[llvm-commits] CVS: llvm-stacker/autoconf/AutoRegen.sh configure.ac

Reid Spencer reid at x10sys.com
Tue May 8 08:23:18 PDT 2007

Changes in directory llvm-stacker/autoconf:

AutoRegen.sh updated: 1.1 -> 1.2
configure.ac updated: 1.4 -> 1.5
Log message:

CHanges for autconf 2.60

Diffs of the changes:  (+62 -22)

 AutoRegen.sh |   52 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 configure.ac |   32 +++++++++++++++++++-------------
 2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

Index: llvm-stacker/autoconf/AutoRegen.sh
diff -u llvm-stacker/autoconf/AutoRegen.sh:1.1 llvm-stacker/autoconf/AutoRegen.sh:1.2
--- llvm-stacker/autoconf/AutoRegen.sh:1.1	Sat Sep  4 14:48:50 2004
+++ llvm-stacker/autoconf/AutoRegen.sh	Tue May  8 10:22:59 2007
@@ -4,15 +4,49 @@
 	exit 1
 test -d autoconf && test -f autoconf/configure.ac && cd autoconf
-[ -f configure.ac ] || die "Can't find 'autoconf' dir; please cd into it first"
-echo "Regenerating aclocal.m4 with aclocal"
-aclocal || die "aclocal failed"
-autoconf --version | egrep '2\.5[0-9]' > /dev/null
-if test $? -ne 0
-	die "Your autoconf was not detected as being 2.5x"
+test -f configure.ac || die "Can't find 'autoconf' dir; please cd into it first"
+autoconf --version | egrep '2\.6[0-9]' > /dev/null
+if test $? -ne 0 ; then
+  die "Your autoconf was not detected as being 2.6x"
+if test -d ../../../autoconf/m4 ; then
+  cd ../../../autoconf/m4
+  llvm_m4=`pwd`
+  llvm_src_root=../../..
+  llvm_obj_root=../../..
+  cd $cwd
+elif test -d ../../llvm/autoconf/m4 ; then
+  cd ../../llvm/autoconf/m4
+  llvm_m4=`pwd`
+  llvm_src_root=../..
+  llvm_obj_root=../..
+  cd $cwd
+  while true ; do
+    echo "LLVM source root not found." 
+    read -p "Enter full path to LLVM source:"
+    if test -d "$REPLY/autoconf/m4" ; then
+      llvm_src_root="$REPLY"
+      llvm_m4="$REPLY/autoconf/m4"
+      read -p "Enter full path to LLVM objects (empty for same as source):"
+      if test -d "$REPLY" ; then
+        llvm_obj_root="$REPLY"
+      else
+        llvm_obj_root="$llvm_src_root"
+      fi
+      break
+    fi
+  done
-echo "Regenerating configure with autoconf 2.5x"
-autoconf -o ../configure configure.ac || die "autoconf failed"
+# Patch the LLVM_ROOT in configure.ac, if it needs it
+cp configure.ac configure.bak
+sed -e "s#^LLVM_SRC_ROOT=.*#LLVM_SRC_ROOT=\"$llvm_src_root\"#" \
+    -e "s#^LLVM_OBJ_ROOT=.*#LLVM_OBJ_ROOT=\"$llvm_obj_root\"#" configure.bak > configure.ac
+echo "Regenerating aclocal.m4 with aclocal"
+rm -f aclocal.m4
+aclocal -I $llvm_m4 -I "$llvm_m4/.." || die "aclocal failed"
+echo "Regenerating configure with autoconf 2.6x"
+autoconf --warnings=all -o ../configure configure.ac || die "autoconf failed"
 cd ..
 exit 0

Index: llvm-stacker/autoconf/configure.ac
diff -u llvm-stacker/autoconf/configure.ac:1.4 llvm-stacker/autoconf/configure.ac:1.5
--- llvm-stacker/autoconf/configure.ac:1.4	Mon Dec 27 02:51:55 2004
+++ llvm-stacker/autoconf/configure.ac	Tue May  8 10:22:59 2007
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 dnl **************************************************************************
 dnl * Initialize
 dnl **************************************************************************
-AC_INIT([[[Stacker]]],[[[1.0]]],[rspencer at x10sys.com])
+AC_INIT([[[Stacker]]],[[[2.0]]],[rspencer at reidspencer.com])
 dnl Place all of the extra autoconf files into the config subdirectory
@@ -11,16 +11,6 @@
-dnl Configure Makefiles
-dnl List every Makefile that exists within your source tree
 dnl **************************************************************************
 dnl * Determine which system we are building on
@@ -68,12 +58,28 @@
 dnl **************************************************************************
 dnl Location of LLVM source code
-AC_ARG_WITH(llvmsrc,AC_HELP_STRING([--with-llvmsrc],[Location of LLVM Source Code]),AC_SUBST(LLVM_SRC,[$withval]),AC_SUBST(LLVM_SRC,[`cd ${srcdir}/../..; pwd`]))
+AC_ARG_WITH(llvmsrc,AS_HELP_STRING([--with-llvmsrc],[Location of LLVM Source Code]),AC_SUBST(LLVM_SRC,[$withval]),AC_SUBST(LLVM_SRC,[`cd ${srcdir}/../..; pwd`]))
 dnl Location of LLVM object code
-AC_ARG_WITH(llvmobj,AC_HELP_STRING([--with-llvmobj],[Location of LLVM Object Code]),AC_SUBST(LLVM_OBJ,[$withval]),AC_SUBST(LLVM_OBJ,[`cd ../..; pwd`]))
+AC_ARG_WITH(llvmobj,AS_HELP_STRING([--with-llvmobj],[Location of LLVM Object Code]),AC_SUBST(LLVM_OBJ,[$withval]),AC_SUBST(LLVM_OBJ,[`cd ../..; pwd`]))
+dnl **************************************************************************
+dnl Configure Makefiles
+dnl List every Makefile that exists within your source tree
+dnl **************************************************************************
 dnl **************************************************************************
 dnl * Create the output files
 dnl **************************************************************************

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