[llvm-commits] [llvm] r48767 - /llvm/branches/ggreif/parallelized-test/lib/llvm.exp

Gabor Greif ggreif at gmail.com
Tue Mar 25 03:24:31 PDT 2008

Author: ggreif
Date: Tue Mar 25 05:24:26 2008
New Revision: 48767

URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=48767&view=rev


Modified: llvm/branches/ggreif/parallelized-test/lib/llvm.exp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/branches/ggreif/parallelized-test/lib/llvm.exp?rev=48767&r1=48766&r2=48767&view=diff

--- llvm/branches/ggreif/parallelized-test/lib/llvm.exp (original)
+++ llvm/branches/ggreif/parallelized-test/lib/llvm.exp Tue Mar 25 05:24:26 2008
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@
 proc RunLLVMTests { test_source_files } {
   global srcroot objroot srcdir objdir subdir
-	if 0==[llength $test_source_files] {
-		verbose "NOTE: test suite without tests: $subdir" 1
-		exit 2
-	}
+  if 0==[llength $test_source_files] {
+    verbose "NOTE: test suite without tests: $subdir" 1
+    exit 2
+  }
   set timeout 60
@@ -103,48 +103,48 @@
   file mkdir Output
   cd Output
-	# Create the makefile that can be invoked in a parallel manner.
-	set makeFilePath [file join $path Output Test.makefile]
-	set makeFileId [open $makeFilePath w]
-	puts $makeFileId ""
-	puts $makeFileId ""
-	puts $makeFileId "include [file join $srcroot Makefile.config]"
-	puts $makeFileId "include [file join $srcroot Makefile.rules]"
-	puts $makeFileId ""
-	puts $makeFileId "SUBDIR = $subdir"
-	puts $makeFileId ""
-	puts $makeFileId "%.testresults: [file join $path %]"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t@ printf '.'"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t@ (echo source \$(LLVM_OBJ_ROOT)/test/site.exp; \\"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t   echo source \$(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/test/lib/llvm.exp; \\"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t   echo proc fail { msg } { puts '\"FAIL: \$\$msg\"' }; \\"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t   echo proc xfail { msg } { puts '\"XFAIL: \$\$msg\"' }; \\"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t   echo proc pass { msg } { puts '\"PASS: \$\$msg\"' }; \\"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t   echo proc xpass { msg } { puts '\"XPASS: \$\$msg\"' }; \\"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t   echo proc verbose { msg level } { puts '\"\$\$msg\"' }; \\"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t   echo set subdir \$(SUBDIR); \\"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t   echo run_one_test \$<) | \\"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t  (ulimit -t 600; \\"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t   ulimit -d 512000; \\"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t   PATH=\"\$(LLVMToolDir):\$(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/test/Scripts:\$(PATH)\" \$(TCLSH)) > \$@"
-	puts $makeFileId ""
-	puts $makeFileId ""
-	puts $makeFileId "TESTS = \\"
+  # Create the makefile that can be invoked in a parallel manner.
+  set makeFilePath [file join $path Output Test.makefile]
+  set makeFileId [open $makeFilePath w]
+  puts $makeFileId "\# THIS FILE IS GENERATED. DO NOT EDIT"
+  puts $makeFileId ""
+  puts $makeFileId ""
+  puts $makeFileId "include [file join $srcroot Makefile.config]"
+  puts $makeFileId "include [file join $srcroot Makefile.rules]"
+  puts $makeFileId ""
+  puts $makeFileId "SUBDIR = $subdir"
+  puts $makeFileId ""
+  puts $makeFileId "%.testresults: [file join $path %]"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t@ printf '.'"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t@ (echo source \$(LLVM_OBJ_ROOT)/test/site.exp; \\"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t   echo source \$(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/test/lib/llvm.exp; \\"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t   echo proc fail { msg } { puts '\"FAIL: \$\$msg\"' }; \\"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t   echo proc xfail { msg } { puts '\"XFAIL: \$\$msg\"' }; \\"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t   echo proc pass { msg } { puts '\"PASS: \$\$msg\"' }; \\"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t   echo proc xpass { msg } { puts '\"XPASS: \$\$msg\"' }; \\"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t   echo proc verbose { msg level } { puts '\"\$\$msg\"' }; \\"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t   echo set subdir \$(SUBDIR); \\"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t   echo run_one_test \$<) | \\"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t  (ulimit -t 600; \\"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t   ulimit -d 512000; \\"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t   PATH=\"\$(LLVMToolDir):\$(LLVM_SRC_ROOT)/test/Scripts:\$(PATH)\" \$(TCLSH)) > \$@"
+  puts $makeFileId ""
+  puts $makeFileId ""
+  puts $makeFileId "TESTS = \\"
   foreach test $test_source_files {
-		output_one_test "$test" $makeFileId
+    output_one_test "$test" $makeFileId
-	puts $makeFileId ""
-	puts $makeFileId "Test.makefile.out: \$(TESTS)"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t@ printf '\\n---- testing $subdir ---\\n'"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t@ cat \$(TESTS) > \$@"
-	puts $makeFileId "\t@ touch \$@"
-	puts $makeFileId ""
+  puts $makeFileId ""
+  puts $makeFileId "Test.makefile.out: \$(TESTS)"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t@ printf '\\n---- testing $subdir ---\\n'"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t@ cat \$(TESTS) > \$@"
+  puts $makeFileId "\t@ touch \$@"
+  puts $makeFileId ""
-	close $makeFileId
+  close $makeFileId
 # This procedure adds just one test to the makefile.
@@ -156,127 +156,127 @@
 # This procedure runs just one test from the test_source_files array.
 proc run_one_test { test } {
   global target_triplet llvmgcc_version
-	#Should figure out best way to set the timeout
-	#set timeout 40
-	set filename [file tail $test]
-	verbose "ABOUT TO RUN: $filename" 2
-	set outcome PASS
-	set tmpFile "$filename.tmp"
-	# Mark that it should not be XFAIL for this target.
-	set targetPASS 0
-	#set hasRunline bool to check if testcase has a runline
-	set numLines 0
-	# Open the test file and start reading lines
-	set testFileId [ open $test r]
-	set runline ""
-	set PRNUMS ""
-	foreach line [split [read $testFileId] \n] {
-		# if its the END. line then stop parsing (optimization for big files)
-		if {[regexp {END.[[:space:]]*$} $line match endofscript]} {
-			break
+  #Should figure out best way to set the timeout
+  #set timeout 40
+  set filename [file tail $test]
+  verbose "ABOUT TO RUN: $filename" 2
+  set outcome PASS
+  set tmpFile "$filename.tmp"
+  # Mark that it should not be XFAIL for this target.
+  set targetPASS 0
+  # set hasRunline bool to check if testcase has a runline
+  set numLines 0
+  # Open the test file and start reading lines
+  set testFileId [ open $test r]
+  set runline ""
+  set PRNUMS ""
+  foreach line [split [read $testFileId] \n] {
+    # if its the END. line then stop parsing (optimization for big files)
+    if {[regexp {END.[[:space:]]*$} $line match endofscript]} {
+      break
       # if the line is continued, concatenate and continue the loop
-		} elseif {[regexp {RUN: *(.+)(\\)$} $line match oneline suffix]} {
-			set runline "$runline$oneline "
+    } elseif {[regexp {RUN: *(.+)(\\)$} $line match oneline suffix]} {
+      set runline "$runline$oneline "
       # if its a terminating RUN: line then do substitution on the whole line
       # and then save the line. 
-		} elseif {[regexp {RUN: *(.+)$} $line match oneline suffix]} {
-			set runline "$runline$oneline"
-			set runline [ substitute $runline $test $tmpFile ]
-			set lines($numLines) $runline
-			set numLines [expr $numLines + 1]
-			set runline ""
+    } elseif {[regexp {RUN: *(.+)$} $line match oneline suffix]} {
+      set runline "$runline$oneline"
+      set runline [ substitute $runline $test $tmpFile ]
+      set lines($numLines) $runline
+      set numLines [expr $numLines + 1]
+      set runline ""
       # if its an PR line, save the problem report number
-		} elseif {[regexp {PR([0-9]+)} $line match prnum]} {
-			if {$PRNUMS == ""} {
-				set PRNUMS "PR$prnum"
-			} else {
-				set PRNUMS "$PRNUMS,$prnum"
-			}
+    } elseif {[regexp {PR([0-9]+)} $line match prnum]} {
+      if {$PRNUMS == ""} {
+        set PRNUMS "PR$prnum"
+      } else {
+        set PRNUMS "$PRNUMS,$prnum"
+      }
       # if its an XFAIL line, see if we should be XFAILing or not.
-		} elseif {[regexp {XFAIL:[ *](.+)} $line match targets]} {
-			set targets
+    } elseif {[regexp {XFAIL:[ *](.+)} $line match targets]} {
+      set targets
-			#split up target if more then 1 specified
-			foreach target [split $targets ,] {
-				if { [regexp {\*} $target match] } {
-					if {$targetPASS != 1} {
-						set outcome XFAIL
-					}
-				} elseif { [regexp $target $target_triplet match] } {
-					if {$targetPASS != 1} {
-						set outcome XFAIL
-					}
-				} elseif { [regexp {llvmgcc(([0-9]+)|([0-9]+[.][0-9]+))} $target match submatch submatch2]  } {
-					if { [regexp ^($submatch)$|^(($submatch)(\.)) $llvmgcc_version match] } {
-						if {$targetPASS != 1} {
-							set outcome XFAIL
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		} elseif {[regexp {XTARGET:[ *](.+)} $line match targets]} {
-			set targets
-			#split up target if more then 1 specified
-			foreach target [split $targets ,] {
-				if { [regexp {\*} $target match] } {
-					set targetPASS 1
-					set outcome PASS
-				} elseif { [regexp $target $target_triplet match] } {
-					set targetPASS 1
-					set outcome PASS
-				} elseif { [regexp {llvmgcc(([0-9]+)|([0-9]+[.][0-9]+))} $target match submatch submatch2]  } {
-					if { [regexp ^($submatch)$|^(($submatch)(\.)) $llvmgcc_version match] } {
-						set targetPASS 1
-						set outcome PASS
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	# Done reading the script
-	close $testFileId
-	if { $numLines == 0 } {
-		fail "$test: \nDoes not have a RUN line\n"
-	} else {
-		set failed 0
-		for { set i 0 } { $i < $numLines } { set i [ expr $i + 1 ] } {
-			regsub ^.*RUN:(.*) $lines($i) \1 theLine
-			set resultmsg [execOneLine $test $PRNUMS $outcome $i $theLine ]
-			if { $resultmsg != "" } {
-				if { $outcome == "XFAIL" } {
-					xfail "$resultmsg"
-				} else {
-					fail "$resultmsg"
-				}
-				set failed 1
-				break
-			}
-		}
-		if { $failed } {
-			return
-		} else {
-			if { $PRNUMS != "" } {
-				set PRNUMS " for $PRNUMS"
-			}
-			if { $outcome == "XFAIL" } {
-				xpass "$test$PRNUMS"
-			} else {
-				pass "$test$PRNUMS"
-			}
-		}
-	}
+      #split up target if more then 1 specified
+      foreach target [split $targets ,] {
+        if { [regexp {\*} $target match] } {
+          if {$targetPASS != 1} {
+            set outcome XFAIL
+          }
+        } elseif { [regexp $target $target_triplet match] } {
+          if {$targetPASS != 1} {
+            set outcome XFAIL
+          }
+        } elseif { [regexp {llvmgcc(([0-9]+)|([0-9]+[.][0-9]+))} $target match submatch submatch2]  } {
+          if { [regexp ^($submatch)$|^(($submatch)(\.)) $llvmgcc_version match] } {
+            if {$targetPASS != 1} {
+              set outcome XFAIL
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    } elseif {[regexp {XTARGET:[ *](.+)} $line match targets]} {
+      set targets
+      #split up target if more then 1 specified
+      foreach target [split $targets ,] {
+        if { [regexp {\*} $target match] } {
+          set targetPASS 1
+          set outcome PASS
+        } elseif { [regexp $target $target_triplet match] } {
+          set targetPASS 1
+          set outcome PASS
+        } elseif { [regexp {llvmgcc(([0-9]+)|([0-9]+[.][0-9]+))} $target match submatch submatch2]  } {
+          if { [regexp ^($submatch)$|^(($submatch)(\.)) $llvmgcc_version match] } {
+            set targetPASS 1
+            set outcome PASS
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # Done reading the script
+  close $testFileId
+  if { $numLines == 0 } {
+    fail "$test: \nDoes not have a RUN line\n"
+  } else {
+    set failed 0
+    for { set i 0 } { $i < $numLines } { set i [ expr $i + 1 ] } {
+      regsub ^.*RUN:(.*) $lines($i) \1 theLine
+      set resultmsg [execOneLine $test $PRNUMS $outcome $i $theLine ]
+      if { $resultmsg != "" } {
+        if { $outcome == "XFAIL" } {
+          xfail "$resultmsg"
+        } else {
+          fail "$resultmsg"
+        }
+        set failed 1
+        break
+      }
+    }
+    if { $failed } {
+      return
+    } else {
+      if { $PRNUMS != "" } {
+        set PRNUMS " for $PRNUMS"
+      }
+      if { $outcome == "XFAIL" } {
+        xpass "$test$PRNUMS"
+      } else {
+        pass "$test$PRNUMS"
+      }
+    }
+  }
 # This procedure provides an interface to check the LLVMGCC_LANGS makefile

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