[llvm-commits] [llvm] r50725 - in /llvm/trunk: tools/llvmc2/Common.td tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.cpp tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.h tools/llvmc2/Tools.td utils/TableGen/LLVMCCConfigurationEmitter.cpp
Mikhail Glushenkov
foldr at codedgers.com
Tue May 6 09:36:06 PDT 2008
Author: foldr
Date: Tue May 6 11:36:06 2008
New Revision: 50725
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=50725&view=rev
Ongoing work: add an edge typechecker, rudimentary support for edge properties.
Modified: llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/Common.td
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/Common.td?rev=50725&r1=50724&r2=50725&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/Common.td (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/Common.td Tue May 6 11:36:06 2008
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
list<dag> properties = l;
-// Special Tool instance - root of all toolchains
+// Special Tool instance - graph root.
def root : Tool<[]>;
@@ -45,6 +45,17 @@
def help;
def required;
+// Possible edge properties
+def switch_on;
+def parameter_equals;
+def element_in_list;
+// Property combinators
+// TOFIX: implement
+def and;
+def or;
// Map from suffixes to language names
class LangToSuffixes<string str, list<string> lst> {
@@ -58,11 +69,20 @@
// Compilation graph
-class Edge<Tool t1, Tool t2> {
+class EdgeBase<Tool t1, Tool t2, list<dag> lst> {
Tool a = t1;
Tool b = t2;
+ list<dag> props = lst;
-class CompilationGraph<list<Edge> lst> {
- list<Edge> edges = lst;
+class Edge<Tool t1, Tool t2> : EdgeBase<t1, t2, []>;
+// Edge and DefaultEdge are synonyms.
+class DefaultEdge<Tool t1, Tool t2> : EdgeBase<t1, t2, []>;
+// Optionally enabled edge.
+class OptionalEdge<Tool t1, Tool t2, list<dag> lst> : EdgeBase<t1, t2, lst>;
+class CompilationGraph<list<EdgeBase> lst> {
+ list<EdgeBase> edges = lst;
Modified: llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.cpp?rev=50725&r1=50724&r2=50725&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.cpp Tue May 6 11:36:06 2008
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
return I->second;
-void CompilationGraph::insertVertex(const IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Tool> V) {
+void CompilationGraph::insertNode(Tool* V) {
if (!NodesMap.count(V->Name())) {
Node N;
N.OwningGraph = this;
@@ -82,13 +82,13 @@
// Needed to support iteration via GraphTraits.
- NodesMap["root"].Children.push_back(B);
+ NodesMap["root"].AddEdge(new DefaultEdge(B));
else {
- Node& NA = getNode(A);
+ Node& N = getNode(A);
// Check that there is a node at B.
- NA.Children.push_back(B);
+ N.AddEdge(new DefaultEdge(B));
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
// Is this the last tool?
- if (N->Children.empty() || CurTool->IsLast()) {
+ if (!N->HasChildren() || CurTool->IsLast()) {
Last = true;
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
if (CurTool->GenerateAction(In, Out).Execute() != 0)
throw std::runtime_error("Tool returned error code!");
- N = &getNode(*N->Children.begin());
+ N = &getNode((*N->EdgesBegin())->ToolName());
In = Out; Out.clear();
Modified: llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.h?rev=50725&r1=50724&r2=50725&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.h (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/CompilationGraph.h Tue May 6 11:36:06 2008
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
#include "Tool.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/GraphTraits.h"
+#include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/iterator"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
@@ -27,45 +28,59 @@
namespace llvmcc {
- class CompilationGraph;
+ class Edge : public llvm::RefCountedBaseVPTR<Edge> {
+ public:
+ Edge(const std::string& T) : ToolName_(T) {}
+ virtual ~Edge() {};
+ const std::string& ToolName() const { return ToolName_; }
+ virtual bool isEnabled() const = 0;
+ virtual bool isDefault() const = 0;
+ private:
+ std::string ToolName_;
+ };
+ class DefaultEdge : public Edge {
+ public:
+ DefaultEdge(const std::string& T) : Edge(T) {}
+ bool isEnabled() const { return true;}
+ bool isDefault() const { return true;}
+ };
struct Node {
- typedef llvm::SmallVector<std::string, 3> sequence_type;
+ typedef llvm::SmallVector<llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Edge>, 3> container_type;
+ typedef container_type::iterator iterator;
+ typedef container_type::const_iterator const_iterator;
Node() {}
Node(CompilationGraph* G) : OwningGraph(G) {}
Node(CompilationGraph* G, Tool* T) : OwningGraph(G), ToolPtr(T) {}
+ bool HasChildren() const { return OutEdges.empty(); }
+ iterator EdgesBegin() { return OutEdges.begin(); }
+ const_iterator EdgesBegin() const { return OutEdges.begin(); }
+ iterator EdgesEnd() { return OutEdges.end(); }
+ const_iterator EdgesEnd() const { return OutEdges.end(); }
+ // E is a new-allocated pointer.
+ void AddEdge(Edge* E)
+ { OutEdges.push_back(llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Edge>(E)); }
// Needed to implement NodeChildIterator/GraphTraits
CompilationGraph* OwningGraph;
// The corresponding Tool.
llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Tool> ToolPtr;
// Links to children.
- sequence_type Children;
+ container_type OutEdges;
- // This can be generalised to something like value_iterator for maps
- class NodesIterator : public llvm::StringMap<Node>::iterator {
- typedef llvm::StringMap<Node>::iterator super;
- typedef NodesIterator ThisType;
- typedef Node* pointer;
- typedef Node& reference;
- public:
- NodesIterator(super I) : super(I) {}
- inline reference operator*() const {
- return super::operator->()->second;
- }
- inline pointer operator->() const {
- return &super::operator->()->second;
- }
- };
+ class NodesIterator;
class CompilationGraph {
- typedef llvm::StringMap<Node> nodes_map_type;
typedef llvm::SmallVector<std::string, 3> tools_vector_type;
typedef llvm::StringMap<tools_vector_type> tools_map_type;
+ typedef llvm::StringMap<Node> nodes_map_type;
// Map from file extensions to language names.
LanguageMap ExtsToLangs;
@@ -79,7 +94,7 @@
// insertVertex - insert a new node into the graph.
- void insertVertex(const llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Tool> T);
+ void insertNode(Tool* T);
// insertEdge - Insert a new edge into the graph. This function
// assumes that both A and B have been already inserted.
@@ -90,87 +105,108 @@
// variables.
int Build(llvm::sys::Path const& tempDir) const;
- /// viewGraph - This function is meant for use from the debugger.
- /// You can just say 'call G->viewGraph()' and a ghostview window
- /// should pop up from the program, displaying the compilation
- /// graph. This depends on there being a 'dot' and 'gv' program
- /// in your path.
+ // Return a reference to the node correponding to the given tool
+ // name. Throws std::runtime_error.
+ Node& getNode(const std::string& ToolName);
+ const Node& getNode(const std::string& ToolName) const;
+ // viewGraph - This function is meant for use from the debugger.
+ // You can just say 'call G->viewGraph()' and a ghostview window
+ // should pop up from the program, displaying the compilation
+ // graph. This depends on there being a 'dot' and 'gv' program
+ // in your path.
void viewGraph();
- /// Write a CompilationGraph.dot file.
+ // Write a CompilationGraph.dot file.
void writeGraph();
// GraphTraits support
+ friend NodesIterator GraphBegin(CompilationGraph*);
+ friend NodesIterator GraphEnd(CompilationGraph*);
+ friend void PopulateCompilationGraph(CompilationGraph&);
- typedef NodesIterator nodes_iterator;
+ private:
+ // Helper functions.
- nodes_iterator nodes_begin() {
- return NodesIterator(NodesMap.begin());
- }
+ // Find out which language corresponds to the suffix of this file.
+ const std::string& getLanguage(const llvm::sys::Path& File) const;
- nodes_iterator nodes_end() {
- return NodesIterator(NodesMap.end());
- }
+ // Return a reference to the list of tool names corresponding to
+ // the given language name. Throws std::runtime_error.
+ const tools_vector_type& getToolsVector(const std::string& LangName) const;
+ };
- // Return a reference to the node correponding to the given tool
- // name. Throws std::runtime_error in case of error.
- Node& getNode(const std::string& ToolName);
- const Node& getNode(const std::string& ToolName) const;
+ /// GraphTraits support code.
- // Auto-generated function.
- friend void PopulateCompilationGraph(CompilationGraph&);
+ // Auxiliary class needed to implement GraphTraits support. Can be
+ // generalised to something like value_iterator for map-like
+ // containers.
+ class NodesIterator : public llvm::StringMap<Node>::iterator {
+ typedef llvm::StringMap<Node>::iterator super;
+ typedef NodesIterator ThisType;
+ typedef Node* pointer;
+ typedef Node& reference;
- private:
- // Helper function - find out which language corresponds to the
- // suffix of this file
- const std::string& getLanguage(const llvm::sys::Path& File) const;
+ public:
+ NodesIterator(super I) : super(I) {}
- // Return a reference to the tool names list correponding to the
- // given language name. Throws std::runtime_error in case of
- // error.
- const tools_vector_type& getToolsVector(const std::string& LangName) const;
+ inline reference operator*() const {
+ return super::operator->()->second;
+ }
+ inline pointer operator->() const {
+ return &super::operator->()->second;
+ }
- // Auxiliary class needed to implement GraphTraits support.
+ inline NodesIterator GraphBegin(CompilationGraph* G) {
+ return NodesIterator(G->NodesMap.begin());
+ }
+ inline NodesIterator GraphEnd(CompilationGraph* G) {
+ return NodesIterator(G->NodesMap.end());
+ }
+ // Another auxiliary class needed by GraphTraits.
class NodeChildIterator : public bidirectional_iterator<Node, ptrdiff_t> {
typedef NodeChildIterator ThisType;
- typedef Node::sequence_type::iterator iterator;
+ typedef Node::container_type::iterator iterator;
CompilationGraph* OwningGraph;
- iterator KeyIter;
+ iterator EdgeIter;
typedef Node* pointer;
typedef Node& reference;
NodeChildIterator(Node* N, iterator I) :
- OwningGraph(N->OwningGraph), KeyIter(I) {}
+ OwningGraph(N->OwningGraph), EdgeIter(I) {}
const ThisType& operator=(const ThisType& I) {
assert(OwningGraph == I.OwningGraph);
- KeyIter = I.KeyIter;
+ EdgeIter = I.EdgeIter;
return *this;
inline bool operator==(const ThisType& I) const
- { return KeyIter == I.KeyIter; }
+ { return EdgeIter == I.EdgeIter; }
inline bool operator!=(const ThisType& I) const
- { return KeyIter != I.KeyIter; }
+ { return EdgeIter != I.EdgeIter; }
inline pointer operator*() const {
- return &OwningGraph->getNode(*KeyIter);
+ return &OwningGraph->getNode((*EdgeIter)->ToolName());
inline pointer operator->() const {
- return &OwningGraph->getNode(*KeyIter);
+ return &OwningGraph->getNode((*EdgeIter)->ToolName());
- ThisType& operator++() { ++KeyIter; return *this; } // Preincrement
+ ThisType& operator++() { ++EdgeIter; return *this; } // Preincrement
ThisType operator++(int) { // Postincrement
ThisType tmp = *this;
return tmp;
- inline ThisType& operator--() { --KeyIter; return *this; } // Predecrement
+ inline ThisType& operator--() { --EdgeIter; return *this; } // Predecrement
inline ThisType operator--(int) { // Postdecrement
ThisType tmp = *this;
@@ -192,18 +228,18 @@
static ChildIteratorType child_begin(NodeType* N) {
- return ChildIteratorType(N, N->Children.begin());
+ return ChildIteratorType(N, N->OutEdges.begin());
static ChildIteratorType child_end(NodeType* N) {
- return ChildIteratorType(N, N->Children.end());
+ return ChildIteratorType(N, N->OutEdges.end());
- typedef GraphType::nodes_iterator nodes_iterator;
+ typedef llvmcc::NodesIterator nodes_iterator;
static nodes_iterator nodes_begin(GraphType *G) {
- return G->nodes_begin();
+ return GraphBegin(G);
static nodes_iterator nodes_end(GraphType *G) {
- return G->nodes_end();
+ return GraphEnd(G);
Modified: llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/Tools.td
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/Tools.td?rev=50725&r1=50724&r2=50725&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/Tools.td (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/tools/llvmc2/Tools.td Tue May 6 11:36:06 2008
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
def llvm_gcc_c : Tool<
[(in_language "c"),
- (out_language "llvm-assembler"),
+ (out_language "llvm-bitcode"),
(output_suffix "bc"),
(cmd_line "llvm-gcc -c $INFILE -o $OUTFILE -emit-llvm"),
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
def llvm_gcc_cpp : Tool<
[(in_language "c++"),
- (out_language "llvm-assembler"),
+ (out_language "llvm-bitcode"),
(output_suffix "bc"),
(cmd_line "llvm-g++ -c $INFILE -o $OUTFILE -emit-llvm"),
Modified: llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/LLVMCCConfigurationEmitter.cpp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/LLVMCCConfigurationEmitter.cpp?rev=50725&r1=50724&r2=50725&view=diff
--- llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/LLVMCCConfigurationEmitter.cpp (original)
+++ llvm/trunk/utils/TableGen/LLVMCCConfigurationEmitter.cpp Tue May 6 11:36:06 2008
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
using namespace llvm;
-namespace {
+//namespace {
/// Typedefs
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@
std::string Help;
unsigned Flags;
+ // We need t provide a default constructor since
// StringMap can only store DefaultConstructible objects
GlobalOptionDescription() : OptionDescription(), Flags(0)
@@ -539,8 +540,6 @@
for (;B!=E;++B) {
RecordVector::value_type T = *B;
ListInit* PropList = T->getValueAsListInit("properties");
- if (!PropList)
- throw std::string("Tool has no property list!");
ToolProps(new ToolProperties(T->getName()));
@@ -853,17 +852,66 @@
O << "}\n\n";
-void EmitPopulateCompilationGraph (const RecordKeeper& Records,
- StringMap<std::string>& ToolToLang,
+// Fills in two tables that map tool names to (input, output) languages.
+// Used by the typechecker.
+void FillInToolToLang (const ToolPropertiesList& TPList,
+ StringMap<std::string>& ToolToInLang,
+ StringMap<std::string>& ToolToOutLang) {
+ for (ToolPropertiesList::const_iterator B = TPList.begin(), E = TPList.end();
+ B != E; ++B) {
+ const ToolProperties& P = *(*B);
+ ToolToInLang[P.Name] = P.InLanguage;
+ ToolToOutLang[P.Name] = P.OutLanguage;
+ }
+// Check that all output and input language names match.
+void TypecheckGraph (Record* CompilationGraph,
+ const ToolPropertiesList& TPList) {
+ StringMap<std::string> ToolToInLang;
+ StringMap<std::string> ToolToOutLang;
+ FillInToolToLang(TPList, ToolToInLang, ToolToOutLang);
+ ListInit* edges = CompilationGraph->getValueAsListInit("edges");
+ StringMap<std::string>::iterator IAE = ToolToInLang.end();
+ StringMap<std::string>::iterator IBE = ToolToOutLang.end();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < edges->size(); ++i) {
+ Record* Edge = edges->getElementAsRecord(i);
+ Record* A = Edge->getValueAsDef("a");
+ Record* B = Edge->getValueAsDef("b");
+ StringMap<std::string>::iterator IA = ToolToOutLang.find(A->getName());
+ StringMap<std::string>::iterator IB = ToolToInLang.find(B->getName());
+ if(IA == IAE)
+ throw A->getName() + ": no such tool!";
+ if(IB == IBE)
+ throw B->getName() + ": no such tool!";
+ if(A->getName() != "root" && IA->second != IB->second)
+ throw "Edge " + A->getName() + "->" + B->getName()
+ + ": output->input language mismatch";
+ }
+// Emit Edge* classes used for.
+void EmitEdgeClasses (Record* CompilationGraph,
+ const GlobalOptionDescriptions& OptDescs,
+ std::ostream& O) {
+ ListInit* edges = CompilationGraph->getValueAsListInit("edges");
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < edges->size(); ++i) {
+ //Record* Edge = edges->getElementAsRecord(i);
+ //Record* A = Edge->getValueAsDef("a");
+ //Record* B = Edge->getValueAsDef("b");
+ //ListInit* Props = Edge->getValueAsListInit("props");
+ O << "class Edge" << i << " {};\n\n";
+ }
+void EmitPopulateCompilationGraph (Record* CompilationGraph,
std::ostream& O)
- // Get the relevant field out of RecordKeeper
- Record* CompilationGraph = Records.getDef("CompilationGraph");
- if (!CompilationGraph)
- throw std::string("No CompilationGraph specification found!");
ListInit* edges = CompilationGraph->getValueAsListInit("edges");
- if (!edges)
- throw std::string("Error in compilation graph definition!");
// Generate code
O << "void llvmcc::PopulateCompilationGraph(CompilationGraph& G) {\n"
@@ -878,14 +926,13 @@
for (RecordVector::iterator B = Tools.begin(), E = Tools.end(); B != E; ++B) {
const std::string& Name = (*B)->getName();
if(Name != "root")
- O << Indent1 << "G.insertVertex(IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Tool>(new "
- << Name << "()));\n";
+ O << Indent1 << "G.insertNode(new "
+ << Name << "());\n";
O << '\n';
// Insert edges
for (unsigned i = 0; i < edges->size(); ++i) {
Record* Edge = edges->getElementAsRecord(i);
Record* A = Edge->getValueAsDef("a");
@@ -897,17 +944,9 @@
O << "}\n\n";
-void FillInToolToLang (const ToolPropertiesList& T,
- StringMap<std::string>& M) {
- for (ToolPropertiesList::const_iterator B = T.begin(), E = T.end();
- B != E; ++B) {
- const ToolProperties& P = *(*B);
- M[P.Name] = P.InLanguage;
- }
// End of anonymous namespace
// Back-end entry point
void LLVMCCConfigurationEmitter::run (std::ostream &O) {
@@ -936,12 +975,18 @@
E = tool_props.end(); B!=E; ++B)
EmitToolClassDefinition(*(*B), O);
- // Fill in table that maps tool names to languages
- StringMap<std::string> ToolToLang;
- FillInToolToLang(tool_props, ToolToLang);
+ Record* CompilationGraphRecord = Records.getDef("CompilationGraph");
+ if (!CompilationGraphRecord)
+ throw std::string("Compilation graph description not found!");
+ // Typecheck the compilation graph.
+ TypecheckGraph(CompilationGraphRecord, tool_props);
+ // Emit Edge* classes.
+ EmitEdgeClasses(CompilationGraphRecord, opt_descs, O);
// Emit PopulateCompilationGraph function
- EmitPopulateCompilationGraph(Records, ToolToLang, O);
+ EmitPopulateCompilationGraph(CompilationGraphRecord, O);
// EOF
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