[llvm-commits] Enable exceptions in JIT for Darwin
Nicolas Geoffray
nicolas.geoffray at lip6.fr
Tue Aug 19 08:04:15 PDT 2008
Dear all,
Here's a patch that enables exception handling on Darwin with the JIT.
It's really ugly, it's a workaround to work with libgcc which is doing
crazy stuff when unwinding the stack. The __register_frame function was
sufficient enough for Linux, but unfortunately, the code for darwin
erases by default the registered frames. In a perfect world, I think
libgcc should be modified....
I'd be totally OK if you don't want this patch in, as it's an ugly
workaround. I can move the patch to vmkit, and that would be fine by me.
However, this makes lli work out of the box with exceptions and darwin,
so it's still an improvement.
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