[llvm-commits] [llvm-gcc-4.2] r43913 [80/80] - in /llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk: boehm-gc/ boehm-gc/Mac_files/ boehm-gc/cord/ boehm-gc/doc/ boehm-gc/include/ boehm-gc/include/private/ boehm-gc/tests/ libffi/ libffi/include/ libffi/src/ libffi/src/alpha/ libffi/src/arm/ libffi/src/cris/ libffi/src/frv/ libffi/src/ia64/ libffi/src/m32r/ libffi/src/m68k/ libffi/src/mips/ libffi/src/pa/ libffi/src/powerpc/ libffi/src/s390/ libffi/src/sh/ libffi/src/sh64/ libffi/src/sparc/ libffi/src/x86/ libffi/testsuite/ libffi/testsuite/config/ li...

Bill Wendling isanbard at gmail.com
Thu Nov 8 14:57:11 PST 2007

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/projects/visualc6/zlib.dsp
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/projects/visualc6/zlib.dsp?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/projects/visualc6/zlib.dsp (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/projects/visualc6/zlib.dsp Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Project File - Name="zlib" - Package Owner=<4>
+# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
+# ** DO NOT EDIT **
+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library" 0x0102
+# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Static Library" 0x0104
+CFG=zlib - Win32 LIB Debug
+!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
+!MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "zlib.mak".
+!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE
+!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
+!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "zlib.mak" CFG="zlib - Win32 LIB Debug"
+!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
+!MESSAGE "zlib - Win32 DLL Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
+!MESSAGE "zlib - Win32 DLL Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
+!MESSAGE "zlib - Win32 DLL ASM Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
+!MESSAGE "zlib - Win32 DLL ASM Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Dynamic-Link Library")
+!MESSAGE "zlib - Win32 LIB Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
+!MESSAGE "zlib - Win32 LIB Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
+!MESSAGE "zlib - Win32 LIB ASM Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
+!MESSAGE "zlib - Win32 LIB ASM Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Static Library")
+# Begin Project
+# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0
+# PROP Scc_ProjName ""
+# PROP Scc_LocalPath ""
+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL Release"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "zlib___Win32_DLL_Release"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "zlib___Win32_DLL_Release"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP Output_Dir "Win32_DLL_Release"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Win32_DLL_Release"
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /FD /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /FD /c
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386
+# ADD LINK32 /nologo /dll /machine:I386 /out:"Win32_DLL_Release\zlib1.dll"
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL Debug"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "zlib___Win32_DLL_Debug"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "zlib___Win32_DLL_Debug"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP Output_Dir "Win32_DLL_Debug"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Win32_DLL_Debug"
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /FD /GZ /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /FD /GZ /c
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
+# ADD LINK32 /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /out:"Win32_DLL_Debug\zlib1d.dll" /pdbtype:sept
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL ASM Release"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "zlib___Win32_DLL_ASM_Release"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "zlib___Win32_DLL_ASM_Release"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP Output_Dir "Win32_DLL_ASM_Release"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Win32_DLL_ASM_Release"
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /FD /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "ASMV" /D "ASMINF" /FD /c
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /machine:I386
+# ADD LINK32 /nologo /dll /machine:I386 /out:"Win32_DLL_ASM_Release\zlib1.dll"
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL ASM Debug"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "zlib___Win32_DLL_ASM_Debug"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "zlib___Win32_DLL_ASM_Debug"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP Output_Dir "Win32_DLL_ASM_Debug"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Win32_DLL_ASM_Debug"
+# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /FD /GZ /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "ASMV" /D "ASMINF" /FD /GZ /c
+# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept
+# ADD LINK32 /nologo /dll /debug /machine:I386 /out:"Win32_DLL_ASM_Debug\zlib1d.dll" /pdbtype:sept
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB Release"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "zlib___Win32_LIB_Release"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "zlib___Win32_LIB_Release"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP Output_Dir "Win32_LIB_Release"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Win32_LIB_Release"
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /FD /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /FD /c
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+LIB32=link.exe -lib
+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo
+# ADD LIB32 /nologo
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB Debug"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "zlib___Win32_LIB_Debug"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "zlib___Win32_LIB_Debug"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP Output_Dir "Win32_LIB_Debug"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Win32_LIB_Debug"
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /FD /GZ /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /FD /GZ /c
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+LIB32=link.exe -lib
+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo
+# ADD LIB32 /nologo /out:"Win32_LIB_Debug\zlibd.lib"
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB ASM Release"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "zlib___Win32_LIB_ASM_Release"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "zlib___Win32_LIB_ASM_Release"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
+# PROP Output_Dir "Win32_LIB_ASM_Release"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Win32_LIB_ASM_Release"
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /FD /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /O2 /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "ASMV" /D "ASMINF" /FD /c
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+LIB32=link.exe -lib
+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo
+# ADD LIB32 /nologo
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB ASM Debug"
+# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP BASE Output_Dir "zlib___Win32_LIB_ASM_Debug"
+# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "zlib___Win32_LIB_ASM_Debug"
+# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
+# PROP Use_MFC 0
+# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
+# PROP Output_Dir "Win32_LIB_ASM_Debug"
+# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Win32_LIB_ASM_Debug"
+# PROP Target_Dir ""
+# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /FD /GZ /c
+# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /ZI /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D "ASMV" /D "ASMINF" /FD /GZ /c
+# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
+# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
+# ADD BSC32 /nologo
+LIB32=link.exe -lib
+# ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo
+# ADD LIB32 /nologo /out:"Win32_LIB_ASM_Debug\zlibd.lib"
+# Begin Target
+# Name "zlib - Win32 DLL Release"
+# Name "zlib - Win32 DLL Debug"
+# Name "zlib - Win32 DLL ASM Release"
+# Name "zlib - Win32 DLL ASM Debug"
+# Name "zlib - Win32 LIB Release"
+# Name "zlib - Win32 LIB Debug"
+# Name "zlib - Win32 LIB ASM Release"
+# Name "zlib - Win32 LIB ASM Debug"
+# Begin Group "Source Files"
+# PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat"
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL Release"
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL Debug"
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL ASM Release"
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL ASM Debug"
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB Release"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB Debug"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB ASM Release"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB ASM Debug"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# End Group
+# Begin Group "Header Files"
+# PROP Default_Filter "h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl"
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# End Group
+# Begin Group "Resource Files"
+# PROP Default_Filter "ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe"
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# End Group
+# Begin Group "Assembler Files (Unsupported)"
+# PROP Default_Filter "asm;obj;c;cpp;cxx;h;hpp;hxx"
+# Begin Source File
+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL Release"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL Debug"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL ASM Release"
+# Begin Custom Build - Assembling...
+"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
+	ml.exe /nologo /c /coff /Cx /Fo"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" "$(InputPath)"
+# End Custom Build
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL ASM Debug"
+# Begin Custom Build - Assembling...
+"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
+	ml.exe /nologo /c /coff /Cx /Zi /Fo"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" "$(InputPath)"
+# End Custom Build
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB Release"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB Debug"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB ASM Release"
+# Begin Custom Build - Assembling...
+"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
+	ml.exe /nologo /c /coff /Cx /Fo"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" "$(InputPath)"
+# End Custom Build
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB ASM Debug"
+# Begin Custom Build - Assembling...
+"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
+	ml.exe /nologo /c /coff /Cx /Zi /Fo"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" "$(InputPath)"
+# End Custom Build
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL Release"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+# ADD CPP /I "..\.."
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL Debug"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+# ADD CPP /I "..\.."
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL ASM Release"
+# ADD CPP /I "..\.."
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL ASM Debug"
+# ADD CPP /I "..\.."
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB Release"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+# ADD CPP /I "..\.."
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB Debug"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+# ADD CPP /I "..\.."
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB ASM Release"
+# ADD CPP /I "..\.."
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB ASM Debug"
+# ADD CPP /I "..\.."
+# End Source File
+# Begin Source File
+!IF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL Release"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL Debug"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL ASM Release"
+# Begin Custom Build - Assembling...
+"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
+	ml.exe /nologo /c /coff /Cx /Fo"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" "$(InputPath)"
+# End Custom Build
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 DLL ASM Debug"
+# Begin Custom Build - Assembling...
+"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
+	ml.exe /nologo /c /coff /Cx /Zi /Fo"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" "$(InputPath)"
+# End Custom Build
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB Release"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB Debug"
+# PROP Exclude_From_Build 1
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB ASM Release"
+# Begin Custom Build - Assembling...
+"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
+	ml.exe /nologo /c /coff /Cx /Fo"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" "$(InputPath)"
+# End Custom Build
+!ELSEIF  "$(CFG)" == "zlib - Win32 LIB ASM Debug"
+# Begin Custom Build - Assembling...
+"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" : $(SOURCE) "$(INTDIR)" "$(OUTDIR)"
+	ml.exe /nologo /c /coff /Cx /Zi /Fo"$(IntDir)\$(InputName).obj" "$(InputPath)"
+# End Custom Build
+# End Source File
+# End Group
+# Begin Source File
+# End Source File
+# End Target
+# End Project

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/projects/visualc6/zlib.dsw
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/projects/visualc6/zlib.dsw?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/projects/visualc6/zlib.dsw (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/projects/visualc6/zlib.dsw Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace File, Format Version 6.00
+Project: "example"=.\example.dsp - Package Owner=<4>
+    Begin Project Dependency
+    Project_Dep_Name zlib
+    End Project Dependency
+Project: "minigzip"=.\minigzip.dsp - Package Owner=<4>
+    Begin Project Dependency
+    Project_Dep_Name zlib
+    End Project Dependency
+Project: "zlib"=.\zlib.dsp - Package Owner=<4>

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/qnx/package.qpg
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/qnx/package.qpg?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/qnx/package.qpg (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/qnx/package.qpg Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+   <QPG:Options>
+      <QPG:User unattended="no" verbosity="2" listfiles="yes"/>
+      <QPG:Defaults type="qnx_package"/>
+      <QPG:Source></QPG:Source>
+      <QPG:Release number="+"/>
+      <QPG:Build></QPG:Build>
+      <QPG:FileSorting strip="yes"/>
+      <QPG:Package targets="combine"/>
+      <QPG:Repository generate="yes"/>
+      <QPG:FinalDir></QPG:FinalDir>
+      <QPG:Cleanup></QPG:Cleanup>
+   </QPG:Options>
+   <QPG:Responsible>
+      <QPG:Company></QPG:Company>
+      <QPG:Department></QPG:Department>
+      <QPG:Group></QPG:Group>
+      <QPG:Team></QPG:Team>
+      <QPG:Employee></QPG:Employee>
+      <QPG:EmailAddress></QPG:EmailAddress>
+   </QPG:Responsible>
+   <QPG:Values>
+      <QPG:Files>
+         <QPG:Add file="../zconf.h" install="/opt/include/" user="root:sys" permission="644"/>
+         <QPG:Add file="../zlib.h" install="/opt/include/" user="root:sys" permission="644"/>
+         <QPG:Add file="../libz.so.1.2.3" install="/opt/lib/" user="root:bin" permission="644"/>
+         <QPG:Add file="libz.so" install="/opt/lib/" component="dev" filetype="symlink" linkto="libz.so.1.2.3"/>
+         <QPG:Add file="libz.so.1" install="/opt/lib/" filetype="symlink" linkto="libz.so.1.2.3"/>
+         <QPG:Add file="../libz.so.1.2.3" install="/opt/lib/" component="slib"/>
+      </QPG:Files>
+      <QPG:PackageFilter>
+         <QPM:PackageManifest>
+            <QPM:PackageDescription>
+               <QPM:PackageType>Library</QPM:PackageType>
+               <QPM:PackageReleaseNotes></QPM:PackageReleaseNotes>
+               <QPM:PackageReleaseUrgency>Medium</QPM:PackageReleaseUrgency>
+               <QPM:PackageRepository></QPM:PackageRepository>
+               <QPM:FileVersion>2.0</QPM:FileVersion>
+            </QPM:PackageDescription>
+            <QPM:ProductDescription>
+               <QPM:ProductName>zlib</QPM:ProductName>
+               <QPM:ProductIdentifier>zlib</QPM:ProductIdentifier>
+               <QPM:ProductEmail>alain.bonnefoy at icbt.com</QPM:ProductEmail>
+               <QPM:VendorName>Public</QPM:VendorName>
+               <QPM:VendorInstallName>public</QPM:VendorInstallName>
+               <QPM:VendorURL>www.gzip.org/zlib</QPM:VendorURL>
+               <QPM:VendorEmbedURL></QPM:VendorEmbedURL>
+               <QPM:VendorEmail></QPM:VendorEmail>
+               <QPM:AuthorName>Jean-Loup Gailly,Mark Adler</QPM:AuthorName>
+               <QPM:AuthorURL>www.gzip.org/zlib</QPM:AuthorURL>
+               <QPM:AuthorEmbedURL></QPM:AuthorEmbedURL>
+               <QPM:AuthorEmail>zlib at gzip.org</QPM:AuthorEmail>
+               <QPM:ProductIconSmall></QPM:ProductIconSmall>
+               <QPM:ProductIconLarge></QPM:ProductIconLarge>
+               <QPM:ProductDescriptionShort>A massively spiffy yet delicately unobtrusive compression library.</QPM:ProductDescriptionShort>
+               <QPM:ProductDescriptionLong>zlib is designed to be a free, general-purpose, legally unencumbered, lossless data compression library for use on virtually any computer hardware and operating system.</QPM:ProductDescriptionLong>
+               <QPM:ProductDescriptionURL>http://www.gzip.org/zlib</QPM:ProductDescriptionURL>
+               <QPM:ProductDescriptionEmbedURL></QPM:ProductDescriptionEmbedURL>
+            </QPM:ProductDescription>
+            <QPM:ReleaseDescription>
+               <QPM:ReleaseVersion>1.2.3</QPM:ReleaseVersion>
+               <QPM:ReleaseUrgency>Medium</QPM:ReleaseUrgency>
+               <QPM:ReleaseStability>Stable</QPM:ReleaseStability>
+               <QPM:ReleaseNoteMinor></QPM:ReleaseNoteMinor>
+               <QPM:ReleaseNoteMajor></QPM:ReleaseNoteMajor>
+               <QPM:ExcludeCountries>
+                  <QPM:Country></QPM:Country>
+               </QPM:ExcludeCountries>
+               <QPM:ReleaseCopyright>No License</QPM:ReleaseCopyright>
+            </QPM:ReleaseDescription>
+            <QPM:ContentDescription>
+               <QPM:ContentTopic xmlmultiple="true">Software Development/Libraries and Extensions/C Libraries</QPM:ContentTopic>
+               <QPM:ContentKeyword>zlib,compression</QPM:ContentKeyword>
+               <QPM:TargetOS>qnx6</QPM:TargetOS>
+               <QPM:HostOS>qnx6</QPM:HostOS>
+               <QPM:DisplayEnvironment xmlmultiple="true">None</QPM:DisplayEnvironment>
+               <QPM:TargetAudience xmlmultiple="true">Developer</QPM:TargetAudience>
+            </QPM:ContentDescription>
+         </QPM:PackageManifest>
+      </QPG:PackageFilter>
+      <QPG:PackageFilter proc="none" target="none">
+         <QPM:PackageManifest>
+            <QPM:ProductInstallationDependencies>
+               <QPM:ProductRequirements></QPM:ProductRequirements>
+            </QPM:ProductInstallationDependencies>
+            <QPM:ProductInstallationProcedure>
+               <QPM:Script xmlmultiple="true">
+                  <QPM:ScriptName></QPM:ScriptName>
+                  <QPM:ScriptType>Install</QPM:ScriptType>
+                  <QPM:ScriptTiming>Post</QPM:ScriptTiming>
+                  <QPM:ScriptBlocking>No</QPM:ScriptBlocking>
+                  <QPM:ScriptResult>Ignore</QPM:ScriptResult>
+                  <QPM:ShortDescription></QPM:ShortDescription>
+                  <QPM:UseBinaries>No</QPM:UseBinaries>
+                  <QPM:Priority>Optional</QPM:Priority>
+               </QPM:Script>
+            </QPM:ProductInstallationProcedure>
+         </QPM:PackageManifest>
+         <QPM:Launch>
+         </QPM:Launch>
+      </QPG:PackageFilter>
+      <QPG:PackageFilter type="core" component="none">
+         <QPM:PackageManifest>
+            <QPM:ProductInstallationProcedure>
+	       <QPM:OrderDependency xmlmultiple="true">
+	          <QPM:Order>InstallOver</QPM:Order>
+	          <QPM:Product>zlib</QPM:Product>
+	       </QPM:OrderDependency>
+            </QPM:ProductInstallationProcedure>
+         </QPM:PackageManifest>
+         <QPM:Launch>
+         </QPM:Launch>
+      </QPG:PackageFilter>
+      <QPG:PackageFilter type="core" component="dev">
+         <QPM:PackageManifest>
+            <QPM:ProductInstallationProcedure>
+	       <QPM:OrderDependency xmlmultiple="true">
+	          <QPM:Order>InstallOver</QPM:Order>
+	          <QPM:Product>zlib-dev</QPM:Product>
+	       </QPM:OrderDependency>
+            </QPM:ProductInstallationProcedure>
+         </QPM:PackageManifest>
+         <QPM:Launch>
+         </QPM:Launch>
+      </QPG:PackageFilter>
+   </QPG:Values>

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/trees.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/trees.c?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/trees.c (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/trees.c Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,1219 @@
+/* trees.c -- output deflated data using Huffman coding
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+ *
+ *      The "deflation" process uses several Huffman trees. The more
+ *      common source values are represented by shorter bit sequences.
+ *
+ *      Each code tree is stored in a compressed form which is itself
+ * a Huffman encoding of the lengths of all the code strings (in
+ * ascending order by source values).  The actual code strings are
+ * reconstructed from the lengths in the inflate process, as described
+ * in the deflate specification.
+ *
+ *
+ *      Deutsch, L.P.,"'Deflate' Compressed Data Format Specification".
+ *      Available in ftp.uu.net:/pub/archiving/zip/doc/deflate-1.1.doc
+ *
+ *      Storer, James A.
+ *          Data Compression:  Methods and Theory, pp. 49-50.
+ *          Computer Science Press, 1988.  ISBN 0-7167-8156-5.
+ *
+ *      Sedgewick, R.
+ *          Algorithms, p290.
+ *          Addison-Wesley, 1983. ISBN 0-201-06672-6.
+ */
+/* @(#) $Id: trees.c,v 2002/03/11 21:53:27 tromey Exp $ */
+/* #define GEN_TREES_H */
+#include "deflate.h"
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#  include <ctype.h>
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Constants
+ */
+#define MAX_BL_BITS 7
+/* Bit length codes must not exceed MAX_BL_BITS bits */
+#define END_BLOCK 256
+/* end of block literal code */
+#define REP_3_6      16
+/* repeat previous bit length 3-6 times (2 bits of repeat count) */
+#define REPZ_3_10    17
+/* repeat a zero length 3-10 times  (3 bits of repeat count) */
+#define REPZ_11_138  18
+/* repeat a zero length 11-138 times  (7 bits of repeat count) */
+local const int extra_lbits[LENGTH_CODES] /* extra bits for each length code */
+   = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0};
+local const int extra_dbits[D_CODES] /* extra bits for each distance code */
+   = {0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13};
+local const int extra_blbits[BL_CODES]/* extra bits for each bit length code */
+   = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,3,7};
+local const uch bl_order[BL_CODES]
+   = {16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15};
+/* The lengths of the bit length codes are sent in order of decreasing
+ * probability, to avoid transmitting the lengths for unused bit length codes.
+ */
+#define Buf_size (8 * 2*sizeof(char))
+/* Number of bits used within bi_buf. (bi_buf might be implemented on
+ * more than 16 bits on some systems.)
+ */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Local data. These are initialized only once.
+ */
+#define DIST_CODE_LEN  512 /* see definition of array dist_code below */
+#if defined(GEN_TREES_H) || !defined(STDC)
+/* non ANSI compilers may not accept trees.h */
+local ct_data static_ltree[L_CODES+2];
+/* The static literal tree. Since the bit lengths are imposed, there is no
+ * need for the L_CODES extra codes used during heap construction. However
+ * The codes 286 and 287 are needed to build a canonical tree (see _tr_init
+ * below).
+ */
+local ct_data static_dtree[D_CODES];
+/* The static distance tree. (Actually a trivial tree since all codes use
+ * 5 bits.)
+ */
+uch _dist_code[DIST_CODE_LEN];
+/* Distance codes. The first 256 values correspond to the distances
+ * 3 .. 258, the last 256 values correspond to the top 8 bits of
+ * the 15 bit distances.
+ */
+uch _length_code[MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH+1];
+/* length code for each normalized match length (0 == MIN_MATCH) */
+local int base_length[LENGTH_CODES];
+/* First normalized length for each code (0 = MIN_MATCH) */
+local int base_dist[D_CODES];
+/* First normalized distance for each code (0 = distance of 1) */
+#  include "trees.h"
+#endif /* GEN_TREES_H */
+struct static_tree_desc_s {
+    const ct_data *static_tree;  /* static tree or NULL */
+    const intf *extra_bits;      /* extra bits for each code or NULL */
+    int     extra_base;          /* base index for extra_bits */
+    int     elems;               /* max number of elements in the tree */
+    int     max_length;          /* max bit length for the codes */
+local static_tree_desc  static_l_desc =
+{static_ltree, extra_lbits, LITERALS+1, L_CODES, MAX_BITS};
+local static_tree_desc  static_d_desc =
+{static_dtree, extra_dbits, 0,          D_CODES, MAX_BITS};
+local static_tree_desc  static_bl_desc =
+{(const ct_data *)0, extra_blbits, 0,   BL_CODES, MAX_BL_BITS};
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Local (static) routines in this file.
+ */
+local void tr_static_init OF((void));
+local void init_block     OF((deflate_state *s));
+local void pqdownheap     OF((deflate_state *s, ct_data *tree, int k));
+local void gen_bitlen     OF((deflate_state *s, tree_desc *desc));
+local void gen_codes      OF((ct_data *tree, int max_code, ushf *bl_count));
+local void build_tree     OF((deflate_state *s, tree_desc *desc));
+local void scan_tree      OF((deflate_state *s, ct_data *tree, int max_code));
+local void send_tree      OF((deflate_state *s, ct_data *tree, int max_code));
+local int  build_bl_tree  OF((deflate_state *s));
+local void send_all_trees OF((deflate_state *s, int lcodes, int dcodes,
+                              int blcodes));
+local void compress_block OF((deflate_state *s, ct_data *ltree,
+                              ct_data *dtree));
+local void set_data_type  OF((deflate_state *s));
+local unsigned bi_reverse OF((unsigned value, int length));
+local void bi_windup      OF((deflate_state *s));
+local void bi_flush       OF((deflate_state *s));
+local void copy_block     OF((deflate_state *s, charf *buf, unsigned len,
+                              int header));
+#ifdef GEN_TREES_H
+local void gen_trees_header OF((void));
+#ifndef DEBUG
+#  define send_code(s, c, tree) send_bits(s, tree[c].Code, tree[c].Len)
+   /* Send a code of the given tree. c and tree must not have side effects */
+#else /* DEBUG */
+#  define send_code(s, c, tree) \
+     { if (z_verbose>2) fprintf(stderr,"\ncd %3d ",(c)); \
+       send_bits(s, tree[c].Code, tree[c].Len); }
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Output a short LSB first on the stream.
+ * IN assertion: there is enough room in pendingBuf.
+ */
+#define put_short(s, w) { \
+    put_byte(s, (uch)((w) & 0xff)); \
+    put_byte(s, (uch)((ush)(w) >> 8)); \
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Send a value on a given number of bits.
+ * IN assertion: length <= 16 and value fits in length bits.
+ */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+local void send_bits      OF((deflate_state *s, int value, int length));
+local void send_bits(s, value, length)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    int value;  /* value to send */
+    int length; /* number of bits */
+    Tracevv((stderr," l %2d v %4x ", length, value));
+    Assert(length > 0 && length <= 15, "invalid length");
+    s->bits_sent += (ulg)length;
+    /* If not enough room in bi_buf, use (valid) bits from bi_buf and
+     * (16 - bi_valid) bits from value, leaving (width - (16-bi_valid))
+     * unused bits in value.
+     */
+    if (s->bi_valid > (int)Buf_size - length) {
+        s->bi_buf |= (value << s->bi_valid);
+        put_short(s, s->bi_buf);
+        s->bi_buf = (ush)value >> (Buf_size - s->bi_valid);
+        s->bi_valid += length - Buf_size;
+    } else {
+        s->bi_buf |= value << s->bi_valid;
+        s->bi_valid += length;
+    }
+#else /* !DEBUG */
+#define send_bits(s, value, length) \
+{ int len = length;\
+  if (s->bi_valid > (int)Buf_size - len) {\
+    int val = value;\
+    s->bi_buf |= (val << s->bi_valid);\
+    put_short(s, s->bi_buf);\
+    s->bi_buf = (ush)val >> (Buf_size - s->bi_valid);\
+    s->bi_valid += len - Buf_size;\
+  } else {\
+    s->bi_buf |= (value) << s->bi_valid;\
+    s->bi_valid += len;\
+  }\
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+/* the arguments must not have side effects */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Initialize the various 'constant' tables.
+ */
+local void tr_static_init()
+#if defined(GEN_TREES_H) || !defined(STDC)
+    static int static_init_done = 0;
+    int n;        /* iterates over tree elements */
+    int bits;     /* bit counter */
+    int length;   /* length value */
+    int code;     /* code value */
+    int dist;     /* distance index */
+    ush bl_count[MAX_BITS+1];
+    /* number of codes at each bit length for an optimal tree */
+    if (static_init_done) return;
+    /* For some embedded targets, global variables are not initialized: */
+    static_l_desc.static_tree = static_ltree;
+    static_l_desc.extra_bits = extra_lbits;
+    static_d_desc.static_tree = static_dtree;
+    static_d_desc.extra_bits = extra_dbits;
+    static_bl_desc.extra_bits = extra_blbits;
+    /* Initialize the mapping length (0..255) -> length code (0..28) */
+    length = 0;
+    for (code = 0; code < LENGTH_CODES-1; code++) {
+        base_length[code] = length;
+        for (n = 0; n < (1<<extra_lbits[code]); n++) {
+            _length_code[length++] = (uch)code;
+        }
+    }
+    Assert (length == 256, "tr_static_init: length != 256");
+    /* Note that the length 255 (match length 258) can be represented
+     * in two different ways: code 284 + 5 bits or code 285, so we
+     * overwrite length_code[255] to use the best encoding:
+     */
+    _length_code[length-1] = (uch)code;
+    /* Initialize the mapping dist (0..32K) -> dist code (0..29) */
+    dist = 0;
+    for (code = 0 ; code < 16; code++) {
+        base_dist[code] = dist;
+        for (n = 0; n < (1<<extra_dbits[code]); n++) {
+            _dist_code[dist++] = (uch)code;
+        }
+    }
+    Assert (dist == 256, "tr_static_init: dist != 256");
+    dist >>= 7; /* from now on, all distances are divided by 128 */
+    for ( ; code < D_CODES; code++) {
+        base_dist[code] = dist << 7;
+        for (n = 0; n < (1<<(extra_dbits[code]-7)); n++) {
+            _dist_code[256 + dist++] = (uch)code;
+        }
+    }
+    Assert (dist == 256, "tr_static_init: 256+dist != 512");
+    /* Construct the codes of the static literal tree */
+    for (bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) bl_count[bits] = 0;
+    n = 0;
+    while (n <= 143) static_ltree[n++].Len = 8, bl_count[8]++;
+    while (n <= 255) static_ltree[n++].Len = 9, bl_count[9]++;
+    while (n <= 279) static_ltree[n++].Len = 7, bl_count[7]++;
+    while (n <= 287) static_ltree[n++].Len = 8, bl_count[8]++;
+    /* Codes 286 and 287 do not exist, but we must include them in the
+     * tree construction to get a canonical Huffman tree (longest code
+     * all ones)
+     */
+    gen_codes((ct_data *)static_ltree, L_CODES+1, bl_count);
+    /* The static distance tree is trivial: */
+    for (n = 0; n < D_CODES; n++) {
+        static_dtree[n].Len = 5;
+        static_dtree[n].Code = bi_reverse((unsigned)n, 5);
+    }
+    static_init_done = 1;
+#  ifdef GEN_TREES_H
+    gen_trees_header();
+#  endif
+#endif /* defined(GEN_TREES_H) || !defined(STDC) */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Genererate the file trees.h describing the static trees.
+ */
+#ifdef GEN_TREES_H
+#  ifndef DEBUG
+#    include <stdio.h>
+#  endif
+#  define SEPARATOR(i, last, width) \
+      ((i) == (last)? "\n};\n\n" :    \
+       ((i) % (width) == (width)-1 ? ",\n" : ", "))
+void gen_trees_header()
+    FILE *header = fopen("trees.h", "w");
+    int i;
+    Assert (header != NULL, "Can't open trees.h");
+    fprintf(header,
+            "/* header created automatically with -DGEN_TREES_H */\n\n");
+    fprintf(header, "local const ct_data static_ltree[L_CODES+2] = {\n");
+    for (i = 0; i < L_CODES+2; i++) {
+        fprintf(header, "{{%3u},{%3u}}%s", static_ltree[i].Code,
+                static_ltree[i].Len, SEPARATOR(i, L_CODES+1, 5));
+    }
+    fprintf(header, "local const ct_data static_dtree[D_CODES] = {\n");
+    for (i = 0; i < D_CODES; i++) {
+        fprintf(header, "{{%2u},{%2u}}%s", static_dtree[i].Code,
+                static_dtree[i].Len, SEPARATOR(i, D_CODES-1, 5));
+    }
+    fprintf(header, "const uch _dist_code[DIST_CODE_LEN] = {\n");
+    for (i = 0; i < DIST_CODE_LEN; i++) {
+        fprintf(header, "%2u%s", _dist_code[i],
+                SEPARATOR(i, DIST_CODE_LEN-1, 20));
+    }
+    fprintf(header, "const uch _length_code[MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH+1]= {\n");
+    for (i = 0; i < MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH+1; i++) {
+        fprintf(header, "%2u%s", _length_code[i],
+                SEPARATOR(i, MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH, 20));
+    }
+    fprintf(header, "local const int base_length[LENGTH_CODES] = {\n");
+    for (i = 0; i < LENGTH_CODES; i++) {
+        fprintf(header, "%1u%s", base_length[i],
+                SEPARATOR(i, LENGTH_CODES-1, 20));
+    }
+    fprintf(header, "local const int base_dist[D_CODES] = {\n");
+    for (i = 0; i < D_CODES; i++) {
+        fprintf(header, "%5u%s", base_dist[i],
+                SEPARATOR(i, D_CODES-1, 10));
+    }
+    fclose(header);
+#endif /* GEN_TREES_H */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Initialize the tree data structures for a new zlib stream.
+ */
+void _tr_init(s)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    tr_static_init();
+    s->l_desc.dyn_tree = s->dyn_ltree;
+    s->l_desc.stat_desc = &static_l_desc;
+    s->d_desc.dyn_tree = s->dyn_dtree;
+    s->d_desc.stat_desc = &static_d_desc;
+    s->bl_desc.dyn_tree = s->bl_tree;
+    s->bl_desc.stat_desc = &static_bl_desc;
+    s->bi_buf = 0;
+    s->bi_valid = 0;
+    s->last_eob_len = 8; /* enough lookahead for inflate */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    s->compressed_len = 0L;
+    s->bits_sent = 0L;
+    /* Initialize the first block of the first file: */
+    init_block(s);
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Initialize a new block.
+ */
+local void init_block(s)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    int n; /* iterates over tree elements */
+    /* Initialize the trees. */
+    for (n = 0; n < L_CODES;  n++) s->dyn_ltree[n].Freq = 0;
+    for (n = 0; n < D_CODES;  n++) s->dyn_dtree[n].Freq = 0;
+    for (n = 0; n < BL_CODES; n++) s->bl_tree[n].Freq = 0;
+    s->dyn_ltree[END_BLOCK].Freq = 1;
+    s->opt_len = s->static_len = 0L;
+    s->last_lit = s->matches = 0;
+#define SMALLEST 1
+/* Index within the heap array of least frequent node in the Huffman tree */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Remove the smallest element from the heap and recreate the heap with
+ * one less element. Updates heap and heap_len.
+ */
+#define pqremove(s, tree, top) \
+    top = s->heap[SMALLEST]; \
+    s->heap[SMALLEST] = s->heap[s->heap_len--]; \
+    pqdownheap(s, tree, SMALLEST); \
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Compares to subtrees, using the tree depth as tie breaker when
+ * the subtrees have equal frequency. This minimizes the worst case length.
+ */
+#define smaller(tree, n, m, depth) \
+   (tree[n].Freq < tree[m].Freq || \
+   (tree[n].Freq == tree[m].Freq && depth[n] <= depth[m]))
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Restore the heap property by moving down the tree starting at node k,
+ * exchanging a node with the smallest of its two sons if necessary, stopping
+ * when the heap property is re-established (each father smaller than its
+ * two sons).
+ */
+local void pqdownheap(s, tree, k)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    ct_data *tree;  /* the tree to restore */
+    int k;               /* node to move down */
+    int v = s->heap[k];
+    int j = k << 1;  /* left son of k */
+    while (j <= s->heap_len) {
+        /* Set j to the smallest of the two sons: */
+        if (j < s->heap_len &&
+            smaller(tree, s->heap[j+1], s->heap[j], s->depth)) {
+            j++;
+        }
+        /* Exit if v is smaller than both sons */
+        if (smaller(tree, v, s->heap[j], s->depth)) break;
+        /* Exchange v with the smallest son */
+        s->heap[k] = s->heap[j];  k = j;
+        /* And continue down the tree, setting j to the left son of k */
+        j <<= 1;
+    }
+    s->heap[k] = v;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Compute the optimal bit lengths for a tree and update the total bit length
+ * for the current block.
+ * IN assertion: the fields freq and dad are set, heap[heap_max] and
+ *    above are the tree nodes sorted by increasing frequency.
+ * OUT assertions: the field len is set to the optimal bit length, the
+ *     array bl_count contains the frequencies for each bit length.
+ *     The length opt_len is updated; static_len is also updated if stree is
+ *     not null.
+ */
+local void gen_bitlen(s, desc)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    tree_desc *desc;    /* the tree descriptor */
+    ct_data *tree        = desc->dyn_tree;
+    int max_code         = desc->max_code;
+    const ct_data *stree = desc->stat_desc->static_tree;
+    const intf *extra    = desc->stat_desc->extra_bits;
+    int base             = desc->stat_desc->extra_base;
+    int max_length       = desc->stat_desc->max_length;
+    int h;              /* heap index */
+    int n, m;           /* iterate over the tree elements */
+    int bits;           /* bit length */
+    int xbits;          /* extra bits */
+    ush f;              /* frequency */
+    int overflow = 0;   /* number of elements with bit length too large */
+    for (bits = 0; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) s->bl_count[bits] = 0;
+    /* In a first pass, compute the optimal bit lengths (which may
+     * overflow in the case of the bit length tree).
+     */
+    tree[s->heap[s->heap_max]].Len = 0; /* root of the heap */
+    for (h = s->heap_max+1; h < HEAP_SIZE; h++) {
+        n = s->heap[h];
+        bits = tree[tree[n].Dad].Len + 1;
+        if (bits > max_length) bits = max_length, overflow++;
+        tree[n].Len = (ush)bits;
+        /* We overwrite tree[n].Dad which is no longer needed */
+        if (n > max_code) continue; /* not a leaf node */
+        s->bl_count[bits]++;
+        xbits = 0;
+        if (n >= base) xbits = extra[n-base];
+        f = tree[n].Freq;
+        s->opt_len += (ulg)f * (bits + xbits);
+        if (stree) s->static_len += (ulg)f * (stree[n].Len + xbits);
+    }
+    if (overflow == 0) return;
+    Trace((stderr,"\nbit length overflow\n"));
+    /* This happens for example on obj2 and pic of the Calgary corpus */
+    /* Find the first bit length which could increase: */
+    do {
+        bits = max_length-1;
+        while (s->bl_count[bits] == 0) bits--;
+        s->bl_count[bits]--;      /* move one leaf down the tree */
+        s->bl_count[bits+1] += 2; /* move one overflow item as its brother */
+        s->bl_count[max_length]--;
+        /* The brother of the overflow item also moves one step up,
+         * but this does not affect bl_count[max_length]
+         */
+        overflow -= 2;
+    } while (overflow > 0);
+    /* Now recompute all bit lengths, scanning in increasing frequency.
+     * h is still equal to HEAP_SIZE. (It is simpler to reconstruct all
+     * lengths instead of fixing only the wrong ones. This idea is taken
+     * from 'ar' written by Haruhiko Okumura.)
+     */
+    for (bits = max_length; bits != 0; bits--) {
+        n = s->bl_count[bits];
+        while (n != 0) {
+            m = s->heap[--h];
+            if (m > max_code) continue;
+            if ((unsigned) tree[m].Len != (unsigned) bits) {
+                Trace((stderr,"code %d bits %d->%d\n", m, tree[m].Len, bits));
+                s->opt_len += ((long)bits - (long)tree[m].Len)
+                              *(long)tree[m].Freq;
+                tree[m].Len = (ush)bits;
+            }
+            n--;
+        }
+    }
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Generate the codes for a given tree and bit counts (which need not be
+ * optimal).
+ * IN assertion: the array bl_count contains the bit length statistics for
+ * the given tree and the field len is set for all tree elements.
+ * OUT assertion: the field code is set for all tree elements of non
+ *     zero code length.
+ */
+local void gen_codes (tree, max_code, bl_count)
+    ct_data *tree;             /* the tree to decorate */
+    int max_code;              /* largest code with non zero frequency */
+    ushf *bl_count;            /* number of codes at each bit length */
+    ush next_code[MAX_BITS+1]; /* next code value for each bit length */
+    ush code = 0;              /* running code value */
+    int bits;                  /* bit index */
+    int n;                     /* code index */
+    /* The distribution counts are first used to generate the code values
+     * without bit reversal.
+     */
+    for (bits = 1; bits <= MAX_BITS; bits++) {
+        next_code[bits] = code = (code + bl_count[bits-1]) << 1;
+    }
+    /* Check that the bit counts in bl_count are consistent. The last code
+     * must be all ones.
+     */
+    Assert (code + bl_count[MAX_BITS]-1 == (1<<MAX_BITS)-1,
+            "inconsistent bit counts");
+    Tracev((stderr,"\ngen_codes: max_code %d ", max_code));
+    for (n = 0;  n <= max_code; n++) {
+        int len = tree[n].Len;
+        if (len == 0) continue;
+        /* Now reverse the bits */
+        tree[n].Code = bi_reverse(next_code[len]++, len);
+        Tracecv(tree != static_ltree, (stderr,"\nn %3d %c l %2d c %4x (%x) ",
+             n, (isgraph(n) ? n : ' '), len, tree[n].Code, next_code[len]-1));
+    }
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Construct one Huffman tree and assigns the code bit strings and lengths.
+ * Update the total bit length for the current block.
+ * IN assertion: the field freq is set for all tree elements.
+ * OUT assertions: the fields len and code are set to the optimal bit length
+ *     and corresponding code. The length opt_len is updated; static_len is
+ *     also updated if stree is not null. The field max_code is set.
+ */
+local void build_tree(s, desc)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    tree_desc *desc; /* the tree descriptor */
+    ct_data *tree         = desc->dyn_tree;
+    const ct_data *stree  = desc->stat_desc->static_tree;
+    int elems             = desc->stat_desc->elems;
+    int n, m;          /* iterate over heap elements */
+    int max_code = -1; /* largest code with non zero frequency */
+    int node;          /* new node being created */
+    /* Construct the initial heap, with least frequent element in
+     * heap[SMALLEST]. The sons of heap[n] are heap[2*n] and heap[2*n+1].
+     * heap[0] is not used.
+     */
+    s->heap_len = 0, s->heap_max = HEAP_SIZE;
+    for (n = 0; n < elems; n++) {
+        if (tree[n].Freq != 0) {
+            s->heap[++(s->heap_len)] = max_code = n;
+            s->depth[n] = 0;
+        } else {
+            tree[n].Len = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    /* The pkzip format requires that at least one distance code exists,
+     * and that at least one bit should be sent even if there is only one
+     * possible code. So to avoid special checks later on we force at least
+     * two codes of non zero frequency.
+     */
+    while (s->heap_len < 2) {
+        node = s->heap[++(s->heap_len)] = (max_code < 2 ? ++max_code : 0);
+        tree[node].Freq = 1;
+        s->depth[node] = 0;
+        s->opt_len--; if (stree) s->static_len -= stree[node].Len;
+        /* node is 0 or 1 so it does not have extra bits */
+    }
+    desc->max_code = max_code;
+    /* The elements heap[heap_len/2+1 .. heap_len] are leaves of the tree,
+     * establish sub-heaps of increasing lengths:
+     */
+    for (n = s->heap_len/2; n >= 1; n--) pqdownheap(s, tree, n);
+    /* Construct the Huffman tree by repeatedly combining the least two
+     * frequent nodes.
+     */
+    node = elems;              /* next internal node of the tree */
+    do {
+        pqremove(s, tree, n);  /* n = node of least frequency */
+        m = s->heap[SMALLEST]; /* m = node of next least frequency */
+        s->heap[--(s->heap_max)] = n; /* keep the nodes sorted by frequency */
+        s->heap[--(s->heap_max)] = m;
+        /* Create a new node father of n and m */
+        tree[node].Freq = tree[n].Freq + tree[m].Freq;
+        s->depth[node] = (uch)((s->depth[n] >= s->depth[m] ?
+                                s->depth[n] : s->depth[m]) + 1);
+        tree[n].Dad = tree[m].Dad = (ush)node;
+#ifdef DUMP_BL_TREE
+        if (tree == s->bl_tree) {
+            fprintf(stderr,"\nnode %d(%d), sons %d(%d) %d(%d)",
+                    node, tree[node].Freq, n, tree[n].Freq, m, tree[m].Freq);
+        }
+        /* and insert the new node in the heap */
+        s->heap[SMALLEST] = node++;
+        pqdownheap(s, tree, SMALLEST);
+    } while (s->heap_len >= 2);
+    s->heap[--(s->heap_max)] = s->heap[SMALLEST];
+    /* At this point, the fields freq and dad are set. We can now
+     * generate the bit lengths.
+     */
+    gen_bitlen(s, (tree_desc *)desc);
+    /* The field len is now set, we can generate the bit codes */
+    gen_codes ((ct_data *)tree, max_code, s->bl_count);
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Scan a literal or distance tree to determine the frequencies of the codes
+ * in the bit length tree.
+ */
+local void scan_tree (s, tree, max_code)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    ct_data *tree;   /* the tree to be scanned */
+    int max_code;    /* and its largest code of non zero frequency */
+    int n;                     /* iterates over all tree elements */
+    int prevlen = -1;          /* last emitted length */
+    int curlen;                /* length of current code */
+    int nextlen = tree[0].Len; /* length of next code */
+    int count = 0;             /* repeat count of the current code */
+    int max_count = 7;         /* max repeat count */
+    int min_count = 4;         /* min repeat count */
+    if (nextlen == 0) max_count = 138, min_count = 3;
+    tree[max_code+1].Len = (ush)0xffff; /* guard */
+    for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) {
+        curlen = nextlen; nextlen = tree[n+1].Len;
+        if (++count < max_count && curlen == nextlen) {
+            continue;
+        } else if (count < min_count) {
+            s->bl_tree[curlen].Freq += count;
+        } else if (curlen != 0) {
+            if (curlen != prevlen) s->bl_tree[curlen].Freq++;
+            s->bl_tree[REP_3_6].Freq++;
+        } else if (count <= 10) {
+            s->bl_tree[REPZ_3_10].Freq++;
+        } else {
+            s->bl_tree[REPZ_11_138].Freq++;
+        }
+        count = 0; prevlen = curlen;
+        if (nextlen == 0) {
+            max_count = 138, min_count = 3;
+        } else if (curlen == nextlen) {
+            max_count = 6, min_count = 3;
+        } else {
+            max_count = 7, min_count = 4;
+        }
+    }
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Send a literal or distance tree in compressed form, using the codes in
+ * bl_tree.
+ */
+local void send_tree (s, tree, max_code)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    ct_data *tree; /* the tree to be scanned */
+    int max_code;       /* and its largest code of non zero frequency */
+    int n;                     /* iterates over all tree elements */
+    int prevlen = -1;          /* last emitted length */
+    int curlen;                /* length of current code */
+    int nextlen = tree[0].Len; /* length of next code */
+    int count = 0;             /* repeat count of the current code */
+    int max_count = 7;         /* max repeat count */
+    int min_count = 4;         /* min repeat count */
+    /* tree[max_code+1].Len = -1; */  /* guard already set */
+    if (nextlen == 0) max_count = 138, min_count = 3;
+    for (n = 0; n <= max_code; n++) {
+        curlen = nextlen; nextlen = tree[n+1].Len;
+        if (++count < max_count && curlen == nextlen) {
+            continue;
+        } else if (count < min_count) {
+            do { send_code(s, curlen, s->bl_tree); } while (--count != 0);
+        } else if (curlen != 0) {
+            if (curlen != prevlen) {
+                send_code(s, curlen, s->bl_tree); count--;
+            }
+            Assert(count >= 3 && count <= 6, " 3_6?");
+            send_code(s, REP_3_6, s->bl_tree); send_bits(s, count-3, 2);
+        } else if (count <= 10) {
+            send_code(s, REPZ_3_10, s->bl_tree); send_bits(s, count-3, 3);
+        } else {
+            send_code(s, REPZ_11_138, s->bl_tree); send_bits(s, count-11, 7);
+        }
+        count = 0; prevlen = curlen;
+        if (nextlen == 0) {
+            max_count = 138, min_count = 3;
+        } else if (curlen == nextlen) {
+            max_count = 6, min_count = 3;
+        } else {
+            max_count = 7, min_count = 4;
+        }
+    }
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Construct the Huffman tree for the bit lengths and return the index in
+ * bl_order of the last bit length code to send.
+ */
+local int build_bl_tree(s)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    int max_blindex;  /* index of last bit length code of non zero freq */
+    /* Determine the bit length frequencies for literal and distance trees */
+    scan_tree(s, (ct_data *)s->dyn_ltree, s->l_desc.max_code);
+    scan_tree(s, (ct_data *)s->dyn_dtree, s->d_desc.max_code);
+    /* Build the bit length tree: */
+    build_tree(s, (tree_desc *)(&(s->bl_desc)));
+    /* opt_len now includes the length of the tree representations, except
+     * the lengths of the bit lengths codes and the 5+5+4 bits for the counts.
+     */
+    /* Determine the number of bit length codes to send. The pkzip format
+     * requires that at least 4 bit length codes be sent. (appnote.txt says
+     * 3 but the actual value used is 4.)
+     */
+    for (max_blindex = BL_CODES-1; max_blindex >= 3; max_blindex--) {
+        if (s->bl_tree[bl_order[max_blindex]].Len != 0) break;
+    }
+    /* Update opt_len to include the bit length tree and counts */
+    s->opt_len += 3*(max_blindex+1) + 5+5+4;
+    Tracev((stderr, "\ndyn trees: dyn %ld, stat %ld",
+            s->opt_len, s->static_len));
+    return max_blindex;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Send the header for a block using dynamic Huffman trees: the counts, the
+ * lengths of the bit length codes, the literal tree and the distance tree.
+ * IN assertion: lcodes >= 257, dcodes >= 1, blcodes >= 4.
+ */
+local void send_all_trees(s, lcodes, dcodes, blcodes)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    int lcodes, dcodes, blcodes; /* number of codes for each tree */
+    int rank;                    /* index in bl_order */
+    Assert (lcodes >= 257 && dcodes >= 1 && blcodes >= 4, "not enough codes");
+    Assert (lcodes <= L_CODES && dcodes <= D_CODES && blcodes <= BL_CODES,
+            "too many codes");
+    Tracev((stderr, "\nbl counts: "));
+    send_bits(s, lcodes-257, 5); /* not +255 as stated in appnote.txt */
+    send_bits(s, dcodes-1,   5);
+    send_bits(s, blcodes-4,  4); /* not -3 as stated in appnote.txt */
+    for (rank = 0; rank < blcodes; rank++) {
+        Tracev((stderr, "\nbl code %2d ", bl_order[rank]));
+        send_bits(s, s->bl_tree[bl_order[rank]].Len, 3);
+    }
+    Tracev((stderr, "\nbl tree: sent %ld", s->bits_sent));
+    send_tree(s, (ct_data *)s->dyn_ltree, lcodes-1); /* literal tree */
+    Tracev((stderr, "\nlit tree: sent %ld", s->bits_sent));
+    send_tree(s, (ct_data *)s->dyn_dtree, dcodes-1); /* distance tree */
+    Tracev((stderr, "\ndist tree: sent %ld", s->bits_sent));
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Send a stored block
+ */
+void _tr_stored_block(s, buf, stored_len, eof)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    charf *buf;       /* input block */
+    ulg stored_len;   /* length of input block */
+    int eof;          /* true if this is the last block for a file */
+    send_bits(s, (STORED_BLOCK<<1)+eof, 3);  /* send block type */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    s->compressed_len = (s->compressed_len + 3 + 7) & (ulg)~7L;
+    s->compressed_len += (stored_len + 4) << 3;
+    copy_block(s, buf, (unsigned)stored_len, 1); /* with header */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Send one empty static block to give enough lookahead for inflate.
+ * This takes 10 bits, of which 7 may remain in the bit buffer.
+ * The current inflate code requires 9 bits of lookahead. If the
+ * last two codes for the previous block (real code plus EOB) were coded
+ * on 5 bits or less, inflate may have only 5+3 bits of lookahead to decode
+ * the last real code. In this case we send two empty static blocks instead
+ * of one. (There are no problems if the previous block is stored or fixed.)
+ * To simplify the code, we assume the worst case of last real code encoded
+ * on one bit only.
+ */
+void _tr_align(s)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    send_bits(s, STATIC_TREES<<1, 3);
+    send_code(s, END_BLOCK, static_ltree);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    s->compressed_len += 10L; /* 3 for block type, 7 for EOB */
+    bi_flush(s);
+    /* Of the 10 bits for the empty block, we have already sent
+     * (10 - bi_valid) bits. The lookahead for the last real code (before
+     * the EOB of the previous block) was thus at least one plus the length
+     * of the EOB plus what we have just sent of the empty static block.
+     */
+    if (1 + s->last_eob_len + 10 - s->bi_valid < 9) {
+        send_bits(s, STATIC_TREES<<1, 3);
+        send_code(s, END_BLOCK, static_ltree);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        s->compressed_len += 10L;
+        bi_flush(s);
+    }
+    s->last_eob_len = 7;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Determine the best encoding for the current block: dynamic trees, static
+ * trees or store, and output the encoded block to the zip file.
+ */
+void _tr_flush_block(s, buf, stored_len, eof)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    charf *buf;       /* input block, or NULL if too old */
+    ulg stored_len;   /* length of input block */
+    int eof;          /* true if this is the last block for a file */
+    ulg opt_lenb, static_lenb; /* opt_len and static_len in bytes */
+    int max_blindex = 0;  /* index of last bit length code of non zero freq */
+    /* Build the Huffman trees unless a stored block is forced */
+    if (s->level > 0) {
+        /* Check if the file is binary or text */
+        if (stored_len > 0 && s->strm->data_type == Z_UNKNOWN)
+            set_data_type(s);
+        /* Construct the literal and distance trees */
+        build_tree(s, (tree_desc *)(&(s->l_desc)));
+        Tracev((stderr, "\nlit data: dyn %ld, stat %ld", s->opt_len,
+                s->static_len));
+        build_tree(s, (tree_desc *)(&(s->d_desc)));
+        Tracev((stderr, "\ndist data: dyn %ld, stat %ld", s->opt_len,
+                s->static_len));
+        /* At this point, opt_len and static_len are the total bit lengths of
+         * the compressed block data, excluding the tree representations.
+         */
+        /* Build the bit length tree for the above two trees, and get the index
+         * in bl_order of the last bit length code to send.
+         */
+        max_blindex = build_bl_tree(s);
+        /* Determine the best encoding. Compute the block lengths in bytes. */
+        opt_lenb = (s->opt_len+3+7)>>3;
+        static_lenb = (s->static_len+3+7)>>3;
+        Tracev((stderr, "\nopt %lu(%lu) stat %lu(%lu) stored %lu lit %u ",
+                opt_lenb, s->opt_len, static_lenb, s->static_len, stored_len,
+                s->last_lit));
+        if (static_lenb <= opt_lenb) opt_lenb = static_lenb;
+    } else {
+        Assert(buf != (char*)0, "lost buf");
+        opt_lenb = static_lenb = stored_len + 5; /* force a stored block */
+    }
+    if (buf != (char*)0) { /* force stored block */
+    if (stored_len+4 <= opt_lenb && buf != (char*)0) {
+                       /* 4: two words for the lengths */
+        /* The test buf != NULL is only necessary if LIT_BUFSIZE > WSIZE.
+         * Otherwise we can't have processed more than WSIZE input bytes since
+         * the last block flush, because compression would have been
+         * successful. If LIT_BUFSIZE <= WSIZE, it is never too late to
+         * transform a block into a stored block.
+         */
+        _tr_stored_block(s, buf, stored_len, eof);
+    } else if (static_lenb >= 0) { /* force static trees */
+    } else if (s->strategy == Z_FIXED || static_lenb == opt_lenb) {
+        send_bits(s, (STATIC_TREES<<1)+eof, 3);
+        compress_block(s, (ct_data *)static_ltree, (ct_data *)static_dtree);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        s->compressed_len += 3 + s->static_len;
+    } else {
+        send_bits(s, (DYN_TREES<<1)+eof, 3);
+        send_all_trees(s, s->l_desc.max_code+1, s->d_desc.max_code+1,
+                       max_blindex+1);
+        compress_block(s, (ct_data *)s->dyn_ltree, (ct_data *)s->dyn_dtree);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        s->compressed_len += 3 + s->opt_len;
+    }
+    Assert (s->compressed_len == s->bits_sent, "bad compressed size");
+    /* The above check is made mod 2^32, for files larger than 512 MB
+     * and uLong implemented on 32 bits.
+     */
+    init_block(s);
+    if (eof) {
+        bi_windup(s);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        s->compressed_len += 7;  /* align on byte boundary */
+    }
+    Tracev((stderr,"\ncomprlen %lu(%lu) ", s->compressed_len>>3,
+           s->compressed_len-7*eof));
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Save the match info and tally the frequency counts. Return true if
+ * the current block must be flushed.
+ */
+int _tr_tally (s, dist, lc)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    unsigned dist;  /* distance of matched string */
+    unsigned lc;    /* match length-MIN_MATCH or unmatched char (if dist==0) */
+    s->d_buf[s->last_lit] = (ush)dist;
+    s->l_buf[s->last_lit++] = (uch)lc;
+    if (dist == 0) {
+        /* lc is the unmatched char */
+        s->dyn_ltree[lc].Freq++;
+    } else {
+        s->matches++;
+        /* Here, lc is the match length - MIN_MATCH */
+        dist--;             /* dist = match distance - 1 */
+        Assert((ush)dist < (ush)MAX_DIST(s) &&
+               (ush)lc <= (ush)(MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH) &&
+               (ush)d_code(dist) < (ush)D_CODES,  "_tr_tally: bad match");
+        s->dyn_ltree[_length_code[lc]+LITERALS+1].Freq++;
+        s->dyn_dtree[d_code(dist)].Freq++;
+    }
+    /* Try to guess if it is profitable to stop the current block here */
+    if ((s->last_lit & 0x1fff) == 0 && s->level > 2) {
+        /* Compute an upper bound for the compressed length */
+        ulg out_length = (ulg)s->last_lit*8L;
+        ulg in_length = (ulg)((long)s->strstart - s->block_start);
+        int dcode;
+        for (dcode = 0; dcode < D_CODES; dcode++) {
+            out_length += (ulg)s->dyn_dtree[dcode].Freq *
+                (5L+extra_dbits[dcode]);
+        }
+        out_length >>= 3;
+        Tracev((stderr,"\nlast_lit %u, in %ld, out ~%ld(%ld%%) ",
+               s->last_lit, in_length, out_length,
+               100L - out_length*100L/in_length));
+        if (s->matches < s->last_lit/2 && out_length < in_length/2) return 1;
+    }
+    return (s->last_lit == s->lit_bufsize-1);
+    /* We avoid equality with lit_bufsize because of wraparound at 64K
+     * on 16 bit machines and because stored blocks are restricted to
+     * 64K-1 bytes.
+     */
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Send the block data compressed using the given Huffman trees
+ */
+local void compress_block(s, ltree, dtree)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    ct_data *ltree; /* literal tree */
+    ct_data *dtree; /* distance tree */
+    unsigned dist;      /* distance of matched string */
+    int lc;             /* match length or unmatched char (if dist == 0) */
+    unsigned lx = 0;    /* running index in l_buf */
+    unsigned code;      /* the code to send */
+    int extra;          /* number of extra bits to send */
+    if (s->last_lit != 0) do {
+        dist = s->d_buf[lx];
+        lc = s->l_buf[lx++];
+        if (dist == 0) {
+            send_code(s, lc, ltree); /* send a literal byte */
+            Tracecv(isgraph(lc), (stderr," '%c' ", lc));
+        } else {
+            /* Here, lc is the match length - MIN_MATCH */
+            code = _length_code[lc];
+            send_code(s, code+LITERALS+1, ltree); /* send the length code */
+            extra = extra_lbits[code];
+            if (extra != 0) {
+                lc -= base_length[code];
+                send_bits(s, lc, extra);       /* send the extra length bits */
+            }
+            dist--; /* dist is now the match distance - 1 */
+            code = d_code(dist);
+            Assert (code < D_CODES, "bad d_code");
+            send_code(s, code, dtree);       /* send the distance code */
+            extra = extra_dbits[code];
+            if (extra != 0) {
+                dist -= base_dist[code];
+                send_bits(s, dist, extra);   /* send the extra distance bits */
+            }
+        } /* literal or match pair ? */
+        /* Check that the overlay between pending_buf and d_buf+l_buf is ok: */
+        Assert((uInt)(s->pending) < s->lit_bufsize + 2*lx,
+               "pendingBuf overflow");
+    } while (lx < s->last_lit);
+    send_code(s, END_BLOCK, ltree);
+    s->last_eob_len = ltree[END_BLOCK].Len;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Set the data type to BINARY or TEXT, using a crude approximation:
+ * set it to Z_TEXT if all symbols are either printable characters (33 to 255)
+ * or white spaces (9 to 13, or 32); or set it to Z_BINARY otherwise.
+ * IN assertion: the fields Freq of dyn_ltree are set.
+ */
+local void set_data_type(s)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    int n;
+    for (n = 0; n < 9; n++)
+        if (s->dyn_ltree[n].Freq != 0)
+            break;
+    if (n == 9)
+        for (n = 14; n < 32; n++)
+            if (s->dyn_ltree[n].Freq != 0)
+                break;
+    s->strm->data_type = (n == 32) ? Z_TEXT : Z_BINARY;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Reverse the first len bits of a code, using straightforward code (a faster
+ * method would use a table)
+ * IN assertion: 1 <= len <= 15
+ */
+local unsigned bi_reverse(code, len)
+    unsigned code; /* the value to invert */
+    int len;       /* its bit length */
+    register unsigned res = 0;
+    do {
+        res |= code & 1;
+        code >>= 1, res <<= 1;
+    } while (--len > 0);
+    return res >> 1;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Flush the bit buffer, keeping at most 7 bits in it.
+ */
+local void bi_flush(s)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    if (s->bi_valid == 16) {
+        put_short(s, s->bi_buf);
+        s->bi_buf = 0;
+        s->bi_valid = 0;
+    } else if (s->bi_valid >= 8) {
+        put_byte(s, (Byte)s->bi_buf);
+        s->bi_buf >>= 8;
+        s->bi_valid -= 8;
+    }
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Flush the bit buffer and align the output on a byte boundary
+ */
+local void bi_windup(s)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    if (s->bi_valid > 8) {
+        put_short(s, s->bi_buf);
+    } else if (s->bi_valid > 0) {
+        put_byte(s, (Byte)s->bi_buf);
+    }
+    s->bi_buf = 0;
+    s->bi_valid = 0;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    s->bits_sent = (s->bits_sent+7) & ~7;
+/* ===========================================================================
+ * Copy a stored block, storing first the length and its
+ * one's complement if requested.
+ */
+local void copy_block(s, buf, len, header)
+    deflate_state *s;
+    charf    *buf;    /* the input data */
+    unsigned len;     /* its length */
+    int      header;  /* true if block header must be written */
+    bi_windup(s);        /* align on byte boundary */
+    s->last_eob_len = 8; /* enough lookahead for inflate */
+    if (header) {
+        put_short(s, (ush)len);
+        put_short(s, (ush)~len);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+        s->bits_sent += 2*16;
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    s->bits_sent += (ulg)len<<3;
+    while (len--) {
+        put_byte(s, *buf++);
+    }

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/trees.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/trees.h?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/trees.h (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/trees.h Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+/* header created automatically with -DGEN_TREES_H */
+local const ct_data static_ltree[L_CODES+2] = {
+{{ 12},{  8}}, {{140},{  8}}, {{ 76},{  8}}, {{204},{  8}}, {{ 44},{  8}},
+{{172},{  8}}, {{108},{  8}}, {{236},{  8}}, {{ 28},{  8}}, {{156},{  8}},
+{{ 92},{  8}}, {{220},{  8}}, {{ 60},{  8}}, {{188},{  8}}, {{124},{  8}},
+{{252},{  8}}, {{  2},{  8}}, {{130},{  8}}, {{ 66},{  8}}, {{194},{  8}},
+{{ 34},{  8}}, {{162},{  8}}, {{ 98},{  8}}, {{226},{  8}}, {{ 18},{  8}},
+{{146},{  8}}, {{ 82},{  8}}, {{210},{  8}}, {{ 50},{  8}}, {{178},{  8}},
+{{114},{  8}}, {{242},{  8}}, {{ 10},{  8}}, {{138},{  8}}, {{ 74},{  8}},
+{{202},{  8}}, {{ 42},{  8}}, {{170},{  8}}, {{106},{  8}}, {{234},{  8}},
+{{ 26},{  8}}, {{154},{  8}}, {{ 90},{  8}}, {{218},{  8}}, {{ 58},{  8}},
+{{186},{  8}}, {{122},{  8}}, {{250},{  8}}, {{  6},{  8}}, {{134},{  8}},
+{{ 70},{  8}}, {{198},{  8}}, {{ 38},{  8}}, {{166},{  8}}, {{102},{  8}},
+{{230},{  8}}, {{ 22},{  8}}, {{150},{  8}}, {{ 86},{  8}}, {{214},{  8}},
+{{ 54},{  8}}, {{182},{  8}}, {{118},{  8}}, {{246},{  8}}, {{ 14},{  8}},
+{{142},{  8}}, {{ 78},{  8}}, {{206},{  8}}, {{ 46},{  8}}, {{174},{  8}},
+{{110},{  8}}, {{238},{  8}}, {{ 30},{  8}}, {{158},{  8}}, {{ 94},{  8}},
+{{222},{  8}}, {{ 62},{  8}}, {{190},{  8}}, {{126},{  8}}, {{254},{  8}},
+{{  1},{  8}}, {{129},{  8}}, {{ 65},{  8}}, {{193},{  8}}, {{ 33},{  8}},
+{{161},{  8}}, {{ 97},{  8}}, {{225},{  8}}, {{ 17},{  8}}, {{145},{  8}},
+{{ 81},{  8}}, {{209},{  8}}, {{ 49},{  8}}, {{177},{  8}}, {{113},{  8}},
+{{241},{  8}}, {{  9},{  8}}, {{137},{  8}}, {{ 73},{  8}}, {{201},{  8}},
+{{ 41},{  8}}, {{169},{  8}}, {{105},{  8}}, {{233},{  8}}, {{ 25},{  8}},
+{{153},{  8}}, {{ 89},{  8}}, {{217},{  8}}, {{ 57},{  8}}, {{185},{  8}},
+{{121},{  8}}, {{249},{  8}}, {{  5},{  8}}, {{133},{  8}}, {{ 69},{  8}},
+{{197},{  8}}, {{ 37},{  8}}, {{165},{  8}}, {{101},{  8}}, {{229},{  8}},
+{{ 21},{  8}}, {{149},{  8}}, {{ 85},{  8}}, {{213},{  8}}, {{ 53},{  8}},
+{{181},{  8}}, {{117},{  8}}, {{245},{  8}}, {{ 13},{  8}}, {{141},{  8}},
+{{ 77},{  8}}, {{205},{  8}}, {{ 45},{  8}}, {{173},{  8}}, {{109},{  8}},
+{{237},{  8}}, {{ 29},{  8}}, {{157},{  8}}, {{ 93},{  8}}, {{221},{  8}},
+{{ 61},{  8}}, {{189},{  8}}, {{125},{  8}}, {{253},{  8}}, {{ 19},{  9}},
+{{275},{  9}}, {{147},{  9}}, {{403},{  9}}, {{ 83},{  9}}, {{339},{  9}},
+{{211},{  9}}, {{467},{  9}}, {{ 51},{  9}}, {{307},{  9}}, {{179},{  9}},
+{{435},{  9}}, {{115},{  9}}, {{371},{  9}}, {{243},{  9}}, {{499},{  9}},
+{{ 11},{  9}}, {{267},{  9}}, {{139},{  9}}, {{395},{  9}}, {{ 75},{  9}},
+{{331},{  9}}, {{203},{  9}}, {{459},{  9}}, {{ 43},{  9}}, {{299},{  9}},
+{{171},{  9}}, {{427},{  9}}, {{107},{  9}}, {{363},{  9}}, {{235},{  9}},
+{{491},{  9}}, {{ 27},{  9}}, {{283},{  9}}, {{155},{  9}}, {{411},{  9}},
+{{ 91},{  9}}, {{347},{  9}}, {{219},{  9}}, {{475},{  9}}, {{ 59},{  9}},
+{{315},{  9}}, {{187},{  9}}, {{443},{  9}}, {{123},{  9}}, {{379},{  9}},
+{{251},{  9}}, {{507},{  9}}, {{  7},{  9}}, {{263},{  9}}, {{135},{  9}},
+{{391},{  9}}, {{ 71},{  9}}, {{327},{  9}}, {{199},{  9}}, {{455},{  9}},
+{{ 39},{  9}}, {{295},{  9}}, {{167},{  9}}, {{423},{  9}}, {{103},{  9}},
+{{359},{  9}}, {{231},{  9}}, {{487},{  9}}, {{ 23},{  9}}, {{279},{  9}},
+{{151},{  9}}, {{407},{  9}}, {{ 87},{  9}}, {{343},{  9}}, {{215},{  9}},
+{{471},{  9}}, {{ 55},{  9}}, {{311},{  9}}, {{183},{  9}}, {{439},{  9}},
+{{119},{  9}}, {{375},{  9}}, {{247},{  9}}, {{503},{  9}}, {{ 15},{  9}},
+{{271},{  9}}, {{143},{  9}}, {{399},{  9}}, {{ 79},{  9}}, {{335},{  9}},
+{{207},{  9}}, {{463},{  9}}, {{ 47},{  9}}, {{303},{  9}}, {{175},{  9}},
+{{431},{  9}}, {{111},{  9}}, {{367},{  9}}, {{239},{  9}}, {{495},{  9}},
+{{ 31},{  9}}, {{287},{  9}}, {{159},{  9}}, {{415},{  9}}, {{ 95},{  9}},
+{{351},{  9}}, {{223},{  9}}, {{479},{  9}}, {{ 63},{  9}}, {{319},{  9}},
+{{191},{  9}}, {{447},{  9}}, {{127},{  9}}, {{383},{  9}}, {{255},{  9}},
+{{511},{  9}}, {{  0},{  7}}, {{ 64},{  7}}, {{ 32},{  7}}, {{ 96},{  7}},
+{{ 16},{  7}}, {{ 80},{  7}}, {{ 48},{  7}}, {{112},{  7}}, {{  8},{  7}},
+{{ 72},{  7}}, {{ 40},{  7}}, {{104},{  7}}, {{ 24},{  7}}, {{ 88},{  7}},
+{{ 56},{  7}}, {{120},{  7}}, {{  4},{  7}}, {{ 68},{  7}}, {{ 36},{  7}},
+{{100},{  7}}, {{ 20},{  7}}, {{ 84},{  7}}, {{ 52},{  7}}, {{116},{  7}},
+{{  3},{  8}}, {{131},{  8}}, {{ 67},{  8}}, {{195},{  8}}, {{ 35},{  8}},
+{{163},{  8}}, {{ 99},{  8}}, {{227},{  8}}
+local const ct_data static_dtree[D_CODES] = {
+{{ 0},{ 5}}, {{16},{ 5}}, {{ 8},{ 5}}, {{24},{ 5}}, {{ 4},{ 5}},
+{{20},{ 5}}, {{12},{ 5}}, {{28},{ 5}}, {{ 2},{ 5}}, {{18},{ 5}},
+{{10},{ 5}}, {{26},{ 5}}, {{ 6},{ 5}}, {{22},{ 5}}, {{14},{ 5}},
+{{30},{ 5}}, {{ 1},{ 5}}, {{17},{ 5}}, {{ 9},{ 5}}, {{25},{ 5}},
+{{ 5},{ 5}}, {{21},{ 5}}, {{13},{ 5}}, {{29},{ 5}}, {{ 3},{ 5}},
+{{19},{ 5}}, {{11},{ 5}}, {{27},{ 5}}, {{ 7},{ 5}}, {{23},{ 5}}
+const uch _dist_code[DIST_CODE_LEN] = {
+ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  4,  5,  5,  6,  6,  6,  6,  7,  7,  7,  7,  8,  8,  8,  8,
+ 8,  8,  8,  8,  9,  9,  9,  9,  9,  9,  9,  9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,
+10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11,
+11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
+12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13,
+13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13,
+13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
+14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
+15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
+15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,
+15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15,  0,  0, 16, 17,
+18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22,
+23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
+24, 24, 24, 24, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25,
+26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26,
+26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27,
+27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27,
+27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
+28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
+28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28,
+28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 28, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
+29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
+29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29,
+29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29, 29
+const uch _length_code[MAX_MATCH-MIN_MATCH+1]= {
+ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  8,  9,  9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12,
+13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
+17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19,
+19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20,
+21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22,
+22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23,
+23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
+24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
+25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25,
+25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 25, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26,
+26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26, 26,
+26, 26, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27,
+27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28
+local const int base_length[LENGTH_CODES] = {
+0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 56,
+64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 0
+local const int base_dist[D_CODES] = {
+    0,     1,     2,     3,     4,     6,     8,    12,    16,    24,
+   32,    48,    64,    96,   128,   192,   256,   384,   512,   768,
+ 1024,  1536,  2048,  3072,  4096,  6144,  8192, 12288, 16384, 24576

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/uncompr.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/uncompr.c?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/uncompr.c (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/uncompr.c Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+/* uncompr.c -- decompress a memory buffer
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2003 Jean-loup Gailly.
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+/* @(#) $Id: uncompr.c,v 2002/03/11 21:53:27 tromey Exp $ */
+#include "zlib.h"
+/* ===========================================================================
+     Decompresses the source buffer into the destination buffer.  sourceLen is
+   the byte length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total
+   size of the destination buffer, which must be large enough to hold the
+   entire uncompressed data. (The size of the uncompressed data must have
+   been saved previously by the compressor and transmitted to the decompressor
+   by some mechanism outside the scope of this compression library.)
+   Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the compressed buffer.
+     This function can be used to decompress a whole file at once if the
+   input file is mmap'ed.
+     uncompress returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not
+   enough memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output
+   buffer, or Z_DATA_ERROR if the input data was corrupted.
+int ZEXPORT uncompress (dest, destLen, source, sourceLen)
+    Bytef *dest;
+    uLongf *destLen;
+    const Bytef *source;
+    uLong sourceLen;
+    z_stream stream;
+    int err;
+    stream.next_in = (Bytef*)source;
+    stream.avail_in = (uInt)sourceLen;
+    /* Check for source > 64K on 16-bit machine: */
+    if ((uLong)stream.avail_in != sourceLen) return Z_BUF_ERROR;
+    stream.next_out = dest;
+    stream.avail_out = (uInt)*destLen;
+    if ((uLong)stream.avail_out != *destLen) return Z_BUF_ERROR;
+    stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0;
+    stream.zfree = (free_func)0;
+    err = inflateInit(&stream);
+    if (err != Z_OK) return err;
+    err = inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH);
+    if (err != Z_STREAM_END) {
+        inflateEnd(&stream);
+        if (err == Z_NEED_DICT || (err == Z_BUF_ERROR && stream.avail_in == 0))
+            return Z_DATA_ERROR;
+        return err;
+    }
+    *destLen = stream.total_out;
+    err = inflateEnd(&stream);
+    return err;

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/DLL_FAQ.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/DLL_FAQ.txt?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/DLL_FAQ.txt (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/DLL_FAQ.txt Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+            Frequently Asked Questions about ZLIB1.DLL
+This document describes the design, the rationale, and the usage
+of the official DLL build of zlib, named ZLIB1.DLL.  If you have
+general questions about zlib, you should see the file "FAQ" found
+in the zlib distribution, or at the following location:
+  http://www.gzip.org/zlib/zlib_faq.html
+ 1. What is ZLIB1.DLL, and how can I get it?
+  - ZLIB1.DLL is the official build of zlib as a DLL.
+    (Please remark the character '1' in the name.)
+    Pointers to a precompiled ZLIB1.DLL can be found in the zlib
+    web site at:
+      http://www.zlib.org/
+    Applications that link to ZLIB1.DLL can rely on the following
+    specification:
+    * The exported symbols are exclusively defined in the source
+      files "zlib.h" and "zlib.def", found in an official zlib
+      source distribution.
+    * The symbols are exported by name, not by ordinal.
+    * The exported names are undecorated.
+    * The calling convention of functions is "C" (CDECL).
+    * The ZLIB1.DLL binary is linked to MSVCRT.DLL.
+    The archive in which ZLIB1.DLL is bundled contains compiled
+    test programs that must run with a valid build of ZLIB1.DLL.
+    It is recommended to download the prebuilt DLL from the zlib
+    web site, instead of building it yourself, to avoid potential
+    incompatibilities that could be introduced by your compiler
+    and build settings.  If you do build the DLL yourself, please
+    make sure that it complies with all the above requirements,
+    and it runs with the precompiled test programs, bundled with
+    the original ZLIB1.DLL distribution.
+    If, for any reason, you need to build an incompatible DLL,
+    please use a different file name.
+ 2. Why did you change the name of the DLL to ZLIB1.DLL?
+    What happened to the old ZLIB.DLL?
+  - The old ZLIB.DLL, built from zlib-1.1.4 or earlier, required
+    compilation settings that were incompatible to those used by
+    a static build.  The DLL settings were supposed to be enabled
+    by defining the macro ZLIB_DLL, before including "zlib.h".
+    Incorrect handling of this macro was silently accepted at
+    build time, resulting in two major problems:
+    * ZLIB_DLL was missing from the old makefile.  When building
+      the DLL, not all people added it to the build options.  In
+      consequence, incompatible incarnations of ZLIB.DLL started
+      to circulate around the net.
+    * When switching from using the static library to using the
+      DLL, applications had to define the ZLIB_DLL macro and
+      to recompile all the sources that contained calls to zlib
+      functions.  Failure to do so resulted in creating binaries
+      that were unable to run with the official ZLIB.DLL build.
+    The only possible solution that we could foresee was to make
+    a binary-incompatible change in the DLL interface, in order to
+    remove the dependency on the ZLIB_DLL macro, and to release
+    the new DLL under a different name.
+    We chose the name ZLIB1.DLL, where '1' indicates the major
+    zlib version number.  We hope that we will not have to break
+    the binary compatibility again, at least not as long as the
+    zlib-1.x series will last.
+    There is still a ZLIB_DLL macro, that can trigger a more
+    efficient build and use of the DLL, but compatibility no
+    longer dependents on it.
+ 3. Can I build ZLIB.DLL from the new zlib sources, and replace
+    an old ZLIB.DLL, that was built from zlib-1.1.4 or earlier?
+  - In principle, you can do it by assigning calling convention
+    keywords to the macros ZEXPORT and ZEXPORTVA.  In practice,
+    it depends on what you mean by "an old ZLIB.DLL", because the
+    old DLL exists in several mutually-incompatible versions.
+    You have to find out first what kind of calling convention is
+    being used in your particular ZLIB.DLL build, and to use the
+    same one in the new build.  If you don't know what this is all
+    about, you might be better off if you would just leave the old
+    DLL intact.
+ 4. Can I compile my application using the new zlib interface, and
+    link it to an old ZLIB.DLL, that was built from zlib-1.1.4 or
+    earlier?
+  - The official answer is "no"; the real answer depends again on
+    what kind of ZLIB.DLL you have.  Even if you are lucky, this
+    course of action is unreliable.
+    If you rebuild your application and you intend to use a newer
+    version of zlib (post- 1.1.4), it is strongly recommended to
+    link it to the new ZLIB1.DLL.
+ 5. Why are the zlib symbols exported by name, and not by ordinal?
+  - Although exporting symbols by ordinal is a little faster, it
+    is risky.  Any single glitch in the maintenance or use of the
+    DEF file that contains the ordinals can result in incompatible
+    builds and frustrating crashes.  Simply put, the benefits of
+    exporting symbols by ordinal do not justify the risks.
+    Technically, it should be possible to maintain ordinals in
+    the DEF file, and still export the symbols by name.  Ordinals
+    exist in every DLL, and even if the dynamic linking performed
+    at the DLL startup is searching for names, ordinals serve as
+    hints, for a faster name lookup.  However, if the DEF file
+    contains ordinals, the Microsoft linker automatically builds
+    an implib that will cause the executables linked to it to use
+    those ordinals, and not the names.  It is interesting to
+    notice that the GNU linker for Win32 does not suffer from this
+    problem.
+    It is possible to avoid the DEF file if the exported symbols
+    are accompanied by a "__declspec(dllexport)" attribute in the
+    source files.  You can do this in zlib by predefining the
+    ZLIB_DLL macro.
+ 6. I see that the ZLIB1.DLL functions use the "C" (CDECL) calling
+    convention.  Why not use the STDCALL convention?
+    STDCALL is the standard convention in Win32, and I need it in
+    my Visual Basic project!
+    (For readability, we use CDECL to refer to the convention
+     triggered by the "__cdecl" keyword, STDCALL to refer to
+     the convention triggered by "__stdcall", and FASTCALL to
+     refer to the convention triggered by "__fastcall".)
+  - Most of the native Windows API functions (without varargs) use
+    indeed the WINAPI convention (which translates to STDCALL in
+    Win32), but the standard C functions use CDECL.  If a user
+    application is intrinsically tied to the Windows API (e.g.
+    it calls native Windows API functions such as CreateFile()),
+    sometimes it makes sense to decorate its own functions with
+    WINAPI.  But if ANSI C or POSIX portability is a goal (e.g.
+    it calls standard C functions such as fopen()), it is not a
+    sound decision to request the inclusion of <windows.h>, or to
+    use non-ANSI constructs, for the sole purpose to make the user
+    functions STDCALL-able.
+    The functionality offered by zlib is not in the category of
+    "Windows functionality", but is more like "C functionality".
+    Technically, STDCALL is not bad; in fact, it is slightly
+    faster than CDECL, and it works with variable-argument
+    functions, just like CDECL.  It is unfortunate that, in spite
+    of using STDCALL in the Windows API, it is not the default
+    convention used by the C compilers that run under Windows.
+    The roots of the problem reside deep inside the unsafety of
+    the K&R-style function prototypes, where the argument types
+    are not specified; but that is another story for another day.
+    The remaining fact is that CDECL is the default convention.
+    Even if an explicit convention is hard-coded into the function
+    prototypes inside C headers, problems may appear.  The
+    necessity to expose the convention in users' callbacks is one
+    of these problems.
+    The calling convention issues are also important when using
+    zlib in other programming languages.  Some of them, like Ada
+    (GNAT) and Fortran (GNU G77), have C bindings implemented
+    initially on Unix, and relying on the C calling convention.
+    On the other hand, the pre- .NET versions of Microsoft Visual
+    Basic require STDCALL, while Borland Delphi prefers, although
+    it does not require, FASTCALL.
+    In fairness to all possible uses of zlib outside the C
+    programming language, we choose the default "C" convention.
+    Anyone interested in different bindings or conventions is
+    encouraged to maintain specialized projects.  The "contrib/"
+    directory from the zlib distribution already holds a couple
+    of foreign bindings, such as Ada, C++, and Delphi.
+ 7. I need a DLL for my Visual Basic project.  What can I do?
+  - Define the ZLIB_WINAPI macro before including "zlib.h", when
+    building both the DLL and the user application (except that
+    you don't need to define anything when using the DLL in Visual
+    Basic).  The ZLIB_WINAPI macro will switch on the WINAPI
+    (STDCALL) convention.  The name of this DLL must be different
+    than the official ZLIB1.DLL.
+    Gilles Vollant has contributed a build named ZLIBWAPI.DLL,
+    with the ZLIB_WINAPI macro turned on, and with the minizip
+    functionality built in.  For more information, please read
+    the notes inside "contrib/vstudio/readme.txt", found in the
+    zlib distribution.
+ 8. I need to use zlib in my Microsoft .NET project.  What can I
+    do?
+  - Henrik Ravn has contributed a .NET wrapper around zlib.  Look
+    into contrib/dotzlib/, inside the zlib distribution.
+ 9. If my application uses ZLIB1.DLL, should I link it to
+    MSVCRT.DLL?  Why?
+  - It is not required, but it is recommended to link your
+    application to MSVCRT.DLL, if it uses ZLIB1.DLL.
+    The executables (.EXE, .DLL, etc.) that are involved in the
+    same process and are using the C run-time library (i.e. they
+    are calling standard C functions), must link to the same
+    library.  There are several libraries in the Win32 system:
+    CRTDLL.DLL, MSVCRT.DLL, the static C libraries, etc.
+    Since ZLIB1.DLL is linked to MSVCRT.DLL, the executables that
+    depend on it should also be linked to MSVCRT.DLL.
+10. Why are you saying that ZLIB1.DLL and my application should
+    be linked to the same C run-time (CRT) library?  I linked my
+    application and my DLLs to different C libraries (e.g. my
+    application to a static library, and my DLLs to MSVCRT.DLL),
+    and everything works fine.
+  - If a user library invokes only pure Win32 API (accessible via
+    <windows.h> and the related headers), its DLL build will work
+    in any context.  But if this library invokes standard C API,
+    things get more complicated.
+    There is a single Win32 library in a Win32 system.  Every
+    function in this library resides in a single DLL module, that
+    is safe to call from anywhere.  On the other hand, there are
+    multiple versions of the C library, and each of them has its
+    own separate internal state.  Standalone executables and user
+    DLLs that call standard C functions must link to a C run-time
+    (CRT) library, be it static or shared (DLL).  Intermixing
+    occurs when an executable (not necessarily standalone) and a
+    DLL are linked to different CRTs, and both are running in the
+    same process.
+    Intermixing multiple CRTs is possible, as long as their
+    internal states are kept intact.  The Microsoft Knowledge Base
+    articles KB94248 "HOWTO: Use the C Run-Time" and KB140584
+    "HOWTO: Link with the Correct C Run-Time (CRT) Library"
+    mention the potential problems raised by intermixing.
+    If intermixing works for you, it's because your application
+    and DLLs are avoiding the corruption of each of the CRTs'
+    internal states, maybe by careful design, or maybe by fortune.
+    Also note that linking ZLIB1.DLL to non-Microsoft CRTs, such
+    as those provided by Borland, raises similar problems.
+11. Why are you linking ZLIB1.DLL to MSVCRT.DLL?
+  - MSVCRT.DLL exists on every Windows 95 with a new service pack
+    installed, or with Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or later, and
+    on all other Windows 4.x or later (Windows 98, Windows NT 4,
+    or later).  It is freely distributable; if not present in the
+    system, it can be downloaded from Microsoft or from other
+    software provider for free.
+    The fact that MSVCRT.DLL does not exist on a virgin Windows 95
+    is not so problematic.  Windows 95 is scarcely found nowadays,
+    Microsoft ended its support a long time ago, and many recent
+    applications from various vendors, including Microsoft, do not
+    even run on it.  Furthermore, no serious user should run
+    Windows 95 without a proper update installed.
+12. Why are you not linking ZLIB1.DLL to
+    <<my favorite C run-time library>> ?
+  - We considered and abandoned the following alternatives:
+    * Linking ZLIB1.DLL to a static C library (LIBC.LIB, or
+      LIBCMT.LIB) is not a good option.  People are using the DLL
+      mainly to save disk space.  If you are linking your program
+      to a static C library, you may as well consider linking zlib
+      in statically, too.
+    * Linking ZLIB1.DLL to CRTDLL.DLL looks appealing, because
+      CRTDLL.DLL is present on every Win32 installation.
+      Unfortunately, it has a series of problems: it does not
+      work properly with Microsoft's C++ libraries, it does not
+      provide support for 64-bit file offsets, (and so on...),
+      and Microsoft discontinued its support a long time ago.
+    * Linking ZLIB1.DLL to MSVCR70.DLL or MSVCR71.DLL, supplied
+      with the Microsoft .NET platform, and Visual C++ 7.0/7.1,
+      raises problems related to the status of ZLIB1.DLL as a
+      system component.  According to the Microsoft Knowledge Base
+      article KB326922 "INFO: Redistribution of the Shared C
+      Runtime Component in Visual C++ .NET", MSVCR70.DLL and
+      MSVCR71.DLL are not supposed to function as system DLLs,
+      because they may clash with MSVCRT.DLL.  Instead, the
+      application's installer is supposed to put these DLLs
+      (if needed) in the application's private directory.
+      If ZLIB1.DLL depends on a non-system runtime, it cannot
+      function as a redistributable system component.
+    * Linking ZLIB1.DLL to non-Microsoft runtimes, such as
+      Borland's, or Cygwin's, raises problems related to the
+      reliable presence of these runtimes on Win32 systems.
+      It's easier to let the DLL build of zlib up to the people
+      who distribute these runtimes, and who may proceed as
+      explained in the answer to Question 14.
+13. If ZLIB1.DLL cannot be linked to MSVCR70.DLL or MSVCR71.DLL,
+    how can I build/use ZLIB1.DLL in Microsoft Visual C++ 7.0
+    (Visual Studio .NET) or newer?
+  - Due to the problems explained in the Microsoft Knowledge Base
+    article KB326922 (see the previous answer), the C runtime that
+    comes with the VC7 environment is no longer considered a
+    system component.  That is, it should not be assumed that this
+    runtime exists, or may be installed in a system directory.
+    Since ZLIB1.DLL is supposed to be a system component, it may
+    not depend on a non-system component.
+    In order to link ZLIB1.DLL and your application to MSVCRT.DLL
+    in VC7, you need the library of Visual C++ 6.0 or older.  If
+    you don't have this library at hand, it's probably best not to
+    use ZLIB1.DLL.
+    We are hoping that, in the future, Microsoft will provide a
+    way to build applications linked to a proper system runtime,
+    from the Visual C++ environment.  Until then, you have a
+    couple of alternatives, such as linking zlib in statically.
+    If your application requires dynamic linking, you may proceed
+    as explained in the answer to Question 14.
+14. I need to link my own DLL build to a CRT different than
+    MSVCRT.DLL.  What can I do?
+  - Feel free to rebuild the DLL from the zlib sources, and link
+    it the way you want.  You should, however, clearly state that
+    your build is unofficial.  You should give it a different file
+    name, and/or install it in a private directory that can be
+    accessed by your application only, and is not visible to the
+    others (e.g. it's not in the SYSTEM or the SYSTEM32 directory,
+    and it's not in the PATH).  Otherwise, your build may clash
+    with applications that link to the official build.
+    For example, in Cygwin, zlib is linked to the Cygwin runtime
+    CYGWIN1.DLL, and it is distributed under the name CYGZ.DLL.
+15. May I include additional pieces of code that I find useful,
+    link them in ZLIB1.DLL, and export them?
+  - No.  A legitimate build of ZLIB1.DLL must not include code
+    that does not originate from the official zlib source code.
+    But you can make your own private DLL build, under a different
+    file name, as suggested in the previous answer.
+    For example, zlib is a part of the VCL library, distributed
+    with Borland Delphi and C++ Builder.  The DLL build of VCL
+    is a redistributable file, named VCLxx.DLL.
+16. May I remove some functionality out of ZLIB1.DLL, by enabling
+    macros like NO_GZCOMPRESS or NO_GZIP at compile time?
+  - No.  A legitimate build of ZLIB1.DLL must provide the complete
+    zlib functionality, as implemented in the official zlib source
+    code.  But you can make your own private DLL build, under a
+    different file name, as suggested in the previous answer.
+17. I made my own ZLIB1.DLL build.  Can I test it for compliance?
+  - We prefer that you download the official DLL from the zlib
+    web site.  If you need something peculiar from this DLL, you
+    can send your suggestion to the zlib mailing list.
+    However, in case you do rebuild the DLL yourself, you can run
+    it with the test programs found in the DLL distribution.
+    Running these test programs is not a guarantee of compliance,
+    but a failure can imply a detected problem.
+This document is written and maintained by
+Cosmin Truta <cosmint at cs.ubbcluj.ro>

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.bor
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.bor?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.bor (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.bor Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# Makefile for zlib
+# Borland C++ for Win32
+# Updated for zlib 1.2.x by Cosmin Truta, 11-Mar-2003
+# Last updated: 28-Aug-2003
+# Usage:
+#  make -f win32/Makefile.bor
+#  make -f win32/Makefile.bor LOCAL_ZLIB=-DASMV OBJA=match.obj OBJPA=+match.obj
+# ------------ Borland C++ ------------
+# Optional nonstandard preprocessor flags (e.g. -DMAX_MEM_LEVEL=7)
+# should be added to the environment via "set LOCAL_ZLIB=-DFOO" or
+# added to the declaration of LOC here:
+CC = bcc32
+AS = bcc32
+LD = bcc32
+AR = tlib
+CFLAGS  = -a -d -k- -O2 $(LOC)
+# variables
+ZLIB_LIB = zlib.lib
+OBJ1  = adler32.obj compress.obj crc32.obj deflate.obj gzio.obj infback.obj
+OBJ2  = inffast.obj inflate.obj inftrees.obj trees.obj uncompr.obj zutil.obj
+#OBJA =
+OBJP1 = +adler32.obj+compress.obj+crc32.obj+deflate.obj+gzio.obj+infback.obj
+OBJP2 = +inffast.obj+inflate.obj+inftrees.obj+trees.obj+uncompr.obj+zutil.obj
+# targets
+all: $(ZLIB_LIB) example.exe minigzip.exe
+	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
+	$(AS) -c $(ASFLAGS) $<
+adler32.obj: adler32.c zlib.h zconf.h
+compress.obj: compress.c zlib.h zconf.h
+crc32.obj: crc32.c zlib.h zconf.h crc32.h
+deflate.obj: deflate.c deflate.h zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
+gzio.obj: gzio.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
+infback.obj: infback.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h inflate.h \
+ inffast.h inffixed.h
+inffast.obj: inffast.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h inflate.h \
+ inffast.h
+inflate.obj: inflate.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h inflate.h \
+ inffast.h inffixed.h
+inftrees.obj: inftrees.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h
+trees.obj: trees.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h deflate.h trees.h
+uncompr.obj: uncompr.c zlib.h zconf.h
+zutil.obj: zutil.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
+example.obj: example.c zlib.h zconf.h
+minigzip.obj: minigzip.c zlib.h zconf.h
+# For the sake of the old Borland make,
+# the command line is cut to fit in the MS-DOS 128 byte limit:
+$(ZLIB_LIB): $(OBJ1) $(OBJ2) $(OBJA)
+	-del $(ZLIB_LIB)
+	$(AR) $(ZLIB_LIB) $(OBJP1)
+	$(AR) $(ZLIB_LIB) $(OBJP2)
+	$(AR) $(ZLIB_LIB) $(OBJPA)
+# testing
+test: example.exe minigzip.exe
+	example
+	echo hello world | minigzip | minigzip -d
+example.exe: example.obj $(ZLIB_LIB)
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) example.obj $(ZLIB_LIB)
+minigzip.exe: minigzip.obj $(ZLIB_LIB)
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) minigzip.obj $(ZLIB_LIB)
+# cleanup
+	-del *.obj
+	-del *.lib
+	-del *.exe
+	-del *.tds
+	-del zlib.bak
+	-del foo.gz

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.emx
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.emx?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.emx (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.emx Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Makefile for zlib.  Modified for emx/rsxnt by Chr. Spieler, 6/16/98.
+# Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly.
+# For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+# To compile, or to compile and test, type:
+#   make -fmakefile.emx;  make test -fmakefile.emx
+CC=gcc -Zwin32
+CFLAGS=-MMD -O3 $(BUTT) -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wpointer-arith -Wconversion \
+             -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes
+# If cp.exe is available, replace "copy /Y" with "cp -fp" .
+CP=copy /Y
+# If gnu install.exe is available, replace $(CP) with ginstall.
+# The default value of RM is "rm -f."  If "rm.exe" is found, comment out:
+LDLIBS=-L. -lzlib
+LD=$(CC) -s -o
+INCL=zlib.h zconf.h
+AR=ar rcs
+exec_prefix = $(prefix)
+OBJS = adler32.o compress.o crc32.o gzio.o uncompr.o deflate.o trees.o \
+       zutil.o inflate.o infback.o inftrees.o inffast.o
+TEST_OBJS = example.o minigzip.o
+all: example.exe minigzip.exe
+test: all
+	./example
+	echo hello world | .\minigzip | .\minigzip -d
+%.o : %.c
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
+zlib.a: $(OBJS)
+	$(AR) $@ $(OBJS)
+%.exe : %.o $(LIBS)
+	$(LD) $@ $< $(LDLIBS)
+.PHONY : clean
+	$(RM) *.d
+	$(RM) *.o
+	$(RM) *.exe
+	$(RM) zlib.a
+	$(RM) foo.gz
+DEPS := $(wildcard *.d)
+ifneq ($(DEPS),)
+include $(DEPS)

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.gcc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.gcc?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.gcc (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.gcc Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+# Makefile for zlib, derived from Makefile.dj2.
+# Modified for mingw32 by C. Spieler, 6/16/98.
+# Updated for zlib 1.2.x by Christian Spieler and Cosmin Truta, Mar-2003.
+# Last updated: 1-Aug-2003.
+# Tested under Cygwin and MinGW.
+# Copyright (C) 1995-2003 Jean-loup Gailly.
+# For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+# To compile, or to compile and test, type:
+#   make -fmakefile.gcc;  make test testdll -fmakefile.gcc
+# To use the asm code, type:
+#   cp contrib/asm?86/match.S ./match.S
+#   make LOC=-DASMV OBJA=match.o -fmakefile.gcc
+# To install libz.a, zconf.h and zlib.h in the system directories, type:
+#   make install -fmakefile.gcc
+# Note:
+# If the platform is *not* MinGW (e.g. it is Cygwin or UWIN),
+# the DLL name should be changed from "zlib1.dll".
+STATICLIB = libz.a
+SHAREDLIB = zlib1.dll
+IMPLIB    = libzdll.a
+#LOC = -DDEBUG -g
+CC = gcc
+CFLAGS = $(LOC) -O3 -Wall
+AS = $(CC)
+ASFLAGS = $(LOC) -Wall
+LD = $(CC)
+LDFLAGS = $(LOC) -s
+AR = ar
+ARFLAGS = rcs
+RC = windres
+CP = cp -fp
+# If GNU install is available, replace $(CP) with install.
+RM = rm -f
+prefix = /usr/local
+exec_prefix = $(prefix)
+OBJS = adler32.o compress.o crc32.o deflate.o gzio.o infback.o \
+       inffast.o inflate.o inftrees.o trees.o uncompr.o zutil.o
+all: $(STATICLIB) $(SHAREDLIB) $(IMPLIB) example minigzip example_d minigzip_d
+test: example minigzip
+	./example
+	echo hello world | ./minigzip | ./minigzip -d
+testdll: example_d minigzip_d
+	./example_d
+	echo hello world | ./minigzip_d | ./minigzip_d -d
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+	$(AS) $(ASFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+	$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $(OBJS) $(OBJA)
+$(SHAREDLIB): win32/zlib.def $(OBJS) $(OBJA) zlibrc.o
+	dllwrap --driver-name $(CC) --def win32/zlib.def \
+	  --implib $(IMPLIB) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(OBJA) zlibrc.o
+	strip $@
+example: example.o $(STATICLIB)
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ example.o $(STATICLIB)
+minigzip: minigzip.o $(STATICLIB)
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ minigzip.o $(STATICLIB)
+example_d: example.o $(IMPLIB)
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ example.o $(IMPLIB)
+minigzip_d: minigzip.o $(IMPLIB)
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ minigzip.o $(IMPLIB)
+zlibrc.o: win32/zlib1.rc
+	$(RC) $(RCFLAGS) -o $@ win32/zlib1.rc
+# INCLUDE_PATH and LIBRARY_PATH must be set.
+.PHONY: install uninstall clean
+install: zlib.h zconf.h $(LIB)
+	- at if not exist $(INCLUDE_PATH)/nul mkdir $(INCLUDE_PATH)
+	- at if not exist $(LIBRARY_PATH)/nul mkdir $(LIBRARY_PATH)
+	-$(INSTALL) zlib.h $(INCLUDE_PATH)
+	-$(INSTALL) zconf.h $(INCLUDE_PATH)
+	-$(RM) $(INCLUDE_PATH)/zlib.h
+	-$(RM) $(INCLUDE_PATH)/zconf.h
+	-$(RM) $(IMPLIB)
+	-$(RM) *.o
+	-$(RM) *.exe
+	-$(RM) foo.gz
+adler32.o: zlib.h zconf.h
+compress.o: zlib.h zconf.h
+crc32.o: crc32.h zlib.h zconf.h
+deflate.o: deflate.h zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
+example.o: zlib.h zconf.h
+gzio.o: zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
+inffast.o: zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h inflate.h inffast.h
+inflate.o: zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h inflate.h inffast.h
+infback.o: zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h inflate.h inffast.h
+inftrees.o: zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h
+minigzip.o: zlib.h zconf.h
+trees.o: deflate.h zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h trees.h
+uncompr.o: zlib.h zconf.h
+zutil.o: zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.msc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.msc?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.msc (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/Makefile.msc Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# Makefile for zlib -- Microsoft (Visual) C
+# Authors:
+#   Cosmin Truta, 11-Mar-2003
+#   Christian Spieler, 19-Mar-2003
+# Last updated:
+#   Cosmin Truta, 27-Aug-2003
+# Usage:
+#   nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc            (standard build)
+#   nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc LOC=-DFOO  (nonstandard build)
+#   nmake -f win32/Makefile.msc LOC=-DASMV OBJA=match.obj  (use ASM code)
+# optional build flags
+LOC =
+# variables
+STATICLIB = zlib.lib
+SHAREDLIB = zlib1.dll
+IMPLIB    = zdll.lib
+CC = cl
+AS = ml
+LD = link
+AR = lib
+RC = rc
+CFLAGS  = -nologo -MD -O2 $(LOC)
+ASFLAGS = -coff
+LDFLAGS = -nologo -release
+ARFLAGS = -nologo
+RCFLAGS = /dWIN32 /r
+OBJS = adler32.obj compress.obj crc32.obj deflate.obj gzio.obj infback.obj \
+       inffast.obj inflate.obj inftrees.obj trees.obj uncompr.obj zutil.obj
+# targets
+     example.exe minigzip.exe example_d.exe minigzip_d.exe
+	$(AR) $(ARFLAGS) -out:$@ $(OBJS) $(OBJA)
+$(SHAREDLIB): win32/zlib.def $(OBJS) $(OBJA) zlib1.res
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -def:win32/zlib.def -dll -implib:$(IMPLIB) \
+	  -out:$@ $(OBJS) $(OBJA) zlib1.res
+example.exe: example.obj $(STATICLIB)
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) example.obj $(STATICLIB)
+minigzip.exe: minigzip.obj $(STATICLIB)
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) minigzip.obj $(STATICLIB)
+example_d.exe: example.obj $(IMPLIB)
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -out:$@ example.obj $(IMPLIB)
+minigzip_d.exe: minigzip.obj $(IMPLIB)
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -out:$@ minigzip.obj $(IMPLIB)
+	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $<
+	$(AS) -c $(ASFLAGS) $<
+adler32.obj: adler32.c zlib.h zconf.h
+compress.obj: compress.c zlib.h zconf.h
+crc32.obj: crc32.c zlib.h zconf.h crc32.h
+deflate.obj: deflate.c deflate.h zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
+gzio.obj: gzio.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
+infback.obj: infback.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h inflate.h \
+             inffast.h inffixed.h
+inffast.obj: inffast.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h inflate.h \
+             inffast.h
+inflate.obj: inflate.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h inflate.h \
+             inffast.h inffixed.h
+inftrees.obj: inftrees.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h inftrees.h
+trees.obj: trees.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h deflate.h trees.h
+uncompr.obj: uncompr.c zlib.h zconf.h
+zutil.obj: zutil.c zutil.h zlib.h zconf.h
+example.obj: example.c zlib.h zconf.h
+minigzip.obj: minigzip.c zlib.h zconf.h
+zlib1.res: win32/zlib1.rc
+	$(RC) $(RCFLAGS) /fo$@ win32/zlib1.rc
+# testing
+test: example.exe minigzip.exe
+	example
+	echo hello world | minigzip | minigzip -d
+testdll: example_d.exe minigzip_d.exe
+	example_d
+	echo hello world | minigzip_d | minigzip_d -d
+# cleanup
+	-del $(STATICLIB)
+	-del $(SHAREDLIB)
+	-del $(IMPLIB)
+	-del *.obj
+	-del *.res
+	-del *.exp
+	-del *.exe
+	-del foo.gz

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/VisualC.txt
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/VisualC.txt?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/VisualC.txt (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/VisualC.txt Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+To build zlib using the Microsoft Visual C++ environment,
+use the appropriate project from the projects/ directory.

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/zlib.def
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/zlib.def?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/zlib.def (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/zlib.def Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+; zlib data compression library
+; basic functions
+    zlibVersion
+    deflate
+    deflateEnd
+    inflate
+    inflateEnd
+; advanced functions
+    deflateSetDictionary
+    deflateCopy
+    deflateReset
+    deflateParams
+    deflateBound
+    deflatePrime
+    inflateSetDictionary
+    inflateSync
+    inflateCopy
+    inflateReset
+    inflateBack
+    inflateBackEnd
+    zlibCompileFlags
+; utility functions
+    compress
+    compress2
+    compressBound
+    uncompress
+    gzopen
+    gzdopen
+    gzsetparams
+    gzread
+    gzwrite
+    gzprintf
+    gzputs
+    gzgets
+    gzputc
+    gzgetc
+    gzungetc
+    gzflush
+    gzseek
+    gzrewind
+    gztell
+    gzeof
+    gzclose
+    gzerror
+    gzclearerr
+; checksum functions
+    adler32
+    crc32
+; various hacks, don't look :)
+    deflateInit_
+    deflateInit2_
+    inflateInit_
+    inflateInit2_
+    inflateBackInit_
+    inflateSyncPoint
+    get_crc_table
+    zError

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/zlib1.rc
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/zlib1.rc?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/zlib1.rc (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/win32/zlib1.rc Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#include <windows.h>
+  FILEVERSION		1,2,2,0
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+  FILESUBTYPE		0	// not used
+  BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
+    BLOCK "040904E4"
+    //language ID = U.S. English, char set = Windows, Multilingual
+    BEGIN
+      VALUE "FileDescription",	"zlib data compression library\0"
+      VALUE "FileVersion",	"1.2.3\0"
+      VALUE "InternalName",	"zlib1.dll\0"
+      VALUE "LegalCopyright",	"(C) 1995-2004 Jean-loup Gailly & Mark Adler\0"
+      VALUE "OriginalFilename",	"zlib1.dll\0"
+      VALUE "ProductName",	"zlib\0"
+      VALUE "ProductVersion",	"1.2.3\0"
+      VALUE "Comments","DLL support by Alessandro Iacopetti & Gilles Vollant\0"
+    END
+  END
+  BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
+    VALUE "Translation", 0x0409, 1252
+  END

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zconf.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zconf.h?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zconf.h (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zconf.h Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+/* zconf.h -- configuration of the zlib compression library
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly.
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+/* @(#) $Id: zconf.h,v 2002/03/11 21:53:27 tromey Exp $ */
+#ifndef ZCONF_H
+#define ZCONF_H
+ * If you *really* need a unique prefix for all types and library functions,
+ * compile with -DZ_PREFIX. The "standard" zlib should be compiled without it.
+ */
+#ifdef Z_PREFIX
+#  define deflateInit_          z_deflateInit_
+#  define deflate               z_deflate
+#  define deflateEnd            z_deflateEnd
+#  define inflateInit_          z_inflateInit_
+#  define inflate               z_inflate
+#  define inflateEnd            z_inflateEnd
+#  define deflateInit2_         z_deflateInit2_
+#  define deflateSetDictionary  z_deflateSetDictionary
+#  define deflateCopy           z_deflateCopy
+#  define deflateReset          z_deflateReset
+#  define deflateParams         z_deflateParams
+#  define deflateBound          z_deflateBound
+#  define deflatePrime          z_deflatePrime
+#  define inflateInit2_         z_inflateInit2_
+#  define inflateSetDictionary  z_inflateSetDictionary
+#  define inflateSync           z_inflateSync
+#  define inflateSyncPoint      z_inflateSyncPoint
+#  define inflateCopy           z_inflateCopy
+#  define inflateReset          z_inflateReset
+#  define inflateBack           z_inflateBack
+#  define inflateBackEnd        z_inflateBackEnd
+#  define compress              z_compress
+#  define compress2             z_compress2
+#  define compressBound         z_compressBound
+#  define uncompress            z_uncompress
+#  define adler32               z_adler32
+#  define crc32                 z_crc32
+#  define get_crc_table         z_get_crc_table
+#  define zError                z_zError
+#  define alloc_func            z_alloc_func
+#  define free_func             z_free_func
+#  define in_func               z_in_func
+#  define out_func              z_out_func
+#  define Byte                  z_Byte
+#  define uInt                  z_uInt
+#  define uLong                 z_uLong
+#  define Bytef                 z_Bytef
+#  define charf                 z_charf
+#  define intf                  z_intf
+#  define uIntf                 z_uIntf
+#  define uLongf                z_uLongf
+#  define voidpf                z_voidpf
+#  define voidp                 z_voidp
+#if defined(__MSDOS__) && !defined(MSDOS)
+#  define MSDOS
+#if (defined(OS_2) || defined(__OS2__)) && !defined(OS2)
+#  define OS2
+#if defined(_WINDOWS) && !defined(WINDOWS)
+#  define WINDOWS
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN32_WCE) || defined(__WIN32__)
+#  ifndef WIN32
+#    define WIN32
+#  endif
+#if (defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2) || defined(WINDOWS)) && !defined(WIN32)
+#  if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__FLAT__) && !defined(__386__)
+#    ifndef SYS16BIT
+#      define SYS16BIT
+#    endif
+#  endif
+ * Compile with -DMAXSEG_64K if the alloc function cannot allocate more
+ * than 64k bytes at a time (needed on systems with 16-bit int).
+ */
+#ifdef SYS16BIT
+#  define MAXSEG_64K
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#  define UNALIGNED_OK
+#ifdef __STDC_VERSION__
+#  ifndef STDC
+#    define STDC
+#  endif
+#  if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+#    ifndef STDC99
+#      define STDC99
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus))
+#  define STDC
+#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__BORLANDC__))
+#  define STDC
+#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(MSDOS) || defined(WINDOWS) || defined(WIN32))
+#  define STDC
+#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(OS2) || defined(__HOS_AIX__))
+#  define STDC
+#if defined(__OS400__) && !defined(STDC)    /* iSeries (formerly AS/400). */
+#  define STDC
+#ifndef STDC
+#  ifndef const /* cannot use !defined(STDC) && !defined(const) on Mac */
+#    define const       /* note: need a more gentle solution here */
+#  endif
+/* Some Mac compilers merge all .h files incorrectly: */
+#if defined(__MWERKS__)||defined(applec)||defined(THINK_C)||defined(__SC__)
+#  define NO_DUMMY_DECL
+/* Maximum value for memLevel in deflateInit2 */
+#ifndef MAX_MEM_LEVEL
+#  ifdef MAXSEG_64K
+#    define MAX_MEM_LEVEL 8
+#  else
+#    define MAX_MEM_LEVEL 9
+#  endif
+/* Maximum value for windowBits in deflateInit2 and inflateInit2.
+ * WARNING: reducing MAX_WBITS makes minigzip unable to extract .gz files
+ * created by gzip. (Files created by minigzip can still be extracted by
+ * gzip.)
+ */
+#ifndef MAX_WBITS
+#  define MAX_WBITS   15 /* 32K LZ77 window */
+/* The memory requirements for deflate are (in bytes):
+            (1 << (windowBits+2)) +  (1 << (memLevel+9))
+ that is: 128K for windowBits=15  +  128K for memLevel = 8  (default values)
+ plus a few kilobytes for small objects. For example, if you want to reduce
+ the default memory requirements from 256K to 128K, compile with
+ Of course this will generally degrade compression (there's no free lunch).
+   The memory requirements for inflate are (in bytes) 1 << windowBits
+ that is, 32K for windowBits=15 (default value) plus a few kilobytes
+ for small objects.
+                        /* Type declarations */
+#ifndef OF /* function prototypes */
+#  ifdef STDC
+#    define OF(args)  args
+#  else
+#    define OF(args)  ()
+#  endif
+/* The following definitions for FAR are needed only for MSDOS mixed
+ * model programming (small or medium model with some far allocations).
+ * This was tested only with MSC; for other MSDOS compilers you may have
+ * to define NO_MEMCPY in zutil.h.  If you don't need the mixed model,
+ * just define FAR to be empty.
+ */
+#ifdef SYS16BIT
+#  if defined(M_I86SM) || defined(M_I86MM)
+     /* MSC small or medium model */
+#    define SMALL_MEDIUM
+#    ifdef _MSC_VER
+#      define FAR _far
+#    else
+#      define FAR far
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#  if (defined(__SMALL__) || defined(__MEDIUM__))
+     /* Turbo C small or medium model */
+#    define SMALL_MEDIUM
+#    ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#      define FAR _far
+#    else
+#      define FAR far
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#if defined(WINDOWS) || defined(WIN32)
+   /* If building or using zlib as a DLL, define ZLIB_DLL.
+    * This is not mandatory, but it offers a little performance increase.
+    */
+#  ifdef ZLIB_DLL
+#    if defined(WIN32) && (!defined(__BORLANDC__) || (__BORLANDC__ >= 0x500))
+#      ifdef ZLIB_INTERNAL
+#        define ZEXTERN extern __declspec(dllexport)
+#      else
+#        define ZEXTERN extern __declspec(dllimport)
+#      endif
+#    endif
+#  endif  /* ZLIB_DLL */
+   /* If building or using zlib with the WINAPI/WINAPIV calling convention,
+    * define ZLIB_WINAPI.
+    * Caution: the standard ZLIB1.DLL is NOT compiled using ZLIB_WINAPI.
+    */
+#  ifdef ZLIB_WINAPI
+#    ifdef FAR
+#      undef FAR
+#    endif
+#    include <windows.h>
+     /* No need for _export, use ZLIB.DEF instead. */
+     /* For complete Windows compatibility, use WINAPI, not __stdcall. */
+#    define ZEXPORT WINAPI
+#    ifdef WIN32
+#      define ZEXPORTVA WINAPIV
+#    else
+#      define ZEXPORTVA FAR CDECL
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#if defined (__BEOS__)
+#  ifdef ZLIB_DLL
+#    ifdef ZLIB_INTERNAL
+#      define ZEXPORT   __declspec(dllexport)
+#      define ZEXPORTVA __declspec(dllexport)
+#    else
+#      define ZEXPORT   __declspec(dllimport)
+#      define ZEXPORTVA __declspec(dllimport)
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#ifndef ZEXTERN
+#  define ZEXTERN extern
+#ifndef ZEXPORT
+#  define ZEXPORT
+#ifndef ZEXPORTVA
+#  define ZEXPORTVA
+#ifndef FAR
+#  define FAR
+#if !defined(__MACTYPES__)
+typedef unsigned char  Byte;  /* 8 bits */
+typedef unsigned int   uInt;  /* 16 bits or more */
+typedef unsigned long  uLong; /* 32 bits or more */
+   /* Borland C/C++ and some old MSC versions ignore FAR inside typedef */
+#  define Bytef Byte FAR
+   typedef Byte  FAR Bytef;
+typedef char  FAR charf;
+typedef int   FAR intf;
+typedef uInt  FAR uIntf;
+typedef uLong FAR uLongf;
+#ifdef STDC
+   typedef void const *voidpc;
+   typedef void FAR   *voidpf;
+   typedef void       *voidp;
+   typedef Byte const *voidpc;
+   typedef Byte FAR   *voidpf;
+   typedef Byte       *voidp;
+#if 0           /* HAVE_UNISTD_H -- this line is updated by ./configure */
+#  include <sys/types.h> /* for off_t */
+#  include <unistd.h>    /* for SEEK_* and off_t */
+#  ifdef VMS
+#    include <unixio.h>   /* for off_t */
+#  endif
+#  define z_off_t off_t
+#ifndef SEEK_SET
+#  define SEEK_SET        0       /* Seek from beginning of file.  */
+#  define SEEK_CUR        1       /* Seek from current position.  */
+#  define SEEK_END        2       /* Set file pointer to EOF plus "offset" */
+#ifndef z_off_t
+#  define z_off_t long
+#if defined(__OS400__)
+#  define NO_vsnprintf
+#if defined(__MVS__)
+#  define NO_vsnprintf
+#  ifdef FAR
+#    undef FAR
+#  endif
+/* MVS linker does not support external names larger than 8 bytes */
+#if defined(__MVS__)
+#   pragma map(deflateInit_,"DEIN")
+#   pragma map(deflateInit2_,"DEIN2")
+#   pragma map(deflateEnd,"DEEND")
+#   pragma map(deflateBound,"DEBND")
+#   pragma map(inflateInit_,"ININ")
+#   pragma map(inflateInit2_,"ININ2")
+#   pragma map(inflateEnd,"INEND")
+#   pragma map(inflateSync,"INSY")
+#   pragma map(inflateSetDictionary,"INSEDI")
+#   pragma map(compressBound,"CMBND")
+#   pragma map(inflate_table,"INTABL")
+#   pragma map(inflate_fast,"INFA")
+#   pragma map(inflate_copyright,"INCOPY")
+/* Solaris 2.5.1 doesn't have vsnprintf */
+#if defined(__sun) && defined(__svr4__)
+#include <sys/feature_tests.h>
+#define NO_vsnprintf
+/* Tru64 UNIX V4.0 neither */
+#if defined(__alpha) && defined(__osf__)
+#include <unistd.h>
+#if _XOPEN_VERSION < 500
+#define NO_vsnprintf
+#endif /* ZCONF_H */

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zconf.in.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zconf.in.h?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zconf.in.h (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zconf.in.h Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+/* zconf.h -- configuration of the zlib compression library
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly.
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+/* @(#) $Id$ */
+#ifndef ZCONF_H
+#define ZCONF_H
+ * If you *really* need a unique prefix for all types and library functions,
+ * compile with -DZ_PREFIX. The "standard" zlib should be compiled without it.
+ */
+#ifdef Z_PREFIX
+#  define deflateInit_          z_deflateInit_
+#  define deflate               z_deflate
+#  define deflateEnd            z_deflateEnd
+#  define inflateInit_          z_inflateInit_
+#  define inflate               z_inflate
+#  define inflateEnd            z_inflateEnd
+#  define deflateInit2_         z_deflateInit2_
+#  define deflateSetDictionary  z_deflateSetDictionary
+#  define deflateCopy           z_deflateCopy
+#  define deflateReset          z_deflateReset
+#  define deflateParams         z_deflateParams
+#  define deflateBound          z_deflateBound
+#  define deflatePrime          z_deflatePrime
+#  define inflateInit2_         z_inflateInit2_
+#  define inflateSetDictionary  z_inflateSetDictionary
+#  define inflateSync           z_inflateSync
+#  define inflateSyncPoint      z_inflateSyncPoint
+#  define inflateCopy           z_inflateCopy
+#  define inflateReset          z_inflateReset
+#  define inflateBack           z_inflateBack
+#  define inflateBackEnd        z_inflateBackEnd
+#  define compress              z_compress
+#  define compress2             z_compress2
+#  define compressBound         z_compressBound
+#  define uncompress            z_uncompress
+#  define adler32               z_adler32
+#  define crc32                 z_crc32
+#  define get_crc_table         z_get_crc_table
+#  define zError                z_zError
+#  define alloc_func            z_alloc_func
+#  define free_func             z_free_func
+#  define in_func               z_in_func
+#  define out_func              z_out_func
+#  define Byte                  z_Byte
+#  define uInt                  z_uInt
+#  define uLong                 z_uLong
+#  define Bytef                 z_Bytef
+#  define charf                 z_charf
+#  define intf                  z_intf
+#  define uIntf                 z_uIntf
+#  define uLongf                z_uLongf
+#  define voidpf                z_voidpf
+#  define voidp                 z_voidp
+#if defined(__MSDOS__) && !defined(MSDOS)
+#  define MSDOS
+#if (defined(OS_2) || defined(__OS2__)) && !defined(OS2)
+#  define OS2
+#if defined(_WINDOWS) && !defined(WINDOWS)
+#  define WINDOWS
+#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(_WIN32_WCE) || defined(__WIN32__)
+#  ifndef WIN32
+#    define WIN32
+#  endif
+#if (defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2) || defined(WINDOWS)) && !defined(WIN32)
+#  if !defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__FLAT__) && !defined(__386__)
+#    ifndef SYS16BIT
+#      define SYS16BIT
+#    endif
+#  endif
+ * Compile with -DMAXSEG_64K if the alloc function cannot allocate more
+ * than 64k bytes at a time (needed on systems with 16-bit int).
+ */
+#ifdef SYS16BIT
+#  define MAXSEG_64K
+#ifdef MSDOS
+#  define UNALIGNED_OK
+#ifdef __STDC_VERSION__
+#  ifndef STDC
+#    define STDC
+#  endif
+#  if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L
+#    ifndef STDC99
+#      define STDC99
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus))
+#  define STDC
+#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__BORLANDC__))
+#  define STDC
+#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(MSDOS) || defined(WINDOWS) || defined(WIN32))
+#  define STDC
+#if !defined(STDC) && (defined(OS2) || defined(__HOS_AIX__))
+#  define STDC
+#if defined(__OS400__) && !defined(STDC)    /* iSeries (formerly AS/400). */
+#  define STDC
+#ifndef STDC
+#  ifndef const /* cannot use !defined(STDC) && !defined(const) on Mac */
+#    define const       /* note: need a more gentle solution here */
+#  endif
+/* Some Mac compilers merge all .h files incorrectly: */
+#if defined(__MWERKS__)||defined(applec)||defined(THINK_C)||defined(__SC__)
+#  define NO_DUMMY_DECL
+/* Maximum value for memLevel in deflateInit2 */
+#ifndef MAX_MEM_LEVEL
+#  ifdef MAXSEG_64K
+#    define MAX_MEM_LEVEL 8
+#  else
+#    define MAX_MEM_LEVEL 9
+#  endif
+/* Maximum value for windowBits in deflateInit2 and inflateInit2.
+ * WARNING: reducing MAX_WBITS makes minigzip unable to extract .gz files
+ * created by gzip. (Files created by minigzip can still be extracted by
+ * gzip.)
+ */
+#ifndef MAX_WBITS
+#  define MAX_WBITS   15 /* 32K LZ77 window */
+/* The memory requirements for deflate are (in bytes):
+            (1 << (windowBits+2)) +  (1 << (memLevel+9))
+ that is: 128K for windowBits=15  +  128K for memLevel = 8  (default values)
+ plus a few kilobytes for small objects. For example, if you want to reduce
+ the default memory requirements from 256K to 128K, compile with
+ Of course this will generally degrade compression (there's no free lunch).
+   The memory requirements for inflate are (in bytes) 1 << windowBits
+ that is, 32K for windowBits=15 (default value) plus a few kilobytes
+ for small objects.
+                        /* Type declarations */
+#ifndef OF /* function prototypes */
+#  ifdef STDC
+#    define OF(args)  args
+#  else
+#    define OF(args)  ()
+#  endif
+/* The following definitions for FAR are needed only for MSDOS mixed
+ * model programming (small or medium model with some far allocations).
+ * This was tested only with MSC; for other MSDOS compilers you may have
+ * to define NO_MEMCPY in zutil.h.  If you don't need the mixed model,
+ * just define FAR to be empty.
+ */
+#ifdef SYS16BIT
+#  if defined(M_I86SM) || defined(M_I86MM)
+     /* MSC small or medium model */
+#    define SMALL_MEDIUM
+#    ifdef _MSC_VER
+#      define FAR _far
+#    else
+#      define FAR far
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#  if (defined(__SMALL__) || defined(__MEDIUM__))
+     /* Turbo C small or medium model */
+#    define SMALL_MEDIUM
+#    ifdef __BORLANDC__
+#      define FAR _far
+#    else
+#      define FAR far
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#if defined(WINDOWS) || defined(WIN32)
+   /* If building or using zlib as a DLL, define ZLIB_DLL.
+    * This is not mandatory, but it offers a little performance increase.
+    */
+#  ifdef ZLIB_DLL
+#    if defined(WIN32) && (!defined(__BORLANDC__) || (__BORLANDC__ >= 0x500))
+#      ifdef ZLIB_INTERNAL
+#        define ZEXTERN extern __declspec(dllexport)
+#      else
+#        define ZEXTERN extern __declspec(dllimport)
+#      endif
+#    endif
+#  endif  /* ZLIB_DLL */
+   /* If building or using zlib with the WINAPI/WINAPIV calling convention,
+    * define ZLIB_WINAPI.
+    * Caution: the standard ZLIB1.DLL is NOT compiled using ZLIB_WINAPI.
+    */
+#  ifdef ZLIB_WINAPI
+#    ifdef FAR
+#      undef FAR
+#    endif
+#    include <windows.h>
+     /* No need for _export, use ZLIB.DEF instead. */
+     /* For complete Windows compatibility, use WINAPI, not __stdcall. */
+#    define ZEXPORT WINAPI
+#    ifdef WIN32
+#      define ZEXPORTVA WINAPIV
+#    else
+#      define ZEXPORTVA FAR CDECL
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#if defined (__BEOS__)
+#  ifdef ZLIB_DLL
+#    ifdef ZLIB_INTERNAL
+#      define ZEXPORT   __declspec(dllexport)
+#      define ZEXPORTVA __declspec(dllexport)
+#    else
+#      define ZEXPORT   __declspec(dllimport)
+#      define ZEXPORTVA __declspec(dllimport)
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#ifndef ZEXTERN
+#  define ZEXTERN extern
+#ifndef ZEXPORT
+#  define ZEXPORT
+#ifndef ZEXPORTVA
+#  define ZEXPORTVA
+#ifndef FAR
+#  define FAR
+#if !defined(__MACTYPES__)
+typedef unsigned char  Byte;  /* 8 bits */
+typedef unsigned int   uInt;  /* 16 bits or more */
+typedef unsigned long  uLong; /* 32 bits or more */
+   /* Borland C/C++ and some old MSC versions ignore FAR inside typedef */
+#  define Bytef Byte FAR
+   typedef Byte  FAR Bytef;
+typedef char  FAR charf;
+typedef int   FAR intf;
+typedef uInt  FAR uIntf;
+typedef uLong FAR uLongf;
+#ifdef STDC
+   typedef void const *voidpc;
+   typedef void FAR   *voidpf;
+   typedef void       *voidp;
+   typedef Byte const *voidpc;
+   typedef Byte FAR   *voidpf;
+   typedef Byte       *voidp;
+#if 0           /* HAVE_UNISTD_H -- this line is updated by ./configure */
+#  include <sys/types.h> /* for off_t */
+#  include <unistd.h>    /* for SEEK_* and off_t */
+#  ifdef VMS
+#    include <unixio.h>   /* for off_t */
+#  endif
+#  define z_off_t off_t
+#ifndef SEEK_SET
+#  define SEEK_SET        0       /* Seek from beginning of file.  */
+#  define SEEK_CUR        1       /* Seek from current position.  */
+#  define SEEK_END        2       /* Set file pointer to EOF plus "offset" */
+#ifndef z_off_t
+#  define z_off_t long
+#if defined(__OS400__)
+#  define NO_vsnprintf
+#if defined(__MVS__)
+#  define NO_vsnprintf
+#  ifdef FAR
+#    undef FAR
+#  endif
+/* MVS linker does not support external names larger than 8 bytes */
+#if defined(__MVS__)
+#   pragma map(deflateInit_,"DEIN")
+#   pragma map(deflateInit2_,"DEIN2")
+#   pragma map(deflateEnd,"DEEND")
+#   pragma map(deflateBound,"DEBND")
+#   pragma map(inflateInit_,"ININ")
+#   pragma map(inflateInit2_,"ININ2")
+#   pragma map(inflateEnd,"INEND")
+#   pragma map(inflateSync,"INSY")
+#   pragma map(inflateSetDictionary,"INSEDI")
+#   pragma map(compressBound,"CMBND")
+#   pragma map(inflate_table,"INTABL")
+#   pragma map(inflate_fast,"INFA")
+#   pragma map(inflate_copyright,"INCOPY")
+#endif /* ZCONF_H */

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zlib.3
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zlib.3?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zlib.3 (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zlib.3 Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+.TH ZLIB 3 "18 July 2005"
+zlib \- compression/decompression library
+.I zlib.h
+for full description]
+.I zlib
+library is a general purpose data compression library.
+The code is thread safe.
+It provides in-memory compression and decompression functions,
+including integrity checks of the uncompressed data.
+This version of the library supports only one compression method (deflation)
+but other algorithms will be added later
+and will have the same stream interface.
+Compression can be done in a single step if the buffers are large enough
+(for example if an input file is mmap'ed),
+or can be done by repeated calls of the compression function.
+In the latter case,
+the application must provide more input and/or consume the output
+(providing more output space) before each call.
+The library also supports reading and writing files in
+.IR gzip (1)
+(.gz) format
+with an interface similar to that of stdio.
+The library does not install any signal handler.
+The decoder checks the consistency of the compressed data,
+so the library should never crash even in case of corrupted input.
+All functions of the compression library are documented in the file
+.IR zlib.h .
+The distribution source includes examples of use of the library
+in the files
+.I example.c
+.IR minigzip.c .
+Changes to this version are documented in the file
+.I ChangeLog
+that accompanies the source,
+and are concerned primarily with bug fixes and portability enhancements.
+A Java implementation of
+.I zlib
+is available in the Java Development Kit 1.1:
+A Perl interface to
+.IR zlib ,
+written by Paul Marquess (pmqs at cpan.org),
+is available at CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network) sites,
+A Python interface to
+.IR zlib ,
+written by A.M. Kuchling (amk at magnet.com),
+is available in Python 1.5 and later versions:
+.I zlib
+binding for
+.IR tcl (1),
+written by Andreas Kupries (a.kupries at westend.com),
+is availlable at:
+An experimental package to read and write files in .zip format,
+written on top of
+.I zlib
+by Gilles Vollant (info at winimage.com),
+is available at:
+and also in the
+.I contrib/minizip
+directory of the main
+.I zlib
+web site.
+.I zlib
+web site can be found at either of these locations:
+The data format used by the zlib library is described by RFC
+(Request for Comments) 1950 to 1952 in the files:
+http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt (concerning zlib format)
+http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951.txt (concerning deflate format)
+http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1952.txt (concerning gzip format)
+These documents are also available in other formats from:
+Mark Nelson (markn at ieee.org) wrote an article about
+.I zlib
+for the Jan. 1997 issue of  Dr. Dobb's Journal;
+a copy of the article is available at:
+Before reporting a problem,
+please check the
+.I zlib
+web site to verify that you have the latest version of
+.IR zlib ;
+obtain the latest version and see if the problem still exists.
+Please read the
+.I zlib
+FAQ at:
+before asking for help.
+Send questions and/or comments to zlib at gzip.org,
+or (for the Windows DLL version) to Gilles Vollant (info at winimage.com).
+Version 1.2.3
+Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly (jloup at gzip.org)
+and Mark Adler (madler at alumni.caltech.edu).
+This software is provided "as-is,"
+without any express or implied warranty.
+In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+arising from the use of this software.
+See the distribution directory with respect to requirements
+governing redistribution.
+The deflate format used by
+.I zlib
+was defined by Phil Katz.
+The deflate and
+.I zlib
+specifications were written by L. Peter Deutsch.
+Thanks to all the people who reported problems and suggested various
+improvements in
+.IR zlib ;
+who are too numerous to cite here.
+UNIX manual page by R. P. C. Rodgers,
+U.S. National Library of Medicine (rodgers at nlm.nih.gov).
+.\" end of man page

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zlib.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zlib.h?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zlib.h (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zlib.h Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,1357 @@
+/* zlib.h -- interface of the 'zlib' general purpose compression library
+  version 1.2.3, July 18th, 2005
+  Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
+  This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
+  warranty.  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
+  arising from the use of this software.
+  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
+  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
+  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
+     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
+     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
+     appreciated but is not required.
+  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
+     misrepresented as being the original software.
+  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+  Jean-loup Gailly        Mark Adler
+  jloup at gzip.org          madler at alumni.caltech.edu
+  The data format used by the zlib library is described by RFCs (Request for
+  Comments) 1950 to 1952 in the files http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt
+  (zlib format), rfc1951.txt (deflate format) and rfc1952.txt (gzip format).
+#ifndef ZLIB_H
+#define ZLIB_H
+#include "zconf.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#define ZLIB_VERSION "1.2.3"
+#define ZLIB_VERNUM 0x1230
+     The 'zlib' compression library provides in-memory compression and
+  decompression functions, including integrity checks of the uncompressed
+  data.  This version of the library supports only one compression method
+  (deflation) but other algorithms will be added later and will have the same
+  stream interface.
+     Compression can be done in a single step if the buffers are large
+  enough (for example if an input file is mmap'ed), or can be done by
+  repeated calls of the compression function.  In the latter case, the
+  application must provide more input and/or consume the output
+  (providing more output space) before each call.
+     The compressed data format used by default by the in-memory functions is
+  the zlib format, which is a zlib wrapper documented in RFC 1950, wrapped
+  around a deflate stream, which is itself documented in RFC 1951.
+     The library also supports reading and writing files in gzip (.gz) format
+  with an interface similar to that of stdio using the functions that start
+  with "gz".  The gzip format is different from the zlib format.  gzip is a
+  gzip wrapper, documented in RFC 1952, wrapped around a deflate stream.
+     This library can optionally read and write gzip streams in memory as well.
+     The zlib format was designed to be compact and fast for use in memory
+  and on communications channels.  The gzip format was designed for single-
+  file compression on file systems, has a larger header than zlib to maintain
+  directory information, and uses a different, slower check method than zlib.
+     The library does not install any signal handler. The decoder checks
+  the consistency of the compressed data, so the library should never
+  crash even in case of corrupted input.
+typedef voidpf (*alloc_func) OF((voidpf opaque, uInt items, uInt size));
+typedef void   (*free_func)  OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf address));
+struct internal_state;
+typedef struct z_stream_s {
+    Bytef    *next_in;  /* next input byte */
+    uInt     avail_in;  /* number of bytes available at next_in */
+    uLong    total_in;  /* total nb of input bytes read so far */
+    Bytef    *next_out; /* next output byte should be put there */
+    uInt     avail_out; /* remaining free space at next_out */
+    uLong    total_out; /* total nb of bytes output so far */
+    char     *msg;      /* last error message, NULL if no error */
+    struct internal_state FAR *state; /* not visible by applications */
+    alloc_func zalloc;  /* used to allocate the internal state */
+    free_func  zfree;   /* used to free the internal state */
+    voidpf     opaque;  /* private data object passed to zalloc and zfree */
+    int     data_type;  /* best guess about the data type: binary or text */
+    uLong   adler;      /* adler32 value of the uncompressed data */
+    uLong   reserved;   /* reserved for future use */
+} z_stream;
+typedef z_stream FAR *z_streamp;
+     gzip header information passed to and from zlib routines.  See RFC 1952
+  for more details on the meanings of these fields.
+typedef struct gz_header_s {
+    int     text;       /* true if compressed data believed to be text */
+    uLong   time;       /* modification time */
+    int     xflags;     /* extra flags (not used when writing a gzip file) */
+    int     os;         /* operating system */
+    Bytef   *extra;     /* pointer to extra field or Z_NULL if none */
+    uInt    extra_len;  /* extra field length (valid if extra != Z_NULL) */
+    uInt    extra_max;  /* space at extra (only when reading header) */
+    Bytef   *name;      /* pointer to zero-terminated file name or Z_NULL */
+    uInt    name_max;   /* space at name (only when reading header) */
+    Bytef   *comment;   /* pointer to zero-terminated comment or Z_NULL */
+    uInt    comm_max;   /* space at comment (only when reading header) */
+    int     hcrc;       /* true if there was or will be a header crc */
+    int     done;       /* true when done reading gzip header (not used
+                           when writing a gzip file) */
+} gz_header;
+typedef gz_header FAR *gz_headerp;
+   The application must update next_in and avail_in when avail_in has
+   dropped to zero. It must update next_out and avail_out when avail_out
+   has dropped to zero. The application must initialize zalloc, zfree and
+   opaque before calling the init function. All other fields are set by the
+   compression library and must not be updated by the application.
+   The opaque value provided by the application will be passed as the first
+   parameter for calls of zalloc and zfree. This can be useful for custom
+   memory management. The compression library attaches no meaning to the
+   opaque value.
+   zalloc must return Z_NULL if there is not enough memory for the object.
+   If zlib is used in a multi-threaded application, zalloc and zfree must be
+   thread safe.
+   On 16-bit systems, the functions zalloc and zfree must be able to allocate
+   exactly 65536 bytes, but will not be required to allocate more than this
+   if the symbol MAXSEG_64K is defined (see zconf.h). WARNING: On MSDOS,
+   pointers returned by zalloc for objects of exactly 65536 bytes *must*
+   have their offset normalized to zero. The default allocation function
+   provided by this library ensures this (see zutil.c). To reduce memory
+   requirements and avoid any allocation of 64K objects, at the expense of
+   compression ratio, compile the library with -DMAX_WBITS=14 (see zconf.h).
+   The fields total_in and total_out can be used for statistics or
+   progress reports. After compression, total_in holds the total size of
+   the uncompressed data and may be saved for use in the decompressor
+   (particularly if the decompressor wants to decompress everything in
+   a single step).
+                        /* constants */
+#define Z_NO_FLUSH      0
+#define Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH 1 /* will be removed, use Z_SYNC_FLUSH instead */
+#define Z_SYNC_FLUSH    2
+#define Z_FULL_FLUSH    3
+#define Z_FINISH        4
+#define Z_BLOCK         5
+/* Allowed flush values; see deflate() and inflate() below for details */
+#define Z_OK            0
+#define Z_STREAM_END    1
+#define Z_NEED_DICT     2
+#define Z_ERRNO        (-1)
+#define Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2)
+#define Z_DATA_ERROR   (-3)
+#define Z_MEM_ERROR    (-4)
+#define Z_BUF_ERROR    (-5)
+#define Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6)
+/* Return codes for the compression/decompression functions. Negative
+ * values are errors, positive values are used for special but normal events.
+ */
+#define Z_NO_COMPRESSION         0
+#define Z_BEST_SPEED             1
+#define Z_BEST_COMPRESSION       9
+/* compression levels */
+#define Z_FILTERED            1
+#define Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY        2
+#define Z_RLE                 3
+#define Z_FIXED               4
+#define Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY    0
+/* compression strategy; see deflateInit2() below for details */
+#define Z_BINARY   0
+#define Z_TEXT     1
+#define Z_ASCII    Z_TEXT   /* for compatibility with 1.2.2 and earlier */
+#define Z_UNKNOWN  2
+/* Possible values of the data_type field (though see inflate()) */
+#define Z_DEFLATED   8
+/* The deflate compression method (the only one supported in this version) */
+#define Z_NULL  0  /* for initializing zalloc, zfree, opaque */
+#define zlib_version zlibVersion()
+/* for compatibility with versions < 1.0.2 */
+                        /* basic functions */
+ZEXTERN const char * ZEXPORT zlibVersion OF((void));
+/* The application can compare zlibVersion and ZLIB_VERSION for consistency.
+   If the first character differs, the library code actually used is
+   not compatible with the zlib.h header file used by the application.
+   This check is automatically made by deflateInit and inflateInit.
+ */
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateInit OF((z_streamp strm, int level));
+     Initializes the internal stream state for compression. The fields
+   zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized before by the caller.
+   If zalloc and zfree are set to Z_NULL, deflateInit updates them to
+   use default allocation functions.
+     The compression level must be Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, or between 0 and 9:
+   1 gives best speed, 9 gives best compression, 0 gives no compression at
+   all (the input data is simply copied a block at a time).
+   Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION requests a default compromise between speed and
+   compression (currently equivalent to level 6).
+     deflateInit returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not
+   enough memory, Z_STREAM_ERROR if level is not a valid compression level,
+   Z_VERSION_ERROR if the zlib library version (zlib_version) is incompatible
+   with the version assumed by the caller (ZLIB_VERSION).
+   msg is set to null if there is no error message.  deflateInit does not
+   perform any compression: this will be done by deflate().
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflate OF((z_streamp strm, int flush));
+    deflate compresses as much data as possible, and stops when the input
+  buffer becomes empty or the output buffer becomes full. It may introduce some
+  output latency (reading input without producing any output) except when
+  forced to flush.
+    The detailed semantics are as follows. deflate performs one or both of the
+  following actions:
+  - Compress more input starting at next_in and update next_in and avail_in
+    accordingly. If not all input can be processed (because there is not
+    enough room in the output buffer), next_in and avail_in are updated and
+    processing will resume at this point for the next call of deflate().
+  - Provide more output starting at next_out and update next_out and avail_out
+    accordingly. This action is forced if the parameter flush is non zero.
+    Forcing flush frequently degrades the compression ratio, so this parameter
+    should be set only when necessary (in interactive applications).
+    Some output may be provided even if flush is not set.
+  Before the call of deflate(), the application should ensure that at least
+  one of the actions is possible, by providing more input and/or consuming
+  more output, and updating avail_in or avail_out accordingly; avail_out
+  should never be zero before the call. The application can consume the
+  compressed output when it wants, for example when the output buffer is full
+  (avail_out == 0), or after each call of deflate(). If deflate returns Z_OK
+  and with zero avail_out, it must be called again after making room in the
+  output buffer because there might be more output pending.
+    Normally the parameter flush is set to Z_NO_FLUSH, which allows deflate to
+  decide how much data to accumualte before producing output, in order to
+  maximize compression.
+    If the parameter flush is set to Z_SYNC_FLUSH, all pending output is
+  flushed to the output buffer and the output is aligned on a byte boundary, so
+  that the decompressor can get all input data available so far. (In particular
+  avail_in is zero after the call if enough output space has been provided
+  before the call.)  Flushing may degrade compression for some compression
+  algorithms and so it should be used only when necessary.
+    If flush is set to Z_FULL_FLUSH, all output is flushed as with
+  Z_SYNC_FLUSH, and the compression state is reset so that decompression can
+  restart from this point if previous compressed data has been damaged or if
+  random access is desired. Using Z_FULL_FLUSH too often can seriously degrade
+  compression.
+    If deflate returns with avail_out == 0, this function must be called again
+  with the same value of the flush parameter and more output space (updated
+  avail_out), until the flush is complete (deflate returns with non-zero
+  avail_out). In the case of a Z_FULL_FLUSH or Z_SYNC_FLUSH, make sure that
+  avail_out is greater than six to avoid repeated flush markers due to
+  avail_out == 0 on return.
+    If the parameter flush is set to Z_FINISH, pending input is processed,
+  pending output is flushed and deflate returns with Z_STREAM_END if there
+  was enough output space; if deflate returns with Z_OK, this function must be
+  called again with Z_FINISH and more output space (updated avail_out) but no
+  more input data, until it returns with Z_STREAM_END or an error. After
+  deflate has returned Z_STREAM_END, the only possible operations on the
+  stream are deflateReset or deflateEnd.
+    Z_FINISH can be used immediately after deflateInit if all the compression
+  is to be done in a single step. In this case, avail_out must be at least
+  the value returned by deflateBound (see below). If deflate does not return
+  Z_STREAM_END, then it must be called again as described above.
+    deflate() sets strm->adler to the adler32 checksum of all input read
+  so far (that is, total_in bytes).
+    deflate() may update strm->data_type if it can make a good guess about
+  the input data type (Z_BINARY or Z_TEXT). In doubt, the data is considered
+  binary. This field is only for information purposes and does not affect
+  the compression algorithm in any manner.
+    deflate() returns Z_OK if some progress has been made (more input
+  processed or more output produced), Z_STREAM_END if all input has been
+  consumed and all output has been produced (only when flush is set to
+  Z_FINISH), Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream state was inconsistent (for example
+  if next_in or next_out was NULL), Z_BUF_ERROR if no progress is possible
+  (for example avail_in or avail_out was zero). Note that Z_BUF_ERROR is not
+  fatal, and deflate() can be called again with more input and more output
+  space to continue compressing.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateEnd OF((z_streamp strm));
+     All dynamically allocated data structures for this stream are freed.
+   This function discards any unprocessed input and does not flush any
+   pending output.
+     deflateEnd returns Z_OK if success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the
+   stream state was inconsistent, Z_DATA_ERROR if the stream was freed
+   prematurely (some input or output was discarded). In the error case,
+   msg may be set but then points to a static string (which must not be
+   deallocated).
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateInit OF((z_streamp strm));
+     Initializes the internal stream state for decompression. The fields
+   next_in, avail_in, zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized before by
+   the caller. If next_in is not Z_NULL and avail_in is large enough (the exact
+   value depends on the compression method), inflateInit determines the
+   compression method from the zlib header and allocates all data structures
+   accordingly; otherwise the allocation will be deferred to the first call of
+   inflate.  If zalloc and zfree are set to Z_NULL, inflateInit updates them to
+   use default allocation functions.
+     inflateInit returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough
+   memory, Z_VERSION_ERROR if the zlib library version is incompatible with the
+   version assumed by the caller.  msg is set to null if there is no error
+   message. inflateInit does not perform any decompression apart from reading
+   the zlib header if present: this will be done by inflate().  (So next_in and
+   avail_in may be modified, but next_out and avail_out are unchanged.)
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflate OF((z_streamp strm, int flush));
+    inflate decompresses as much data as possible, and stops when the input
+  buffer becomes empty or the output buffer becomes full. It may introduce
+  some output latency (reading input without producing any output) except when
+  forced to flush.
+  The detailed semantics are as follows. inflate performs one or both of the
+  following actions:
+  - Decompress more input starting at next_in and update next_in and avail_in
+    accordingly. If not all input can be processed (because there is not
+    enough room in the output buffer), next_in is updated and processing
+    will resume at this point for the next call of inflate().
+  - Provide more output starting at next_out and update next_out and avail_out
+    accordingly.  inflate() provides as much output as possible, until there
+    is no more input data or no more space in the output buffer (see below
+    about the flush parameter).
+  Before the call of inflate(), the application should ensure that at least
+  one of the actions is possible, by providing more input and/or consuming
+  more output, and updating the next_* and avail_* values accordingly.
+  The application can consume the uncompressed output when it wants, for
+  example when the output buffer is full (avail_out == 0), or after each
+  call of inflate(). If inflate returns Z_OK and with zero avail_out, it
+  must be called again after making room in the output buffer because there
+  might be more output pending.
+    The flush parameter of inflate() can be Z_NO_FLUSH, Z_SYNC_FLUSH,
+  Z_FINISH, or Z_BLOCK. Z_SYNC_FLUSH requests that inflate() flush as much
+  output as possible to the output buffer. Z_BLOCK requests that inflate() stop
+  if and when it gets to the next deflate block boundary. When decoding the
+  zlib or gzip format, this will cause inflate() to return immediately after
+  the header and before the first block. When doing a raw inflate, inflate()
+  will go ahead and process the first block, and will return when it gets to
+  the end of that block, or when it runs out of data.
+    The Z_BLOCK option assists in appending to or combining deflate streams.
+  Also to assist in this, on return inflate() will set strm->data_type to the
+  number of unused bits in the last byte taken from strm->next_in, plus 64
+  if inflate() is currently decoding the last block in the deflate stream,
+  plus 128 if inflate() returned immediately after decoding an end-of-block
+  code or decoding the complete header up to just before the first byte of the
+  deflate stream. The end-of-block will not be indicated until all of the
+  uncompressed data from that block has been written to strm->next_out.  The
+  number of unused bits may in general be greater than seven, except when
+  bit 7 of data_type is set, in which case the number of unused bits will be
+  less than eight.
+    inflate() should normally be called until it returns Z_STREAM_END or an
+  error. However if all decompression is to be performed in a single step
+  (a single call of inflate), the parameter flush should be set to
+  Z_FINISH. In this case all pending input is processed and all pending
+  output is flushed; avail_out must be large enough to hold all the
+  uncompressed data. (The size of the uncompressed data may have been saved
+  by the compressor for this purpose.) The next operation on this stream must
+  be inflateEnd to deallocate the decompression state. The use of Z_FINISH
+  is never required, but can be used to inform inflate that a faster approach
+  may be used for the single inflate() call.
+     In this implementation, inflate() always flushes as much output as
+  possible to the output buffer, and always uses the faster approach on the
+  first call. So the only effect of the flush parameter in this implementation
+  is on the return value of inflate(), as noted below, or when it returns early
+  because Z_BLOCK is used.
+     If a preset dictionary is needed after this call (see inflateSetDictionary
+  below), inflate sets strm->adler to the adler32 checksum of the dictionary
+  chosen by the compressor and returns Z_NEED_DICT; otherwise it sets
+  strm->adler to the adler32 checksum of all output produced so far (that is,
+  total_out bytes) and returns Z_OK, Z_STREAM_END or an error code as described
+  below. At the end of the stream, inflate() checks that its computed adler32
+  checksum is equal to that saved by the compressor and returns Z_STREAM_END
+  only if the checksum is correct.
+    inflate() will decompress and check either zlib-wrapped or gzip-wrapped
+  deflate data.  The header type is detected automatically.  Any information
+  contained in the gzip header is not retained, so applications that need that
+  information should instead use raw inflate, see inflateInit2() below, or
+  inflateBack() and perform their own processing of the gzip header and
+  trailer.
+    inflate() returns Z_OK if some progress has been made (more input processed
+  or more output produced), Z_STREAM_END if the end of the compressed data has
+  been reached and all uncompressed output has been produced, Z_NEED_DICT if a
+  preset dictionary is needed at this point, Z_DATA_ERROR if the input data was
+  corrupted (input stream not conforming to the zlib format or incorrect check
+  value), Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream structure was inconsistent (for example
+  if next_in or next_out was NULL), Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough memory,
+  Z_BUF_ERROR if no progress is possible or if there was not enough room in the
+  output buffer when Z_FINISH is used. Note that Z_BUF_ERROR is not fatal, and
+  inflate() can be called again with more input and more output space to
+  continue decompressing. If Z_DATA_ERROR is returned, the application may then
+  call inflateSync() to look for a good compression block if a partial recovery
+  of the data is desired.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateEnd OF((z_streamp strm));
+     All dynamically allocated data structures for this stream are freed.
+   This function discards any unprocessed input and does not flush any
+   pending output.
+     inflateEnd returns Z_OK if success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream state
+   was inconsistent. In the error case, msg may be set but then points to a
+   static string (which must not be deallocated).
+                        /* Advanced functions */
+    The following functions are needed only in some special applications.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateInit2 OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                     int  level,
+                                     int  method,
+                                     int  windowBits,
+                                     int  memLevel,
+                                     int  strategy));
+     This is another version of deflateInit with more compression options. The
+   fields next_in, zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized before by
+   the caller.
+     The method parameter is the compression method. It must be Z_DEFLATED in
+   this version of the library.
+     The windowBits parameter is the base two logarithm of the window size
+   (the size of the history buffer). It should be in the range 8..15 for this
+   version of the library. Larger values of this parameter result in better
+   compression at the expense of memory usage. The default value is 15 if
+   deflateInit is used instead.
+     windowBits can also be -8..-15 for raw deflate. In this case, -windowBits
+   determines the window size. deflate() will then generate raw deflate data
+   with no zlib header or trailer, and will not compute an adler32 check value.
+     windowBits can also be greater than 15 for optional gzip encoding. Add
+   16 to windowBits to write a simple gzip header and trailer around the
+   compressed data instead of a zlib wrapper. The gzip header will have no
+   file name, no extra data, no comment, no modification time (set to zero),
+   no header crc, and the operating system will be set to 255 (unknown).  If a
+   gzip stream is being written, strm->adler is a crc32 instead of an adler32.
+     The memLevel parameter specifies how much memory should be allocated
+   for the internal compression state. memLevel=1 uses minimum memory but
+   is slow and reduces compression ratio; memLevel=9 uses maximum memory
+   for optimal speed. The default value is 8. See zconf.h for total memory
+   usage as a function of windowBits and memLevel.
+     The strategy parameter is used to tune the compression algorithm. Use the
+   value Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY for normal data, Z_FILTERED for data produced by a
+   filter (or predictor), Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY to force Huffman encoding only (no
+   string match), or Z_RLE to limit match distances to one (run-length
+   encoding). Filtered data consists mostly of small values with a somewhat
+   random distribution. In this case, the compression algorithm is tuned to
+   compress them better. The effect of Z_FILTERED is to force more Huffman
+   coding and less string matching; it is somewhat intermediate between
+   Z_DEFAULT and Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY. Z_RLE is designed to be almost as fast as
+   Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY, but give better compression for PNG image data. The strategy
+   parameter only affects the compression ratio but not the correctness of the
+   compressed output even if it is not set appropriately.  Z_FIXED prevents the
+   use of dynamic Huffman codes, allowing for a simpler decoder for special
+   applications.
+      deflateInit2 returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough
+   memory, Z_STREAM_ERROR if a parameter is invalid (such as an invalid
+   method). msg is set to null if there is no error message.  deflateInit2 does
+   not perform any compression: this will be done by deflate().
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateSetDictionary OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                             const Bytef *dictionary,
+                                             uInt  dictLength));
+     Initializes the compression dictionary from the given byte sequence
+   without producing any compressed output. This function must be called
+   immediately after deflateInit, deflateInit2 or deflateReset, before any
+   call of deflate. The compressor and decompressor must use exactly the same
+   dictionary (see inflateSetDictionary).
+     The dictionary should consist of strings (byte sequences) that are likely
+   to be encountered later in the data to be compressed, with the most commonly
+   used strings preferably put towards the end of the dictionary. Using a
+   dictionary is most useful when the data to be compressed is short and can be
+   predicted with good accuracy; the data can then be compressed better than
+   with the default empty dictionary.
+     Depending on the size of the compression data structures selected by
+   deflateInit or deflateInit2, a part of the dictionary may in effect be
+   discarded, for example if the dictionary is larger than the window size in
+   deflate or deflate2. Thus the strings most likely to be useful should be
+   put at the end of the dictionary, not at the front. In addition, the
+   current implementation of deflate will use at most the window size minus
+   262 bytes of the provided dictionary.
+     Upon return of this function, strm->adler is set to the adler32 value
+   of the dictionary; the decompressor may later use this value to determine
+   which dictionary has been used by the compressor. (The adler32 value
+   applies to the whole dictionary even if only a subset of the dictionary is
+   actually used by the compressor.) If a raw deflate was requested, then the
+   adler32 value is not computed and strm->adler is not set.
+     deflateSetDictionary returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if a
+   parameter is invalid (such as NULL dictionary) or the stream state is
+   inconsistent (for example if deflate has already been called for this stream
+   or if the compression method is bsort). deflateSetDictionary does not
+   perform any compression: this will be done by deflate().
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateCopy OF((z_streamp dest,
+                                    z_streamp source));
+     Sets the destination stream as a complete copy of the source stream.
+     This function can be useful when several compression strategies will be
+   tried, for example when there are several ways of pre-processing the input
+   data with a filter. The streams that will be discarded should then be freed
+   by calling deflateEnd.  Note that deflateCopy duplicates the internal
+   compression state which can be quite large, so this strategy is slow and
+   can consume lots of memory.
+     deflateCopy returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not
+   enough memory, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source stream state was inconsistent
+   (such as zalloc being NULL). msg is left unchanged in both source and
+   destination.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateReset OF((z_streamp strm));
+     This function is equivalent to deflateEnd followed by deflateInit,
+   but does not free and reallocate all the internal compression state.
+   The stream will keep the same compression level and any other attributes
+   that may have been set by deflateInit2.
+      deflateReset returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
+   stream state was inconsistent (such as zalloc or state being NULL).
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateParams OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                      int level,
+                                      int strategy));
+     Dynamically update the compression level and compression strategy.  The
+   interpretation of level and strategy is as in deflateInit2.  This can be
+   used to switch between compression and straight copy of the input data, or
+   to switch to a different kind of input data requiring a different
+   strategy. If the compression level is changed, the input available so far
+   is compressed with the old level (and may be flushed); the new level will
+   take effect only at the next call of deflate().
+     Before the call of deflateParams, the stream state must be set as for
+   a call of deflate(), since the currently available input may have to
+   be compressed and flushed. In particular, strm->avail_out must be non-zero.
+     deflateParams returns Z_OK if success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
+   stream state was inconsistent or if a parameter was invalid, Z_BUF_ERROR
+   if strm->avail_out was zero.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateTune OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                    int good_length,
+                                    int max_lazy,
+                                    int nice_length,
+                                    int max_chain));
+     Fine tune deflate's internal compression parameters.  This should only be
+   used by someone who understands the algorithm used by zlib's deflate for
+   searching for the best matching string, and even then only by the most
+   fanatic optimizer trying to squeeze out the last compressed bit for their
+   specific input data.  Read the deflate.c source code for the meaning of the
+   max_lazy, good_length, nice_length, and max_chain parameters.
+     deflateTune() can be called after deflateInit() or deflateInit2(), and
+   returns Z_OK on success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR for an invalid deflate stream.
+ */
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT deflateBound OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                       uLong sourceLen));
+     deflateBound() returns an upper bound on the compressed size after
+   deflation of sourceLen bytes.  It must be called after deflateInit()
+   or deflateInit2().  This would be used to allocate an output buffer
+   for deflation in a single pass, and so would be called before deflate().
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflatePrime OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                     int bits,
+                                     int value));
+     deflatePrime() inserts bits in the deflate output stream.  The intent
+  is that this function is used to start off the deflate output with the
+  bits leftover from a previous deflate stream when appending to it.  As such,
+  this function can only be used for raw deflate, and must be used before the
+  first deflate() call after a deflateInit2() or deflateReset().  bits must be
+  less than or equal to 16, and that many of the least significant bits of
+  value will be inserted in the output.
+      deflatePrime returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
+   stream state was inconsistent.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateSetHeader OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                         gz_headerp head));
+      deflateSetHeader() provides gzip header information for when a gzip
+   stream is requested by deflateInit2().  deflateSetHeader() may be called
+   after deflateInit2() or deflateReset() and before the first call of
+   deflate().  The text, time, os, extra field, name, and comment information
+   in the provided gz_header structure are written to the gzip header (xflag is
+   ignored -- the extra flags are set according to the compression level).  The
+   caller must assure that, if not Z_NULL, name and comment are terminated with
+   a zero byte, and that if extra is not Z_NULL, that extra_len bytes are
+   available there.  If hcrc is true, a gzip header crc is included.  Note that
+   the current versions of the command-line version of gzip (up through version
+   1.3.x) do not support header crc's, and will report that it is a "multi-part
+   gzip file" and give up.
+      If deflateSetHeader is not used, the default gzip header has text false,
+   the time set to zero, and os set to 255, with no extra, name, or comment
+   fields.  The gzip header is returned to the default state by deflateReset().
+      deflateSetHeader returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
+   stream state was inconsistent.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateInit2 OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                     int  windowBits));
+     This is another version of inflateInit with an extra parameter. The
+   fields next_in, avail_in, zalloc, zfree and opaque must be initialized
+   before by the caller.
+     The windowBits parameter is the base two logarithm of the maximum window
+   size (the size of the history buffer).  It should be in the range 8..15 for
+   this version of the library. The default value is 15 if inflateInit is used
+   instead. windowBits must be greater than or equal to the windowBits value
+   provided to deflateInit2() while compressing, or it must be equal to 15 if
+   deflateInit2() was not used. If a compressed stream with a larger window
+   size is given as input, inflate() will return with the error code
+   Z_DATA_ERROR instead of trying to allocate a larger window.
+     windowBits can also be -8..-15 for raw inflate. In this case, -windowBits
+   determines the window size. inflate() will then process raw deflate data,
+   not looking for a zlib or gzip header, not generating a check value, and not
+   looking for any check values for comparison at the end of the stream. This
+   is for use with other formats that use the deflate compressed data format
+   such as zip.  Those formats provide their own check values. If a custom
+   format is developed using the raw deflate format for compressed data, it is
+   recommended that a check value such as an adler32 or a crc32 be applied to
+   the uncompressed data as is done in the zlib, gzip, and zip formats.  For
+   most applications, the zlib format should be used as is. Note that comments
+   above on the use in deflateInit2() applies to the magnitude of windowBits.
+     windowBits can also be greater than 15 for optional gzip decoding. Add
+   32 to windowBits to enable zlib and gzip decoding with automatic header
+   detection, or add 16 to decode only the gzip format (the zlib format will
+   return a Z_DATA_ERROR).  If a gzip stream is being decoded, strm->adler is
+   a crc32 instead of an adler32.
+     inflateInit2 returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough
+   memory, Z_STREAM_ERROR if a parameter is invalid (such as a null strm). msg
+   is set to null if there is no error message.  inflateInit2 does not perform
+   any decompression apart from reading the zlib header if present: this will
+   be done by inflate(). (So next_in and avail_in may be modified, but next_out
+   and avail_out are unchanged.)
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateSetDictionary OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                             const Bytef *dictionary,
+                                             uInt  dictLength));
+     Initializes the decompression dictionary from the given uncompressed byte
+   sequence. This function must be called immediately after a call of inflate,
+   if that call returned Z_NEED_DICT. The dictionary chosen by the compressor
+   can be determined from the adler32 value returned by that call of inflate.
+   The compressor and decompressor must use exactly the same dictionary (see
+   deflateSetDictionary).  For raw inflate, this function can be called
+   immediately after inflateInit2() or inflateReset() and before any call of
+   inflate() to set the dictionary.  The application must insure that the
+   dictionary that was used for compression is provided.
+     inflateSetDictionary returns Z_OK if success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if a
+   parameter is invalid (such as NULL dictionary) or the stream state is
+   inconsistent, Z_DATA_ERROR if the given dictionary doesn't match the
+   expected one (incorrect adler32 value). inflateSetDictionary does not
+   perform any decompression: this will be done by subsequent calls of
+   inflate().
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateSync OF((z_streamp strm));
+    Skips invalid compressed data until a full flush point (see above the
+  description of deflate with Z_FULL_FLUSH) can be found, or until all
+  available input is skipped. No output is provided.
+    inflateSync returns Z_OK if a full flush point has been found, Z_BUF_ERROR
+  if no more input was provided, Z_DATA_ERROR if no flush point has been found,
+  or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream structure was inconsistent. In the success
+  case, the application may save the current current value of total_in which
+  indicates where valid compressed data was found. In the error case, the
+  application may repeatedly call inflateSync, providing more input each time,
+  until success or end of the input data.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateCopy OF((z_streamp dest,
+                                    z_streamp source));
+     Sets the destination stream as a complete copy of the source stream.
+     This function can be useful when randomly accessing a large stream.  The
+   first pass through the stream can periodically record the inflate state,
+   allowing restarting inflate at those points when randomly accessing the
+   stream.
+     inflateCopy returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not
+   enough memory, Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source stream state was inconsistent
+   (such as zalloc being NULL). msg is left unchanged in both source and
+   destination.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateReset OF((z_streamp strm));
+     This function is equivalent to inflateEnd followed by inflateInit,
+   but does not free and reallocate all the internal decompression state.
+   The stream will keep attributes that may have been set by inflateInit2.
+      inflateReset returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
+   stream state was inconsistent (such as zalloc or state being NULL).
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflatePrime OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                     int bits,
+                                     int value));
+     This function inserts bits in the inflate input stream.  The intent is
+  that this function is used to start inflating at a bit position in the
+  middle of a byte.  The provided bits will be used before any bytes are used
+  from next_in.  This function should only be used with raw inflate, and
+  should be used before the first inflate() call after inflateInit2() or
+  inflateReset().  bits must be less than or equal to 16, and that many of the
+  least significant bits of value will be inserted in the input.
+      inflatePrime returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
+   stream state was inconsistent.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateGetHeader OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                         gz_headerp head));
+      inflateGetHeader() requests that gzip header information be stored in the
+   provided gz_header structure.  inflateGetHeader() may be called after
+   inflateInit2() or inflateReset(), and before the first call of inflate().
+   As inflate() processes the gzip stream, head->done is zero until the header
+   is completed, at which time head->done is set to one.  If a zlib stream is
+   being decoded, then head->done is set to -1 to indicate that there will be
+   no gzip header information forthcoming.  Note that Z_BLOCK can be used to
+   force inflate() to return immediately after header processing is complete
+   and before any actual data is decompressed.
+      The text, time, xflags, and os fields are filled in with the gzip header
+   contents.  hcrc is set to true if there is a header CRC.  (The header CRC
+   was valid if done is set to one.)  If extra is not Z_NULL, then extra_max
+   contains the maximum number of bytes to write to extra.  Once done is true,
+   extra_len contains the actual extra field length, and extra contains the
+   extra field, or that field truncated if extra_max is less than extra_len.
+   If name is not Z_NULL, then up to name_max characters are written there,
+   terminated with a zero unless the length is greater than name_max.  If
+   comment is not Z_NULL, then up to comm_max characters are written there,
+   terminated with a zero unless the length is greater than comm_max.  When
+   any of extra, name, or comment are not Z_NULL and the respective field is
+   not present in the header, then that field is set to Z_NULL to signal its
+   absence.  This allows the use of deflateSetHeader() with the returned
+   structure to duplicate the header.  However if those fields are set to
+   allocated memory, then the application will need to save those pointers
+   elsewhere so that they can be eventually freed.
+      If inflateGetHeader is not used, then the header information is simply
+   discarded.  The header is always checked for validity, including the header
+   CRC if present.  inflateReset() will reset the process to discard the header
+   information.  The application would need to call inflateGetHeader() again to
+   retrieve the header from the next gzip stream.
+      inflateGetHeader returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the source
+   stream state was inconsistent.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateBackInit OF((z_streamp strm, int windowBits,
+                                        unsigned char FAR *window));
+     Initialize the internal stream state for decompression using inflateBack()
+   calls.  The fields zalloc, zfree and opaque in strm must be initialized
+   before the call.  If zalloc and zfree are Z_NULL, then the default library-
+   derived memory allocation routines are used.  windowBits is the base two
+   logarithm of the window size, in the range 8..15.  window is a caller
+   supplied buffer of that size.  Except for special applications where it is
+   assured that deflate was used with small window sizes, windowBits must be 15
+   and a 32K byte window must be supplied to be able to decompress general
+   deflate streams.
+     See inflateBack() for the usage of these routines.
+     inflateBackInit will return Z_OK on success, Z_STREAM_ERROR if any of
+   the paramaters are invalid, Z_MEM_ERROR if the internal state could not
+   be allocated, or Z_VERSION_ERROR if the version of the library does not
+   match the version of the header file.
+typedef unsigned (*in_func) OF((void FAR *, unsigned char FAR * FAR *));
+typedef int (*out_func) OF((void FAR *, unsigned char FAR *, unsigned));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateBack OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                    in_func in, void FAR *in_desc,
+                                    out_func out, void FAR *out_desc));
+     inflateBack() does a raw inflate with a single call using a call-back
+   interface for input and output.  This is more efficient than inflate() for
+   file i/o applications in that it avoids copying between the output and the
+   sliding window by simply making the window itself the output buffer.  This
+   function trusts the application to not change the output buffer passed by
+   the output function, at least until inflateBack() returns.
+     inflateBackInit() must be called first to allocate the internal state
+   and to initialize the state with the user-provided window buffer.
+   inflateBack() may then be used multiple times to inflate a complete, raw
+   deflate stream with each call.  inflateBackEnd() is then called to free
+   the allocated state.
+     A raw deflate stream is one with no zlib or gzip header or trailer.
+   This routine would normally be used in a utility that reads zip or gzip
+   files and writes out uncompressed files.  The utility would decode the
+   header and process the trailer on its own, hence this routine expects
+   only the raw deflate stream to decompress.  This is different from the
+   normal behavior of inflate(), which expects either a zlib or gzip header and
+   trailer around the deflate stream.
+     inflateBack() uses two subroutines supplied by the caller that are then
+   called by inflateBack() for input and output.  inflateBack() calls those
+   routines until it reads a complete deflate stream and writes out all of the
+   uncompressed data, or until it encounters an error.  The function's
+   parameters and return types are defined above in the in_func and out_func
+   typedefs.  inflateBack() will call in(in_desc, &buf) which should return the
+   number of bytes of provided input, and a pointer to that input in buf.  If
+   there is no input available, in() must return zero--buf is ignored in that
+   case--and inflateBack() will return a buffer error.  inflateBack() will call
+   out(out_desc, buf, len) to write the uncompressed data buf[0..len-1].  out()
+   should return zero on success, or non-zero on failure.  If out() returns
+   non-zero, inflateBack() will return with an error.  Neither in() nor out()
+   are permitted to change the contents of the window provided to
+   inflateBackInit(), which is also the buffer that out() uses to write from.
+   The length written by out() will be at most the window size.  Any non-zero
+   amount of input may be provided by in().
+     For convenience, inflateBack() can be provided input on the first call by
+   setting strm->next_in and strm->avail_in.  If that input is exhausted, then
+   in() will be called.  Therefore strm->next_in must be initialized before
+   calling inflateBack().  If strm->next_in is Z_NULL, then in() will be called
+   immediately for input.  If strm->next_in is not Z_NULL, then strm->avail_in
+   must also be initialized, and then if strm->avail_in is not zero, input will
+   initially be taken from strm->next_in[0 .. strm->avail_in - 1].
+     The in_desc and out_desc parameters of inflateBack() is passed as the
+   first parameter of in() and out() respectively when they are called.  These
+   descriptors can be optionally used to pass any information that the caller-
+   supplied in() and out() functions need to do their job.
+     On return, inflateBack() will set strm->next_in and strm->avail_in to
+   pass back any unused input that was provided by the last in() call.  The
+   return values of inflateBack() can be Z_STREAM_END on success, Z_BUF_ERROR
+   if in() or out() returned an error, Z_DATA_ERROR if there was a format
+   error in the deflate stream (in which case strm->msg is set to indicate the
+   nature of the error), or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream was not properly
+   initialized.  In the case of Z_BUF_ERROR, an input or output error can be
+   distinguished using strm->next_in which will be Z_NULL only if in() returned
+   an error.  If strm->next is not Z_NULL, then the Z_BUF_ERROR was due to
+   out() returning non-zero.  (in() will always be called before out(), so
+   strm->next_in is assured to be defined if out() returns non-zero.)  Note
+   that inflateBack() cannot return Z_OK.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateBackEnd OF((z_streamp strm));
+     All memory allocated by inflateBackInit() is freed.
+     inflateBackEnd() returns Z_OK on success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the stream
+   state was inconsistent.
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT zlibCompileFlags OF((void));
+/* Return flags indicating compile-time options.
+    Type sizes, two bits each, 00 = 16 bits, 01 = 32, 10 = 64, 11 = other:
+     1.0: size of uInt
+     3.2: size of uLong
+     5.4: size of voidpf (pointer)
+     7.6: size of z_off_t
+    Compiler, assembler, and debug options:
+     8: DEBUG
+     9: ASMV or ASMINF -- use ASM code
+     10: ZLIB_WINAPI -- exported functions use the WINAPI calling convention
+     11: 0 (reserved)
+    One-time table building (smaller code, but not thread-safe if true):
+     12: BUILDFIXED -- build static block decoding tables when needed
+     13: DYNAMIC_CRC_TABLE -- build CRC calculation tables when needed
+     14,15: 0 (reserved)
+    Library content (indicates missing functionality):
+     16: NO_GZCOMPRESS -- gz* functions cannot compress (to avoid linking
+                          deflate code when not needed)
+     17: NO_GZIP -- deflate can't write gzip streams, and inflate can't detect
+                    and decode gzip streams (to avoid linking crc code)
+     18-19: 0 (reserved)
+    Operation variations (changes in library functionality):
+     20: PKZIP_BUG_WORKAROUND -- slightly more permissive inflate
+     21: FASTEST -- deflate algorithm with only one, lowest compression level
+     22,23: 0 (reserved)
+    The sprintf variant used by gzprintf (zero is best):
+     24: 0 = vs*, 1 = s* -- 1 means limited to 20 arguments after the format
+     25: 0 = *nprintf, 1 = *printf -- 1 means gzprintf() not secure!
+     26: 0 = returns value, 1 = void -- 1 means inferred string length returned
+    Remainder:
+     27-31: 0 (reserved)
+ */
+                        /* utility functions */
+     The following utility functions are implemented on top of the
+   basic stream-oriented functions. To simplify the interface, some
+   default options are assumed (compression level and memory usage,
+   standard memory allocation functions). The source code of these
+   utility functions can easily be modified if you need special options.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT compress OF((Bytef *dest,   uLongf *destLen,
+                                 const Bytef *source, uLong sourceLen));
+     Compresses the source buffer into the destination buffer.  sourceLen is
+   the byte length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total
+   size of the destination buffer, which must be at least the value returned
+   by compressBound(sourceLen). Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the
+   compressed buffer.
+     This function can be used to compress a whole file at once if the
+   input file is mmap'ed.
+     compress returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not
+   enough memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output
+   buffer.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT compress2 OF((Bytef *dest,   uLongf *destLen,
+                                  const Bytef *source, uLong sourceLen,
+                                  int level));
+     Compresses the source buffer into the destination buffer. The level
+   parameter has the same meaning as in deflateInit.  sourceLen is the byte
+   length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total size of the
+   destination buffer, which must be at least the value returned by
+   compressBound(sourceLen). Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the
+   compressed buffer.
+     compress2 returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not enough
+   memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output buffer,
+   Z_STREAM_ERROR if the level parameter is invalid.
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT compressBound OF((uLong sourceLen));
+     compressBound() returns an upper bound on the compressed size after
+   compress() or compress2() on sourceLen bytes.  It would be used before
+   a compress() or compress2() call to allocate the destination buffer.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT uncompress OF((Bytef *dest,   uLongf *destLen,
+                                   const Bytef *source, uLong sourceLen));
+     Decompresses the source buffer into the destination buffer.  sourceLen is
+   the byte length of the source buffer. Upon entry, destLen is the total
+   size of the destination buffer, which must be large enough to hold the
+   entire uncompressed data. (The size of the uncompressed data must have
+   been saved previously by the compressor and transmitted to the decompressor
+   by some mechanism outside the scope of this compression library.)
+   Upon exit, destLen is the actual size of the compressed buffer.
+     This function can be used to decompress a whole file at once if the
+   input file is mmap'ed.
+     uncompress returns Z_OK if success, Z_MEM_ERROR if there was not
+   enough memory, Z_BUF_ERROR if there was not enough room in the output
+   buffer, or Z_DATA_ERROR if the input data was corrupted or incomplete.
+typedef voidp gzFile;
+ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzopen  OF((const char *path, const char *mode));
+     Opens a gzip (.gz) file for reading or writing. The mode parameter
+   is as in fopen ("rb" or "wb") but can also include a compression level
+   ("wb9") or a strategy: 'f' for filtered data as in "wb6f", 'h' for
+   Huffman only compression as in "wb1h", or 'R' for run-length encoding
+   as in "wb1R". (See the description of deflateInit2 for more information
+   about the strategy parameter.)
+     gzopen can be used to read a file which is not in gzip format; in this
+   case gzread will directly read from the file without decompression.
+     gzopen returns NULL if the file could not be opened or if there was
+   insufficient memory to allocate the (de)compression state; errno
+   can be checked to distinguish the two cases (if errno is zero, the
+   zlib error is Z_MEM_ERROR).  */
+ZEXTERN gzFile ZEXPORT gzdopen  OF((int fd, const char *mode));
+     gzdopen() associates a gzFile with the file descriptor fd.  File
+   descriptors are obtained from calls like open, dup, creat, pipe or
+   fileno (in the file has been previously opened with fopen).
+   The mode parameter is as in gzopen.
+     The next call of gzclose on the returned gzFile will also close the
+   file descriptor fd, just like fclose(fdopen(fd), mode) closes the file
+   descriptor fd. If you want to keep fd open, use gzdopen(dup(fd), mode).
+     gzdopen returns NULL if there was insufficient memory to allocate
+   the (de)compression state.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzsetparams OF((gzFile file, int level, int strategy));
+     Dynamically update the compression level or strategy. See the description
+   of deflateInit2 for the meaning of these parameters.
+     gzsetparams returns Z_OK if success, or Z_STREAM_ERROR if the file was not
+   opened for writing.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT    gzread  OF((gzFile file, voidp buf, unsigned len));
+     Reads the given number of uncompressed bytes from the compressed file.
+   If the input file was not in gzip format, gzread copies the given number
+   of bytes into the buffer.
+     gzread returns the number of uncompressed bytes actually read (0 for
+   end of file, -1 for error). */
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT    gzwrite OF((gzFile file,
+                                   voidpc buf, unsigned len));
+     Writes the given number of uncompressed bytes into the compressed file.
+   gzwrite returns the number of uncompressed bytes actually written
+   (0 in case of error).
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORTVA   gzprintf OF((gzFile file, const char *format, ...));
+     Converts, formats, and writes the args to the compressed file under
+   control of the format string, as in fprintf. gzprintf returns the number of
+   uncompressed bytes actually written (0 in case of error).  The number of
+   uncompressed bytes written is limited to 4095. The caller should assure that
+   this limit is not exceeded. If it is exceeded, then gzprintf() will return
+   return an error (0) with nothing written. In this case, there may also be a
+   buffer overflow with unpredictable consequences, which is possible only if
+   zlib was compiled with the insecure functions sprintf() or vsprintf()
+   because the secure snprintf() or vsnprintf() functions were not available.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzputs OF((gzFile file, const char *s));
+      Writes the given null-terminated string to the compressed file, excluding
+   the terminating null character.
+      gzputs returns the number of characters written, or -1 in case of error.
+ZEXTERN char * ZEXPORT gzgets OF((gzFile file, char *buf, int len));
+      Reads bytes from the compressed file until len-1 characters are read, or
+   a newline character is read and transferred to buf, or an end-of-file
+   condition is encountered.  The string is then terminated with a null
+   character.
+      gzgets returns buf, or Z_NULL in case of error.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT    gzputc OF((gzFile file, int c));
+      Writes c, converted to an unsigned char, into the compressed file.
+   gzputc returns the value that was written, or -1 in case of error.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT    gzgetc OF((gzFile file));
+      Reads one byte from the compressed file. gzgetc returns this byte
+   or -1 in case of end of file or error.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT    gzungetc OF((int c, gzFile file));
+      Push one character back onto the stream to be read again later.
+   Only one character of push-back is allowed.  gzungetc() returns the
+   character pushed, or -1 on failure.  gzungetc() will fail if a
+   character has been pushed but not read yet, or if c is -1. The pushed
+   character will be discarded if the stream is repositioned with gzseek()
+   or gzrewind().
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT    gzflush OF((gzFile file, int flush));
+     Flushes all pending output into the compressed file. The parameter
+   flush is as in the deflate() function. The return value is the zlib
+   error number (see function gzerror below). gzflush returns Z_OK if
+   the flush parameter is Z_FINISH and all output could be flushed.
+     gzflush should be called only when strictly necessary because it can
+   degrade compression.
+ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT    gzseek OF((gzFile file,
+                                      z_off_t offset, int whence));
+      Sets the starting position for the next gzread or gzwrite on the
+   given compressed file. The offset represents a number of bytes in the
+   uncompressed data stream. The whence parameter is defined as in lseek(2);
+   the value SEEK_END is not supported.
+     If the file is opened for reading, this function is emulated but can be
+   extremely slow. If the file is opened for writing, only forward seeks are
+   supported; gzseek then compresses a sequence of zeroes up to the new
+   starting position.
+      gzseek returns the resulting offset location as measured in bytes from
+   the beginning of the uncompressed stream, or -1 in case of error, in
+   particular if the file is opened for writing and the new starting position
+   would be before the current position.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT    gzrewind OF((gzFile file));
+     Rewinds the given file. This function is supported only for reading.
+   gzrewind(file) is equivalent to (int)gzseek(file, 0L, SEEK_SET)
+ZEXTERN z_off_t ZEXPORT    gztell OF((gzFile file));
+     Returns the starting position for the next gzread or gzwrite on the
+   given compressed file. This position represents a number of bytes in the
+   uncompressed data stream.
+   gztell(file) is equivalent to gzseek(file, 0L, SEEK_CUR)
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzeof OF((gzFile file));
+     Returns 1 when EOF has previously been detected reading the given
+   input stream, otherwise zero.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT gzdirect OF((gzFile file));
+     Returns 1 if file is being read directly without decompression, otherwise
+   zero.
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT    gzclose OF((gzFile file));
+     Flushes all pending output if necessary, closes the compressed file
+   and deallocates all the (de)compression state. The return value is the zlib
+   error number (see function gzerror below).
+ZEXTERN const char * ZEXPORT gzerror OF((gzFile file, int *errnum));
+     Returns the error message for the last error which occurred on the
+   given compressed file. errnum is set to zlib error number. If an
+   error occurred in the file system and not in the compression library,
+   errnum is set to Z_ERRNO and the application may consult errno
+   to get the exact error code.
+ZEXTERN void ZEXPORT gzclearerr OF((gzFile file));
+     Clears the error and end-of-file flags for file. This is analogous to the
+   clearerr() function in stdio. This is useful for continuing to read a gzip
+   file that is being written concurrently.
+                        /* checksum functions */
+     These functions are not related to compression but are exported
+   anyway because they might be useful in applications using the
+   compression library.
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32 OF((uLong adler, const Bytef *buf, uInt len));
+     Update a running Adler-32 checksum with the bytes buf[0..len-1] and
+   return the updated checksum. If buf is NULL, this function returns
+   the required initial value for the checksum.
+   An Adler-32 checksum is almost as reliable as a CRC32 but can be computed
+   much faster. Usage example:
+     uLong adler = adler32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
+     while (read_buffer(buffer, length) != EOF) {
+       adler = adler32(adler, buffer, length);
+     }
+     if (adler != original_adler) error();
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT adler32_combine OF((uLong adler1, uLong adler2,
+                                          z_off_t len2));
+     Combine two Adler-32 checksums into one.  For two sequences of bytes, seq1
+   and seq2 with lengths len1 and len2, Adler-32 checksums were calculated for
+   each, adler1 and adler2.  adler32_combine() returns the Adler-32 checksum of
+   seq1 and seq2 concatenated, requiring only adler1, adler2, and len2.
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32   OF((uLong crc, const Bytef *buf, uInt len));
+     Update a running CRC-32 with the bytes buf[0..len-1] and return the
+   updated CRC-32. If buf is NULL, this function returns the required initial
+   value for the for the crc. Pre- and post-conditioning (one's complement) is
+   performed within this function so it shouldn't be done by the application.
+   Usage example:
+     uLong crc = crc32(0L, Z_NULL, 0);
+     while (read_buffer(buffer, length) != EOF) {
+       crc = crc32(crc, buffer, length);
+     }
+     if (crc != original_crc) error();
+ZEXTERN uLong ZEXPORT crc32_combine OF((uLong crc1, uLong crc2, z_off_t len2));
+     Combine two CRC-32 check values into one.  For two sequences of bytes,
+   seq1 and seq2 with lengths len1 and len2, CRC-32 check values were
+   calculated for each, crc1 and crc2.  crc32_combine() returns the CRC-32
+   check value of seq1 and seq2 concatenated, requiring only crc1, crc2, and
+   len2.
+                        /* various hacks, don't look :) */
+/* deflateInit and inflateInit are macros to allow checking the zlib version
+ * and the compiler's view of z_stream:
+ */
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateInit_ OF((z_streamp strm, int level,
+                                     const char *version, int stream_size));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateInit_ OF((z_streamp strm,
+                                     const char *version, int stream_size));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT deflateInit2_ OF((z_streamp strm, int  level, int  method,
+                                      int windowBits, int memLevel,
+                                      int strategy, const char *version,
+                                      int stream_size));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateInit2_ OF((z_streamp strm, int  windowBits,
+                                      const char *version, int stream_size));
+ZEXTERN int ZEXPORT inflateBackInit_ OF((z_streamp strm, int windowBits,
+                                         unsigned char FAR *window,
+                                         const char *version,
+                                         int stream_size));
+#define deflateInit(strm, level) \
+        deflateInit_((strm), (level),       ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof(z_stream))
+#define inflateInit(strm) \
+        inflateInit_((strm),                ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof(z_stream))
+#define deflateInit2(strm, level, method, windowBits, memLevel, strategy) \
+        deflateInit2_((strm),(level),(method),(windowBits),(memLevel),\
+                      (strategy),           ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof(z_stream))
+#define inflateInit2(strm, windowBits) \
+        inflateInit2_((strm), (windowBits), ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof(z_stream))
+#define inflateBackInit(strm, windowBits, window) \
+        inflateBackInit_((strm), (windowBits), (window), \
+        ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof(z_stream))
+#if !defined(ZUTIL_H) && !defined(NO_DUMMY_DECL)
+    struct internal_state {int dummy;}; /* hack for buggy compilers */
+ZEXTERN const char   * ZEXPORT zError           OF((int));
+ZEXTERN int            ZEXPORT inflateSyncPoint OF((z_streamp z));
+ZEXTERN const uLongf * ZEXPORT get_crc_table    OF((void));
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* ZLIB_H */

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zutil.c
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zutil.c?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zutil.c (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zutil.c Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+/* zutil.c -- target dependent utility functions for the compression library
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly.
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+/* @(#) $Id: zutil.c,v 2002/03/11 21:53:27 tromey Exp $ */
+#include "zutil.h"
+#ifndef NO_DUMMY_DECL
+struct internal_state      {int dummy;}; /* for buggy compilers */
+const char * const z_errmsg[10] = {
+"need dictionary",     /* Z_NEED_DICT       2  */
+"stream end",          /* Z_STREAM_END      1  */
+"",                    /* Z_OK              0  */
+"file error",          /* Z_ERRNO         (-1) */
+"stream error",        /* Z_STREAM_ERROR  (-2) */
+"data error",          /* Z_DATA_ERROR    (-3) */
+"insufficient memory", /* Z_MEM_ERROR     (-4) */
+"buffer error",        /* Z_BUF_ERROR     (-5) */
+"incompatible version",/* Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6) */
+const char * ZEXPORT zlibVersion()
+    return ZLIB_VERSION;
+uLong ZEXPORT zlibCompileFlags()
+    uLong flags;
+    flags = 0;
+    switch (sizeof(uInt)) {
+    case 2:     break;
+    case 4:     flags += 1;     break;
+    case 8:     flags += 2;     break;
+    default:    flags += 3;
+    }
+    switch (sizeof(uLong)) {
+    case 2:     break;
+    case 4:     flags += 1 << 2;        break;
+    case 8:     flags += 2 << 2;        break;
+    default:    flags += 3 << 2;
+    }
+    switch (sizeof(voidpf)) {
+    case 2:     break;
+    case 4:     flags += 1 << 4;        break;
+    case 8:     flags += 2 << 4;        break;
+    default:    flags += 3 << 4;
+    }
+    switch (sizeof(z_off_t)) {
+    case 2:     break;
+    case 4:     flags += 1 << 6;        break;
+    case 8:     flags += 2 << 6;        break;
+    default:    flags += 3 << 6;
+    }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    flags += 1 << 8;
+#if defined(ASMV) || defined(ASMINF)
+    flags += 1 << 9;
+    flags += 1 << 10;
+    flags += 1 << 12;
+    flags += 1 << 13;
+    flags += 1L << 16;
+#ifdef NO_GZIP
+    flags += 1L << 17;
+    flags += 1L << 20;
+#ifdef FASTEST
+    flags += 1L << 21;
+#ifdef STDC
+#  ifdef NO_vsnprintf
+        flags += 1L << 25;
+#    ifdef HAS_vsprintf_void
+        flags += 1L << 26;
+#    endif
+#  else
+#    ifdef HAS_vsnprintf_void
+        flags += 1L << 26;
+#    endif
+#  endif
+        flags += 1L << 24;
+#  ifdef NO_snprintf
+        flags += 1L << 25;
+#    ifdef HAS_sprintf_void
+        flags += 1L << 26;
+#    endif
+#  else
+#    ifdef HAS_snprintf_void
+        flags += 1L << 26;
+#    endif
+#  endif
+    return flags;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#  ifndef verbose
+#    define verbose 0
+#  endif
+int z_verbose = verbose;
+void z_error (m)
+    char *m;
+    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", m);
+    exit(1);
+/* exported to allow conversion of error code to string for compress() and
+ * uncompress()
+ */
+const char * ZEXPORT zError(err)
+    int err;
+    return ERR_MSG(err);
+#if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
+    /* The Microsoft C Run-Time Library for Windows CE doesn't have
+     * errno.  We define it as a global variable to simplify porting.
+     * Its value is always 0 and should not be used.
+     */
+    int errno = 0;
+#ifndef HAVE_MEMCPY
+void zmemcpy(dest, source, len)
+    Bytef* dest;
+    const Bytef* source;
+    uInt  len;
+    if (len == 0) return;
+    do {
+        *dest++ = *source++; /* ??? to be unrolled */
+    } while (--len != 0);
+int zmemcmp(s1, s2, len)
+    const Bytef* s1;
+    const Bytef* s2;
+    uInt  len;
+    uInt j;
+    for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
+        if (s1[j] != s2[j]) return 2*(s1[j] > s2[j])-1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+void zmemzero(dest, len)
+    Bytef* dest;
+    uInt  len;
+    if (len == 0) return;
+    do {
+        *dest++ = 0;  /* ??? to be unrolled */
+    } while (--len != 0);
+#ifdef SYS16BIT
+#ifdef __TURBOC__
+/* Turbo C in 16-bit mode */
+#  define MY_ZCALLOC
+/* Turbo C malloc() does not allow dynamic allocation of 64K bytes
+ * and farmalloc(64K) returns a pointer with an offset of 8, so we
+ * must fix the pointer. Warning: the pointer must be put back to its
+ * original form in order to free it, use zcfree().
+ */
+#define MAX_PTR 10
+/* 10*64K = 640K */
+local int next_ptr = 0;
+typedef struct ptr_table_s {
+    voidpf org_ptr;
+    voidpf new_ptr;
+} ptr_table;
+local ptr_table table[MAX_PTR];
+/* This table is used to remember the original form of pointers
+ * to large buffers (64K). Such pointers are normalized with a zero offset.
+ * Since MSDOS is not a preemptive multitasking OS, this table is not
+ * protected from concurrent access. This hack doesn't work anyway on
+ * a protected system like OS/2. Use Microsoft C instead.
+ */
+voidpf zcalloc (voidpf opaque, unsigned items, unsigned size)
+    voidpf buf = opaque; /* just to make some compilers happy */
+    ulg bsize = (ulg)items*size;
+    /* If we allocate less than 65520 bytes, we assume that farmalloc
+     * will return a usable pointer which doesn't have to be normalized.
+     */
+    if (bsize < 65520L) {
+        buf = farmalloc(bsize);
+        if (*(ush*)&buf != 0) return buf;
+    } else {
+        buf = farmalloc(bsize + 16L);
+    }
+    if (buf == NULL || next_ptr >= MAX_PTR) return NULL;
+    table[next_ptr].org_ptr = buf;
+    /* Normalize the pointer to seg:0 */
+    *((ush*)&buf+1) += ((ush)((uch*)buf-0) + 15) >> 4;
+    *(ush*)&buf = 0;
+    table[next_ptr++].new_ptr = buf;
+    return buf;
+void  zcfree (voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr)
+    int n;
+    if (*(ush*)&ptr != 0) { /* object < 64K */
+        farfree(ptr);
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Find the original pointer */
+    for (n = 0; n < next_ptr; n++) {
+        if (ptr != table[n].new_ptr) continue;
+        farfree(table[n].org_ptr);
+        while (++n < next_ptr) {
+            table[n-1] = table[n];
+        }
+        next_ptr--;
+        return;
+    }
+    ptr = opaque; /* just to make some compilers happy */
+    Assert(0, "zcfree: ptr not found");
+#endif /* __TURBOC__ */
+#ifdef M_I86
+/* Microsoft C in 16-bit mode */
+#  define MY_ZCALLOC
+#if (!defined(_MSC_VER) || (_MSC_VER <= 600))
+#  define _halloc  halloc
+#  define _hfree   hfree
+voidpf zcalloc (voidpf opaque, unsigned items, unsigned size)
+    if (opaque) opaque = 0; /* to make compiler happy */
+    return _halloc((long)items, size);
+void  zcfree (voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr)
+    if (opaque) opaque = 0; /* to make compiler happy */
+    _hfree(ptr);
+#endif /* M_I86 */
+#endif /* SYS16BIT */
+#ifndef MY_ZCALLOC /* Any system without a special alloc function */
+#ifndef STDC
+extern voidp  malloc OF((uInt size));
+extern voidp  calloc OF((uInt items, uInt size));
+extern void   free   OF((voidpf ptr));
+voidpf zcalloc (opaque, items, size)
+    voidpf opaque;
+    unsigned items;
+    unsigned size;
+    if (opaque) items += size - size; /* make compiler happy */
+    return sizeof(uInt) > 2 ? (voidpf)malloc(items * size) :
+                              (voidpf)calloc(items, size);
+void  zcfree (opaque, ptr)
+    voidpf opaque;
+    voidpf ptr;
+    free(ptr);
+    if (opaque) return; /* make compiler happy */
+#endif /* MY_ZCALLOC */

Added: llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zutil.h
URL: http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zutil.h?rev=43913&view=auto

--- llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zutil.h (added)
+++ llvm-gcc-4.2/trunk/zlib/zutil.h Thu Nov  8 16:56:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+/* zutil.h -- internal interface and configuration of the compression library
+ * Copyright (C) 1995-2005 Jean-loup Gailly.
+ * For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in zlib.h
+ */
+/* WARNING: this file should *not* be used by applications. It is
+   part of the implementation of the compression library and is
+   subject to change. Applications should only use zlib.h.
+ */
+/* @(#) $Id: zutil.h,v 2002/03/11 21:53:28 tromey Exp $ */
+#ifndef ZUTIL_H
+#define ZUTIL_H
+#include "zlib.h"
+#ifdef STDC
+#  ifndef _WIN32_WCE
+#    include <stddef.h>
+#  endif
+#  include <string.h>
+#  include <stdlib.h>
+#ifdef NO_ERRNO_H
+#   ifdef _WIN32_WCE
+      /* The Microsoft C Run-Time Library for Windows CE doesn't have
+       * errno.  We define it as a global variable to simplify porting.
+       * Its value is always 0 and should not be used.  We rename it to
+       * avoid conflict with other libraries that use the same workaround.
+       */
+#     define errno z_errno
+#   endif
+    extern int errno;
+#  ifndef _WIN32_WCE
+#    include <errno.h>
+#  endif
+#ifndef local
+#  define local static
+/* compile with -Dlocal if your debugger can't find static symbols */
+typedef unsigned char  uch;
+typedef uch FAR uchf;
+typedef unsigned short ush;
+typedef ush FAR ushf;
+typedef unsigned long  ulg;
+extern const char * const z_errmsg[10]; /* indexed by 2-zlib_error */
+/* (size given to avoid silly warnings with Visual C++) */
+#define ERR_MSG(err) z_errmsg[Z_NEED_DICT-(err)]
+#define ERR_RETURN(strm,err) \
+  return (strm->msg = (char*)ERR_MSG(err), (err))
+/* To be used only when the state is known to be valid */
+        /* common constants */
+#ifndef DEF_WBITS
+/* default windowBits for decompression. MAX_WBITS is for compression only */
+#if MAX_MEM_LEVEL >= 8
+#  define DEF_MEM_LEVEL 8
+/* default memLevel */
+#define STORED_BLOCK 0
+#define STATIC_TREES 1
+#define DYN_TREES    2
+/* The three kinds of block type */
+#define MIN_MATCH  3
+#define MAX_MATCH  258
+/* The minimum and maximum match lengths */
+#define PRESET_DICT 0x20 /* preset dictionary flag in zlib header */
+        /* target dependencies */
+#if defined(MSDOS) || (defined(WINDOWS) && !defined(WIN32))
+#  define OS_CODE  0x00
+#  if defined(__TURBOC__) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+#    if(__STDC__ == 1) && (defined(__LARGE__) || defined(__COMPACT__))
+       /* Allow compilation with ANSI keywords only enabled */
+       void _Cdecl farfree( void *block );
+       void *_Cdecl farmalloc( unsigned long nbytes );
+#    else
+#      include <alloc.h>
+#    endif
+#  else /* MSC or DJGPP */
+#    include <malloc.h>
+#  endif
+#ifdef AMIGA
+#  define OS_CODE  0x01
+#if defined(VAXC) || defined(VMS)
+#  define OS_CODE  0x02
+#  define F_OPEN(name, mode) \
+     fopen((name), (mode), "mbc=60", "ctx=stm", "rfm=fix", "mrs=512")
+#if defined(ATARI) || defined(atarist)
+#  define OS_CODE  0x05
+#ifdef OS2
+#  define OS_CODE  0x06
+#  ifdef M_I86
+     #include <malloc.h>
+#  endif
+#if defined(MACOS) || defined(TARGET_OS_MAC)
+#  define OS_CODE  0x07
+#  if defined(__MWERKS__) && __dest_os != __be_os && __dest_os != __win32_os
+#    include <unix.h> /* for fdopen */
+#  else
+#    ifndef fdopen
+#      define fdopen(fd,mode) NULL /* No fdopen() */
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#ifdef TOPS20
+#  define OS_CODE  0x0a
+#ifdef WIN32
+#  ifndef __CYGWIN__  /* Cygwin is Unix, not Win32 */
+#    define OS_CODE  0x0b
+#  endif
+#ifdef __50SERIES /* Prime/PRIMOS */
+#  define OS_CODE  0x0f
+#if defined(_BEOS_) || defined(RISCOS)
+#  define fdopen(fd,mode) NULL /* No fdopen() */
+#if (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER > 600))
+#  if defined(_WIN32_WCE)
+#    define fdopen(fd,mode) NULL /* No fdopen() */
+#    ifndef _PTRDIFF_T_DEFINED
+       typedef int ptrdiff_t;
+#      define _PTRDIFF_T_DEFINED
+#    endif
+#  else
+#    define fdopen(fd,type)  _fdopen(fd,type)
+#  endif
+        /* common defaults */
+#ifndef OS_CODE
+#  define OS_CODE  0x03  /* assume Unix */
+#ifndef F_OPEN
+#  define F_OPEN(name, mode) fopen((name), (mode))
+         /* functions */
+#if defined(STDC99) || (defined(__TURBOC__) && __TURBOC__ >= 0x550)
+#    define HAVE_VSNPRINTF
+#  endif
+#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#    define HAVE_VSNPRINTF
+#  endif
+#  ifdef MSDOS
+     /* vsnprintf may exist on some MS-DOS compilers (DJGPP?),
+        but for now we just assume it doesn't. */
+#    define NO_vsnprintf
+#  endif
+#  ifdef __TURBOC__
+#    define NO_vsnprintf
+#  endif
+#  ifdef WIN32
+     /* In Win32, vsnprintf is available as the "non-ANSI" _vsnprintf. */
+#    if !defined(vsnprintf) && !defined(NO_vsnprintf)
+#      define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
+#    endif
+#  endif
+#  ifdef __SASC
+#    define NO_vsnprintf
+#  endif
+#ifdef VMS
+#  define NO_vsnprintf
+#if defined(pyr)
+#  define NO_MEMCPY
+#if defined(SMALL_MEDIUM) && !defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(__SC__)
+ /* Use our own functions for small and medium model with MSC <= 5.0.
+  * You may have to use the same strategy for Borland C (untested).
+  * The __SC__ check is for Symantec.
+  */
+#  define NO_MEMCPY
+#if defined(STDC) && !defined(HAVE_MEMCPY) && !defined(NO_MEMCPY)
+#  define HAVE_MEMCPY
+#  ifdef SMALL_MEDIUM /* MSDOS small or medium model */
+#    define zmemcpy _fmemcpy
+#    define zmemcmp _fmemcmp
+#    define zmemzero(dest, len) _fmemset(dest, 0, len)
+#  else
+#    define zmemcpy memcpy
+#    define zmemcmp memcmp
+#    define zmemzero(dest, len) memset(dest, 0, len)
+#  endif
+   extern void zmemcpy  OF((Bytef* dest, const Bytef* source, uInt len));
+   extern int  zmemcmp  OF((const Bytef* s1, const Bytef* s2, uInt len));
+   extern void zmemzero OF((Bytef* dest, uInt len));
+/* Diagnostic functions */
+#ifdef DEBUG
+#  include <stdio.h>
+   extern int z_verbose;
+   extern void z_error    OF((char *m));
+#  define Assert(cond,msg) {if(!(cond)) z_error(msg);}
+#  define Trace(x) {if (z_verbose>=0) fprintf x ;}
+#  define Tracev(x) {if (z_verbose>0) fprintf x ;}
+#  define Tracevv(x) {if (z_verbose>1) fprintf x ;}
+#  define Tracec(c,x) {if (z_verbose>0 && (c)) fprintf x ;}
+#  define Tracecv(c,x) {if (z_verbose>1 && (c)) fprintf x ;}
+#  define Assert(cond,msg)
+#  define Trace(x)
+#  define Tracev(x)
+#  define Tracevv(x)
+#  define Tracec(c,x)
+#  define Tracecv(c,x)
+voidpf zcalloc OF((voidpf opaque, unsigned items, unsigned size));
+void   zcfree  OF((voidpf opaque, voidpf ptr));
+#define ZALLOC(strm, items, size) \
+           (*((strm)->zalloc))((strm)->opaque, (items), (size))
+#define ZFREE(strm, addr)  (*((strm)->zfree))((strm)->opaque, (voidpf)(addr))
+#define TRY_FREE(s, p) {if (p) ZFREE(s, p);}
+#endif /* ZUTIL_H */

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