: return &ffi_type_sint16;
>>>> +        case 32: return &ffi_type_sint32;
>>>> +        case 64: return &ffi_type_sint64;
>>>> +      }
>>>> +    case Type::FloatTyID:   return &ffi_type_float;
>>>> +    case Type::DoubleTyID:  return &ffi_type_double;
>>>> +    case Type::PointerTyID: return &ffi_type_pointer;
>>>> +    default: break;
>>>> +  }
>>>> +  // TODO: Support other types such as StructTyID, ArrayTyID,
>>>> OpaqueTyID, etc.
>>>> +  cerr << "Type could not be mapped for use with libffi.\n";
>>>> +  abort();
>>>> +  return NULL;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static void *ffiValueFor(const Type *Ty, const GenericValue &AV,
>>>> +                         void *ArgDataPtr) {
>>>> +  switch (Ty->getTypeID()) {
>>>> +    case Type::IntegerTyID:
>>>> +      switch (cast<IntegerType>(Ty)->getBitWidth()) {
>>>> +        case 8: {
>>>> +          int8_t *I8Ptr = (int8_t *) ArgDataPtr;
>>>> +          *I8Ptr = (int8_t) AV.IntVal.getZExtValue();
>>>> +          return ArgDataPtr;
>>>> +        }
>>>> +        case 16: {
>>>> +          int16_t *I16Ptr = (int16_t *) ArgDataPtr;
>>>> +          *I16Ptr = (int16_t) AV.IntVal.getZExtValue();
>>>> +          return ArgDataPtr;
>>>> +        }
>>>> +        case 32: {
>>>> +          int32_t *I32Ptr = (int32_t *) ArgDataPtr;
>>>> +          *I32Ptr = (int32_t) AV.IntVal.getZExtValue();
>>>> +          return ArgDataPtr;
>>>> +        }
>>>> +        case 64: {
>>>> +          int64_t *I64Ptr = (int64_t *) ArgDataPtr;
>>>> +          *I64Ptr = (int64_t) AV.IntVal.getZExtValue();
>>>> +          return ArgDataPtr;
>>>> +        }
>>>> +      }
>>>> +    case Type::FloatTyID: {
>>>> +      float *FloatPtr = (float *) ArgDataPtr;
>>>> +      *FloatPtr = AV.DoubleVal;
>>>> +      return ArgDataPtr;
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    case Type::DoubleTyID: {
>>>> +      double *DoublePtr = (double *) ArgDataPtr;
>>>> +      *DoublePtr = AV.DoubleVal;
>>>> +      return ArgDataPtr;
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    case Type::PointerTyID: {
>>>> +      void **PtrPtr = (void **) ArgDataPtr;
>>>> +      *PtrPtr = GVTOP(AV);
>>>> +      return ArgDataPtr;
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    default: break;
>>>> +  }
>>>> +  // TODO: Support other types such as StructTyID, ArrayTyID,
>>>> OpaqueTyID, etc.
>>>> +  cerr << "Type value could not be mapped for use with libffi.\n";
>>>> +  abort();
>>>> +  return NULL;
>>>> +}
>>>> +
>>>> +static bool ffiInvoke(RawFunc Fn, Function *F,
>>>> +                      const std::vector<GenericValue> &ArgVals,
>>>> +                      const TargetData *TD, GenericValue  
>>>> &Result) {
>>>> +  ffi_cif cif;
>>>> +  const FunctionType *FTy = F->getFunctionType();
>>>> +  const unsigned NumArgs = F->arg_size();
>>>> +
>>>> +  // TODO: We don't have type information about the remaining
>>>> arguments, because
>>>> +  // this information is never passed into
>>>> ExecutionEngine::runFunction().
>>>> +  if (ArgVals.size() > NumArgs && F->isVarArg()) {
>>>> +    cerr << "Calling external var arg function '" << F->getName()
>>>> +         << "' is not supported by the Interpreter.\n";
>>>> +    abort();
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  unsigned ArgBytes = 0;
>>>> +
>>>> +  std::vector<ffi_type*> args(NumArgs);
>>>> +  for (Function::const_arg_iterator A = F->arg_begin(), E = F- 
>>>> >arg_end();
>>>> +       A != E; ++A) {
>>>> +    const unsigned ArgNo = A->getArgNo();
>>>> +    const Type *ArgTy = FTy->getParamType(ArgNo);
>>>> +    args[ArgNo] = ffiTypeFor(ArgTy);
>>>> +    ArgBytes += TD->getTypeStoreSize(ArgTy);
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  uint8_t *ArgData = (uint8_t*) alloca(ArgBytes);
>>>> +  uint8_t *ArgDataPtr = ArgData;
>>>> +  std::vector<void*> values(NumArgs);
>>>> +  for (Function::const_arg_iterator A = F->arg_begin(), E = F- 
>>>> >arg_end();
>>>> +       A != E; ++A) {
>>>> +    const unsigned ArgNo = A->getArgNo();
>>>> +    const Type *ArgTy = FTy->getParamType(ArgNo);
>>>> +    values[ArgNo] = ffiValueFor(ArgTy, ArgVals[ArgNo],  
>>>> ArgDataPtr);
>>>> +    ArgDataPtr += TD->getTypeStoreSize(ArgTy);
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  const Type *RetTy = FTy->getReturnType();
>>>> +  ffi_type *rtype = ffiTypeFor(RetTy);
>>>> +
>>>> +  if (ffi_prep_cif(&cif, FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, NumArgs, rtype,  
>>>> &args[0])
>>>> == FFI_OK) {
>>>> +    void *ret = NULL;
>>>> +    if (RetTy->getTypeID() != Type::VoidTyID)
>>>> +      ret = alloca(TD->getTypeStoreSize(RetTy));
>>>> +    ffi_call(&cif, Fn, ret, &values[0]);
>>>> +    switch (RetTy->getTypeID()) {
>>>> +      case Type::IntegerTyID:
>>>> +        switch (cast<IntegerType>(RetTy)->getBitWidth()) {
>>>> +          case 8:  Result.IntVal = APInt(8 , *(int8_t *) ret);  
>>>> break;
>>>> +          case 16: Result.IntVal = APInt(16, *(int16_t*) ret);  
>>>> break;
>>>> +          case 32: Result.IntVal = APInt(32, *(int32_t*) ret);  
>>>> break;
>>>> +          case 64: Result.IntVal = APInt(64, *(int64_t*) ret);  
>>>> break;
>>>> +        }
>>>> +        break;
>>>> +      case Type::FloatTyID:   Result.FloatVal   = *(float *)  
>>>> ret; break;
>>>> +      case Type::DoubleTyID:  Result.DoubleVal  = *(double*)  
>>>> ret; break;
>>>> +      case Type::PointerTyID: Result.PointerVal = *(void **)  
>>>> ret; break;
>>>> +      default: break;
>>>> +    }
>>>> +    return true;
>>>> +  }
>>>> +
>>>> +  return false;
>>>> +}
>>>> +#endif // HAVE_LIBFFI
>>>> +
>>>> GenericValue Interpreter::callExternalFunction(Function *F,
>>>>                                     const std::vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &ArgVals) {
>>>>  TheInterpreter = this;
>>>>  // Do a lookup to see if the function is in our cache... this  
>>>> should
>>>> just be a
>>>>  // deferred annotation!
>>>> -  std::map<const Function *, ExFunc>::iterator FI = Functions- 
>>>> >find(F);
>>>> -  ExFunc Fn = (FI == Functions->end()) ? lookupFunction(F) : FI- 
>>>> >second;
>>>> -  if (Fn == 0) {
>>>> -    cerr << "Tried to **MOBILE CODE** an unknown external  
>>>> function: "
>>>> -         << F->getType()->getDescription() << " " << F- 
>>>> >getName() <<
>>>> "\n";
>>>> -    if (F->getName() == "__main")
>>>> -      return GenericValue();
>>>> -    abort();
>>>> +  std::map<const Function *, ExFunc>::iterator FI =
>>>> ExportedFunctions->find(F);
>>>> +  if (ExFunc Fn = (FI == ExportedFunctions->end()) ?  
>>>> lookupFunction(F)
>>>> +                                                   : FI->second)
>>>> +    return Fn(F->getFunctionType(), ArgVals);
>>>> +
>>>> +#ifdef HAVE_LIBFFI
>>>> +  std::map<const Function *, RawFunc>::iterator RF =
>>>> RawFunctions->find(F);
>>>> +  RawFunc RawFn;
>>>> +  if (RF == RawFunctions->end()) {
>>>> +    RawFn = (RawFunc)(intptr_t)
>>>> +      sys::DynamicLibrary::SearchForAddressOfSymbol(F->getName());
>>>> +    if (RawFn != 0)
>>>> +      RawFunctions->insert(std::make_pair(F, RawFn));  // Cache  
>>>> for later
>>>> +  } else {
>>>> +    RawFn = RF->second;
>>>>  }
>>>> -  // TODO: FIXME when types are not const!
>>>> -  GenericValue Result =
>>>> Fn(const_cast<FunctionType*>(F->getFunctionType()),
>>>> -                           ArgVals);
>>>> -  return Result;
>>>> +  GenericValue Result;
>>>> +  if (RawFn != 0 && ffiInvoke(RawFn, F, ArgVals, getTargetData(),
>>>> Result))
>>>> +    return Result;
>>>> +#endif // HAVE_LIBFFI
>>>> +
>>>> +  cerr << "Tried to **MOBILE CODE** an unknown external  
>>>> function: "
>>>> +       << F->getType()->getDescription() << " " << F->getName()  
>>>> << "\n";
>>>> +  if (F->getName() != "__main")
>>>> +    abort();
>>>> +  return GenericValue();
>>>> }
>>>> @@ -125,24 +277,9 @@
>>>> //
>>>> extern "C" {  // Don't add C++ manglings to llvm mangling :)
>>>> -// void putchar(ubyte)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_putchar(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args){
>>>> -  cout << ((char)Args[0].IntVal.getZExtValue()) << std::flush;
>>>> -  return Args[0];
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// void _IO_putc(int c, FILE* fp)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X__IO_putc(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args){
>>>> -#ifdef __linux__
>>>> -  _IO_putc((char)Args[0].IntVal.getZExtValue(), (FILE*)
>>>> Args[1].PointerVal);
>>>> -#else
>>>> -  assert(0 && "Can't call _IO_putc on this platform");
>>>> -#endif
>>>> -  return Args[0];
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> // void atexit(Function*)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_atexit(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> +GenericValue lle_X_atexit(const FunctionType *FT,
>>>> +                          const std::vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>>  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>>  TheInterpreter->addAtExitHandler((Function*)GVTOP(Args[0]));
>>>>  GenericValue GV;
>>>> @@ -151,163 +288,23 @@
>>>> }
>>>> // void exit(int)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_exit(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> +GenericValue lle_X_exit(const FunctionType *FT,
>>>> +                        const std::vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>>  TheInterpreter->exitCalled(Args[0]);
>>>>  return GenericValue();
>>>> }
>>>> // void abort(void)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_abort(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> +GenericValue lle_X_abort(const FunctionType *FT,
>>>> +                         const std::vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>>  raise (SIGABRT);
>>>>  return GenericValue();
>>>> }
>>>> -// void *malloc(uint)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_malloc(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1 && "Malloc expects one argument!");
>>>> -  assert(isa<PointerType>(FT->getReturnType()) && "malloc must  
>>>> return
>>>> pointer");
>>>> -  return PTOGV(malloc(Args[0].IntVal.getZExtValue()));
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// void *calloc(uint, uint)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_calloc(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 2 && "calloc expects two arguments!");
>>>> -  assert(isa<PointerType>(FT->getReturnType()) && "calloc must  
>>>> return
>>>> pointer");
>>>> -  return PTOGV(calloc(Args[0].IntVal.getZExtValue(),
>>>> -                      Args[1].IntVal.getZExtValue()));
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// void *calloc(uint, uint)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_realloc(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 2 && "calloc expects two arguments!");
>>>> -  assert(isa<PointerType>(FT->getReturnType()) &&"realloc must  
>>>> return
>>>> pointer");
>>>> -  return PTOGV(realloc(GVTOP(Args[0]),  
>>>> Args[1].IntVal.getZExtValue()));
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// void free(void *)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_free(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  free(GVTOP(Args[0]));
>>>> -  return GenericValue();
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// int atoi(char *)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_atoi(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.IntVal = APInt(32, atoi((char*)GVTOP(Args[0])));
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// double pow(double, double)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_pow(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 2);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.DoubleVal = pow(Args[0].DoubleVal, Args[1].DoubleVal);
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// double sin(double)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_sin(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.DoubleVal = sin(Args[0].DoubleVal);
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// double cos(double)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_cos(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.DoubleVal = cos(Args[0].DoubleVal);
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// double exp(double)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_exp(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.DoubleVal = exp(Args[0].DoubleVal);
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// double sqrt(double)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_sqrt(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.DoubleVal = sqrt(Args[0].DoubleVal);
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// double log(double)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_log(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.DoubleVal = log(Args[0].DoubleVal);
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// double floor(double)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_floor(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.DoubleVal = floor(Args[0].DoubleVal);
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -#ifdef HAVE_RAND48
>>>> -
>>>> -// double drand48()
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_drand48(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.empty());
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.DoubleVal = drand48();
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// long lrand48()
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_lrand48(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.empty());
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.IntVal = APInt(32, lrand48());
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// void srand48(long)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_srand48(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  srand48(Args[0].IntVal.getZExtValue());
>>>> -  return GenericValue();
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -#endif
>>>> -
>>>> -// int rand()
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_rand(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.empty());
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.IntVal = APInt(32, rand());
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// void srand(uint)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_srand(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  srand(Args[0].IntVal.getZExtValue());
>>>> -  return GenericValue();
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// int puts(const char*)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_puts(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.IntVal = APInt(32, puts((char*)GVTOP(Args[0])));
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// int sprintf(sbyte *, sbyte *, ...) - a very rough  
>>>> implementation
>>>> to make
>>>> +// int sprintf(char *, const char *, ...) - a very rough
>>>> implementation to make
>>>> // output useful.
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_sprintf(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> +GenericValue lle_X_sprintf(const FunctionType *FT,
>>>> +                           const std::vector<GenericValue>  
>>>> &Args) {
>>>>  char *OutputBuffer = (char *)GVTOP(Args[0]);
>>>>  const char *FmtStr = (const char *)GVTOP(Args[1]);
>>>>  unsigned ArgNo = 2;
>>>> @@ -384,10 +381,12 @@
>>>>  return GV;
>>>> }
>>>> -// int printf(sbyte *, ...) - a very rough implementation to make
>>>> output useful.
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_printf(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> +// int printf(const char *, ...) - a very rough implementation to
>>>> make output
>>>> +// useful.
>>>> +GenericValue lle_X_printf(const FunctionType *FT,
>>>> +                          const std::vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>>  char Buffer[10000];
>>>> -  vector<GenericValue> NewArgs;
>>>> +  std::vector<GenericValue> NewArgs;
>>>>  NewArgs.push_back(PTOGV((void*)&Buffer[0]));
>>>>  NewArgs.insert(NewArgs.end(), Args.begin(), Args.end());
>>>>  GenericValue GV = lle_X_sprintf(FT, NewArgs);
>>>> @@ -472,7 +471,8 @@
>>>> }
>>>> // int sscanf(const char *format, ...);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_sscanf(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &args) {
>>>> +GenericValue lle_X_sscanf(const FunctionType *FT,
>>>> +                          const std::vector<GenericValue> &args) {
>>>>  assert(args.size() < 10 && "Only handle up to 10 args to sscanf
>>>> right now!");
>>>>  char *Args[10];
>>>> @@ -488,7 +488,8 @@
>>>> }
>>>> // int scanf(const char *format, ...);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_scanf(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &args) {
>>>> +GenericValue lle_X_scanf(const FunctionType *FT,
>>>> +                         const std::vector<GenericValue> &args) {
>>>>  assert(args.size() < 10 && "Only handle up to 10 args to scanf  
>>>> right
>>>> now!");
>>>>  char *Args[10];
>>>> @@ -503,324 +504,33 @@
>>>>  return GV;
>>>> }
>>>> -
>>>> -// int clock(void) - Profiling implementation
>>>> -GenericValue lle_i_clock(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  extern unsigned int clock(void);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.IntVal = APInt(32, clock());
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -
>>>> -// 
>>>> = 
>>>> = 
>>>> = 
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------= 
>>>> ==//
>>>> -// String Functions...
>>>> -// 
>>>> = 
>>>> = 
>>>> = 
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------= 
>>>> ==//
>>>> -
>>>> -// int strcmp(const char *S1, const char *S2);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_strcmp(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 2);
>>>> -  GenericValue Ret;
>>>> -  Ret.IntVal = APInt(32, strcmp((char*)GVTOP(Args[0]),
>>>> (char*)GVTOP(Args[1])));
>>>> -  return Ret;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// char *strcat(char *Dest, const char *src);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_strcat(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 2);
>>>> -  assert(isa<PointerType>(FT->getReturnType()) &&"strcat must  
>>>> return
>>>> pointer");
>>>> -  return PTOGV(strcat((char*)GVTOP(Args[0]),  
>>>> (char*)GVTOP(Args[1])));
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// char *strcpy(char *Dest, const char *src);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_strcpy(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 2);
>>>> -  assert(isa<PointerType>(FT->getReturnType()) &&"strcpy must  
>>>> return
>>>> pointer");
>>>> -  return PTOGV(strcpy((char*)GVTOP(Args[0]),  
>>>> (char*)GVTOP(Args[1])));
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static GenericValue size_t_to_GV (size_t n) {
>>>> -  GenericValue Ret;
>>>> -  if (sizeof (size_t) == sizeof (uint64_t)) {
>>>> -    Ret.IntVal = APInt(64, n);
>>>> -  } else {
>>>> -    assert (sizeof (size_t) == sizeof (unsigned int));
>>>> -    Ret.IntVal = APInt(32, n);
>>>> -  }
>>>> -  return Ret;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -static size_t GV_to_size_t (GenericValue GV) {
>>>> -  size_t count;
>>>> -  if (sizeof (size_t) == sizeof (uint64_t)) {
>>>> -    count = (size_t)GV.IntVal.getZExtValue();
>>>> -  } else {
>>>> -    assert (sizeof (size_t) == sizeof (unsigned int));
>>>> -    count = (size_t)GV.IntVal.getZExtValue();
>>>> -  }
>>>> -  return count;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// size_t strlen(const char *src);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_strlen(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  size_t strlenResult = strlen ((char *) GVTOP (Args[0]));
>>>> -  return size_t_to_GV (strlenResult);
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// char *strdup(const char *src);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_strdup(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  assert(isa<PointerType>(FT->getReturnType()) && "strdup must  
>>>> return
>>>> pointer");
>>>> -  return PTOGV(strdup((char*)GVTOP(Args[0])));
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// char *__strdup(const char *src);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X___strdup(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  assert(isa<PointerType>(FT->getReturnType()) &&"_strdup must  
>>>> return
>>>> pointer");
>>>> -  return PTOGV(strdup((char*)GVTOP(Args[0])));
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// void *memset(void *S, int C, size_t N)
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_memset(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 3);
>>>> -  size_t count = GV_to_size_t (Args[2]);
>>>> -  assert(isa<PointerType>(FT->getReturnType()) && "memset must  
>>>> return
>>>> pointer");
>>>> -  return PTOGV(memset(GVTOP(Args[0]),
>>>> uint32_t(Args[1].IntVal.getZExtValue()),
>>>> -                      count));
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// void *memcpy(void *Dest, void *src, size_t Size);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_memcpy(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 3);
>>>> -  assert(isa<PointerType>(FT->getReturnType()) && "memcpy must  
>>>> return
>>>> pointer");
>>>> -  size_t count = GV_to_size_t (Args[2]);
>>>> -  return PTOGV(memcpy((char*)GVTOP(Args[0]),  
>>>> (char*)GVTOP(Args[1]),
>>>> count));
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// void *memcpy(void *Dest, void *src, size_t Size);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_memmove(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 3);
>>>> -  assert(isa<PointerType>(FT->getReturnType()) && "memmove must
>>>> return pointer");
>>>> -  size_t count = GV_to_size_t (Args[2]);
>>>> -  return PTOGV(memmove((char*)GVTOP(Args[0]),  
>>>> (char*)GVTOP(Args[1]),
>>>> count));
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// 
>>>> = 
>>>> = 
>>>> = 
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------= 
>>>> ==//
>>>> -// IO Functions...
>>>> -// 
>>>> = 
>>>> = 
>>>> = 
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------= 
>>>> ==//
>>>> -
>>>> -// **MOBILE CODE** - Turn a pointer in the host address space  
>>>> into a legit
>>>> pointer in
>>>> -// the interpreter address space.  This is an identity  
>>>> transformation.
>>>> -#define **MOBILE CODE**(ptr) ((FILE*)ptr)
>>>> -
>>>> -// FILE *fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_fopen(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 2);
>>>> -  assert(isa<PointerType>(FT->getReturnType()) && "fopen must  
>>>> return
>>>> pointer");
>>>> -  return PTOGV(fopen((const char *)GVTOP(Args[0]),
>>>> -                     (const char *)GVTOP(Args[1])));
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// int fclose(FILE *F);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_fclose(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.IntVal = APInt(32, fclose(**MOBILE CODE**(GVTOP(Args[0]))));
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// int feof(FILE *stream);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_feof(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -
>>>> -  GV.IntVal = APInt(32, feof(**MOBILE CODE**(GVTOP(Args[0]))));
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, FILE  
>>>> *stream);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_fread(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 4);
>>>> -  size_t result;
>>>> -
>>>> -  result = fread((void*)GVTOP(Args[0]), GV_to_size_t (Args[1]),
>>>> -                 GV_to_size_t (Args[2]), **MOBILE  
>>>> CODE**(GVTOP(Args[3])));
>>>> -  return size_t_to_GV (result);
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// size_t fwrite(const void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nitems, FILE
>>>> *stream);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_fwrite(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 4);
>>>> -  size_t result;
>>>> -
>>>> -  result = fwrite((void*)GVTOP(Args[0]), GV_to_size_t (Args[1]),
>>>> -                  GV_to_size_t (Args[2]), **MOBILE  
>>>> CODE**(GVTOP(Args[3])));
>>>> -  return size_t_to_GV (result);
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// char *fgets(char *s, int n, FILE *stream);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_fgets(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 3);
>>>> -  return PTOGV(fgets((char*)GVTOP(Args[0]),
>>>> Args[1].IntVal.getZExtValue(),
>>>> -                     **MOBILE CODE**(GVTOP(Args[2]))));
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// FILE *freopen(const char *path, const char *mode, FILE  
>>>> *stream);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_freopen(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 3);
>>>> -  assert(isa<PointerType>(FT->getReturnType()) &&"freopen must  
>>>> return
>>>> pointer");
>>>> -  return PTOGV(freopen((char*)GVTOP(Args[0]),  
>>>> (char*)GVTOP(Args[1]),
>>>> -                       **MOBILE CODE**(GVTOP(Args[2]))));
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// int fflush(FILE *stream);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_fflush(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.IntVal = APInt(32, fflush(**MOBILE CODE**(GVTOP(Args[0]))));
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// int getc(FILE *stream);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_getc(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.IntVal = APInt(32, getc(**MOBILE CODE**(GVTOP(Args[0]))));
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// int _IO_getc(FILE *stream);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X__IO_getc(FunctionType *F, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  return lle_X_getc(F, Args);
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// int fputc(int C, FILE *stream);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_fputc(FunctionType *FT, const  
>>>> vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 2);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.IntVal = APInt(32, fputc(Args[0].IntVal.getZExtValue(),
>>>> -                              **MOBILE CODE**(GVTOP(Args[1]))));
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// int ungetc(int C, FILE *stream);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_ungetc(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 2);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.IntVal = APInt(32, ungetc(Args[0].IntVal.getZExtValue(),
>>>> -                               **MOBILE CODE**(GVTOP(Args[1]))));
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// int ferror (FILE *stream);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_ferror(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -  GV.IntVal = APInt(32, ferror (**MOBILE CODE**(GVTOP(Args[0]))));
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// int fprintf(FILE *,sbyte *, ...) - a very rough  
>>>> implementation to
>>>> make output
>>>> -// useful.
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X_fprintf(FunctionType *FT, const
>>>> vector<GenericValue> &Args) {
>>>> +// int fprintf(FILE *, const char *, ...) - a very rough
>>>> implementation to make
>>>> +// output useful.
>>>> +GenericValue lle_X_fprintf(const FunctionType *FT,
>>>> +                           const std::vector<GenericValue>  
>>>> &Args) {
>>>>  assert(Args.size() >= 2);
>>>>  char Buffer[10000];
>>>> -  vector<GenericValue> NewArgs;
>>>> +  std::vector<GenericValue> NewArgs;
>>>>  NewArgs.push_back(PTOGV(Buffer));
>>>>  NewArgs.insert(NewArgs.end(), Args.begin()+1, Args.end());
>>>>  GenericValue GV = lle_X_sprintf(FT, NewArgs);
>>>> -  fputs(Buffer, **MOBILE CODE**(GVTOP(Args[0])));
>>>> -  return GV;
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> -// int __cxa_guard_acquire (__guard *g);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X___cxa_guard_acquire(FunctionType *FT,
>>>> -                                       const vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -  GenericValue GV;
>>>> -#ifdef __linux__
>>>> -  GV.IntVal = APInt(32, __cxxabiv1::__cxa_guard_acquire (
>>>> -                          (__cxxabiv1::__guard*)GVTOP(Args[0])));
>>>> -#else
>>>> -  assert(0 && "Can't call __cxa_guard_acquire on this platform");
>>>> -#endif
>>>> +  fputs(Buffer, (FILE *) GVTOP(Args[0]));
>>>>  return GV;
>>>> }
>>>> -// void __cxa_guard_release (__guard *g);
>>>> -GenericValue lle_X___cxa_guard_release(FunctionType *FT,
>>>> -                                       const vector<GenericValue>
>>>> &Args) {
>>>> -  assert(Args.size() == 1);
>>>> -#ifdef __linux__
>>>> -  __cxxabiv1::__cxa_guard_release  
>>>> ((__cxxabiv1::__guard*)GVTOP(Args[0]));
>>>> -#else
>>>> -  assert(0 && "Can't call __cxa_guard_release on this platform");
>>>> -#endif
>>>> -  return GenericValue();
>>>> -}
>>>> -
>>>> } // End extern "C"
>>>> void Interpreter::initializeExternalFunctions() {
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_putchar"]      = lle_X_putchar;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X__IO_putc"]     = lle_X__IO_putc;
>>>> +  FuncNames["lle_X_atexit"]       = lle_X_atexit;
>>>>  FuncNames["lle_X_exit"]         = lle_X_exit;
>>>>  FuncNames["lle_X_abort"]        = lle_X_abort;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_malloc"]       = lle_X_malloc;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_calloc"]       = lle_X_calloc;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_realloc"]      = lle_X_realloc;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_free"]         = lle_X_free;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_atoi"]         = lle_X_atoi;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_pow"]          = lle_X_pow;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_sin"]          = lle_X_sin;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_cos"]          = lle_X_cos;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_exp"]          = lle_X_exp;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_log"]          = lle_X_log;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_floor"]        = lle_X_floor;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_srand"]        = lle_X_srand;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_rand"]         = lle_X_rand;
>>>> -#ifdef HAVE_RAND48
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_drand48"]      = lle_X_drand48;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_srand48"]      = lle_X_srand48;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_lrand48"]      = lle_X_lrand48;
>>>> -#endif
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_sqrt"]         = lle_X_sqrt;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_puts"]         = lle_X_puts;
>>>> +
>>>>  FuncNames["lle_X_printf"]       = lle_X_printf;
>>>>  FuncNames["lle_X_sprintf"]      = lle_X_sprintf;
>>>>  FuncNames["lle_X_sscanf"]       = lle_X_sscanf;
>>>>  FuncNames["lle_X_scanf"]        = lle_X_scanf;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_i_clock"]        = lle_i_clock;
>>>> -
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_strcmp"]       = lle_X_strcmp;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_strcat"]       = lle_X_strcat;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_strcpy"]       = lle_X_strcpy;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_strlen"]       = lle_X_strlen;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X___strdup"]     = lle_X___strdup;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_memset"]       = lle_X_memset;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_memcpy"]       = lle_X_memcpy;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_memmove"]      = lle_X_memmove;
>>>> -
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_fopen"]        = lle_X_fopen;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_fclose"]       = lle_X_fclose;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_feof"]         = lle_X_feof;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_fread"]        = lle_X_fread;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_fwrite"]       = lle_X_fwrite;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_fgets"]        = lle_X_fgets;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_fflush"]       = lle_X_fflush;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_fgetc"]        = lle_X_getc;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_getc"]         = lle_X_getc;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X__IO_getc"]     = lle_X__IO_getc;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_fputc"]        = lle_X_fputc;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_ungetc"]       = lle_X_ungetc;
>>>>  FuncNames["lle_X_fprintf"]      = lle_X_fprintf;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X_freopen"]      = lle_X_freopen;
>>>> -
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X___cxa_guard_acquire"] =  
>>>> lle_X___cxa_guard_acquire;
>>>> -  FuncNames["lle_X____cxa_guard_release"] =  
>>>> lle_X___cxa_guard_release;
>>>> }
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>>> llvm-commits mailing list
>>> llvm-commits at cs.uiuc.edu
>>> http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/llvm-commits
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>> llvm-commits mailing list
>> llvm-commits at cs.uiuc.edu
>> http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/llvm-commits
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